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  1. To be honest I'm a little unsure on if this issue is beyond the scope of this group by want to ask for advice anyway. I've been working for a security company for a number of months that deal with various events all over the place etc. Done countless jobs for them and never any issues regarding my work, ability or conduct. Only I was supposed to be working a particular event for a few days. Nothing unique or special about the event in the slightest and I've worked a number of similar such events and countless 1 off jobs that's similar. But the company in question, without notice has cancelled this upcoming event work (and ALL upcoming work\jobs into December I had booked with them) citing a failed police PNC check they claim they do for all these events that directly instructs the company not to let me work this event!. The company has now placed me on "special leave" and cancelled this particular event work and all upcoming work. Now working in security and for this particular company I was recruited as an SIA qualified worker I fully understand they would have to carry out extensive legal checks, more so in dealing with events that involves constantly dealing with the general public in various situations. For the interview I had to provide an enhanced CRB certificate (which actually came as part of my SIA training), which was completely clean and clear of anything, my SIA badge\licence (which in itself would require extensive background checks to grant I'd have thought), training & qualification certificates etc. Everything was fine until this week never a problem or any issues working any event or job. Then I get this email putting me on special leave and removing me from all work citing a failed police PNC check that the company did for this event. So I call the company to try and find out what the hell is going on as ive bills to pay and a family to support and I know full well there is no legal issues preventing me working and I have a 100% completely clean record and background. This is where things start to get somewhat deceptive and defensive from the company I start to feel. They tell me for all such events like this the company does police PNC checks on all staff members that work these such events. Really I ask?, I've worked at least 3 other identical\similar events and if they do these PNC checks each time for all staff then clearly I've passed them, at least 3 previous apparent employer requested PNC checks so there must be an error I point out. I ask what's unique about this event that would cause a failed police PNC check?. Nothing unique they tell me except that it's the events project manager who requests these police PNC Checks on all staff working the event and that the Human Resources person I spoke to claims the project manager (in charge of the event) had received an email back from the police in response to the police PNC check instructing the company that I'm not allowed to work at this event. I plead with the company to accept this must be an error and to double check with the events project manager as they done their own checks when they first interviewed me, have a copy of my completly clean enhanced CRB certificate, had made apparent previous police PNC checks, the last (if a genuine claim) would have been less than 2 weeks previous to this claimed failed PNC check and if anything was going to flag up it would have done so a long time ago. The company dont seem to want to know or help much at all leaving me in limbo. Getting nowhere with the company I visit the police and explain it all to them in the hope they can at least check my name on there PNC. But they can't seem to help or offer a solution either. Except to say I'd have to apply for a police PNC check myself which would take several weeks. But they did suggest the only thing, due to a clean enhanched CRB certificate that could cause issues is anything post CRB dated, which there is nothing. Any advice as I'm lost on this and get the feeling the company is lying about something?. As surely they can't make multiple PNC checks if at all without written concent?. And surely a police PNC check would return a list of issues than simply give an instruction not to let me work this event?. Something don't sound right here about all this.
  2. Hi everyone, was looking for some advice on a situation I have landed myself in. Recently was offered a job as a pest controller, in the interview process, the application form said about criminal convictions. It said under the rehabilitation act 1974, I did not have to declare spent convictions, so I never. However, I have just received my contract and it states I have to pass an Enhanced disclosure. Im crapping myself as I have 3 minor convictions when I was a teenager. I have received a fine and 2 conditional discharges as a result, but have been out of trouble since 1989. How will this affect my job? Can anyone help please? Thanks Steve
  3. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/enhanced-learning-credits-further-and-higher-education-scheme-changes More information on the Enhanced Learning Credits Scheme is here: http://www.enhancedlearningcredits.com/
  4. A small claims claim has been issued against me for breach of contract. The contract that I am supposed to have breached was cancelled in accordance with the company's cancellation procedure months ago. I am quite happy to defend the case on this basis, however, for a bit more ammo if required, I am wondering if there is any merit in the following. The copy contract supplied in the court claim by the claimant, is not the same as the original copy that I hold. The claimants supposed copy has been increased in monetary value and has been re-written. eg. the same person has signed and dated the copy but it can clearly be seen that the signature is in a different place to the original and other parts have been re-written or overwritten. I am interested to know how the court would view the Claimant tampering with the copy that they are relying on for their case? To my mind this is falsifying documents as it is not a true copy of the original? Will the fact that they are claiming a larger sum than was in the original enhance my defence? Any thoughts appreciated nn
  5. I have been offered a job working in a secondary school (in the kitchen) where I will be required to have an enhanced DBS check and I wanted to know whether my Husbands caution from 2 years ago would show up on relevent information.
  6. Hi there, back in 2010 in a moment of stupidity me and a friend were in a DVD shop and stole a DVD. We were caught and taken back to the shop where they then called the police. I admitted that it was my fault and not my friends. However the time has come now where I would like to get some voluntary work as a treasurer, however as the charity is involved with children it's an enhanced CRB. My question is will this show up? We were banned from the store but no fines were given and I believe we had to apologise. I seem to remember we were told we could avoid court by signing something but I'm unsure of what this was. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out, I was over 18 at the time. Needless to say I am very ashamed, I am being sent over the CRB form next week to fill out, should I declare this? Thanks for your help!
