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  1. Hi there, I'm new to this site. I received a parking charge notice of £90 for parking there on the 27th April 2018. I only received it today, and it says I need to pay this by 28th May 2018. I'm not sure what to do about this as I think its quite excessive, and from what I have read elsewhere, they are not the council so can not "fine" me. However, I would like some advice from here as to what I should do about something like this? the penalty is under my mum's name, but it was me who had taken the car to Exeter. I've attached the letter they sent me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Amit 5ddc3f5a-069d-4325-ac70-b1bbd62a24a2.pdf
  2. Hi everyone Having recently returned from a lovely holiday in Devon. I have received a parking notice charge from those lovely people at Smart Parking! After pulling into the car park at Haven Banks in Exeter I was handed a paid parking ticket by another motorist which still had one and a half hours left on it which i gladly accepted (What a mistake) Unbeknownst to me not being a native of Exeter the car park is covered by APNR cameras showing entrance and exit times of the vehicle. I was parked there for 1 hour and 5 mins according to this. Having been handed the ticket by what i thought was another considerate fellow motorist we went into the Range outlet store not reading any car park signs thinking the vehicle had a valid ticket. It was not until we returned to the vehicle after an hour that I noticed you have to put the vehicle reg into the ticket machine when you purchase it!! Now it seem's to me although not 100% sure that the cameras are linked to the ticket machines which must have registered a non-payment!! Therefore I think Smart Parking have got me by the short and curlies on this one and will have to pay the £58 charge. What are your thoughts people? Thanks in advance Gunner10
  3. I received a PCN for spending 21 minutes in a car park in a town I don't know well. I had pulled into the car park to answer a phone call on my mobile - I was in my daughters car so didn't have hands free. As I was then pulled over I rang home to check on the kids, and then rang my husband to see where he was _ I was suppose to be picking him up from town. He didn't know where he was so said he would find a road sign and ring me back. I drove round the car park a few times - tried to get my bearings - find the exit, work out what road I was on. He finally rang me back, gave me instructions about where he was, I explained where I was - we arranged where I would pick him up - 21 mins in total as it turned out. As I didn't actually park up ( what is the definition of parking?). I didn't buy a ticket, and also only meant to pull in whilst taking/making a calls which was the safe thing to do. Didn't think to buy a ticket ...stupid I know. Now I have a PCN. I wrote back , enclosed a cheque for a pound to cover parking. Fine was £90!!!!! Didn't lodge an appeal with POPLA. Now gone to a debt recovery and have 28 days to reply. Do I let this run-on to county court?? Do I put a late appeal in? Help. I was ignoring it and judging by the other posts it was better to try and resolve it again. What do you think please?
  4. Hi Every one, Please help/Advise. I was photographed entering the haven banks car park on the 22/dec/2017 at 11.42am. Paid £1.00 for 2hrs /120mins parking at 11.46. Was then photographed leaving at 14.03pm on the same day. Unfortunately I entered the last two digit's of my registration wrong ****LKX when it should of been ****LXK. So received a parking charge letter on the 01/01/2018 stating that I needed to pay £54.00within 14 days ,if I was to appeal and fail this would go up to £90.00. I of course contacted Smart Parking and forwarded on the parking ticket which I paid for hoping they would see scene and cancel the charge.(Ya Right!). There letter arrived on the 27/01/2018 ,stating that as the motorist and that there are signs clearly stating not to make mistakes it was my fault. Also I was over my paid 120mins by 20mins.(I understand that this is the 5mins entering the car park parking and paying for ticket and the 15mins leaving). I again appealed To POPLA, stating that I was in my car within my paid time ,but due to the excessive amount of vehicle's entering/leaving this car park over the xmas period ,I was unable leave hence the 10 to 15min wait ,but didn't realise I was over my time when I eventually drove out. But on the 5/3/2017 while POPLA agreed the wrong reg details should cause the fine my overstay still did. So the charge is £90.00 Sorry that there's so much to read , I have all letters and the £1.00 parking ticket so can forward them on . haven't paid the charge yet ,hoping there's some one that will advise me. Cheers
  5. Hello PCN issued by Smart Parking for wrong VRM a zero instead of O was entered. The alleged contravention happened at HAVEN BANKS RETAIL PARK EXETER A ticket was purchased for the time parked but a zero was entered instead of letter O PCN received 06/11/17 Date of alleged contrevetion 21/10/2017 I appealed, not realising that I had entered a zero instead of O. Not sure if I disclosed the driver ( sorry didn't realise at the time what a mistake that may have been). Sent supporting evidence of purchased tickets- I had know idea what I had done wrong. Appeal refused although they acknowledge my tickets as eveidence of tickets purchased. Appeal refused as a zero was entered instead of the letter O I'm now appealing to POPLA I'm struggling to get my head around the legal jargon and which bits apply to my case. Any help would be much apprieciated.
