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  1. I think i've found the answer (as usual jobcentre didn't follow proper protocol) but to help others i'll post some links. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/473426/admu4.pdf Page 4 seems to say that i am exempt from any work related requirements due to being a carer. On page 9 claimants who must attend WFI but are not subject to WRA are dealt with separately. From https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/advice-for-decision-making-staff-guide https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/224561/response/568813/attach/html/9/07%20Post%20Work%20Programme%20Support.pdf.html The above details what happens after completing the work programme (NJWFI is the appointment you will likely have had after first being awarded ESA, linked at bottom). Take away is that voluntary claimants (those exempt from WFI and WRA) don't need to attend the completer appointment that follows the work programme (may be another request to attend within 26 weeks). Participation is PWPS remains voluntary in any case. 30. For purposes of Post Work Programme Support voluntary claimants are:  Support Group  Credits Only  Full Time Carers  Lone Parents with a youngest child under one  Claimants at or over the age at which they are eligible to receive Pension Credit  Claimants awaiting their initial WCA outcome  Claimants appealing a WCA decision that they have no LCW i.e. disallowed ESA  IB claimants NJWFI link: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/224561/response/568813/attach/html/6/04%20Conducting%20the%20NJWFI.pdf.html
  2. Hi All, I just have some questions in regards to my ESA work focused interview next Monday. I am in the work related activity group. I have searched on Google but it kind of hard finding the answers. Questions: 1. How frequent are these interviews? Does it depend from person to person or not? 2. If they offer you a work placement or some training scheme do you have to go or is it optional? 3. It says on the letter what have you done to prepare for work since your last work focused interview..I have got a certificate in retail and I have started taking driving lessons for work purposes. Is that good enough? If you know the answers I appreciate it you could reply. Thanks Tom
  3. Hello All, I have just recently won my Employment Support Allowance appeal. I received a letter saying "I have to attend a Work-Focused interview" This as come has a surprise has I have just been found too unfit to work. My questions are... (1). What is a Work-focused interview? What will happen? (2). Are these Work-Focused Interviews weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly or just a one-off? (3). Do you have to attend I heard somewhere that you are not obligated to attend.
  4. Hello all. i started my claim for ESA at the middle of May 2014 and have still not yet had my WCA. I have just today received a letter from my local jobcentre(below) stating that i have a work focused interview in a few weeks time. As i said, i have not yet even been for my ESA medical, kinda feels weird that they would be discussing going back to work before they have even examined me? Do i actually need to go to this? i note its not signed by anyone nor is there mention of benefit sanction if i fail to attend. The reason for me being on ESA is through having to come out of work due to mobility issues following an accident lifting at work which resulted in spinal surgery and further minor ongoing surgerys and day cases. I dont travel as its best to keep it to just the neccesary as it always ends in pain and discomfort for days after trying to walk anywere, my nerve into left leg is constantly agravated and still suffer nerve compression due to scar tissue from the op. So, is this a case of them trying to give the impression this is compulsory or is it something that i have to do at this stage, without them even bothering to send me for examination yet. How can they think of work when they didnt do the examnation yet? to me it seems non logical.....or do i have my brain on upside down today? its possible im not understanding something as my meds can make my brain a bit of a happy factory at times Sorry my images are small, theres imgur pictures available. i.imgur.com/kgQCQRp.jpg i.imgur.com/Mi692ni.jpg
  5. Hello, Looking for some advise on a current situation. My wife is in the ESA support group. I have now been added on to the claim and a week later I've received a Work Focused Interview letter. I am my wifes carer although I do not claim carers allowance (i don't even know if I can). She gets the enhanced disability premium but I have no idea what that is with regards to if it enables me to claim carers allowance? The problem is I need to attend to my wife 24/7, everything from morning till night I do for my wife, exhausting sometimes but I do it because she is my wife and she is not well. My wife also received a letter saying I am to have the work focused interview and to consent yes/no by signature to discussing her benefits with me in order to calculate if we would be better off if I went into a paid job. I cannot undertake any work or even be away from home for more than an hour due to my wifes disabilities/illnesses. I've tried to keep this short and simple at the moment but if more info is needed I can go into it further. anyone advise? Thank you.
  6. what reason could i give to delay my 1st esa wrag work-focused interview? it's on monday and due to my mental health i'm terrified of going! i'm currently appealing being put in wrag and my gp will be sending a letter any day now to the jobcentre to say they should put me in the support group. so i'm hoping to postpone the app' or if i can't postpone do the app' via phone instead. any advice?
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