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Found 13 results

  1. Hi, Im hoping to get some advise on my last WCA. Ive had four assessments at each one the HPC had my ESA50 infront of them, at my last WCA the HPC didnt have my ESA50 infront of her and was looking at my last review via the computer. It makes me worry that the HCP didnt have my ESA50 at all. My WCA was also ended within 20minutes, the HCP then said she had to make a phone call, then came back in to say she has enough information to write her report and not to worry. Is this sosmething i should be concerned about? P.S I was in WRAG for 2 years before being moved into the SG on the third year. All help is very much appreciated.
  2. Hello, recently my NatWest bank account was unexpectedly closed due to an apparent commercial decision by the bank. So as I've only now got 1 bank account I apply to open a basic bank account with HSBC which was accepted. I received the pin and was waiting for the card to arrive and today I receive this letter. It states that following a review of my application, we regret to advise you thar we no longer wish to provide you with a bank account and that they are closing it. Closing a basic bank account seems extreme, feels like I've been blacklisted or something. It's signed by the fraud operations, financial crime risk operations team. This is really concerning as I know I haven't done anything wrong, but something strange is going on here. Makes me wonder if my main account where my income goes will end up being closed too? Will this kind of thing affect my disability benefits? I have enough to deal with given all my health problems let alone all of this.
  3. my wife parked the car in Colindale and I got a pcn from parking control management, addressed to me the registered keeper, I wanted to fight it but I think I'm way out of my depth , i was under the impression that because i was the registered keeper and not the driver I wouldn't be liable, i also read that i should ignore the letters and wait for it to go to court the 26/02/2017 PCN was issued 05/04/2017 i received a keeper liability letter, which states that under the protection of freedoms act 2012 schedule 4 states the registered keeper of the vehicle becomes liable, and its too late to name the driver and everything is on me , i thought it was just threats and i should wait it out 31/05/2017 23/06/2017 i have now two debt recovery letters from Trace asking 160 pounds any suggestions would be greatly appreciated having looked into this further i see that there is a very strong case for defence,and its getting favourable decisions in county court Defence I assert that I am not liable to the Claimant for the sum claimed, or any amount at all, for the following reasons: 1.***** I was, at the relevant date, the registered keeper of the vehicle in question. On the material date, I stopped in the layby for a very brief period of time. I did not see any nearby signage prohibiting this. 2.***** I subsequently received a Notice to Keeper from the Claimant, alleging that a charge of £100 was due to them. I did not send an appeal to the Claimant. or a further appeal to the Independent Appeals Service (IAS), the allegedly independent body appointed by the Claimant’s trade body, the Independent Parking Committee (IPC). My research revealed that the IAS, far from being independent, is a subsidiary of the IPC, which in turn is owned and run by the same two Directors who also run Gladstones Solicitors, the individuals in question being John Davies, and William Hurley. Such an incestuous relationship is incapable of providing any fair means for motorists to challenge parking charges, as well as potentially breaching the SRA Code of Conduct. As such, the Claimant does not come to this matter with clean hands. 3.***** The Claimant’s signage with the largest font at this site states “No Customer Parking At Any Time”. A further sign with much smaller writing and higher up states “The loading bay is only for authorised vehicles actively loading & unloading when delivering to the commercial tenants of Heath parade”. It is submitted that if these notices are attempting to make a contractual offer, then as they are forbidding they do not fulfil the basic requirement of a contract, which is that each party to the contract must offer valuable consideration to the other party, on clear terms capable of acceptance. In this case neither the Claimant, nor their principal the landowner, is offering anything to motorists. The notices cannot, therefore, reasonably be construed as having created a contractual relationship between the Claimant and the Defendant. The above point was recently tested in the County Court at High Wycombe, in the case of Parking Control Management (UK) Ltd v Bull & 2 Others (B4GF26K6, 21 April 2016), where District Judge Glen dismissed all three claims, stating in his judgment that: *“If the notice had said no more than if you park on this roadway you agree to pay a charge then it would have been implicit that PCM was saying we will allow you to park on this roadway if you pay £100 and I would agree with Mr Samuels’ first analysis that essentially the £100 was a part of the core consideration for the licence and was not a penalty for breach. The difficulty is that this notice does not say that at all. This notice is an absolute prohibition against parking at any time, for any period, on the roadway. It is impossible to construct out of this in any way, either actually or contingently or conditionally, any permission for anyone to park on the roadway. All this is essentially saying is you must not trespass on the roadway. If you do we are giving ourselves, and we are dressing it up in the form of a contract, the right to charge you a sum of money which really would be damages for trespass, assuming of course that the claimant had any interest in the land in order to proceed in trespass.” While this is a County Court decision and therefore not binding, it is on all fours with the present case and may be considered as persuasive. A full transcript of the Approved Judgment for the above case will be provided in the event that this case proceeds to a hearing. 5.***** In addition, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 rules that if signage has multiple interpretation the interpretation most favourable to the consumer applies. It is clear from this the signage with the largest font should apply. 6.***** In the alternative, if it was held that the signage was contractually valid, it would be impossible for a motorist to have read the terms and conditions contained therein from a moving or stopped vehicle, and if the vehicle is stopped, the ‘contravention’ according to the Claimant is already committed. 