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Found 12 results

  1. Hi All I have been with my boyfriend (now Fiance) for 6 months. we are living together and all seems ok - the odd argument but things are relatively ok. We wants me to remortgage the house and put his name on the deeds whilst drawing down 44k worth of extra borrowing in favour of doing some home improvements. Currently there is 80k equity in the property (driven by house process) and he is bringing no money to the table. He has moved in with me and my two daughters (and his teenage son), which means that if I go ahead with the remortgage and the relationship fails I lose my home where I have lived for 15 years. he is pushing me hard to complete, the solicitor has been instructed and the mortgage offer received. whilst my mortgage is in part interest only - he view is that I am living in a house that I cannot afford to pay the mortgage down and would be unlikely to in the future. any advice would be gratefully received.
  2. I could not believe I was reading this !! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4510778/Student-stabbed-lover-spared-jail.html
  3. Hello All I wonder if anyone can advise on my daughters situation please. She is 18 and in her first year at university. Against our advice she ditched her student accommodation to move in with her boyfriend in his flat. The boyfriend's dad owns the flat that they live in and they rent it from him. They have an assured shorthold tenancy for a furnished flat for 12 months (Jan 1st 2017 - Jan 1st 2018) Both their names are printed on the tenancy but only my daughters signature is on there for some reason which I find strange. They have now spilt up and the Landlord (ex boyfriend's dad) wants her out by 1st June 2017. She wants to move out and find her own place but just wondered what the law says ? Is there any relevance that only she signed the tenancy despite it being in both names ? Thank you so much. Victoria
  4. Hi - just wondering if I could get some advice. My daughter's boyfriend upped and walked out one day leaving the tenancy (in both their names) and a pile of debts. All credit cards were taken out in her name (about £15k), money borrowed from us (her parents) which amounts to £3000 and utility bill debts, some of which are in both their names. The last thing he took with him was a phone that she had recently taken a contract out with (because he was denied credit) and has consequently run up a bill amounting to £100. She mistakenly thought that he would be reasonable and they would come to some agreement regarding the debts - he has since said that he didn't sign anything (regarding the credit cards and the money owed to us) and would not be discussing this further. She has now blocked the SIM card but hasn't blocked the phone as he has stated to police he has the phone and will give it back with witnesses. This was over a week ago and he has made no attempt to give the phone back. The police have said they will not act in retrieving the phone either. I've said to my daughter that the best course would be to add the phone to the long list of money that she won't get back and get the phone blocked as well. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm perplexed how some people just have no morals whatsoever!
  5. HI there, A few months ago my boyfriend got caught drink driving . He crashed his car into a wall and had only had 2 pints . His breathalyser at the scene was on the limit, but was unable to give a 2nd as he passed out. At the station they took a urine test but apparently did the test wrong which showed his urine level being higher than it should have been. They also said they took 2 samples within 2 minutes of each other and then a second 55 minutes later (even though it should be an hour?!). He goes to court tomorrow and his solicitor has told him to plead not guilty but it is going on the "police mucked up the test" Aspect rather than the breathalyser being on the limit.. Does anyone have experience of what may happen in this? OR any advice? Im pregnant and due in 7 months time and i live in the middle of nowhere. i NEED him to be able to drive me to the hospital as the nearest ambulance station is 45 minutes away. HELP PLEASE?!
  6. Hiya, posting for friend. My friend had been with her boyfriend for nearly a year when he asked her to get a bank loan for a BMW car. His credit rating was low so couldn't get a loan. She got the loan from her bank and gave him the money for the car. He is working and said he would give her the money every month to make the repayments on the car. He has now left her and taken the car. The log book is in his name as he told her she couldn't own the car as she doesn't have a driving license( she believed him). She's at her wits end, working and supporting her 2 year old son and can't afford the £125 a month repayments. Does she have any legal rights over car and what can she do... ... Urgent help needed please. Thank you in advance.
  7. Hi This morning I had to attend an interview with the Compliance Officer at the local Job Centre. I am the appointee and official carer for my daughter who is receipt of ESA (Support Group) and we went to a family wedding in Turkey for 7 days in June 2014. Apparently I am meant to inform them when my daughter goes on holiday for a week, firstly I would like to know if this is true as I thought it was longer than this. The second thing I would like to clarify is that since this holiday someone has informed the DWP that my daughter is living abroad in Turkey with a Turk which is totally untrue. After this holiday my daughter broke off her long term relationship with a boyfriend who she was not living with, they both had seperate properties and since then has moved back into my home with me due to harassment and other problems, my daughter has mental health problems. We attended a Compliance Interview this morning in which she showed her passport, I had to show some I.D. and I provided written confirmation that my daughter is living with me. The Compliance Officer used bullying tactics which were way over the top, it is a good job that I know the Benefits system quite well as I used to work at the Citizens Advice Bureau but that was a few years ago now. This officer was like a rabid dog with a bone and treated us both terribly. She has stated that my daughter is not even allowed to stay overnight anywhere with her new boyfriend nor he with her when she is in receipt of ESA, is this correct because if so then that would mean that nobody under the new system would be allowed to have a normal relationship. I did state I was very unhappy with the bullying tactics and that I was going to complain at a higher level. Can somebody on this site please enlighten me on the new rules in regard to ESA. I appreciate any help in this matter. My daughter is 26 years old.
