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  1. To be honest I'm a little unsure on if this issue is beyond the scope of this group by want to ask for advice anyway. I've been working for a security company for a number of months that deal with various events all over the place etc. Done countless jobs for them and never any issues regarding my work, ability or conduct. Only I was supposed to be working a particular event for a few days. Nothing unique or special about the event in the slightest and I've worked a number of similar such events and countless 1 off jobs that's similar. But the company in question, without notice has cancelled this upcoming event work (and ALL upcoming work\jobs into December I had booked with them) citing a failed police PNC check they claim they do for all these events that directly instructs the company not to let me work this event!. The company has now placed me on "special leave" and cancelled this particular event work and all upcoming work. Now working in security and for this particular company I was recruited as an SIA qualified worker I fully understand they would have to carry out extensive legal checks, more so in dealing with events that involves constantly dealing with the general public in various situations. For the interview I had to provide an enhanced CRB certificate (which actually came as part of my SIA training), which was completely clean and clear of anything, my SIA badge\licence (which in itself would require extensive background checks to grant I'd have thought), training & qualification certificates etc. Everything was fine until this week never a problem or any issues working any event or job. Then I get this email putting me on special leave and removing me from all work citing a failed police PNC check that the company did for this event. So I call the company to try and find out what the hell is going on as ive bills to pay and a family to support and I know full well there is no legal issues preventing me working and I have a 100% completely clean record and background. This is where things start to get somewhat deceptive and defensive from the company I start to feel. They tell me for all such events like this the company does police PNC checks on all staff members that work these such events. Really I ask?, I've worked at least 3 other identical\similar events and if they do these PNC checks each time for all staff then clearly I've passed them, at least 3 previous apparent employer requested PNC checks so there must be an error I point out. I ask what's unique about this event that would cause a failed police PNC check?. Nothing unique they tell me except that it's the events project manager who requests these police PNC Checks on all staff working the event and that the Human Resources person I spoke to claims the project manager (in charge of the event) had received an email back from the police in response to the police PNC check instructing the company that I'm not allowed to work at this event. I plead with the company to accept this must be an error and to double check with the events project manager as they done their own checks when they first interviewed me, have a copy of my completly clean enhanced CRB certificate, had made apparent previous police PNC checks, the last (if a genuine claim) would have been less than 2 weeks previous to this claimed failed PNC check and if anything was going to flag up it would have done so a long time ago. The company dont seem to want to know or help much at all leaving me in limbo. Getting nowhere with the company I visit the police and explain it all to them in the hope they can at least check my name on there PNC. But they can't seem to help or offer a solution either. Except to say I'd have to apply for a police PNC check myself which would take several weeks. But they did suggest the only thing, due to a clean enhanched CRB certificate that could cause issues is anything post CRB dated, which there is nothing. Any advice as I'm lost on this and get the feeling the company is lying about something?. As surely they can't make multiple PNC checks if at all without written concent?. And surely a police PNC check would return a list of issues than simply give an instruction not to let me work this event?. Something don't sound right here about all this.
  2. Hi I read the forum and could not find a similar post, therefore decided to post myself. A year ago I was caught using my friends Freedom Pass in the underground and was given a caution by the Inspector to remain quiet and give my personal details. Two weeks later I received a letter from TFL inviting me to attend a PACE interview under caution with TFL prosecutors, and due to exceptional circumstances the case was settled out of court and I had to pay a hefty fine. During the interview under PACE caution i admit using the freedom pass on more occasions and showed my remoteness and great regret as well as shame. Even though my case did not go as far as court, i am still concerned whether I will be on any records - PNC, DBS and CRB? This is my only concern which delays going ahead with the application for the naturalisation. I contacted a lawyer and I was told that I may still be on any records even though the case was settled out of the court. I contacted 2 lawyers and each of them said a different outcome, one said I will come up on records regardless of the out of court settlement and the other lawyer said as it was an out of court settlement I will not be on any records. I have made an effort contacting lawyers yet there is no clarity on this issue at all, therefore i am turning to this forum for any help and advice that may bring some clarity. 1. Can you please tell me if I may be on any records? 2. Is there a way how I could find this out myself if I am on any records? 3. I understand that the application for the naturalisation will be taken very seriously and any past caution may affect my application, does anyone have had a similar issue? 4. I suppose Home Office would see any type of caution and misuse of Freedom Pass as a bad character?
