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Found 5 results

  1. Hi can some people give me advice please I’m really scared today I went into primark and tag changed a pair of boots and my daughter out 2 things in the pram now as I walked out security stopped me and took me to a room where the manager came in he didn’t show me I’d, no cameras in the room, no recordings were taken, no copies of the incident report, no police was involved they took my provisional license and photocopied it and said that I would receive a fine I’m a single mum of 2 and worried I won’t be able to afford the fine what can I do???
  2. Hello, so the story goes like this: My girlfriend walked into a TK Maxx and swapped a price tag on a pair of shoes. On the till the lady there called the manager who explained to her that this tag is wrong and provided the correct price. The lady on the till wrote something down and my girlfriend played naive and paid for the shoes the actual price and walked out of the store. Note that she paid with her visa registered in another country (not a UK bank) since she is just visiting here. I have already read all the threads regarding similar issues but in most of them, people are getting caught when actually swapping the tags. So my questions are: Could the police be called in after reviewing the CCTV records, considering she paid for the full price? Does it make any difference that her visa card was not from a UK bank? Thank you.
  3. I bought a Jacket from 'Trespass' of Glasgow online advertised for £24.99. When I received it it had a price tag on it of £19.99. I contacted Trespass who said they would investigate. I sent them a photo of jacket with price tag attached. I have had various emails stalling, asking for photo again etc. Do I have any legal rights here to claim the £5 difference?
  4. Hi every one i received a letter form Northampton county court business centre on the 28th august form Bryan Carter and the clamant being Lowell. it reads I have acknowledged the claim on line and have decided to contest all of the claim. i understand i have 5+14 and then 14days to send my defence. i today i will be send a CPR 31.14 to lowell and Bryan carter. lowell with the fee of £1 for printing cost and the same letter to Bryan Carter. it reads http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387484-LEGAL-CPR-31.14-Request-Request-for-information-when-a-Claim-has-been-issued. sorry for the long thread can anyone help please
  5. Completely confused, I'm trying to post a new thread but it won't let me saying the number of tags exceeds by 2? What does this mean please Lisa
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