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Found 5 results

  1. Hi guys, loving this site for information. Apologies if I'm flogging a dead horse here as I've seen some threads about CRS and people being chased for "unpaid" gym fees. I'm just looking for any information how people have got on. Long story short, I was contacted by CRS approx two years ago regarding a default £20 payment from my old gym surprise surprise excercise4less. My apparent debt was now £106 after CRS fees had been added on. I lettered them back saying in my opinion I had submitting my last payment on time and cancelled in writing. We sent a couple of letters back and forth but as I wouldn't recognise the debt, they eventually forwarded it on to a recovery agency who I refused to engage with. They sent one letter telling me they would reduce cost to £76. Over a year has passed (in this time I threw out all kept correspondence) now CRS have emailed me twice , the later threatening me by contacting a named solicitor. Has anyone got to to this stage? And what's next? Finally I like a good fight as much as they next guy and I'll gladly have my day in court Out of interest tho if I lost how much can they legally claim from me? Am I entitled to pay thousands in legal fee's? Any help would be much appreciated Thanks
  2. I have received a letter "Enforcement Process Commenced for a penalty charge notice to Birmingham City Council for which I know nothing about. I am now stressed wondering whats its all about. The NOtice of enforcement says I owe BCC £97 but sum outstanding is £407. A warrant was issued 08-10-15 which I have never received or even know whats its for. How can I get a stop put to this while I find out much more information about whats going on and why I have never received any other correspondence or court papers? Please give link to relevant document/process so I can sort it out this weekend if you know of one. Also BCC is not local to me it takes me a hours drive. Do I have to go there or can I go to my local magistrates courts? Thanks for any assistance.
  3. Hey, does anyone know if the final ESA payment is issued 2 weeks in arrears? I closed my ESA claim on Tuesday 19th, having got my payment this week on Monday 18th July. Is this my last payment? My doctors certificate ran out on the 19th too. I know with JSA you get the final payment on the next payment date as you normally would, so 2 weeks later. Or now more commonly within 5 working days. The advisor on the phone didn't mention the usual "you'll get any money due within 5 working days..." so I figure I won't get anything. Any help is appreciated, Thanks! EDIT: I went from JSA to ESA, never had any gaps in med certs etc. if this is of any use...
  4. Can anyone help on this one? We haver taken over a small business (fitness centre) this is in a larger building (a rugby club house) and is leased from them. The rent in 2008 was £10000 pa. We have half the first floor for an office, changing rooms, reception area, studio and gym, total area 350 sqm. The other half of the first floor belongs to the rugby club and has an office, reception area, changing rooms and a bar/conference centre/kitchen, total area 350 sqm Both premises were valued by the VOA in April 2014. We are valued at £16250, the other half of the first floor is valued at £7000. At first sight, this seems horribly iniquitous (as well as putting us at a major disadvantage relative to other local fitness centres) and I'm trying to work up to the formalities needed to contest this. But before I start, am I missing something obvious… is there a reason that I don't know about which will explain the discrepancy?
  5. I have had extensive ongoing problems with Wonga. This is a copy of the complaint email I sent today. Fingers crossed it gets sorted from this point. Anyone else who has had the same issue, or knows of anyone who's had the same issue, please let me know so I can continue to carry out my own personal investigation into whatever mistake the company has made. It's disgraceful! I advise anyone who is going to use a payday loan website to search for an alternative. 'To whomever it may concern, My name is Jade ******, my date of birth is **/**/****. My address at the time of registering for a Wonga account was 59 **** Road, **********, *** ***. My current address now is 59 ******* Street, **********, *** ***. You can contact me via post to my new address, via email to ***********@gmail.com or via telephone on 0********** or 0**********. In August 2013 I took out a small short-term loan with Wonga, equaling the amount of £20.00, to fix an emergency cash flow problem. On the date I was due to pay back my loan, I attempted to pay it back via the automated telephone payment service. I received confirmation that my payment had been accepted. The next day I received an email and a text message informing me that I had not paid back my loan and a late payment fee had now been added to my account. I rang the automated telephone payment service to check the status of my account balance and I was played a recording that stated my account was clear, (I put this on speakerphone and my partner recorded the automated message from his phone so I had it as evidence if needs be). I checked my bank and the funds had in-fact not been withdrawn, yet at that time there was more than 2 times the amount in my account needed to repay Wonga so I did not understand why. I called up to speak to an advisor and explained to them the incident that had occurred. They agreed with me that the payment not being accepted on the due date was a fault of Wonga (not myself) and that the late payment fee should not of been added to the account. I then paid, in full, all funds owed. I then realised that the late payment fee had still come out of my account and although I had paid my loan in full, as well as the fee I should not of been charged, I then started receiving daily emails and text messages off Wonga telling me that I still owed money. Upon inspection of my account it stated that 0.20p was overdue. During this time I rang Wonga on a daily basis and spoke to multiple different advisors (racking up an approximate £60 phone bill over this duration of time). Every single day I would explain the same situation and I would be told the same thing. Every advisor told me that I should not of been charged the late payment fee, that the finance department was sorting it out and I would be refunded it and also that they would wipe the 0.20p debt (that I DID NOT owe) from my account. At one point an advisor actually told me that the late payment fee would be refunded to me within 24 hours yet, upon checking 3 days later, I still received nothing. I got fed up of this daily routine with Wonga. I was always assured that someone would call me back and no-one ever did. I was always told that the mistaken 0.20p debt on my account would be wiped, but it was never was. I was always informed that I would receive full refund of the late payment fee, yet it never happened. A month or so later I had just given birth to my first baby and every night at midnight I would be