  3. Here Goes, I was caught shoplifting in boots. I feel so ashamed I haven't been sleeping . On this particular day I extremely tired I had been in hospital the night before Dad who was very ill. I went in there to get some stress tablets and nappies. I used self scan ( I thought I scan the item in) I placed them I'm my bag for life. Put my card in. I thought I paid , but to be honest I was so tried I pulled my card out before the payment completed. i left the store thinking I paid. Only to be chased by a security guard. I explained it must be a mistake. I showed to my receipt. To my horror it had only scan the baby wipes and not they other two items. So I had only paid for baby wipes. The security Guards was really aggressive, saying women they me think there to good. That it was his store and how dare me think I steal things. He demanded my I'd and made a photocopy I tried to explain I made a mistake and never intended to do. His reply was ' there something wrong you, your a lair, I offered to pay he refused. He had his manager there he told here don't speak her she a lair. show my CCTV he called the police. the three police offices arrived . I have to say the two male police officers were very nice. Listen to my story ( police were very fair and can't praise them enough ) . I explained I never been in trouble with police in my life until now. So I was given a community resolution order I also sign I banning order. I left the store mortified. But to my horror this security has shared my photo and information on my local area. Everywhere I go shopping I have security guards following me around the store. Or waiting outside. I feel like a criminal. I now dread going shopping. It's giving me anxiety. What I most afraid of I work in the same area. I worried one of the security will disclose to my employer what I have done. I may lose my job. I have not told anyone except you xxx
  4. Hello, I am really concerned about my application for my PCO licence, just wondering if anyone can answer my question. I have been caught in possession of cannabis twice last year, once in July and then once in December. The first time I was caught with a small bag of cannabis valued at around £10/20 and the second time I was stopped with two joints, I was very cooperative on both occasions not kicking off or being rude/aggresive. Since that time I haven't been in possession. The first time was a written warning no fine. The second time a fine was issued, i paid by postal order but my postal order was sent back as well as a letter from the met office saying something along the lines of "your fine is cancelled", i can't remember precisely. Now my main concern is this, I have read the staff manual where it outlines considerations of taxi and private hire applications: An application from an applicant who has an isolated conviction for an offence related to the possession of drugs within the last 3-5 years may be considered, but consideration must be given to the nature and quantity of the drugs, as well as the sentence imposed by the court. A more severe court penalty should indicate that a sterner stance should be taken. An application will normally be refused where the applicant has more than one conviction for offences related to the possession of drugs and has not been free of conviction for 5-7 years, again taking into consideration the nature and quantity of the drugs. If there is evidence of persistent drugs use, misuse or dependency (e.g. two or more convictions for possession) a specialist medical examination may be required to ensure that the applicant meets the DVLA Group 2 medical standards in relation to drug misuse and dependency. Now my question is does a fine count as a conviction? would my application be refused? I don't want to spend hundreds of pounds finding out, I have many debts to pay off and I'd rather pay my debts off if the application will be refused for sure.
