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  1. Hi everyone my sister got a letter on the 6th of feb saying she owes £173 for a parking ticket that happened in October last year. It says a warrant has been put though from the courts but my sister hasn’t received any other letters about this. This is the first she’s heard of the parking ticket. With her being on benefits and not having the money to pay I was thinking of sending a n245 form but don’t no what court to send it too. Ill upload a copy of the letter. Any help really appreciate. Thanks Andrew E007F505-5A47-4D11-99C1-143F8339C132-converted.pdf
  2. After some advice please I made a payment plan with Jacobs bailiffs for council tax debt back in aug, I missed 1 payment in sept but doubled up the following week. To cut a long story short after I was late paying I received a letter saying the payment plan was no longer in place. I've had several bailiff visits and I've not opened the door but I have continued to make my weekly payments with fail every week. I have continued to receive letters and texts saying removal action is imminent and today another text saying the removal team will attend today between 6am and 9pm. I don't understand why they continue to hassle me when I am still making my weekly payments. Any advice please would be great.
  3. Didn't know whether to post here or in a benefits subforum. I recently received a letter from Jacobs chasing me for an alleged housing benefit overpayment of just under £2000 from over 7 years ago. I have responded in writing by disputing the debt and stating that as it is statute barred it is now unenforceable although I understand it may be recovered by the local authority through an attachment of earnings order (I am self-employed though) or deductions from future benefit payments. I had no prior knowledge of the alleged debt, have never acknowledged it, and no court information pertaining to it has ever appeared on my credit report. Jacobs have responded by giving me 7 days to pay in full (expiring 12 noon tomorrow) or they say they are going to take me to court. They have provided no breakdown of the amount they claim I owe, or any proof that I owe it. What's my next step?
  4. Hi, Need some advice, I got a letter on Friday from Jacobs Enforcement Agents for my Council Tax and it states on the letter the following: Removal Scheduled for 18/6/2018 at 7.30am - now all I need to know is that can Jacobs force entry into my flat? I am worried as I will be out as I am in work from 8am - 6pm. They haven't been in my flat as I haven't been answering the door, so can they still force entry even if they haven't been in my flat? I am waiting for it to go back to the council so I can set up a payment arrangement with them. Hope for some advice thanks, been worrying all weekend. Regards.
  5. Good afternoon everyone, Yes, it's my first post at the forum because I haven't had any problems like that and my knowledge of UK's law is very poor on this field. Let's start from begining. I've bought a car in August 2017 and got few PCN's that I didn't pay at the begining. After few weeks I got 2 letters from Medway Council to pay two different PCN's that I've paid (last one was on 27th September). Two days after I've moved to another flat in gorgeous Chatham. I've informed DVLA about moving and have VC5 with new address and a date 08/11/2017. Since then I didn't get any letters informing me to pay PCN's at my new address. And here the story begins... Last Friday morning (27/5/2018) I went out to my car and I saw it's going away on a service car . I've had no idea what's going on but I thought it might had some connection with those last years' PCN's I called Medway Council to find out what's going on. A lady I was speaking with told me that it's being taken by Jacobs because of unpaid PCN's and gave me their number. I've managed to contact with a man who was in charge of my case and he told me I had to pay £950 if I wanted to get my car back (while my car is worth £1500) and every next day I'll be charged £15 for parking. I needed this car next day to get me and my girlfriend to work so I'd met that man and paid him all the money he asked for just not to lose next day without the car. Do you think this kind of acting is legal? In my opinion I was robbed and I regret I didn't called the police that my car was stolen. Can you please tell me if there is something I can do to get any money back? Thank you in advance for any help.
