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  1. Hiya all I’m Applepie123 I’m only 16 and I went into Superdrug and wanted to just take an eye brow pencil as I had lost the one I had ACTUALLY bought so I thought I’d just take it out the box and leave the box with the barcode. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice that a man was watching and if I’m being honest I didn’t care because he looked as though he was part of the general public. So I carried on and walked out the shop. As I was waiting for a friend I decided to stand by the side of the shop (which wasn’t smart) and there the man came and showed me some badge and said “can u follow me to the back of the shop miss” i didn’t want to cry so I become a bit giggly and he thought as though I wasn’t taking it seriously . He was quite rude, which in a way he kinda had right to. He asked me to hand it over and showed me the box I had left by the side. It was him and a Superdrug worker. He then asked me what my name was and my address and if I had ID to verify it. I didn’t. Then he stated that he’d have to call the police then to verify it or speak with my mother. I definitely wasn’t going to let him speak with my mother so I showed him my card which verified my name, I gave him my date of birth, my mothers name but the wrong number for my mothers telephone. He told me I’m banned from that Superdrug and many other shops in town for the next 12 months and shouldn’t be surprised if I’m caught in one and kicked out. He thrn said that I’ll receive a letter to my house stating the cost of my fine he said it could be £80, £100, which I wasn’t happy about, as he left the price unclear. Then he said u can pay it all at once or in instalments. He then took a picture of me, wrote what I was wearing, my height and made me sign a document, but also gave me some sheets to take. He escorted me out the shop , and at that point I felt so humiliated and embarrassed . I do regret doing it considering it was only £2.40 and I will never do it again. But it I was wondering if you could help me with the following 1)who will the letter come addressed to and how long does it usually take to come ?(as I don’t want my mom to see it) 2)does it state every little detail about the crime or does it just generalise it? E.g “your daughter has been caught stealing” 3)how do they calculate the fine and if anyone knows roughly how much I may have to pay? And is it worth me paying it or just ignoring it, because I feel if I just pay for it they will leave me alone and I’ll be done with it and won’t have to worry.
  2. Today I was caught accidentally stealing from primark. I tried on a coat which not uncommon for primark didn’t have the price tag attached, didn’t realise at the time that where I tried it on didn’t have a mirror and so I walked to the changing room where I tried on a couple of other things which I didn’t end up wanting. Coat not concealed, over my own bag or arm as not to drop it went to pay for other things. Replied to a message on my phone and forgot I had it over my arm, genuinely just exhausted from work and the gym and had a scatter brain moment, I was approached on my way out and got taken to the security office where I actually offered to pay for the coat as I had intended to in the first place and explained the situation said it was too late, I’d receive a fine if I did not want police involved. Security have my name and address. What kind of fine can I expect? I offered to pay for the coat which they refused and they didn’t lose any of the stores goods? Can they fine me at all?
  3. hi everyone, I'm looking for my advice i have a shop food which has been open a little over 7 months and i have just seen my landlord is stealing my electric for the flats he is doing up. upstairs which is a full on building site and the wire coming out my meter is a very big thick one so i know hes running alot of juice i have no idea how long this has been going on but it looks like its been done very dangerously and a real bodge it job ive sent videos and pictures to 3 electricians i know which say he is for sure stealing my electric. Now i have no idea how long this has been going on so first thing im going to do is insist he re emburses me for every electric bill ive ever had as i have no idea what hes used and what he hasnt. also the shop has never really got off the ground and to be honest its absolutely dying at the minute were open 12 hours a day 6 days a week and its not uncommon to take £60 a day sometimes as low as £30 (terrible i know) and to be honest i would like to be able to get out of my lease because were getting deeper and deeper in debt and a rogue landlord doesnt help by stealing out electric. could i get out of my lease and demand by deposit back or threaten with legal action? because of course breaking the law? or will i at best get my electric bill re embursed? thanks in advance
  4. Hi guys, I am worried and I am looking for help. Me and my cousin were caught stealing in primark for an amount about 50 pounds together. They didn’t call police. They just told us we will receive a letter with an amount to pay. They defined it Fine. If we will not pay it they will send our document to the police land will arrest us for 48 hours. And we will add to criminal records. I am asking for help to understand what to do when we will get the letters. Also they told us that we will get the same letter and the amount t that will show on it it will be splitted in me and him ( for example 300 pounds, we need to pay 150 pounds each. ) Is that true? Or it si 300 each? And also ? Should we pay? I am really worried because lots of my friend told me to pay, but I read lost of posts here where no one has paid and nothing happened. Waiting your answer thank you!