  5. Hi all, I recently gained employment with SKY in a retail store position, part of the application process was to give my consent, to what i thought was basic disclosure (disclosure Scotland) I was sucessful with my job applicatrion and was offered a formal contract of employement, wich i accepted. I had to travel to luton for a 2 week residential induction course, fully paid and my official start date of my employment was 08/06/2015. I was 3 days into my course and on the afternoon of of the 10/06/2015, just before the class of 11 were leaving for lunch i was pulled aside and asked to come into the office. In the office i was summarily dismissed for a couple of convictions that happened in 1993 showing on my CRB, im 40 years old, these happened when i was a foolish 18 year old, i got caught in a stolen car and got 6 months imprisonment for theft and taking vehicle without owners consent. This was the last time i got into any kind of trouble and i like to see myself as a conributing member of sociaty with a family and even a full clean driving license. Ive held previous posts that required a CRB, ive worked for Virgin Media, British Gas and as a load engineer, british gas and Virgin were sales roles, all the Basdic disclosures came back clear. so i only asume Sky performed a Standard or enhanced disclosure. I tried to explain to the Manager of Sky that i believed it was my right not to disclose this conviction as it was spent for a number of years, i was just dismissed out right and wasnt even given the opurtunity to appeal. Of course i was very upset, i felt humilited, ashamed and has left me in deep financial crisis. I contacted My area manager, i also phoned the HR department voicing my concerns. Sky admitted fault once there legal team looked at it and offered my position back. I told them i didnt want to work for them and refused, as i felt it could harm future prospects of promotion and left doubts in my mind, i wouldnt feel comfortable, i felt ashamed and embarrased that my employers knew and it just wouldnt feel right to work for them. My question is this, my understanding is, is that they broke the law by performing a Standard or enhanced disclosure as its just a retail job and doesnt come under the exempt list according to the rehabilitation act 1974, it also invaded my privacy, and its also left me up the creek with no paddle financially aswel as the emotional impact. It was a long winded requiment process and all in all it was 2 months from applying to starting, during that time i declined other offers of employment as i wanted to work for Sky for ages and was really exited about the job. I contacted ACAS but they cant do anything, does anybody know who i can go to, as i would really like to claim compensation, like ive said, me and my family are really struggling financially at the moment so i cant afford a solicitor, i was only working there for about 3 days so have no rights concerning employment laws, is there anything i can do? Please Help! Thank you.
  6. Hello, if it's your first offence and you have been given a Restorative Justice, does it show up on a CRB check/ Advanced CRB check? I think they are called DRB or DSB checks now. Many thanks.
  7. Hi everyone, In June 2011 I was caught travelling on an incorrect ticket and was interviewed under caution by a FCC revenue Protection Officer. He didn't take my signatures on the statement or his notes although I clearly remember him stating the caution and then proceeding with the interview. Thnaks to this forum, I got some good guidance on how to handle such a case and managed to pay a charge to FCC prosecution department and persuaded not to proceed further with the case (a substantially high amount imho but I was travelling without a valid ticket so was clearly in the wrong). Now,I am required to apply for a job which requires me to have a DBS/CRB Standard Criminal Record Check. I am worried that the 'caution' may show up on the criminal record although I am certain that the caution procedure was not strictly adhered to. Please can you advise if such a caution will show up on my criminal record? Your comments are most welcome. Thanks,
  8. Hi, I'm new on here, but would greatly appreciate your help. On 17/01/2011 I was given a conditional discharge for 2 years and disqualification relating to animals. I was advised at the time that I could apply after 3 years if I wished to keep any animals. I have recently had a basic disclosure check for a new job and the conditional discharge is still showing on there, along with the disqualification relating to animals. My question is this, should the conditional discharge still show on a basic disclosure, 14 months after it had been spent? I have been working at my new job for a month and I am very concerned that this blemish still showing on my record will affect my chances of keeping my job.
  9. Hi there, back in 2010 in a moment of stupidity me and a friend were in a DVD shop and stole a DVD. We were caught and taken back to the shop where they then called the police. I admitted that it was my fault and not my friends. However the time has come now where I would like to get some voluntary work as a treasurer, however as the charity is involved with children it's an enhanced CRB. My question is will this show up? We were banned from the store but no fines were given and I believe we had to apologise. I seem to remember we were told we could avoid court by signing something but I'm unsure of what this was. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out, I was over 18 at the time. Needless to say I am very ashamed, I am being sent over the CRB form next week to fill out, should I declare this? Thanks for your help!
