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Found 2 results

  1. Hi everyone, I parked my car at the Peel Centre in Stockport to pickup an item which was reserved for me in Argos. Its my first visit at the Peel Centre and no doubt will be the last. Upon arrival there were no visible signs or parking machines around the perimeter so I gathered the parking was free. I went to the store to pickup the item but was told it was reserved by their other store just around the corner. The staff asked if I parked my car here, I replied yes and so she advised me to leave the vehicle here and its only a 5 minute walk. I took her advice but didn't return until an hour later after experiencing a small queue at the store and receiving a phone call from a friend. When I returned back, there was no ticket on my windscreen and so I left the Peel Centre. 12 days later I received a PCN from Excel parking via post demanding payment of £60 within 14 days. I contacted Argos and asked to speak to the store manager but was told there was nothing could be done which was disappointing. Since then, following the advice I received from my friends after the experience they've had from other parking companies, I continued to ignore all letters and correspondence relating to Excel. Currently I'm at the stage in which I received a letter from Wright Hassall solicitors demanding final payment of £180 within 14 days or else a CCJ will be imposed upon me which will have impact on future loans and credit rating. I have searched a lot of forums relating to this matter and the majority of the people on here suggest to keep ignoring them since Wright Hassall has no grounds to issue a CCJ since their client is ZZPS Ltd who are debt collectors and not Excel Parking. Although it might sound crazy but do I continue to ignore Wright Hassall if this is the case? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Hello I parked my car at the Peel Centre in Stockport on 18/06/2015 without realising I had to pay to do so. On 29/06/2015 Excel Parking sent me a parking charge notice saying I had to pay them 60 pounds for breaching the car park's terms and conditions by not paying. I smelled a rat, Googled Excel Parking and found lots of evidence to suggest they are opportunists who should be ignored. So I duly ignored them. Since that first letter I have had another letter from Excel, and about four letters from Rossendales Collect. All ignored. When I got a letter from BW legal dated 3 March 2016 I took notice as they threatened me with a CCJ unless I paid a new figure of 154 pounds. After visiting this excellent site I was reassured that the letter should be ignored like all the others. However, I've just had a second letter from BW legal in which they cite the ParkingEye Limited v Beavis [2015] UKSC 67 case, stating: "...the Supreme Court held that parking charges serve a legitimate commercial interest and are neither extravagant nor unconscionable. This case eliminates the main defence that you will have should the matter go to court and will be relied upon by Excel in any County Court proceedings." This has me rattled. I thought we could ignore all these threats because the case would never stand up in court, but it seems it does. Any advice would be gratefully received here. Thanks.
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