  5. Ok. I'll keep this shortish. In 2014 I had a CCJ against me for £1320 including court fees this ended up with a bailiff visiting and making an enforcement of goods order. I made a payment plan and have been paying £100 a month ever since for a debt totalling £1660. I paid £400 in June 2015 for a missed payment and to stop them threatening me. Missed payment due to changing bank account. They have charged me another £495 pounds saying that the enforcement went to stage 2 even though no one visited the house. I received no notice of this upgraded enforcement. Also I have discovered they have charged £90 fee initial fee when challenging them today they have added 20% VAT to all fees is this allowed? As far as I'm aware I have paid this debt in full plus some. The Bailiff has been very aggressive and threatening on the phone. I am going to stop them taking anymore money from my card as I believe they are now taking money they shouldn't have . Help please anyone!!
  6. I was caught stealing at tk maxx today. It was a very foolish thing of me I admit. Something that costed £7.99 and I didn't want to pay for it as I had already purchase worth £70.01 at tk maxx and didn't have enough money for what I wanted. I took of the security plastic tag off the box and put the item in my bag while I got busy with my daughter as she was crying and kicking a fuss. I continued to checkout with all my other items amounting to £70! Then left the premises. A security came running down the stairs and spoke to me saying I believe you have something in your bag which you haven't paid for. I said ok let's check I opened my bag and saw the item then remembered I put it in my bag. I forgot about it as I spent nearly 2hours in the store looking for lots of things. He escorted me to the back security room and asked me to place everything not paid for on the table. I then placed the only item that was in my bag worth £7.99!! He asked me did you steal the item. I said I didn't mean to they were so rude and shouting. He then said look I'm calling the police and I cannot wait for that woman to tell me. Then I was obliged to say I stole it so that he doesn't call the police. Then he cut off the phone and said to me if I admit I stole it I said yes and started talking again he was angry saying that I'm fed up now I'm calling the police cause you're not ready to tell me. Then said that how are you going to explain to your partner if I call the social services because you stole £7 your daughter got taken away!! I stayed quiet and didn't wana say anything so they don't call the police. Now reading other threads I guess there will be a letter coming for me to pay for god knows what because the item was left un damaged. Shall I tell my partner �� I'm scared. I do not work to pay off any money to anyone. Please help me. They took my ID CARD with my details on it . And forced me to take my provisional license out of my wallet to show my address.
  7. Hi eveyone, new user here need some adice plz. ive read this online in my local paper GINA Carey, 22, of Wilson Street, Derby, was handed a two-month community order with curfew, and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £60 victim surcharge for stealing a £575 television from Buy As You View, Derby, on June 27. Read more: http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/given-jail-sentences-cases-dealt-South-Derbyshire/story-25927874-detail/story.html#ixzz3Q8353dyO Follow us: @DerbyTelegraph on Twitter | derbytelegraph on Facebook says someone got community sentence and a fine for STEALING a tv from buy as you view!! £145 in total, not enough if you ask me!!! Serves em right if you ask me, if you don't pay what you owe then what do you expect question is will there be more people getting in trouble (maybe sent to prison?) for not paying their buy as you view (and others) reckon that would be a good thing as I hnow loads of people who just dont bother paying ever and its not fair on people like me who pay £12 month for a tv and never miss a payment pay every time lol!
  8. Hi all, A little advice please - I recently listed an ad with Shiply for a wardrobe to be moved, accepted a quote & paid a £20 deposit. The transport provider never replied (may of even been fake) so they credited the money onto shiply account so I could relist again. Relisted a further 2 times and still received no suitable quotes... Upon emailing them, they've said that as it's gone past 28 days they cannot refund me - I can only use the account credit for future deliveries within 2 years How can I get my money back?!