  10. Hi please can i ask some advice. i have two convictions on my criminal record that happened over ten yrs ago which were for drunk and disordely. im not proud but it happened and i have not been in trouble since. The problem is i have just applied for a job caring for the elderly in the community. i have had to agree to have an enhanced crb check done. i know these convictions will show up but will it scupper my chances of taking a career in the care sector?. Any help will greatly appreciated. many thanks
  11. Hi all, Glad I found this forum and had a good read hope I'm posting at the right place. I got caught at a supermarket for not paying an item worth £35. (feel deeply ashamed and want to punish myself more than anyone else, I don't why I did it had some alcohol before that happened and curious about things, I would never do that again, so no lecture pls) The security took me to a back room and checked the price of item and called duty manager, and they said you are lucky as usually the would call police straight away and then gave me a piece of paper (NOTICE OD INTENDED CIVIL RECOVERY) RLP. They said you need to make the payment with certain days and they are not calling police this time. And I'm banned from the supermarket lifetime (from duty manager) and banned from the mall for six months (from mall security). I explained to them I have been out of job for a while and apparently had a job offer and now under screening checks. They asked me do I use other facilities in the mall I said I will need to enter the work place in the estate and the gym in the mall as well. And supermarket security asked the mall security are you sure you want to go ahead. However he said keep this paper (mall ban 6 months) and come back to me with your proof of work offer, but don't lose this paper. Not sure what he meant by that (I was panicking so just wanted to leave that place so didnt ask many Qs). My quesions - On the notice of intended civil recovery - on the bottom NB it said data protection act 1998 does not prevent use of data for civil recovery and employment screening purposes... . You are notified that personal info held about you may be passed to police for criminal proceedings.... Your personal data maybe stored and used by prospective employers working client companies to make employment decision. They all sound quite scary to me, the work I'm applying is with a major bank. Would this be somehow disclosed to checking party on behalf of the bank? It mentioned they can pass my detail to police. They didn't do so at the incident. If they pass onto police Would I have a criminal record or any negative record on file that would be represented in CRB cheek? It all happened yestersay and I am going back to the mall to let the security person know I have an offer with the bank as he suggested. Do you think he would be planning to lift my ban to the mall? Otherwise why did he ask me to do so? He sounded quite nice and ensured me don't worrry about the credit checking etc this is civil matter won't affect my history. Is this their general style when things happen or what he actually meant it? S Sorry for all this and really appreciated any comments from you guys! Looking forward to hearing your advices! M
  12. Hi all not sure if this is posted in the right thing but here is my question hope you can help. my husband was arrested on the grounds of conspirey on suspicion to burgely but whilst out on bail all chrges were dropped and no further action taken will this show up on a enhanced crb check. thk u
  13. Hi guys. today I was an idiot and shoplifted £61 worth of cosmetics from Debenhams. First time offender and I am so genuinely remorseful. To keep it short and sweet I've got depression/ an eating disorder and I keep doing idiotic things such as the above. I could not be more sorry for this one though, I'll explain below. Police showed up and gave me an £80 fine (I don't think this counts as a caution though, does it?) and were actually quite lovely and understanding. Debenhams security had a justifiable go at me. I was let go immediately but not before I was told to expect a letter from RLP. After some Googling I'm not entirely sure what to expect from them, but apparently the fines are extortionate and terrifying. I could pay if I saved for a while and I couldn't bare black marks on my credit rating for this idiotic mistake - should I pay up? To add injury to idiotic mistake, on the way home I received a phone call from a domestic violence charity which I've been breaking my neck to volunteer for with good news - I got the job which starts at the end of this year. I'm so so upset because the position requires an enhanced CRB check. I suppose my two questions are A) should I give RLP money and B) have I fluffed my chances of working for charities as a career? Thank you in advance to anyone that helps me out. It's greatly appreciated.