  6. Please help, I am at my wit's end. I contact Jacobs on behalf of my mother, who is disabled and mentally ill. I also cannot say all of the details because she isn't entirely open with me, somehow she has incurred Council Tax debts, we have been making payments to the enforcement company Jacobs since April 2017. These payments started after my mother had ignored the debt for so long, that bailiffs visited our address. I had to pay them a sum of money (somewhere in the region of £300, which I had to go into my overdraft for and am still facing the repercussions for to this day) to get them to leave our property. They did not take any items, and they did not make an inventory of items. I have been making payments each month of £20 since the end of July on my mother's behalf. Before that, we were paying more than we could afford - after sending off evidence of my mother's disabilities and low income, they agreed to let us pay £20 per month. Unfortunately, in December, we were unable to make the payment, I paid double on the 15th of January 2018 (£40) thinking this would be okay. The next thing I know, I have several missed calls from a mobile phone number and a voice mail ordering me to contact Jacobs before they send bailiffs to our address. The woman on the phone was awful - she goaded me to a point where I lost my temper, and insulted her. She was threatening to send bailiffs who would enter the property with or without my consent, threatening to send my mother to prison, and would not take 'we can't afford this' for an answer. On the 18th January, we had to pay £159.25 (which left us in an awful financial situation) to stop bailiffs coming to the address (as we had children on the property and I would rather starve for a few weeks than have them deal with that). From that point I set-up another arrangement so that we would begin paying £20 per month again, starting February 10th 2018, to be paid the 10th of every month thereafter. I made the payment on the 10th, and have a reference number for it. Today, we received letters dated February 9th claiming the agreement has been broken. I called Jacobs and the agent on the phone said I would have to contact collections, as according to their records, I should have paid the £20 on February 1st. He claimed that this is because there were 31 days since our last payment, which is absolutely not true. Between January 15th and February 10th, there are only 26 days. The phone number he gave me was for the same woman I had to speak to last time - I called her, and she was as belligerent and unhelpful as the time before. She said texts had been sent (not received) reminding us to pay, and said she would need to listen to our last call to ensure I hadn't agreed the 1st before she could do anything else. Surprise, surprise, there was no record of that call, and they're taking their own word over mine (despite the fact that I would not arrange to make payment on a day that we have no money in an account to pay with). We cannot afford to pay the charge they are asking for (in the region of £600) and we cannot have bailiffs visiting the property, as we have two young children (both under 6-years-old) in our care due to it being the school holidays. No matter how many times I ask to speak to a manager or someone other than her, this woman will not take the case further. So we're to expect to have people turn up at the property tomorrow to remove goods. Please, any advice you have would be much appreciated. I don't know how much more of this I can take.
  7. Hi, Just looking for some advice on emails and letters ive received from Jacobs. Long story short: I was a student in Liverpool until May 16 and moved out of the flat I had in July 16. I obviously wasnt paying council tax at the time as I was a student. From this I have been paying council tax since that date to Cheshire West and Chester where I now live. in September of this year I received a notice out of the blue from Jacobs saying I owed over £1000. I contacted LCC and was informed they were trying to charge me from March (I was still a student) until November 16 (I moved out in July). I told them the details and they re-issued the bill at the end of september and I paid it (circa £240 was due) directly to LCC. Now I have Jacobs contacting me saying I owe them fee's and interest charges for a bill that 1) Ive paid, 2) I knew nothing about until September of this year. I have sent a couple emails to Jacobs explaining this and getting nowhere and now they are threatening further action. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Patrick Ps below is the latest email correspondence I have received: 'We acknowledge receipt of your recent correspondence and have noted the content therein. We write to advise that our accounts have now been updated to reflect the payment made to Liverpool City Council however there are fees of £310.00 outstanding. Under the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2014, the sum outstanding that needs to be paid to stop further action "means the outstanding debt together with any interest and any costs of enforcement to date". A balance therefore remains on your account, as fees had been incurred before you made your payment to the Council. Under the Regulations you must now also pay our costs of enforcement to finalise the matter. We therefore ask that you pay the remaining balance in full within 7 days of the date on this letter. Failure to adhere to the above may result in further recovery action being taken'