  9. hi everyone i need help badly. a few days ago i was caught stealing at boots and the security guard lead me to their security room. inside, there is one female boots staff and another security guard from the shopping mall. total three of them. the security guard from boots asked me to take out whatever stuff i have stolen i did as told as i was too afraid. later on, he asked for my id and name and home address which i gave as well issued me with an RPL form. the amount i have stolen was £220 i know its so stupid i stole 4/5 perfumes thats why the amount is expensive. he called the police police came and searched my bag found another item i had stolen from another stall. i cant lie because the tag is still on and i have no receipt. the police took me to custody at police station. first all my items are being emptied from my bag and jacket and all the police found another item in my jacket which i totally forgot about it i was so scared i keep begging her but no use i was asked if i need a solicitor the police and the surgeon kept saying whether or not i have the surgeon decision is not going to change. i told them i dont need which i regret after i come back home i was asked questions by the surgeon and lead to a cell room which i was lock. after an hour or so the police come and told me they are going to my house and check my room and state this is always the case for stealing. i was so worried another hour has pass in the cell room and finally she is back she said my room doesnt look suspicious and she commented i always have tea in room? later on she interview me with a recording and then ask me lots questions. i admitted of stealing at two stores afterwards, my dna and photo (front and side views) as well as my finger prints are all taken and recorded i was told by the surgeon that my case will be a caution (is that called caution?) and i can go home. no action will be taken and the polices just told me not to do silly things anymore and they say i might receive letter from boots thats all. i assume that will be the RPL lettter? im so scared: will my housemates know what letter that is? is there any sign showing that letter is from RPL? also, will i be fine??? btw im above 20 years old. I need help people. i couldnt sleep for nights and keep having bad dream about it. what shall i do. someone help me please
  10. http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/local/darlington/11552200.Sanctioned_man_who_stole_to_eat_is_jailed/
  11. Hello everyone, I have already read quite a lot of things here, and I have seen that everyone is trying to help as best as they can, and I was just amazed by that. I'd like to apologize if there are some things that you don't understand, I am french, just trying to do my best. two days ago I stole 3items from Primark in Picadilly with my boyfriend. I know how bad it is, and how I should have thought about that before doing that stupid thing. It was the first time I ever steal and same for my boyfriend. We are both 16. Even though, we bought some stuffs (3items) the security obviously got us. I have the Algerian/dutch nationality so he used to be like 'if you can't talk to me in Arabic, than I will only let your boyfriend leave'. we gave our ID, gave the items that we have stolen, they took a picture, and then he asked us our email address saying that if our parents aren't checking on it, then we're lucky because they won't know about it. No police were called, and as we were alone in England, he let us leave without a 18 year old person. Now, I have different questions: Would it be a letter? Or could it be an email as well? I know that what we've done was so so wrong, and we'll just never do it again. But the thing is, my parents just CANT know at all. I should have think about that before, right. Also I read that we don't have to pay the fine etc, but if we pay it, would they only send one letter? I know that I shouldn't pay for that, but I'd just like to think about something else, because I feel so ashamed and guilty about it even if I deserve it. Thank you to all the people trying to help me, thank you a lot..
  12. Hi. I am a student and I'm not english. About one month ago I got stealing from primark with two friends. I am really really really ashamed so I'm not going to tell the sum of the shoplift. Then the police were called and we were brought to the police station where they told us nothing would happen because that was our first time. We weren't asked to pay a fine or caution but they took all our personal information and they said that our criminal record would remain clean. Then my friend received a letter form RLP with an amount of money to pay and we paid it. My question is: what's going to happen next?? Do we have to expect other warnings or letters or something like that?? Will we be taken to court?? I am so scared and so ashamed. I wish I could cancel that day!!! Please help me!! Thank you.
  13. Yesterday, I purchase one of Amazon's lightning deals (Voi Jeans Men's Dutton Relaxed Jeans - £19.99) while the lightning deal was still active, in-stock and within the 15 minutes of placing it in my cart. Unfortunately, they have charged me £50 for these and despite repeated arguements via phone, e-mail and live chat, they are refusing to do anything whatsoever. I then contacted my credit card company to report this - but they just said that it is not fraud because I gave Amazon my credit card details. They also told me that if you give your credit card details to anyone, they have free reign to take as much money as they want from you and that this isn't "fraud"..... What can I do ???