  6. Hi On 27/1/18 I parked in this car park operated by Smart Parking. The closest machine was out of order so I walked across the car park to obtain a ticket, which I am sure more than covered the period that I was parked - BUT, I no longer have the ticket. I received the attached notification on 2/2/18. I have no intention of paying this but I'd be grateful if you could advise of next steps. Should I raise an appeal or leave to run its course ? Thanks SPrinter3418020617320.pdf
  7. Please help, I am at my wit's end. I contact Jacobs on behalf of my mother, who is disabled and mentally ill. I also cannot say all of the details because she isn't entirely open with me, somehow she has incurred Council Tax debts, we have been making payments to the enforcement company Jacobs since April 2017. These payments started after my mother had ignored the debt for so long, that bailiffs visited our address. I had to pay them a sum of money (somewhere in the region of £300, which I had to go into my overdraft for and am still facing the repercussions for to this day) to get them to leave our property. They did not take any items, and they did not make an inventory of items. I have been making payments each month of £20 since the end of July on my mother's behalf. Before that, we were paying more than we could afford - after sending off evidence of my mother's disabilities and low income, they agreed to let us pay £20 per month. Unfortunately, in December, we were unable to make the payment, I paid double on the 15th of January 2018 (£40) thinking this would be okay. The next thing I know, I have several missed calls from a mobile phone number and a voice mail ordering me to contact Jacobs before they send bailiffs to our address. The woman on the phone was awful - she goaded me to a point where I lost my temper, and insulted her. She was threatening to send bailiffs who would enter the property with or without my consent, threatening to send my mother to prison, and would not take 'we can't afford this' for an answer. On the 18th January, we had to pay £159.25 (which left us in an awful financial situation) to stop bailiffs coming to the address (as we had children on the property and I would rather starve for a few weeks than have them deal with that). From that point I set-up another arrangement so that we would begin paying £20 per month again, starting February 10th 2018, to be paid the 10th of every month thereafter. I made the payment on the 10th, and have a reference number for it. Today, we received letters dated February 9th claiming the agreement has been broken. I called Jacobs and the agent on the phone said I would have to contact collections, as according to their records, I should have paid the £20 on February 1st. He claimed that this is because there were 31 days since our last payment, which is absolutely not true. Between January 15th and February 10th, there are only 26 days. The phone number he gave me was for the same woman I had to speak to last time - I called her, and she was as belligerent and unhelpful as the time before. She said texts had been sent (not received) reminding us to pay, and said she would need to listen to our last call to ensure I hadn't agreed the 1st before she could do anything else. Surprise, surprise, there was no record of that call, and they're taking their own word over mine (despite the fact that I would not arrange to make payment on a day that we have no money in an account to pay with). We cannot afford to pay the charge they are asking for (in the region of £600) and we cannot have bailiffs visiting the property, as we have two young children (both under 6-years-old) in our care due to it being the school holidays. No matter how many times I ask to speak to a manager or someone other than her, this woman will not take the case further. So we're to expect to have people turn up at the property tomorrow to remove goods. Please, any advice you have would be much appreciated. I don't know how much more of this I can take.
