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  1. I currently work as a Deputy Manager (one of 300) for one of the big four supermarkets, and they have recently announced a new contract change that comes into force on Monday 18th April. In effect we are being demoted to a lesser position, that being of a duty manager. They argue that our job role is not really changing as we will still be doing the same job we have always done and they will not be reducing our pay. However it is a HUGE drop in status as our current contract states we are 'autonomous decisions makers' which classes us as senior business leaders and opts us out of working time regulations. On our new contract we are not classed as this and we are therefore opted in to working time regulations. In addition we also recieve free fuel and a car allowance which will also be taken off us although they have given us over a years notice before they take this away. However this is in our current contract that this can be removed at any time so do not think that we can argue the point much there. The main issue is as Deputy Store Manager you are above all the other senior managers in the shop and now will be dropping to the same level as them so surely this counts as a drop in status, even though my salary will not be affected. It also effectively puts my career back 10 years as I was doing that job 10 years ago! There have been various 1-2-1 meetings held with the outcome already decided, however I asked questions weeks ago which have still not been answered and I also have not got a copy of my new contract as yet. From what I have read online if i work on Monday then I am effectively accepting the new contract and will have no means to put a claim in, in the future. Do I have a case for constructive dismissal?? Please help!! Thanks in advance
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