  14. Hi, I need some advice. I had a PCN that was unpaid and lead to baliffs being assigned. I contacted the courts on Friday 25th October as I had not received some mail regarding the PCN's and they placed a hold on any further action being taken until they could investigate. I was advised that the balifs would be called off until the courts could look into the issue. On Saturday night at approximately 9.30pm I was stopped in my car by police who advised that the car I was driving had been reported as stolen. I showed them proof that the car was mine and that I had not reported it stolen. They advised me that the car had been reported stolen by the Baliffs company as a clamp had been placed on the car and removed. I told them that no clamp had been placed on my car and explained that even if one had been on it, it would not make the car the property of the bailiff. I tried really hard to reason with the police officer but he did not want to to listen. He said that "I am going to have to arrest you for theft of a motor vehicle, but won't hand cuff you because you have been reasonable." I was read my rights and placed into the police car and driven to the police station where I had my finger prints and DNA taken. I have never felt so humilated, even other officers were saying they did not know what i was doing there as it was a civil matter. I was held in a police cell for 11 hours, whilst there the police went to my home knocked on the door and gained entry, my bedroom door was locked with a key so they kicked it in and searched my room. They took photocopies of the PCN notices in my room. During the interview they tried to tell me that they could do me for criminal damage as the clamp had been removed (according to the baliff), they found no clamp in my house and no eveidence that a clamp had ever been placed on my car. The clamp was supposedly placed on my vehicle on Friday night but I have never seen a clamp on my car, according to the courts all action should have been ceased until further notice as of that friday morining. I left the police station at 11am Sunday 27th and was told that the were going to hold onto my car until the 15th November for a court date. I called Sunday evening and was told to come for my keys and that they were going to throw the case out, I was told that if I had a spare I should just take it as it was parked across the road from the police station. I thought this rather odd. On arrival to the police station i was advised that they could not find my keys and this was case until Tuesday 29th, when i finally got my keys back to take my car. I have all the paper work from the police station stating that I was arrested for car theft and I am really unhappy about my treatment. I know I have a case but any advice on how to move forward would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance whe
  15. Hi, On the weekend I popped into my local supermarket to get a few things, I had my 2yr old with me and I put him in the trolley. I usually go with a list as I am a scatter brain but this time I forgot so I picked up some items that I remembered we needed and on my way round I put my carrier bag into the trolley. I wasn't really thinking about it I just put it in. Anyway when I got to the till's I put the stuff from the trolley onto the belt and had to take a chocolate bar off my son to pay for it and he started to cry for it. I was distracted by this and didn't check the trolley. I paid for my stuff but on the way out a woman security officer called me back and walked me through the store to a room at the back and asked me if I knew why we were there I said no so she proceeded to tell me that she had seen me on the cameras put an item in my trolley and then cover it with my shopping bag then at the tills I left the bag and the item in the trolley (clearly I didn't leave the bag in the trolley because I filled it with my shopping). The item was still in the trolley and I apologised for the mistake and said I honestly wasn't thinking and I was distracted at the till. She then told me she wasn't going to call the police on this occasion and I wouldn't receive a ban but she needed me to write down my details on a plain A4 piece of paper while she got someone to sit with me and got a receipt for the item. By now I'm in tears because I wasn't trying to steal anything and I was hugely embarrassed, I had the money in my hand to pay for the item which was £4.50 but wasn't given the opportunity to offer to pay for it. When she came back she said I understand what you said about your child at the till but to me he appeared to be behaving well, as I said we won't get the police involved or action a store ban but because of the value of the item I will have to send this to head office who will send you a civil recovery loss because I had to watch you on cctv, bring you here and get someone to sit with you. The manager made out that it would be a small fine maybe £2.50-£3.50 and no where near the £90 the police would have charged me. She took the piece of paper from me and told me I could leave. How long does it usually take for a civil recovery letter to come through? I've also read it seems I'll be in for a hefty fine £150+ which seems excessive to me for a £4.50 item. Also I never filled out an official form it was a plain piece of A4 and they didn't even ask me for ID, is it possible they were just trying to scare me and I won't hear anything back from it do you think? As my husband seems to think they don't have the power to do anything and even if I do get a letter I should just ignore it and forget about it and was just an honest mistake. This is really playing on my mind though, it has taught me a lesson to thoroughly check my trolley at the check out but I feel like I can no longer shop in that shop because every time I set foot in there they will be watching me all around the shop!
  16. I subscribed to NowTV which is powered by Sky , they took my first month payment straight away via my debit card. Within 24 hours Sky decided to deactivate my account they are claiming i owe them money. I have never had Sky before as i've always been with Virgin media. I asked NowTV for a refund and am now being sent on a merry dance. Am i right in thinking Sky have to fully refund me the money they took as it was them who cancelled the service not me? Thanks in advance.