  14. I applied for a post as a cook in a nursery 0nly 10 hours a week. Its not in my home town and I gave my boyfriends address as it is literally round the corner. I spend most of my time at his house anyway but pay my council tax and bills at my flat where my grown up son lives. Well now I have to have an enhanced CRB check and they want proof of address.I have nothing in my name at my boyfriends place ,everything is at my flat address. I have a passport (although its in my former name, I have an adoption certificate and loads of utility bills etc for my main residence but nothing with the address that I applied for the job with.. The job offer was on the proviso that I could provide all the necessary documents. What am ii to do, any advise would be greatly appreciated
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21942544 "Thousands of job applicants will no longer have to face their criminal past being disclosed to employers, under changes announced by the Home Office. Old and minor cautions and convictions will be filtered out of the information revealed in applications for jobs in England and Wales. It follows a Court of Appeal ruling in January that blanket checks did not comply with human rights laws. All serious violent and sexual offences will continue to be disclosed. The Home Office said the system would be implemented within weeks, following Parliamentary scrutiny. In 2011-12, more than four million people applied for a criminal records check. The changes follow a Court of Appeal hearing concerning a job applicant, known as T, who had to disclose police cautions he had received at the age of 11 over two stolen bicycles when he applied for a part-time job at a football club. Tougher criminal checks were brought in after mistakes were made with child murderer Ian Huntley The Master of the Rolls, Lord Dyson, said the disclosure of old convictions and cautions was designed to protect children and vulnerable adults. However, he said, "requiring the disclosure of all convictions and cautions relating to recordable offences is disproportionate to that legitimate aim".
  16. Hi, I am concerned about what the PCO will think of these things if they come up on my E-CRB check... I have been told by the police that i have no convictions whatsoever on my record but... -------------- In Scotland years ago I got drunk with my friend and fell asleep outside a house - unknown to me he went inside and I dont even know what he did. Then he came outside and fell asleep next to me - the police found us and arrested both of us - They were trying to say we had both broke in - and although i kept protesting my innocence - they said if i dont accept a cation we will be kept there for a long time (this was before i knew about maximum detention times) - I stupidlly accepted (as i was still drunk) - and I dont even know what the cation was for - possiblly breaking and entering - or even burgurlly - im just guessing though. Will this show up in a E-CRB in england? - and if so - is it going to stop me getting the licence? -------------- A couple of years ago I had to confiscate my mothers bank card as she suffers from mental health problems - I did not draw any money out - or even try - and i acted well within the law (under the mental health act) - it ended as no further action - but as all arrests are going to show up it will say arrested for theft. -------------- A few years before that I got a cannabis warning. -------------- I understand I can request what will show up with a police subject access request - but as it will take upto 40 days - that means my application will have to be put on hold for that time (as i dont want to waste £55 for nothing). I am really worried about these things - and the pottential waste of money. If anyone could advise on what I could do - I really don't know - and will wait the 40 days if i have to but really wanted to sort it out sooner. Thank you for your help Timez
  17. Hi, 6 months ago, I was in TK Maxx one the phone, and walked out with a bag. I was on the phone with my mum. I DID NOT REALISE I had taken it from the premises. All of a sudden, two men came up to me and asked me to follow them back into the store as I had just stolen a bag. I realised what had happened and followed them immediately, apologising. They conducted a search of my bag, and because I am a architecture student, I had on me a pair of pliers and two scalpels. They asked me to confirm my story and show them ID, but all I had was my student card on me, which did not have what course I studied. Therefore, they called the police. The police came and they said they had no option but to issue me a £80 fine, which, I being embarrassed and just wanted to leave, took it and paid. I paid the £80 and decided to put it to the back of my mind. Only recently has it come to my attention again. I currently work with disabled children on the weekends. I always have since I was 17. However, I need to have my CRB check renewed, so I wondered if this penalty charge would show up on my enhanced CRB. As well as this, I have a temporary job helping in a college, which again requires a CRB check. I wondered if it would show on here. I truly believe this incident is not my fault apart from walking out with a bag by accident. It is even worse how it could affect me now.