  8. Hi, I received a notice to keeper from Smart Parking after the vehicle had parked in Haven Banks car park in Exeter. A ticket had been purchased, but the driver had accidentally missed one of the characters of the registration number when entering it. The ticket was displayed for the duration of the stay, but obviously the ANPR in use in this area would not have recognised this. A copy of the ticket was initially sent to Smart Parking, but they upheld the charge and we have since been through the standard series of letters and demands from DRP, Zenith and now Gladstones solicitors. Rightly or wrongly, there has been no further contact with Smart Parking or their agents since their refusal to accept that a ticket was in fact purchased at the time. A case of 'Computer says "no"'. The latest letter from Gladstones refers only to an amount outstanding of £160 with no date of alleged infringement or location. They are 'kindly' providing an opportunity to pay the full amount before it goes to court. Is this a 'Letter Before Claim'? Or is that the next I can expect? Thanks for any advice? Drogon
  9. For PNC's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 28/10/17 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 22/11/17 3 Date received 24/11/17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] no 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? yes - car entering and leaving site 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] yes on keepers liability only being enforceable if issued within 14 days Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? Smart Parking Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Havens Retail Park, Exeter For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under.#popla There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here none
  10. Hi All, I recently received a parking notice from Smart parking ltd for unauthorised parking to the sum of 54 pounds and I would like your advice as to whether I am liable to pay considering this is a private parking company? So the back drop... my Japanese friend arrived late Saturday night (30/09/17) still wanted to show him a bit of the city Decided to take him down to the quay on the River Exe here in Exeter Not knowing this part of the city well I parked in this car park opposite the bowling alley, The time was 8.45pm and presuming it was late that the car park operating time had finish as I knew this to be a council car park in the past operating from 8am to 6pm (or along those lines). Upon entering the car park I didn't see any signs as it was very dark and the area was not well lit, again presuming it was closed I did not purchase a ticket. Our stay was only an hour when I returned a few days later to check the signs within the car park it does state its 24hrs.. .it also mentions up to two hours parking is 1 pound which can be refunded at one of the retail sites, if I knew this I would have purchased a ticket. I find it disgusting that they are charging me 54 pounds for one hour in which the ticket is only one pound anyway. As its a private company and not a police or council parking charge how much authority do they have and am I liable to pay this charge or would it be worth appealing? 1 Date of the infringement[30/09/17] 2 Date on the NTK [05/10/17] 3 Date received 07/10/17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [No] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? [No] Have you had a response? [No] 7 Who is the parking company? Smart parking Ltd 8. Where exactly [Haven banks retail park, Exeter] For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IAS Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Jon Smart Parking Notice (2).pdf
  11. I was wondering if you knew how the registration number is displayed on the parking ticket that you get from the machine & display in your window ? (Full Reg, Partial, etc) My mum initially received a letter, for the same car park, stating she didn't pay enough when we sent the evidence in they now claim she didn't enter her registration number correctly but haven't given us evidence. Her ticket only displays the last 3 digits & I wondered if that was correct or if it should show the full registration. Thanks for any help you might be able to give.
  12. Per Chancellor Hammond: "We have over three million European migrants working in our economy and we have full employment. So clearly we need people to come and work in our economy to keep it functioning" in response to suggestion that “the impression on the European continent is that your government sees the future business model of the UK as being the tax haven of Europe”. http://uk.businessinsider.com/philip-hammond-suggests-britain-could-become-a-tax-haven-after-brexit-2017-1?r=US&IR=T
  13. I've just checked my latest VM bill as I noticed it was higher than usual, the reason being I've been charged for a movie I haven't ordered! I called VM to question this & they told me the movie was ordered via the V+ box I have in the bedroom on Christmas Eve & then watched 24 hours later. I insisted the movie hadn't been order & the lady in customer services admitted it was unusual as the previous movie I had ordered was 2 year previous, but all the checks she was making showed it had been watched Christmas Day night, which is a bit strange as I'm pretty sure myself, my wife & daughter were all downstairs either on laptops/tablets or watching TV on the TIVO box! The other thing that seems strange is I'm the only one who knows the pin numbers! I've also never ordered any services on the V+ box & very rarely order movies at all. When I mentioned this she said along the lines of maybe you forgot you'd ordered it or your wife or daughter had ordered it, when I stressed it was impossible she said all her systems said I had so I wouldn't be getting a refund, basically insinuating I was lying! As I have no other way of checking the only conclusion I can come to is it's a problem with the hardware/software that's allowing it to happen & will it happen again? Has anyone else had a similar problem?