  8. Hi, and sorry if this is a long post, but I’ve found myself in a bit of a situation and I’m getting absolutely nowhere with anyone, so hoping someone might be able to give me some advice. I’ll try and keep it as short as possible. I moved into my private rented property last October, and the Landlord told me that council tax was included in my rent. I’ve never had a council tax bill, letter or anything for the last year, I just assumed what he told me was right and never worried about it. Two nights ago I got a knock on my door at almost 6pm. Answering it, I found a bailiff standing on the doorstep telling me that he was here to collect £1532 in full or remove my goods. To say it was a shock was an understatement. Had a short conversation with him, and it appears there has been no council tax paid for my property since November last year. I have apparently been taken to court in August (though I’ve never received any paperwork or summons etc) nor as I said have I ever received anything from the council in my name other than electoral roll forms. I told the bailiff the situation with regards to my landlord supposedly paying the council tax on the property, and he advised me to get in touch with him. It was all very polite. my landlord is currently out of the country and isn’t going to be back until after the new year, so obviously I can’t take the matter up with him just yet. I called the bailiff the following day, and his attitude had completely changed. He demanded I pay in full or he was and I quote “getting into my house and taking everything he could to pay my debt” he wouldn’t listen to me at all and treated me as if I was a second class citizen. I appreciate I may have been a little naive in believing my landlord, and now realise that it’s my responsibility to ensure the council tax was paid. But this is the first time I’ve had to deal with finances as my ex husband dealt with everything for the past twenty years. Stupidly naive I know. As I can’t get hold of my landlord, I thought it better to start paying off the debt now, rather than waiting to speak to him, so I asked the bailiff if we could set up a payment plan so I could start paying. He told me that yes, if I was willing to pay £367 a month he’d agree to a payment plan. I explained to him that due to my circumstances (ex husband fractured my skull so I’m no longer able to work) I am unfortunately in receipt of universal credits (I have worked every day of my life since I was 15) and I get the grand total of £317.12 a month for myself and my thirteen year old son, so I simply couldn’t afford to pay £367 a month. So he lowered his offer to £307 a month!! again I explained that it was simply impossible for me to pay that amount as it would leave us just £10 a month to live on. He told me that it was £307 a month or payment in full. Failing that he would get an arrest warrant due to failure to pay. I am wanting to start paying this debt off, but I am getting anywhere with anyone. Im classed by my doctor as a vulnerable person due to my mental health problems (I hit rock bottom a few years ago and attempted suicide due to the abuse from my ex husband) I suffer crippling depression, anxiety and frequent panic attacks, not to mention frequent blackouts due to the fractured skull. The bailiffs have been told I’m a vulnerable person, and have marked it on their file, but are still coming to my home daily, threatening me with arrest and removal of property. Im not trying avoid paying this debt, I want to get this sorted but no one will help. Any ideas on what I should do? Any advice would be appreciated. thank you, and again sorry for the long post
  9. I received a letter from Jacobs today regarding our current arrangement for council tax debt. I'm extremely frustrated, I have never missed a payment with them and even now our current arrangement is a bit of a squeeze, but I pay non the less. Letter dated Aug 2, 2017. I really cannot afford to pay anymore than our current arrangement, I'm obviously going to call them but, I'm not sure what to say/do I can't deal with Bailiffs at my house again, I was a mess last time.
  10. Hi there I have a fine with Staffordshire county council which has escalated to £398 and now at the stage where bailiffs are due back tomorrow (with the addition of another £110). I had an agreement which I broke. I was paying weekly but fell behind. I am guilty of burying my head in the sand. I have a few mental health issues and claim ESA at the moment. I have 4 kids and am a single mum. I sometimes get anxious about opening my mail and ignore and forget things. I know it's the wrong thing to do, but sometimes I can barely leave the house or get out of bed. Just a few years ago I was working as a full time teacher. Everything has changed since my divorce and now my life is out of control. I have called Jacobs and the council today and nothing can be done but for me to pay the full balance or he'll be back tomorrow. I offered to pay £50 today and rest in instalments, but the bailiff said the best he can do is 50% today and the rest in 10 days. I'm sitting here feeling so anxious and worried. It's my son's 9th birthday in 2 days and christmas around the corner. What a mess!! I have no idea what to do next... I know he has no right of entry and so will ignore the door tomorrow, but then the 110 will be added and so on.... there seems no way out. Any advice will be much appreciated.
  11. Hello. I received a removal notice today from Jacobs enforcement,the amount is for around £600. This is the first instance I have had dealings with them. The notice says REMOVAL balance due: and Payment in full immediately. This letter was hand delivered. Now I have not paid the council tax since around the middle of May and prior to that I was about £125 behind in payments. I have had a look, briefly around the forum and other removal notices seem to have a deadline for e.g. 24 hours or 7 days etc. The one that I received today just says removal and without a timeline. Like I mentioned this is the first contact I have had with Jacobs. Is this notice Valid without a timeline ? I've not been in this situation for a long time so I'm a bit sketchy on this issue. Do I contact Jacobs to sort this out or the council ? As I side note I'm totally skint until the end of august as I've been of work with sickness ( back in tonight ). Any help/pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.