  18. Hey, A number f yours ago - 12 I think. I recieved a reprimand which shows on a CRB check. I know this because I applied for a position that required one and it showed up. It turns out the company wasnt legally allowed to request a CRB check, but I didnt know that at the time (and I had forgotten about the reprimand!). I've just applied for an IT position in the financial sector, and wondered if anyone could advise me if it will require a check? I recently contacted and had this very thorough and informative reply which suggests it will not. As a reprimand is not a conviction, it is considered ‘spent’ immediately under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. For the majority of IT roles, you will not need to disclose it as these roles are not exempt from the Act. The only exceptions might be if you are working in an environment specified by the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 – i.e. a school, hospital or care home. Due to the nature of the environment, the employer would be entitled to ask you for a full criminal record declaration, of both spent and unspent offences. Assuming that you will not be working in such an environment, your employers should not request a Standard or Enhanced CRB disclosure from you. They may ask for a Basic Check (from Disclosure Scotland) which would not show your reprimand. If you are given a CRB form to complete (these have the CRB logo on them, with a Liverpool address) and you are not in an exempt role, the check is unlawful and your employers would be in breach of the Data Protection Act 1988. If you think you are being asked to undergo an unlawful CRB check, you should contact the CRB Customer Services desk and ask to speak to somebody who works in the inception (of unlawful applications) department. Nacro, the crime reduction charity T: 020 7840 6223 F: 020 7840 7240
  19. Hi I've been out of work for nearly a year, have done supply teaching in that period but very infrequently, 2 or 3 days a month (often less). I've been lucky enough to have secured an interview with Ingeus as an employment advisor, helping the long term unemployed, I've already passed the telephone interview part and so now have face to face interview coming up. I would love this job, I'd be VERY, VERY HAPPY to never see a classroom again!!!! I'm a bit worried about the CRB check though. Last year I received a caution, I'm actually really angry with myself for accepting it, I guess I took the advice of the young solicitor who spoke to me, but wish I'd fought it. I wont go into too much detail but basically I had a sports bag with me when I entered a football ground in England, inside were 4 cans of lager, I was told that I'd committed an offence. To cut a long story short, I've a police caution: POSSESSION OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR WHEN ENTERING A SPORTS GROUND (SPORTING EVENTS CONTROL OF ALCOHOL ETC) ACT 1985. If this wasn't on my CRB I am convinced that I would have a very good chance of getting this job, but pretty much as the last 5 years have gone since qualifying as a teacher it seems this may thwart me. How shall I play this in the interview. I've also got a letter from the solicitor which corroborates my version of events as I type here. Thank you
  20. Hi, im a new user here and dont understand forums that well at the moment. But i need some help!!! I work in a nursing home and have done for about a year now. Last month i was very stupid and stole a sample perfume from debenhams, i was caught and taken to a room where i was spoken to about this and handed over the perfume. A pcso arrived and also spoke to me, i had to sign a form agreeing that i wouldnt come back in to debenhams again! I got given a fine from debenhams store of £125 but not heard from the police about an £80 fine yet. my crb check is coming up very shortly for work and im scared it will come up would it show on the crb check 'fine' or 'theft'?? please help, really need some advice thanks x
  21. I have a record of battery (minor assault) Using a vehicle without insurance Making off with payment of petrol All from juvenile court and i just applied at hospital (BMI Merdian) and lost my job before i started because i thought these went after 5 years, is there anyway to get them removed?
  22. Hello, * Background info: 5 years ago, I lost my photocard driving licence (on a night out) and around 2 years after that, it was returned to me by the police. They would not give any details as to what the ID was used for during that time. * Now, I am undergoing regular employment screening for a new job. Never had any trouble with the police, no cautions/charges/convictions. I recently had a phone call from the organisation conducting the screening, asking a few questions about where I have lived/worked/etc. Referring to an address in the city where I have never lived before. Apparently, my details are 'similar' to another person who has been involved in criminal activity. They concluded that I would need to have my fingerprints taken to confirm that this person is not me. I will soon receive information in the post and will have to arrange an appointment at the police station to have this done. I have a strong feeling that whilst my driving licence was in the wrong hands, it was being used for something foolish. I called the police about this, but they were not helpful and simply suggested I complete the data protection form (and pay £10) to release any information held about me. My concerns: 1. Will this false information stick with me on the PNC for the rest of my life, or can it be removed? 2. What if I fail the fingerprint check too, for whatever reason? For instance, my house was burgled a few years ago and the police took my fingerprints so that when dusting the house, they could disregard my prints. What if these are the prints they have on file for me! Please advise me on what to do. Many thanks.
  23. What shows up on these please? Regular or enhanced. A friend of mine has a breach of the peace on her record and she was bound over in Court to keep the peace. Shes now looking to get a new job but isn't sure if this will count against her? It happened in December 2010
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