  14. I'm not sure if this is on the right board, but just before Xmas the recruitment agency advised me that because the firm I was working for had 'invoicing problems' (the firm weren't paying the agency for me being there, although I got paid) and as a result my temporary assignment was ended with immediate effect. However, I checked my social media and emails and one of the bosses who I used to do work for has emailed me today asking me to contact them. If the firm wanted me back surely they must have to go through the agency first etc. I was there for 6 months and in the process of completing a new claim online. Any advice about what to do would be appreciated. Thanks
  15. We recently received notification of our successful claim for our PPI refund. They have offered us £5600. However we defaulted on the loan due to my husband losing his job and have been on a DMP. Bank of Scotland debt was transferred to Blair Oliver Scott, who I believe are part of Bank of Scotland. So here's my question... Blair Oliver Scott say the outstanding balance on my account is £2850 of the original loan, which will have included the original loan and PPI, so will they pay this off and send me the the remainder of the £5600??? Secondly we had a loan before this one with BOS that was paid in full that also had PPI, can we claim for this one since I don't have any paperwork or account numbers and it was taken out in 1998. Thanks in advance...
  16. I recently moved house and was very surprised to experience Scottish Hydro taking final bill amounts out of my account in the early hours of Christmas eve morning. The total involved was £560!!! I have of course intercepted and prevented those transactions from being completed.... On closer inspection (actually looking at my paperless bills..... I know, I know......) I find that my monthly payments more than covered my usage, confirmed by the fact that they reduced my monthly payments in Jan '15. Both my accounts were in credit at this point..... Billing changed to 6 monthly upon reading my July '15 bill, I'm a bit confused.... The total for this period was £485.23.... My payments totalled £156.... obviously from then on my debt to Scottish hydro has just grown and grown as my payments aren't covering my usage.... What I cant understand is - Why didn't they inform me and change my payments (as they had done in the January)? I have been presuming that I have been paying for my gas/electric as I've been going along... My other irk, is that the bill states they will collect the total "on or soon after 29 December 2015" so sneakily taking it in the middle of the night on Christmas eve is a little more than cheeky - My contracted DD date is 3rd of every month, so why the change in date for this payment?!!! Would just like to know if anyone knows if there is anything governing payment amounts and if companies must make sure consumer usage is kept up to date to avoid situations like mine..... many thanks
  17. Hello, Just joined this wonderful place hope I can be of some assistance to others too, here is a problem I am facing. I recently moved into a properly just before Christmas I've been sent a bill from Haven power for £4000+ the bill is not in my name, obviously a previous tenant has ran up a bill and left.. . I tried speaking to them on the phone but they are telling me they will access my apartment THIS WEEK (well their agents face2face) to collect the debt and put a smart meter in... . I have no account with Haven Power and also, just renting the space from the lease holder. ..I have a young baby and I'm rather worried about what my rights are here.. I sent a letter to tell them this, via recorded delivery, they have responded with some legal documents saying it doesnt matter if I'm not the person who owes them money, they will still access the property... Any ideas? Thanks Alan
  18. I think things are about to become very interesting following this leak of data. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3521830/Tax-havens-world-s-rich-famous-revealed-huge-data-leak.html There is an estimate of there being up to $50 trillion held in the various tax havens, which is almost enough to completly wipe out worldwide government debts. I wonder how much of this money has involved criminality in some form.
