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Ethel Street

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  1. Just to clarify, were the two there-and-back trips in the letters were on dates when you actually did make a crossing? If so you don't dispute that you made the crossings but you believe you paid for them? Have I understood that correctly? So did you go online and make individual payments for each crossing or did you have a Dart Charge account from which the tolls should have been deducted automatically?
  2. You need to help us to help you. We need to see the documents (redact all personal information). We give practical advice on what we think you should do next, we are not a law school. If you are seeking legal advice on legal principles consult a solicitor, although they will also want to see the documents. I can't help you any further. Good luck. Bye.
  3. If you want advice we need to see the tort notice you have received plese (details redacted).
  4. Without seeing the tort notice it is difficult to advise because we don't know the legal basis of their notice. If you don't wish to dislose details here the best advice may be to consult a solicitor.
  5. Please can you upload a copy of the tort notice that has been issued to you (upload as a single pdf). Redact and cover up any personal details that could ID you and the car reg number How to Upload Documents / Images as PDF on CAG - Guides and advice on using the forum - National Consumer Service (consumeractiongroup.co.uk)
  6. This ICO page may give you the answer - which is 'yes'. Scroll down to "How should we manage the right to withdraw consent?" https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/uk-gdpr-guidance-and-resources/lawful-basis/consent/how-should-we-obtain-record-and-manage-consent/ .
  7. They say they are acting in line with ICO guidance. I presume this is the ICO guidance to organisations they are relying on [my bold] What should we consider when responding to a request? You must comply with a SAR without undue delay and at the latest within one month of receiving the request. You can extend the time to respond by a further two months if the request is complex or you have received a number of requests from the individual, eg other types of requests relating to individuals’ rights. If you process a large amount of information about an individual, you may be able to ask them to specify the information or processing activities their request relates to, if it is not clear. The time limit for responding to the request is paused until you receive clarification, although you should supply any of the supplementary information you can do within one month. Right of access | ICO
  8. When you say "for the last few months my employer has been deducting an amount attributed as 'Student Loan' " I'm not clear whether you have been working there a long time and your employer has only just started doing this or whether you have only started working there in the last few months and these deductions have been taken ever since you started. However, for one reason or another your employer has set you up as someone who owes a student loan and has made deductions and paid them to HMRC. So HMRC will know the deductions are being made. Unfortunately correcting that error is not as simple as you telling your employer that the SL deduction is incorrect. HMRC instructions to employers state [my bold] that "HMRC will tell you if you need to stop making [student] loan deductions from your employees’ pay. They’ll send you form SL2 for student loans. Do not stop making deductions if an employee asks you to." So you need to speak to HMRC for advice and get them to instruct your employer to stop making the deduction and return the incorrect deductions of the last few months. I know that trying to get through to HMRC is a serious pain but you don't have much choice. However many times you tell your employer they have made an error will probably not stop them making deductions until HMRC tell them it's OK, even if it is their error. It's all a frustrating experience that appears to stem from a simple coding error in your payroll deprtment but I suspect that you speaking to HMRC will be the quickest way to resolve it.
  9. For which debt has your car been clamped? You need to give us more specific information about why Marston (I think that's who you mean, nor Marsdon or Marsfon) have clamped your car. Has the debtor taken you to court and won judgement against you? It's not easy to work out from your post what has happened.
  10. To judge by media stories you were lucky to find a NHS dentist at all! The shortage of them probably does mean they can be picky about what they are willing to do, and they are independent businesses not NHS employees even when carrying out NHS dentistry. I've no personal experience but I suspect the reality is you do it his way or you'll end up with no NHS dentist at all and have to go back to private. As far as visits to the hygienist are concerned the NHS rules seem vague and open to interpretation. NHS funding covers "a scale and polish if clinically needed" but does that mean that routine hygienist visits are covered? I suspect not, scale and polsh is only covered if for clinical reasons it has to be done by the dentist not the hygienist, ie it needs the skills of a qualified dentist for reasons specific to your dental health. Understanding NHS dental charges - NHS (www.nhs.uk) Just my guess though, I'm not an expert on this. In theory there are various complaint procedures you could use but I suspect using them would result in the dentist refusing to have you as a patient any longer. It's the market place at work. Most dentists have new customers queuing to registered at the practice whereas we all know how hard it is for people to find an NHS dental practice that is accepting new patients.
  11. OK, so this is a council Penalty Charge Notice now at the 'further notice of enforcement' stage as, for whatever reason, you didn't get any correspondence from them after you submitted an initial appeal. Did you move house after the PCN was issued? Did you write tell them your new address? I guess from your previous parking posts here that you are aware that councils have greater powers than private parking companies for PCNs. Collegues on here may suggest any actions you could take to challenge it, but it seems that you don't dispute the offence and knew you had parked in a street you weren't allowed to park in, and had seen and understood the signage, but were appealing it on 'extenuating circumstances' grounds - new to the area, medical condition, urgent hospital appointment, etc - but council did not accept it. Is that correct? The answer might actually be to pay this before it escalates further. From what you say it's not obvious you would have any defence if it went to court. Are you able to pay it? I ask that mindful of what you say about your declining mental health and the extra stress that challenging this further might put on you. Is your car now correctly registered to your current address with DVLA, ie your current address is what is shown as the Registered Keeper on the car's V5C registration document/'log book'? Because when council and baliffs attempt to contact car owners they use the address of the Registered Keeper as recorded by DVLA.
  12. Is your partner's mother the sole executor? Was she aware that money was owing to the plumber when her husband died and she was dealing with his Estate? Please clarify one important point: do you accept that your partner's father owed money to the plumber at the time he died? And if so is the £5k about right, eg in line with estimates/quotes given before the work started? Or is the £5k disputed? As executor she could be personally liable for the £5k if she distributed the Estate without paying her husband's debts. It's irrelevant whether there is any money left in the Estate now, the question a judge would ask would be whether the Estate was solvent and able to pay the debt at date of death in February 2021. We need more information from you to understand what has happened, a bullet point timeline please. It's completely unclear from what you have posted why the debt wasn't paid, who owns the house now, who owned it when the work was done, what correspondence has passed between the plumber and the family. How many houses are we talking about? Is the house your partner's mother lives in the one the work was done on? Or was the work done on the a different house that you and your partner now live in? When was the work carried out? And please upload here a copy of the letter you have received (after covering up all information that would identify you including court reference numbers) as a single pdf.
  13. Who was executor to your partner's father's estate? Did your partner's mother offer to pay make clear she was offering as executor as it sounds like she had no personal liability to pay? Has plumber been sent a copy of the death certificate? Does he even know that your partner's father has died?
  14. If the MA has sent you the whole contract then it must state who the parties to the contract are. It wouldn't be a legal contract if it didn't. Who is named in the contract document?
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