  7. hey guys Is there anyone here who is right up to date on the recent changes to Enhanced CRC checks where the government lost that case and have had to change them, possibly! My girlfriend is in a strange "predicament" where she is in a job already and wants to apply for another internal job but they will be doing a ECRC check ((her current role is more or less the same and she had a ECRC years ago) She had a stress related incident a few months back resulting in a caution and is very very stressed about the check what it might show. I just wonder if anyone is up to date on it now or have we got to wait until the changes filter through in any case I think it is best she does not apply, for now, as it may trigger something, she may the lose her job and that would be catastrophic for her! Im inclined to advise to speak with an employment specialist solicitor and see what they advise as part of a free 30 min consultation if she can get one? Thanks in advance Sew
  8. I applied for a post as a cook in a nursery 0nly 10 hours a week. Its not in my home town and I gave my boyfriends address as it is literally round the corner. I spend most of my time at his house anyway but pay my council tax and bills at my flat where my grown up son lives. Well now I have to have an enhanced CRB check and they want proof of address.I have nothing in my name at my boyfriends place ,everything is at my flat address. I have a passport (although its in my former name, I have an adoption certificate and loads of utility bills etc for my main residence but nothing with the address that I applied for the job with.. The job offer was on the proviso that I could provide all the necessary documents. What am ii to do, any advise would be greatly appreciated
  9. Hi, 6 months ago, I was in TK Maxx one the phone, and walked out with a bag. I was on the phone with my mum. I DID NOT REALISE I had taken it from the premises. All of a sudden, two men came up to me and asked me to follow them back into the store as I had just stolen a bag. I realised what had happened and followed them immediately, apologising. They conducted a search of my bag, and because I am a architecture student, I had on me a pair of pliers and two scalpels. They asked me to confirm my story and show them ID, but all I had was my student card on me, which did not have what course I studied. Therefore, they called the police. The police came and they said they had no option but to issue me a £80 fine, which, I being embarrassed and just wanted to leave, took it and paid. I paid the £80 and decided to put it to the back of my mind. Only recently has it come to my attention again. I currently work with disabled children on the weekends. I always have since I was 17. However, I need to have my CRB check renewed, so I wondered if this penalty charge would show up on my enhanced CRB. As well as this, I have a temporary job helping in a college, which again requires a CRB check. I wondered if it would show on here. I truly believe this incident is not my fault apart from walking out with a bag by accident. It is even worse how it could affect me now.
  10. I have a record of battery (minor assault) Using a vehicle without insurance Making off with payment of petrol All from juvenile court and i just applied at hospital (BMI Merdian) and lost my job before i started because i thought these went after 5 years, is there anyway to get them removed?
  11. Hi folks. Back in my teens, I was taken home for being too drunk - no caution, warning, arrest or fine followed. On another occasion, I was taken to the hospital after being run over (which was partially my fault because I was running around in the road, and yes I was drunk). There were no injuries (thankfully) and therefore the police didn't do anything; they just told me off for being an idiot. I've never had DNA, photos or fingerprints taken at a police station, if this helps. I sound like a complete idiot - I apologize. I use to hang around in the wrong crowd and drink way too much alcohol, but now I have grown up and have a degree, wife, a child and other important responsibilities. I'm going to be applying for a job working in a school as an I.T. technician and know I'll have to undergo an enhanced CRB check. I've read numerous things online about similar-ish cases, but can't seem to find a definite answer. I'm just clueless on what the police hold against my name. The last thing I want to do is be dishonest on an application form, it's completely out of character. Any advice would be very much appreciated, East
  12. Hi everyone, hope someone can give me some advice on this. Basically came out of the army and now my local police force is recruiting. 20 years ago I had a IN10 (driving with no insurance) and an £80 fine. Took the risk of moving a friends car and got caught. Wondering if anyone knows if driving offences show up on the enhanced crb check ? cheers
  13. Hi Guys, I wonder if anyone could help, I am 21 and have had quite severe mental health problems for the last five years. I am now fully recovered and currently working towards getting a place ona nursing degree, I need to hold a health care assisstant job for a while to strengthen my uni application, however whilst I was unwell I had quite alot of police involvement when I ran away from hospitals, and had to be searched for and returned or when I did dangerous things during which they had to intervene. On one occasion, I was classified as being at risk of harming others, without going into detail ... during a very unwell episode I threatened to attack a friend. I have had an enhanced CRB done in the past, and on the other relevant info box the chief police officer disclosed how many times the police had had to attend to me (frequently) during which periods 2008-2010 (however now it will be until the end of last year... and went into brief detail about the risk to myself Ive caused and very detailed about the event where I threatened to attack a friend. I understand they cannot overlook what happened completely however I feel they have gone into too much detail. I phoned the CRB office last year and they said it would remain on there for five years, but I feel it will severely hamper my chances of working in healthcare, which is and always has been my dream. I have worked hard and been through therapy to address my issues which are all born from trauma... and I feel now this is going to make it very hard for me to get a job, even though I am desperate to take the next step into adulthood and life, and not be reliant on benefits. My question is ... How can I try and get this sorted, have the content toned down or taken off? Absolutely none of what I recorded is remotely criminal... it is all purely because I was unwell! I have considered contacting my local police HQ and asking if my psychiatrist writes a letter saying I am of no risk to vulnerable adults or children at all, whether this would help? Sorry for the long ramble, it's just I've worked too hard to let a bit of paper get in my way! Any help appreciated, happy to answer further questions about what happened etc... Just please post any ideas!! Thanks, studentnurse2b (Hopefully!)
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