  19. Hi I recently had a holiday with Haven at Quay West Holiday Park in Wales, while the park was ok there were several issues we had to complain about. While most were dealt with one of the scary ones was the fridge in the Caravan as every time you opened it, the fridge tipped forward! Bear in mind we had a 2 year old with us and dread to think what could have happened it is had fell on her. The other issue were uneven slabs outside that sank when it rained and were sticking up, surely a job that should have been done before we had the caravan? The cooker developed a fault which was fixed temp but the part needed still had not arrived when we left! I have written to the park about this problems as all were reported to the park, we have had a reply at last offering us £25! the holiday cost over £600 I have been on Haven Holidays before and never had a problem but this was disgusting, even the dance floor was filthy and they were asking children to lay on it! There were children with scooters on the crazy golf course riding them all over but no staff around, when informed all we got was sorry! I know £25 is better then nothing but surely inspections etc are carried out before letting out holiday places! Thank you Sandy
  20. End of March I received a letter from the hmrc telling me I was overpaid working tax credits by almost £200. Fair enough! They stated I would receive a letter shortly with instructions how to repay the amount. It's almost end of April and I've received nothing yet. Should I worry? I wouldn't want them to contact me later asking me to pay up fines or penalties. Should I make the first move? Or is it normal procedure? Thanks
  21. Mine is a complicated tale and desperately need some advice. To make it easier I will break it down as even I have difficulty undestanding it 2006 Applied for Job Seeker's allowance but refused on I hadn't worked for the last 5 years which I had. After much backwards & forwards they told me they had lost my records then found them and wld now credit NI onto my records. Too late to get the JSA etc as now out of time 2015 Applied for a Pension statement & noticed not enough years on Guess what the original missing 5 NI not been credited. Sent letter & copies of original forms I filled in (to show income for each year) and assured they would update their records. Dawned on me that as they had not updated my records when they said they would they would also not have sent any pension contributions to private pension co (I was contracted out to L & Gen). Contacted L & Gen and was sent summary of contributions. No contribution sent from HMRC for the missing years which approx totals £5,000. Wrote to them again and they sent me a letter to confirm that they had put the NI back on BUT for some strange reason instead of NI basd on my wages at the time £48-50K they had said I only earned £5,000-£7,000. Want me to prove I earned it with wageslips/P45 etc from 2001-2005 :mad2: Just contacted Bank to see if I can have statements for that period which hopefully will show a weekly wage (by BACS) otherwise I am stuffed!!! Can any one please advise, I have spoke, written to every department in HMRC and they still are cocking up my records:-x Thanks
  22. Hi, I can't sleep for worrying about this even though I'm exhausted! I was interviewed by a revenue protection officer on board a train in London in the middle of September, who suspected me of fare dodging. He interviewed me under caution, placed me under arrest and said that my case was being referred to the prosecutions department of the train company for consideration. I still haven't heard back from them and am worried they have sent me a letter which has got lost in the post. Is it normal to wait so long? The RPI had said it would take about 6 weeks for the train operating company (TOC) to contact me. I was travelling from south east London to East Croydon via London Bridge. I had a season ticket from my local station to London Bridge but no ticket for the onward journey to Croydon, which I had planned to buy at London Bridge. As it turned out, I was in a rush, the Croydon train turned up within two minutes of me disembarking from the inbound train, and I jumped on it thinking - mistakenly - that I could pay the difference on board or at the other end. Honestly! I was not until recently a regular train user as I had private transport to commute to and from work and have in the past paid on board trains for tickets, so genuinely did not realise I was committing an offence at the time, and it was never my intention to dodge a fare. I'm a reasonably well-paid professional person with no criminal record, so why would I want to jeopardise my good reputation and future career prospects over a fare of a few pounds? When the guard came round I said I needed to pay him a fare and asked if I could pay him the difference on my existing season ticket but he said he was issuing me with a penalty fare. I thought this was unfair and refused to pay it. It gets worse. I then told him why I thought this was unfair and that I had offered to pay him the regular fare. I felt I was being unjustly criminalised. Then I refused to give him my name and address when asked because I felt frightened of him. (He was a big, scary guy, which I accept is no excuse or defence, but I suffer from an anxiety disorder, was under a great deal of stress and behaved irrationally.) When told I faced prosecution and was being arrested, I said I would pay the penalty fare - twice - but the RPI said he could not take a payment from me, and did not say why. I also gave him my name and address. On the train the guard suggested I had given the wrong address