  12. Hey Guys I've been dealing with Jacobs more than once, a few months ago I cleared a debt of around £800 with them - this was for a previous address in my name. I was paying £50 per week each week and I finally had to clear around £350 up front for one missed payment. I did sign paperwork on this address and I told them some of the items I had but never let them in - to my knowledge this was still valid for them. I now have a separate account with them, completely different address and town with my ex-fiance's name also on the debt. I've mentioned this to her (as she's moved) but she's unwilling to help and I realise that Jacobs wouldn't care as long as they can get to me. Today I received the first hand delivered letter "24 Hour Removal" demanding I pay just short of £3,000 up front which I do not have. I am thinking that because this is a separate account they would still need to do inventory and have paperwork signed to be able to forcefully enter this home. When I cleared the previous debt, the agent told me he would call me again to arrange a £25 per week repayment on the new house (but to me it was implied he'd need to visit my home to do this) he never called back. I would like to start making regular payments, but I'm not sure where I stand - I also realise I can do weekly payments to the council after reading a thread here which is something I want to set up as I struggle to pay that when I'm always paying these guys - it just never ends otherwise. Any advice would be appreciated Kind Regards Stephen
  13. Can the bailiffs demand more money once an agreement has been agreed and have paid for the last three months on time? I came home today to find a letter from Jacobs saying with regards to the £100 a month agreement that's in place for some time (3 months) that due to the length of time their clients allow them to collect their debts that they must review this agreement and need to increase the payments. Can they do this after an agreement has been setup? It's for council tax years ago around £1200 and the council did an attachment of earnings but due to the wages my wife was earning they didn't get a penny after two years they cancelled the attachement of earnings and sent it to the bailiffs. We rang them and knowing we wanted to get this paid as we did try to setup extra payments with the council but they wouldn't with the attachment in place told the bailiffs we could possibly pay £100 a month over 12 months. They agreed to this and we've paid on time for the last 3 months and now this landed on our door. Can we just tell them that's all their having and If they wanted to take it further could they cancel the agreement and send a bailiff round or I'm sure if they or us took them to court over this a judge would side with us as clearly I'd have thought you can't demand more money when you have an agreement.
  14. Good morning - I wondered if anyone could help me. My live in partner received a Notice of Enforcement from Jacobs Enforcement Agents yesterday for an upaid Borough Council parking ticket on 31.5.13 with the total sum being £157 (£82 debt and £75 compliance stage fee). She has until 6pm on 27/08/15 to pay. That is the first notification she has had in relation to a PCN and the problem is that her car was still registered to her old address in early 2013 as obviously all the paperwork was sent there. She maintains she never received a ticket on her windscreen and would have paid it asap if she had. She phoned Jacobs yesterday before telling me and explained the above, but they put pressure on her to pay immediately which she didn't. All she knows about the PCN is the date and her reg number - no Notice to keeper, etc. I phoned the Council and explained but got put through to an outfit called 'Chipside' who I never heard off and had a 0845 number. I tried to explain again, offering to pay the fine but was told. no as its passed onto the bailiffs. The operater told me to ring a penalty enforcement crowd, (I think), which there was no answer. Although the total cost is not too bad so far, my partner is panicking and stressed out, and we obviously feel that she cannot defend herself due to no evidence or documentation until now. I have researched Jacobs and they seem like a nasty piece of work so we would like to get it sorted as soon as. What would be her best options at this stage? There is just so much conflicting advice out there but don't want to pay these parasites until we are sure we have all the bases covered. Thanks in advance!!