woken up by text messages and email notifications through my mobile phone from Wonga about my account being in arrears. I ended up having to switch my phone off of a night.Then finally during my last call I made to Wonga last year, after explaining the entire situation for what felt like the millionth time, I explained to the advisor that I did not care about receiving refund of the late payment fee (that, once again, I should not of been charged anyway) and that I just want the mistaken 0.20p debt wiped from my account and stop receiving notifications. I never did receive a refund for the late payment fee but thankfully I completely stopped receiving emails and texts about the mysterious 0.20p and I never heard from Wonga again. As far as I was aware the account was clear and I never again made the mistake of applying for a short-term loan from any payday lenders. Now, this week I attempted to apply for credit and got refused, something I found to be strange. That's when I remembered all the hassle I had gone through with Wonga last year. I logged on to my Wonga account online for the first time since the incident and was shocked to discover a message in big red writing that stated you were 'disappointed' that I had not repaid my loan and the amount of 0.20p was now 174 days overdue! Angered and shocked I decided I would pay the 0.20p to simply get rid of it off my credit file and call up in the morning to discuss it (as it was at least 11pm by this time). However, all 5 attempts I made to pay it back last night were declined! The emails I received stated: 'Hi Jade, Thanks for trying to make a repayment towards your wonga.com loan. Unfortunately your debit card payment was declined by your bank, so you still owe us £-19.48. If you gave us the wrong card details, you can check and update them in the 'my account' area of our site. You can also add a new payment card. Best wishes, Customer Care Wonga.com' I had no idea why my card payment was 'declined by my bank' and no idea what the '£-19.48' meant. The only thing I could think of with regards to the cash amount was that there was a mistake and it meant I was £19.48 in credit with Wonga (maybe you had in-fact tried to refund the wrongly charged late payment fee but it had not gone through correctly). I waited patiently to call you the following morning. Now to the present day. This morning I checked my bank balance and £1.00 was gone. I can only assume that the money gone means the attempts I made at paying the 0.20p back to Wonga last night had all actually gone through (this is something I have not yet managed to check with my bank though, so I will get back to you on that matter in due course). I logged into my account online and sure enough it stated that I was still 0.20p overdue! I then rang Wonga and spoke to an advisor. Your advisor told me that Wonga does not actually accept payments any less than £1. This was not explained to me in any email I received last night about the declined payment. Nor was it stated on the site page I used to pay the money that openly gave me the offer to pay the apparently overdue 0.20p. I also realised at that point that Wonga had incorrectly stated 'your debit card payment was declined by your bank' when in-fact it should of stated 'your debit card payment was declined by Wonga as we do not accept payments any less than £1'. After an extensive phone call to an advisor she never managed to explain to me why my account was apparently 0.20p overdue. She could not explain to me what the email stating 'you still owe us £-19.48' meant. She told me that the finance department had been previously contacted about the late payment refund and they had declined the refund saying the late payment fee was rightfully taken! Even though previous advisors had stated the exact opposite and, once again, at one point told me I would be refunded within 24 hours (she did not make a proper attempt at a comment on that). She refused to transfer me through to any other department or a manager, stating that no-one else could help with the situation. She told me that the 0.20p would be wiped from my account (something I've heard a dozen times over). She told me that she had put a complaint through to the complaints department on my behalf (something I've heard a dozen times over). She eventually told me she would get a manger to call me back (something I've heard a dozen times over and I still have yet to receive a phone call). She told me that there was nothing she could do about the late payment fee refund due to it being declined by the finance department (the exact opposite of what I've heard a dozen times over!) And finally, she also informed me that she has contacted the necessary department to look into whatever effect this situation may of had on my credit file. I am extremely unhappy with the way Wonga has dealt with this situation to date. Although your advisors are all polite and nice to deal with on the phone, the customer service is actually horrendous as nothing an advisor has said to me thus far has been correct. There have been numerous mistakes made by your company and by your advisors. If you take into account the repayment of my £20 loan, the £20 late payment fee I should not of been charged, the approximate £60 phone charges I've incurred due to calling you company to try and rectify a STILL unrectified situation and the potential £1 gone from my account due the attempts to pay 0.20p that I do not owe... this means that it has so far cost me £101 to repay a simple £20 short-term loan that, once again, I tried to pay back on the due date. I have spent hours of my life on the phone to advisors that have fixed nothing. I've spent hours of my life on hold whilst advisors read back over the notes of previous advisors that have managed to fix nothing. It has caused un-needed stress, caused me to be refused credit and has done potential long-term damage to my credit file. Clearly Wonga is great at contacting and harassing customers who owe them money until they get their payments back. Yet, when the shoe is on the other foot the speed and quality of contact is dismal. I will now take YOUR approach to the situation and I will continue to email your complaints department every day until I received what I am due. I wish to obtain a full refund of the money I am owed as well as an extensive apology and someone to look into the matter properly and find out where your company went wrong so no-one else in the future ever has to go through the same situation as me. I will be taking a copy of this email to my bank so they know of the situation and can get me any relevant information/proof they have to fight my corner. I will also be posting copies of this email in various places online to not only warn other potential customers but also to find other customers this has happened to (if any) and maybe uncover the company fault. If this situation is not correctly rectified within 2 weeks of this date I will take the matter further. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. -Regards Jade ******.'
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