  8. I just went in for a compliance interview baffled, and was shocked that someone has accused me simply for having a boyfriend. In this day and age they actually think if you are seeing someone then they are financially responsible for you whilst you are looking for a job!!! I am actually living with my dad but stay over with my boyfriend a few times a week which apparenhtly means I am breaking the law. I know it's my dad's ex girlfriend who has a grudge against me, she promised to ruin my life and has tried all sorts. In the interview, out of the blue, the officer told me I should be spending my benfit money helping my dad more with his bills not spending it on myself. Are they allowed to tell you how you spend your JSA? The fact she said that suggests for sure it is my dads ex making the allegation as its what she would mention. I was also asked if me and my boyfriend ever go on holiday, what right do they have to ask that? As it happend we haven't been since I have been looking for a job but we used to a lot, another thing my dads ex would have brought up. Does anyone know......will they now follow me or `monitor' my boyfriends house to see how often I go there? Will they come and search the premises? I'm a newly qualified social worker so I desperately can't afford to get a criminal record. I am adamant that I do not actually `live with' my boyfriend, the fact is, all the bills are in his name, the tenancy agreement, all my post goes to my dads and I have a dog who is not allowed at my boyfriends and is on the tenancy agreement for my dads place. My boyfriend doesn't provide for me even one penny, so as far as I am concerned I am innocent but will they see it like that? I'm worried sick.
  9. I borrowed my boyfriend money now he's dumped me ?? What rights have I got? How can I best get my money back?? Please help
  10. I own my house and have 2 kids. My boyfriend has debts and bailiffs are after him. He wants to move in with me but I am worried about his debt. I have never been in debt and always make sure my bills are paid. I know bailiffs will end up coming to my door. How do I deal with this?
  11. Hi i was told to come here by a relative for some advice, im sorry my first post is requesting help. Ive recently recieved an eviction notice from the court. on the house ive lived in for the past 4 years, it states we are being evicted due to a breach of my tenancy agreement. i phoned my letting agent up and asked him why i was being evicted. to which they replied i breached it by decorating the front room, and there was some steel drainpipes on my drive (6) as i did not have the means to take them away at the time as they were left by a friend. Also another thing they have stated is there is damage to the front door. The front door is a UVPC door which has never closed properley since we moved in as it catches on the top part of the lock so you sort of have to slam it. however one of the times we had to slam it shut in the bad weather we had a few months ago one of the 2 panes(which are sandwiched) on the door smashed. it was the pane of glass that blocked people looking in so the only pane now is a clear one that looks right into the house. As for the decorating, i only decorated the front room due to the wall paper peeling and the fact i have 3 children and lived here 4 years so obviously its going to get damaged and scuffed. However every person who has visited my property has complimented how well done the decorating is and better than what was originally there. i believe the reason they are being like is is due to the fact most the houses on my culd-i-sac are rented and recently the value of the rentals has gone up however ours stayed the same, and i feel i'm being made a scape goat just so the owner and the agents can earn more cash. since living here ive paid for the boiler to be repaired twice myself, as every time i report a repair it gets ignored and i'm not having my kids going cold. i told them the conservatory leaks and i had to turn the power off in there as it trips the electrics. the front door isn't working properly(they ignored and then glass broke), the cooker which is built into the units doesn't work properly. the kitchen cupboards falling apart, split bath panel and also bath leaking into dining room , you can actually see the outline of my bath on the dining room ceiling. funny thing is in the garage since we moved in, has had a area boarded off with a padlocked door which only the owner of the house has access to, which contains tools and diy stuff, however all that stuff so close and they still dont do repairs. even tho i pay rent for the whole house and i act as a storage locker for the owners stuff. i dont now what to do. how long by law do i have to get out, and if that time passes and i havent got anywhere do i get an extension as i don't want to be on the streets with the kids. thank you for listening to my rant
  12. Hi I'm in need of some quick advice for a friend please, My friend has had the bailiffs at her door this morning for her X-boyfriend unpaid fines Her X-boyfriend hasn't lived or been with her for over 9months now, She wants to know what to tell the bailiffs as they are coming back on Friday & said they will get a lock smith out if they need to get in the house, (Nothing in the house is his) She told them he don't live there any more but they are insisting on coming back to seize goods. I told her not to let them in but she is panicking any help will be much appreciated thanks.
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