because he rang a help desk, which told him I was not registered at the address given. But I am! I realise now that my lack of co-operation was a big mistake and I have accepted that I will be prosecuted. I wrote the TOC a letter straight away which I sent by special delivery, and emailed them, providing documentary evidence and a copy of my season ticket and Oyster card, as requested by them. But, three months on, I want to know if I should contact the TOC to check they have not already written to me? I do not want to find out further down the line that I was convicted in court in my absence because I did not receive their correspondence. More about the incident: When the guard arrested me on the platform at Croydon, I panicked and rang the police, telling them I was being detained by an unauthorised person. A police officer attended and supervised my interview with the guard at my request. Before the police turned up a fellow passenger intervened on my behalf, saying to the guard that he was shouting at me, and bullying and intimidating me, that he was a big guy and I was a woman, and the way he was treating me was inappropriate. The two men ended up arguing vigorously. The fellow passenger finally left, but refused to give me his contact details when i asked if he would be a witness. I gave him mine but he never contacted me. In my letter to the TOC I asked them to look at the CCTV on the platform, which would confirm my story about the passenger's intervention on my behalf. I also asked that the footage be made available in the event of prosecution which would show the two men clearly arguing. I don't want a criminal record but accept I may end up with one, which I believe stands for 5 years before I no longer have to declare it to employers. Could someone confirm this please? This would affect my employment and may even result in job loss. I am also an Australian and British citizen and fear it may adversely affect my right to re-enter Australia. As well as outlining all of the above, I said in my letter that I regretted the way in which the situation had escalated, that it was a genuine mistake that would never be repeated and that I would like to pay the penalty fare plus additional administrative costs. I also explained that in the past four months I had moved house, that the vehicle that I used to get to work was stolen, had had a brain aneurysm diagnosed and was presently being investigated for lung cancer. All of which possibly contributed to my unhelpful reaction to the guard. I supplied documentary evidence to back up all of this and gave the TOC permission to contact any of the relevant authorities to check the documents' authenticity, should they wish to do so. I also enclosed a letter from the council confirming my address (given to the guard) and a letter from a psychologist confirming that I had received cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety. I had a lawyer look over my letter before I sent it to the TOC. He recommended a barrister, should the matter proceed, and I will take his advice and hire the barrister if I receive a summons. The question is, should I contact the TOC to ask why I have not heard from them? The solicitor I saw told me that the TOC must bring a prosecution within 6 months of the offence, otherwise they are not allowed to pursue the matter further. I realise NOW that I was in the wrong on the train - I just didn't realise it at the time, which I realise (now) is no defence. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading this far.
  23. Hi all, I have an issue re a Haven holiday caravan park which my parents have just returned from, and I am in need in of some direction and advice. I apologise for the length of the post but I figure best get it all in all to give folks a chance to get the bigger picture. OK a bit of background first... Holiday was booked through The Sun £9.50 Autumn Deals, through her Sun+ membership. She arrived at the park shortly before 4 pm which is the book in time shown on her confirmation, and waited around 40 minutes to get to the book in desk as there was obviously a few folks waiting to get booked in. She gets to her accommodation and instantly notices a pungent smell, something similar to 'damp and urine and wet dogs' (these were as she described it to me). Along with this she describes a general uncleanliness of the caravan, such as lots of dust pretty much everywhere, and she said literally everywhere. Along with other things such as holes in the curtains and also they were not hung properly so they closed but with difficulty and they looked like they were rotting and once closed you could see through some of the holes, not really from a distance I suppose but you could see through them nonetheless. In addition to this, she mentions the cupboard doors had a greasy and sticky film on them, as did the door handles to the cupboards. Also the splash plate and the wall of the caravan behind the cooker top was covered in splashed grease, I would assume from cooking. Upon further inspection she checked the fire, as she wanted to get a bit warmer, and realised the fire was not working, there was a spill of something on the fire and the shield was dislocated and not properly fitted, which obviously raises safety issues. And on we go, she decides she will trail back to the office but before she goes will make a cuppa, at which point she discovers the hot water heater was non-functional, the pilot light was not on and therefore was not able to get any hot water. In addition to this the fridge was making a very shrill noise and was very loud. At this point she called the reception, which by her estimate