7.***** The above point was recently tested in several cases regarding Hayes and Harlington station. There a similar situation arises as the vehicles were charged for briefly stopping but the signs are far away from vehicles and high up In all cases it was ruled that no contract was entered by performance as the signage could not be read from a vehicle. No transcripts are available but as PCM UK were the claimant in all cases they will be fully aware of the cases;*C3GF46K8,*C3GF44K8,*C3GFY8K8**,* 8.***** *The IPC code of conduct states that a grace period must be allowed in order that a driver might spot signage, go up to it, read it and then decide whether to accept the terms or not. A reasonable grace period in any car park would be from 5-15 minutes from the period of stopping. This grace period was not observed and therefore the operator is in breach of the industry code of practice. Additionally no contract can be in place by conduct until a reasonable period elapses. 9.***** Thus the signage is simply a device to entrap motorists into a situation whereby the Claimant sends them invoices for unwarranted and unjustified charges, for which motorists can have no contractual liability due to the terms and conditions not having been sufficiently brought to their attention. This activity is bordering on, if not actually crossing the boundary of, a criminal offence of Fraud By False Representation. my question is what do i do, do i ignore it and take it to court or contact the debt recovery company and let them know that according to my defense they are wasting their time
  4. I have discovered that on company House there has been a entry saying that company where I work was to be strike off the register. It was given 3 months to comply. The strike off has been suspended as conditions have been met. Does this mean the company is in financial difficulty? as it feel like it is due to the lack of resources, atmosphere and comments being made. Is there a way of finding out if the company is OK or should one think about jumping ship
  5. Hi Everyone, I posted today regarding a CCJ that has been registered against me for an old Santander overdraft. After receiving advice I am going to ask for proof of the payment they say I made in 2009, and once I'm satisfied, I will pay it in full as I am trying to put ourselves in the best position for a mortgage and can't afford CCJs. My concern now is though, is if this one has found me from the past, will the others? I had an Egg Card, an MBNA Card, an HSBC personal loan, and a Capital One Card. The HSBC loan was with a DC for a while, and became statue barred. I have written confirmation from them that this is the case and have not heard anything regarding this debt since. The Capital One card was for £240, so not a huge amount. I have never been contacted regarding this but am worried it might have gone to a previous address. If I do get a CCJ for this though, due to the amount, I would pay it immediately in order to protect my credit file. My main concern is the MBNA, and EGG Card. I have not seen any letters for these in many years, and I can't recall seeing any since the address I actually had them in. The Santander account that has registered the CCJ now, was from that address and they made no attempt to find me by way of searches etc, just sent all correspondence to that address and then I got a default judgement. My question is, is there anyway, short of physically going to all my old addresses, to find out if any other DCs are trying to contact me? So I can deal/dispute/pay anything before it reached the stage of a CCJ? If an amount of £1000+ ends up as a CCJ I'm going to struggle to pay it immediately in order to protect my file. NB My credit file shows no debts as all have passed 6 years on default date. Santander defaulted in Nov 2008, but I have never seen EGG or MBNA on there. I can only go back as far as September 20014 though. To my knowledge, I haven't made payment to any debts for over 6 years so likelyhood is they are statue barred anyway but would like to know if any DCs are actively trying to contact me before they go to court. Any advice appreciated, even if it's to be told that I have to just sit with my fingers crossed. Many Thanks
  6. I think this is relevant because this part of the forum is to do with benefits advice. I think the admin team responsible for monitoring these threads should be impartial, and not allowed to act like a blue collar gang, closing threads and then allowing admin staff to continue to post, after the creator has been banished from his own thread. They seem to want to put their opinions across and stifle and repress all opposition to it. This is the behavior of school children, and not a consumer actions group it is often the case that no attempt is made to answer the thread authors questions. instead they gang up to demean the post and post snotty school boy remarks. please look at my other thread in the homeless section
  7. Hey so today i got a letter from DWP titledcustomer compliance interview...I have no idea what this is about. My circumstancs have not changed however the letter indicates this. I had an appt on my last signing date...regular interview where i needed to bring in my passport,birth certificate, driving licence, bank statments and proof of bills if i pay any which i don't. I have seen several threads regarding his....are DWP doing random spot checks? Asi said nothing has changed in regards to my claim, though on that last appt on my bank statement he noticed a payment from Bedford Hospital however this was paid training/induction ready for when I begin employment with them however this is going to be some time away. When i explained this he seemed OK with the answer I gave and didn't question further. Secondly I have an ISA which again he notice on my statement when I was making transactions between my current and isa. I don't think at time of my claim I didn't mention the ISA, so could this be another reason? They know of it now as I gave proof of that ISA and that was that...no more questions asked of it, plus that ISA doesn't have much in it. Those are the only two things i can think of, however not many questions were asked. So it leads me to think its a random spot check cause i also got a call three weeks ago making sure my circumstances were the , following the call i got a letter to say I received the call and my claim has been updated. So...do I worry? Because I am!!!
