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Found 11 results

  1. Hi On going through the SAR on my other thread i found a £1500 loan from 2003 over 24 months with a single premium PPI added . The APR on the loan was 17.9% , although on an adjacent piece of paper it says" interest 16.62% applied throughout the period of this statement to the whole of the outstanding balance.`` Is that all i can claim the 8% statutory interest??? Stat interest spreadsheet attached is that correct? StatIntSheet v101 lloyds Tsb £1500 loan PPI single premium.upload.xls
  2. Further to what has been said and done recently regarding UC this story could be of interest for those claiming see here http://www.theguardian.com/housing-network/2015/jun/12/universal-credit-u-turn What could this mean now for this dreaded change?
  3. Hi I was not sure where to post this or if it will be able to be answered but here goes. In October 2014 i bought a beautiful German Shepherd pup ( Male ) KC registered with KC registered name chosen by the breeder. When I bought him the breeder informed me that I must sign a contract stating that I could not allow him to bread Using his KC registered name without express permission of the breaders as they could not vouch for the females genetic credential IE she may be a bad breeding match as German Shepherds are renowned for hip displacia. My dogs parents have excellent hip scores meaning less likelihood of him being effected with the problem. Whilst I am not looking to bread him anyway you never know someone may come to me with a good breeding dog good credentials and I may wish to pick a new pup from that litter. So the question is what is the legal stand point of the breeders should he breed a new litter and would that stop the owner of the female registering the pups If my dogs KC name was being prevented? Just a general question will be interesting to see if anyone can answer it. Cheers Bill
  4. Hi there Would love some advice on my situation.. Link initiated court proceedings against me for an alleged debt of £9k. I asked for a copy of the CCA which this failed to provide. I mentioned this in my registered defence to the court. The court went on to demand that the DCA provide the court and me with a copy of the CCA by a set date otherwise the judge stated that the case would be struck out. That date passed 3 days ago. I didnt receive a copy of the CCA. My questions are: Should I call the court to ask whether they received a copy of the CCA? If the court hasn't received a copy of the CCA, am I supposed to apply for the case to be struck out some how, or should I leave it to the judge to make good on his stated intentions of striking out the claim? If I am supposed to apply for the case to be struck out and I dont, what could happen? Could the DCA apply for more time? If the court has receive a copy of the CCA, given that I have not, is the DCA still in breach of the courts motion, in which case should I tell the court that I haven't, and would this result in the case still being struck out? And I guess an obvious question is, in my particular case, should the claim be struck out by the court, can the DCA have the claim reopened if they eventually find a CCA? Things get abit more complex. After the DCA originally failed to provide a copy of the CCA within 12 working days as required by law, I issued them with a Section 10 data protection notice. This means that they must delete any details they have about me from their systems, and are not permitted to sell my details to another party. I sent a copy of the notice to the court. In this case, even if they had managed to send the CCA to the court and I by the date demanded by the judge, aren't they in breach of the section 10 notice for still having data about me on their systems (e.g the CCA)? And if this is the case, doesn't this invalidate this and any other claim they were to try and make against me re this alleged debt so the court would have to strike the claim out? If they are in breach of the section 10 notice, what further action can I take - especially in the case that they may sell on the alleged debt to yet another party? I know there are a lot of questions here, and I really appreciate your input.
  5. hello, first time here so I hope this is the right place for this enquiry. I have been paid for goods and services by cheque which has subsequently bounced .This was a regular client who had in the past paid in cash.They have left the area and paid their last bill with this cheque(should have smelled a rat !) which I suspect now may be from a closed account. What should be my next move ,the amount is over £500.? thanks for any and all advice
  6. Hi hope yous can help or point me in the right direction. My son just found this out by accident His wife when opening their mail yesterday by mistake open one addressed to the landlord she never noticed the name until after. It was from the bank to their landlord threatening repossessing due to arrears on his mortgage He's worried that they will be evicted asap as they only have a rolling agreement have told him to phone the rental company that acts on behave of their landlord first thing on Monday and too get the letter to them right away and let them deal with it. He thinks its his fault as he gets his most of his rent payed direct to the rental agency by the council which is always late and he does have some rent arrears of his own due to having to find the rest of his rent but I helped him sort out a payment plan with the rental company for these which I pay through my bank account every two weeks for him and have never missed(so as there is a payment record). Have been on the Shelter Scotland web site got some good advice from it but he keeps thinking due to the arrears they can use this to evict him right away.
  7. I subscribed to NowTV which is powered by Sky , they took my first month payment straight away via my debit card. Within 24 hours Sky decided to deactivate my account they are claiming i owe them money. I have never had Sky before as i've always been with Virgin media. I asked NowTV for a refund and am now being sent on a merry dance. Am i right in thinking Sky have to fully refund me the money they took as it was them who cancelled the service not me? Thanks in advance.
  8. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/jesus-painting-restoration-makes-christ-1276477
  9. My student loan comes out of my salary, and I think it should be paid by now. How do I find out if it has been paid off.
  10. Item purchased on 3rd May by debit card, using PayPal Payment transferred on 4th May advised by email 13th May I discovered that the company wasnt actually trading at that time and would not be open for business for up to 3 months. Company agreed to refund the payment. Today - email from PayPal advised that the refund had been made and to quote.. "Funds are now available to spend". Check bank account to confirm that monies have been refunded - Nope Check PayPal balance to see if refund has been made - Nope Spend a useless half hour attempting to convince "Louise" the automated help unit on PayPal what the problem is. Finally get to the point where she admits defeat and suggests that I phone PayPal 5 minutes talking to robot - then offered a human being. It would appear that the refund was made by the trader on the 15th May - by Cheque to PayPal Who then have to cash the cheque via their bank - which takes 5 days. They then have to transfer the money to my Debit Card - which can take up to a further 30 days.. Why !! It took just 1 day for them to transfer funds to the trader in the first place!!!
  11. Ok I did a claim for DLA a month or so ago, had a home medical and that deemed I could walk 200metres and some other things I cant do. Now here is the confusion. Its mentioned alot on here DLA is all about needs, although the qualifying criteria clearly describes medical capabilities such as walking distance. I also still think judgement is also affected by if someone has already help eg. if the doctor came and seen me in a wheelchair, and an adapted living space I expect they would have taken a different view. I also have the problem that my doctor's surgery is staffed by locums and every time I go I am seeing a new doctor, they didnt even reply to a letter sent by the DLA people for the claim. So the basis of my claim is I have extra needs due to mobility as well as problems even leaving my flat caused by other health problems as well affecting my sight and awareness capabilities. The 200metres I am disputing and do have medical evidence which conflicts with the findings, the medical evidence was also shown to the visiting doctor. Not sure which I should push more either the medical side of things or my actual needs which are probably hard to push as I live on my own and have no current aids given to me by the NHS. Also I have an ongoing IB to ESA migration which is awaiting a medical and I am now worried they will make a decision on that without that medical based on this DLA medical. This is why medicals should be recorded as I explained a lot of things in the home visit which were clearly ignored.
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