  17. As I was shutting down the till at work the other day, there was a £30 discrepancy, this didn't worry me at the time as a few weeks previously there had been a £70 discrepancy and it turned out to be an office error, on top of this, another till on the floor on the same day as the most recent one also had a discrepancy of £60. I came into work yesterday and was called into the office for an investigation meeting where I was accused of taking the money from the till. I told them that I had someone stand with me when I was closing the till down, watching me count the money and also that the shop manager was also on the shop floor as she was attending the discrepancy on the other till on the floor. They told me that as I was the only person to use the till the entire day that it must have been me, the other problem is that there is no cctv in store to prove my innocence. I have now been suspended from work with pay. I feel absolutely terrible, I am so stressed, I feel so ill and cannot sleep, I feel like they have decided I am guilty already without any proof, I also feel discriminated against as I had gone in the same morning (before the investigation meeting) to ask for a wage advance, they asked in the meeting if the two were related? I felt that was a totally inappropriate judgement and has upset me even more? What can I do? I am so worried that am going to be fired because of something I didn't do! I hope someone can help me out.
  18. My daughter has been accused of stealing the days takings are the club she works in. They say she was fiddling with her sleeve on the CCTV and they cant see her actually put the money in the safe, but saw her go to it. She has a meeting on Weds and they say she has to give them a satisfactory explanation of what happened to the money!!! They have also told her who she bring and thats another young girl and cant take the older guy and they have told her not to discuss it with him. Her grandad is a retired union rep, is he allowed to go with her and also what should she be asking and doing, nothing like this has ever happened to any of us before so no idea what to do
  19. I'd appreciate any help in this matter. 5 months ago I had an accident on a mini roundabout, not my fault. The lady coming from an opposite direction just decided not to give me way and drove straight into my car. I have a witness. My car was written off, I got the money less my excess – which was explained will be refunded to me when the case is closed. 5 months down the line I'm due to renew my policy. For my surprise I received the renewal note with no years no claim discount. I was told it's due to the accident I had. Even though it wasn't my fault! But apparently the other party hasn’t admitted so until they resolve the case they can't give me any discount. And to add to that I was also told that it may take up to 3 year to resolve!!! 3 years!! How long can it take to resolve a small accident claim??!! Anyway – I can't use any discount to renew! So it didn't only cost me the excess, but also my premium went way up high. They say they will refund the difference in premiums…. But for the next 3 year I need to simply start collecting my no claim discount from scratch. But also – how I'm going to prove them how much the insurance would cost me with the discount??? Is there anything I can do to get my excess money back and also to get the discount back??? I must say – I'm furious! When you're due money to the insurance company – they want it immediately, but when you're owed anything – it takes them years….
  20. Hello everyone. A month ago, me and my friend stole from primark. I am extremely ashamed of this and was pushed into doing it, although I take full responsibility for my actions. I took a pair of shorts and my friend took about 5 items. As soon as we put a foot out of the door, we were ushered back in by a security guard and taken to a back room. The security guard was rude, bullied us and was basically mocking us. We had all our cards photocopied (my friend had his NI number photocopied amongst other things and I had my university card copied) to which i'm not sure is even allowed. After we had given back the Primark items we had stole, we were told to empty all our bags, and to show receipts for other things we had genuinely purchased during the day. The security guy then told us unless we were able to show a receipt for those items that he would keep them. I had lost the receipt for some cream I had purchased and was told that he was going to keep the cream because I probably stole that too. In the end he gave it back, but I did not find that funny. The police were never called. Anyway, before we were allowed to leave we had to give our address's and was told that we would be fined. Although the security guard rang up both mine and my friends parents, my friend was able to give a fake address to which his mum gave aswell on the phone. Because of this, I have been the only one who has recieved the fine letter. The letter is from RLP stating that they want a fixed amount of £174.39!!! I was dumbfounded when I saw this as I only took some shorts worth about £12. I'm guessing the fee is so high because of what my friend took. Anyway, being scared, I rang RLP up right away telling them I would pay when I get my student loan, but realistically I cannot afford to pay such amount! I then rang them again a few days ago and told them I can only pay half of the amount and that they should contact my friend for the other amount. The woman then said that even if I pay half I will still receive letters demanding the full amount because of dual liability, she said it doesn't matter who pays but someone has to. I was quite angry by this and so just put the phone down. When I told my friend about the fine he didn't seem interested and seems unwilling to pay (although he put me in this predicament!), so I've been running around like a headless chicken thinking of something to do. I've read loads of threads saying not to call RLP, but i've called them twice and said that i'd pay the full amount first of all and then rang again stating i'll pay half, so i'm worried they can use this against me in a court, as now I don't want to pay as i've read RLP are bullies and you do not have to pay them. Can someone please please help me, thank you.
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