  15. Hi all I'm looking for a bit of advise really After a messy divorce and a house repossession i've been left in a lot of debt, i didn't realise until recently that i was still liable for council tax until the house was actually sold at auction rather than just when i was evicted In the past few weeks I've been receiving letters from Jacobs saying i owe £800 (its now up to £1100) to cover the Durham County Council debt. This morning a baliff turned up at the door and my partner answered and he has said he will be removing goods tomorrow unless full payment is made. She did not let him in, nor did he give her a list of assets. I phoned Jacobs but they will not accept part payment (i offered £200 which is all i can afford at the moment), they said i need to deal with the baliff direct (who is not answering his phone nor responding to my text message to give me a call back) but they said he will not accept anything but full payment tomorrow because its now on enforcement stage. Am i best locking all the doors and just not answering tomorrow? And writing to them to propose a payment plan? My concern is I've got a family car (which i'll park up the road tomorrow just in case) and 3x car shells (no interior or engine or suspension or wheels etc..) parked out the front along with a large car transporter trailer. Are these likely to get seized tomorrow? They would have to get a specialist hiab type truck to try and lift them over the garden wall (unless they can jack them up and put them on rollers, but i believe this would take some time). Are they likely to do this? I was proposing £200 and 3x £300 monthly payments to them to cover the debt. I'm also not sure if i am liable for the entire amount from Durham County Council, i have a feeling they have charged for a period after it was reprocessed but i do not have any concrete date evidence (i've moved about a lot since the house went and have lost records). I'm thinking i should also write to Durham Council to confirm ? Should I notify the baliff that i am writing to confirm the debt? Will this delay things? Thanks for all your help (hopefully!) Roo
  16. My son has an outstanding debt of £598 for council tax at a property he lived at with his g/f and as they have split up and now living back with me in rented accomdation Jacobs have sent an enforcement agent who has said he would take assets from the house, my son has no assets he said he didn't care and I would need receipts to prove what's in the house is mine, as most of what I own is over 5yrs old I no longer have receipts and going through a divorce I have the essentials only. What can I do
  17. I am having loads of hassle with Jacobs, i was paying as agreed £45 a week, then i went on the sick from work, i tried to lower my payments and just got passed around from one person to another. This went on for 15 weeks, i sent a copy of my wages paid into my bank account via email to Jacobs, got an email back saying they would be in touch in 5 working days, they then sent me a letter 10 days later saying this copy was not good enough, they needed my wage slips, i told them to phone council as they too had to ring my employer to get details, nothing from Jacobs and they would not come to an arrangement to lower payments. I phoned jacobs to say i was going back to work and would be able to start paying £45 a week again, this is when i got told i would have to pay £300 in 7 days and my payments would stay at £45, or i had to pay £200 and my payments would be £65 a week, i explained that having been on £85 a week sick pay for the last 4 months i could not pay a lump sum, the girl said that while i was on sick pay of £85 a week i should of paid a minimum payments of £12.50p per week yet all the time i was talking to them this was never mentioned once, now they are saying they are going to put another £235 fees on, can they do this?. thanks
  18. Hello, Been a while since been on here. Advice for my daughter please. She moved out of a property May 2015 and received a 'further notice of enforcement ' sent to her new address today. Bill was £495. Rang council - apparently £185 council tax £310 agent fees. My daughter didn't officially notify the council she was moving out but did start paying council tax immediately from new property. I guess my question is where does responsibility lie? Can fees be challenged? It turns out CT owed is not outstanding amount, is actually less but apparently you pay a full month and then it is refunded! No letters were passed on to my daughter from old address and council says Agents must have been searching for my daughter. Couldn't make it up, she is on electoral registered and paying council tax in her name. Any / all advice is welcome please as to next step. I have told my daughter not to contact Jacobs, go to council, pay outstanding CT over counter in cash and hand them a letter of complaint about Jacobs as she hasn't received any letters. Are there any forms on this site relevant or will it be ad-hoc letter? Regards, Sherlock
  19. Hi, This is my first post here - long time lurker. I stupidly fell into arears with my council tax at my previous address, partly due to my ill health ( which i'm registered disabled for ) I received a letter from my local council advising me to pay £222 by a certain date which I forget, I assumed I had paid by that date so thought no more of it. Mid June I received a letter from Jacobs advising they had been instructed to retrieve my debt £95 + fees which all in all added up to £170. I thought this was a mistake and so stupidly ignored it. Today I returned home to a hand delivered letter saying they would be returning within 24 hours for goods / payment of £405. I called and spoke with agent who said pay end of. I explained I thought i'd paid, she didn't care. Rang the council and they said £222 had been paid just after deadline and £95 was court fees. Rang Jacobs back to see if I could come to a payment plan - a resounding no. Rang council back hysterical asking if they could claim the debt back and I deal with them. They've asked for a 14 day hold on the account where I have to write them a letter explaining my circumstances. Rang Jacobs back to advise what I'd been told, was put through to the welfare team who said as account on hold they cannot make any changes to it and ring back in 2 weeks. Sorry for the long post! Is there anything I can do to get this reduced to original amount? I'm so stupid for not reading things all the way through. Thanks for reading
  20. Hi, I would really appreciate some advice regarding debt collection fees. I had an original debt with council tax for the amount of £107.80 which got passed on to Jabobs debt collectors. The amount they are now claiming is £417.15 which is made up of the original debt, a £75 compliance stage fee and £235 for attending the premises. Is this all legal? Like I say any advice would really be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  21. So, for various reasons I got behind on my Council Tax. I stupidly ignored it for quite some time, but I now wish to sort it out. From what I have been told by my council I have one case open with them and two open with Jacobs. The one with my Council went to court today, but I did not attend. Am I best off starting to pay some off that one on my council’s website? I am not sure of the exact amounts with Jacobs. Someone from Jacobs did come round in March but I am not sure where the paperwork has ended up. I have been trying to find an email address for them but have been unable to do so, can anyone provide one? Once I have that, am I best off emailing them for a breakdown of each account with fees etc? Are there official letters that I should be sending them? Once I know the exact amounts that I owe, am I best off trying to arrange a payment plan with Jacobs or should I go back to my Council. From what I have read, Jacobs do not normally agree to payment plans, but I cannot afford the whole lot in one go. Thanks in advance for any help. It's going to take me quite some time to pay off these debts, but I would really like to get structured payments set up.