was about 10 minutes after they arrived at the accommodation, who said they would send a maintenance person to come to look at the issues with the heater and the fridge. When the maintenance person arrives, he fixed the heater, ie turned on the pilot light and tested that hot water was being produced, and he turned down the fridge setting down as he said that the setting was too high, he informed her that the reason it was so high is that the cleaners test the fridges by turning them up to maximum, which obviously causes them to overwork (in his opinion) and they had forgotten to turn this one down, and strangely enough the fridge was the only thing that had actually been cleaned, along with parts of the bathroom, such as the sink, shower and toilet along with the bathroom area in general, the only blot in the bathroom being a rather mucky toilet brush, and I mean this literally. Once the maintenance fella had gone, she decided to clean up a bit, because by now they wanted a cuppa and needed a sit down. So using washing up liquid from her own provisions that she had taken and hot water, she decides to clean up the kitchen area a bit, thus discovering cutlery is full of grease and grime and generally mucky so she washes the whole set of cutlery and the container it’s all sitting in. (Yes I know a bit foolish but we have realise, she is in her 60s, my dad’s is in his 60s they've been on the road by now 6-7 hours and were just most likely just hoping they could sit down and have a rest). So they decide after a cuppa to bring the luggage in, whilst she made the bed, and she says the bedroom was ok but to be fair it was dark by now and getting cold and they were getting a bit tired and did not want to go back to the living area due the smell and also the discovery toenail clippings on the sofa and the floor. They get up the next day, and clean up the clippings and noticed some very severe stains!!! In her words they looked like the 'brown stuff' stains along with general stains caused by dropped/spilled liquids, and she says these stains were 'everywhere' on the upholstery, and the carpet had some stains on it also. So with all of this, she decides to make a complaint, she arrived and the office was very busy, so they get to one of the reception desk girls, and she explains who she is and where she is accommodated, and that she would like to make an official complaint. So she tells her ‘it is the grubbiest and smelliest caravan she has ever been in’, and she wants it on record so would like to make a complaint. The reception desk girl says all she can do is apologise and mom says well I want it documented and want to make a complaint and again the girl (we have her name) tells her that all she can do is apologise and offers no form of resolution, no advice, no mention that she will tell anyone or do anything and no form and basically (according to both my parents) she then stands there looking at them, so they leave. Naively she thought she would get a response fairly rapidly, and expected someone would contact them that day, but of course looking back we now know that this obviously never happened. So as the day goes along my mom decides she would buy herself some cleaning stuff to clean up some of the mess and try to get rid of the smell, such as Febreeze and astonish kitchen and shower cleaner and also some disinfectant. So she arrives back at the accommodation and goes about cleaning it herself, which I know was silly, but that's what she did and I had no knowledge of the ongoing saga at this point, and of course would have told her she should leave it well alone. Then she uses some of the spare covers from the bedroom to cover the seating area, i.e. the settee, and opens up all the windows and sprays around the place with the air freshener she had bought that morning. By now this was about 5.30 and she was still thinking that there was a good chance someone from the site would make a visit to her accommodation based on the conversation she had with the receptionist that morning, and again of course we know this never happened. So now on the Wednesday, she decides the best thing to do was get up and stay out all day to avoid the stench of the caravan, and of course at this point she had still not seen anyone from the site team. She arrives back at the accommodation around 5.30 pm, so my mom goes into the bedroom and comes out of the bedroom and trips over a loose rug that seems to be all curled up at the edges. So she gets up and realises she had twisted her right ankle and decides to sit on the settee and give it 15 minutes rest and her ankle begins to swell. So she calls the ‘Out Of Hours Services’ at about 6.30 about 45 minutes of her falling over. So the first aider arrives in good time, and advises the use of ice packs, and decides to wait a short while to see if the ice packs work. She tells the first aider, how unhappy she is and why and he tells her she should make a complaints and she replies with the episode that she has in fact already made a complaint about a couple of appliances and made a complaint in person to the reception desk the previous day. He tells her that when he sees the manager (site manager I believe he was talking about) he will tell her what my mom had said and that she had made a complaint or at least tried to make a complaint in person, he informs her that he believes the site manager is on shift the next morning and also he is on shift too at the same time. She asked him if she should make another attempt to complain, he informed her that she did not need to because he would do it. At this point he was called about another accident to had to leave, and had not at