  8. 1) My 'Actions for getting employment" doesn't stipulate a number of jobs to apply for per week (which is odd, when I claimed before I had to apply for 2). Obviously I don't want to display every single job I apply for (which would risk creating a baseline figure), but what is the minimum number that an Advisor needs to see in order to sanction me (for insufficient applications)? 2) They also included 'log into my UJM account daily' - I have NOT ticked the box that allows the DWP to view the jobs I've applied for, BUT can they still see how often I've logged in? Ta
  9. It is being said in the DWP response that medical evidence is insufficient, and apparently there are numerous inconsistances, with my ESA50 and the appeal papers written on my behalf by a family member …Not so. .my ailments have only been echoed .and if anything explained. more explicitly. The Welfare benefits team have written a submission for the hearing (my atos medical was 12 & 1/2 months ago) If the hearing is not found in my favour what if anything can I do as a next step? I have currently been out of work and claiming long term sick for 10 yrs, my heath has in fact deteriorated and not improved, I now also suffer with very bad migraines, the symptoms of which mimic a stroke. .these it seems carry no weight re: my claim. Fast forward to today my appeal hearing: my case has been adjourned, initially due to my paper work from welfare benefits team (community legal action) not reaching the judge until 5 minutes before my hearing started. I was asked if I wanted to proceed without the welfare evidence being read and was given 5 minutes to reach that decision .I did not know the best course of action and found it impossible to make up my mind. the judge decided on adjournment and they have now decided to request almost 3yrs of medical records, from what has been said I am under the impression that they do not think that my doctors description of my ailments matches the medications I am being treated with …..if this is the case where do I stand? If they were to find I am being inadequately treated medically will this go against me? surely I can not be penalised for this? can anyone shed any light on this for me. thanks marie123
  10. My wife and I would be very grateful for advice. Our daughter who is 22 and lives at home, training to be a teacher, has had a boyfriend for a couple of years. The boyfriend comes from New Zealand, seems a nice lad and often comes to our house at weekends to be with my daughter. He has his own flat about 50 miles away near where he works. As he has come from New Zealand he has moved around a bit and has used our address a number of time to get post sent to him. Recently the boyfriend bought a car and we noticed that a letter had come from the finance company to our address for him. It is obvious that he gave our address as his when applying for the finance for the car. Today I accidentily opened an envelope from the Passport Office, again to our address but his name, and found that he was applying for a passport renewal (he has dual nationality) and in the application he has put our address, not the flat where he lives. We also recieved his electoral registration card this week - he is using our address for his voter card. I feel extremely uneasy about this and although we know the boyfriend well I feel angry that he is using our address without even asking. I'm now thinking what might happen if he defaults on the finance or indeed has used our address for other things such as a bank account, credit cards etc. Am I being paranoid? I can understand it is convienient for my daughter to take him his post and he has moved address a few times so it makes things difficult for him. I would greatly appreciate advice on any risk we may be facing and what we should do, if anything. My daughter will extremely upset if I confront the boyfriend without due reason.
  11. Hi guys getting myself quite worked up ere and stressed , in 2007 i had a llyods tsb credit card and maxed it out to its limit of £5000 , after getting into financial difficulties i quit the payments and left it ( yes i know wrong thing to do ) last year i started receiving letters from lowell group and a friend said to me dont pay can't collect , since lowell its been passed onto various groups including hamptons legal hamptons red and now some solicitors in edinburgh , they are now threatining with bailiffs ccj's etc need to know what is the worse that can happen . thanks in advance paul x
  12. A few months ago i got a pcn from euro car parks in cardiff. I parked at 7.15 pm and returned at 9.08pm to find a parking ticket placed on windscreen timed at 8.40pm. The notice said i had exceeded maximun stay and that i had been recorded leaving the car park. The car park sign said return within 1 hr 30 mins , penalty if no return within 2 hours. The ticket was placed on my car within the 1hr 30 min window. I received a letter from euro car parks for £60 pound and i then received another letter for £90 advising if i did not pay they would forward my details to debt collection agency. Today i have received a threataning letter fron contro laccount plc stating that i have 5 days to pay £115 otherwise i will face serious legal consequences. They say they will start legal proceedings and apply for county court judgement against me. Please advise if i should continue ignoring these letters. Thank you.
  13. Hi folks. Back in my teens, I was taken home for being too drunk - no caution, warning, arrest or fine followed. On another occasion, I was taken to the hospital after being run over (which was partially my fault because I was running around in the road, and yes I was drunk). There were no injuries (thankfully) and therefore the police didn't do anything; they just told me off for being an idiot. I've never had DNA, photos or fingerprints taken at a police station, if this helps. I sound like a complete idiot - I apologize. I use to hang around in the wrong crowd and drink way too much alcohol, but now I have grown up and have a degree, wife, a child and other important responsibilities. I'm going to be applying for a job working in a school as an I.T. technician and know I'll have to undergo an enhanced CRB check. I've read numerous things online about similar-ish cases, but can't seem to find a definite answer. I'm just clueless on what the police hold against my name. The last thing I want to do is be dishonest on an application form, it's completely out of character. Any advice would be very much appreciated, East
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