  22. This is so true.... I need a little advice .......Will try to keep it short Had an accident 2013 was out of work due to this missed 1 payment of CT £60 .. now i owe over £700 to the EA and have them hounding me calling at the door every week at any random day of the week one time at 7am in the morning ....this can not carry on and nor will i pay these so called debts.... So from 1 missed payment of £60 CT i so called owe a debt collection company over £700 debt on debt i refuse ...I have spoken with the council and i have paid and up to date with my payments now but they have said they can do nothing to help re the EA calling or asking for there payment.. I refuse to pay ....What can i do
  23. Hi first post on here Hope you can help! Received a removal notice of 24 hours today pushed through letter box for council tax business rates 9281.50 +costs Called the enforcement agent just said full amount or will remove property Explained not had any break down to debt nor the amount nor any communications it a commercial property we are doing up had it for 12. Months and still empty and not open He said unless I pay in full in 24 hours would go to court to get committal warrant so have to attend immediately with court officer to magistrates and would be given 6 months prison!! Scared out my life He wouldn't help at all council say it in hands enforcement agency and nothing they can do Help! No communication at all and is he right in being able to have me carted off to court I'm on universal credit my partner on minimum wage and just manage to pay rent and other bills but nothing lest over In dispute with ova as to valuation of property we have converted top floor into our flat now and waiting for a new valuation for business rates
  24. Hi, i really need some good advice on what to do. i was silly and made a mistake about settling up my council tax and stuck my head in the sand. I got two enforcement arrangements made and passed over to jacobs. i set up a payment plan with them which was more than i could afford. they were supposed to take payment every month. I'm not someone who regularly check my bank statements and didn't know the payments had not come out. they said they sent me a letter but i never got one or a phone call. I came home and found a letter in my door saying if i don't pay in 24 hours, that they were going to take my possessions. the debt is for 1700 and i simply don't have the money, i live barely hand to mouth as it is and struggle all the time. it says that if i don't pay in full within 24 hours they will take everything. i have hardly anything of value and the letter even says they will take things even if i am not there. what am i supposed to do? what can i do? jacobs head office says everything is in the hands of the enforcement agent now and they can't/won't re instate the plan with me and its at the sole discretion of the bailiff. what do i do? i have a car i use to get to work, i live in a somewhat remotes area and without it i couldn't get to work. i won't let them in at all but they say they can come in without me there! i tried calling the bailiff but got no answer other than to leave my name, number and postcode and he will get back to me. do i need to stay home to make sure he won't come in? i know i was stupid but i tried to fix it but i don't know what to do. i live in a rented flat with my partner and we really struggle financially. do they have to agree to a payment plan? please give me some advice, please.
  25. Just a quick one, this is regarding my partner's debts which are a thread elsewhere, but she's mid applying for a DRO. All her debtors bar one have put everything on hold - Jacobs are just being greedy, inconsiderate and bullying. Got a letter today saying unless a payment offer is made (have been advised by the National Debtline NOT to make an offer as Jacobs are one of many creditors) they will send out a "Debt Collecting Agent". Now the previous letter threatened court action but she has received NO court letters so presumibly it hasn't been to court yet. But if I'm right in thinking, these "Debt Collecting Agent" have no rights whatsoever (unlike Court appointed Bailiffs) .. ? Will send a letter by return if this is indeed the case telling them there is a 7 month old child and my partner is alone with her during the day and this would cause her anxiety and distress. Am I right in thinking the above is right? These pre-court "Agents" have no legal rights to collect the debt? Many thanks.
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