this point completed his accident report form or whatever form they are required to complete and told her he would come back to complete the form and check her ankle. He returns about 30 minutes later, with a security officer, which I believe was not in relation to anything concerning my mom, just the guy was training for first aid and was helping out for experience, and puts a new ice pack on my mom’s ankle. The original first aider is now filling out his form, asking my mom questions about what had happened etc. So she explains it to him as I have mentioned above. When she gets to the mention of the rug, he responds with the fact it should not have been there, and then tells her he should not be telling her this, and tells her that he will take the rug away, then carries on with the accident report. He then asks her to read the report, and sign the report, so she reads and signed, and then said can I have a copy of the report please, to which he responds, ‘he was not allowed to provide her with a copy, because, it had his personal details on it’ and refused to give her a copy and gave her no advice on how to about obtaining a copy. (At this point I had become aware of her situation because she called me rather upset and I told her that I thought this was bit suspect and that I was sure he was supposed to provide her a copy of the form, in case she needed to be seen by a doctor or paramedic practitioner for example, they would benefit from know what treatment had already been applied/attempted). So he informs her that ‘the only way she could obtain a copy of said accident report is through solicitor, if for example you were suing us.’ The first aider was generally polite, and did his job pretty well, and tells her she needs to rest but if it’s not better by the morning, she should consider visiting the local A&E and leaves her some more ice packs to use through the night. He tells her that he is going to now take the rug away, partly I suppose because it should not be there, but in his defence also, I suppose, that it avoids any future accidents. Of course we cannot be sure which reason was the strongest in his mind. With that that first aider and his assistant leave. By now it is of course late in the evening and she had a cuppa, took some paracetamol and went to sleep. So the next morning, she thinks the first aider would (as he promised) to tell the site manager and expects some contact from her. So she decides that since her pain is affecting her mobility she decides it is best to stay in and around the site for the most part and she stay in the caravan with the windows open. At about 3 PM and after talking to myself she decides to send my dad to reception, to make a formal complaint and to find out why no one had visited in light of the conversation with the first aider. So at the reception, he approached a reception attendant who he cannot name as she had no name tag (I had been telling them to get some names). He informs her that he wanted to make a formal complaint about the state of the caravan and he wanted see the site manager. The reception attendant informs him that the site manager is not on shift that day as he had been led to believe, as it is her day off. She tells my dad she will grab a complaint form and takes him into a private office and goes through it with him, obtaining general details, i.e., name, address, caravan number, etc…and then asks what the complaint. He tells her, it’s smelly, not up to standards etc., all the stuff I have written above. She then asks what ‘level or grade’ of caravan she has rented, and he replies that the level/grade is irrelevant as all guests can expect a clean accommodation as normal to which she agreed. He tells her the whole saga, including the fact my mom had cleaned up and had also tried to sweep the carpet and a huge amount of dust came up etc., which he told her was unacceptable. So he asked her if there was a supervisor for checking cleaners work after the cleaning has been done and he said, that she says yes, and he said ‘well clearly she has not done her job has she’. He also now informs about the lack of cutlery, the fact they had a six berth caravan but in fact there was not enough crockery nor cutlery to feed more than 3 people and that all of it was dirty. So she tells him she will pass the form and his comments to the site manager. She tells him the site manager is on the next day, he informs her they are due to leave the next morning, 10 AM. She then tells him they are done but does not offer or give him a copy of the complaint nor advise him on the next steps so he gets no copy of the complaint form despite him signing it and asking about it, she tells him the site manager will sort it out. So 10 AM arrives and of course no visit, so they go to the site office to hand in the keys, and the site staff ask if they had seen the site manager and it appears were surprised they had not seen her and that she had not visited. So my mom says to the reception attendant, I have written a letter and she handed it over to the girl, and informed her she had taken photos of all the faults and would be making an official complaint. With this they leave. Firstly the holiday was booked through the sun holiday offer so am not sure who I should be contacting first, I figure that both The Sun and Haven need to be contacted but haven make a state on their website that you have to contact them within 7 days of leaving the accommodation, which I think is rather cheeky, especially as she and other must do, went on elsewhere after they left the park. In addition to this, she had already tried on more than one occasion to make a complaint, which we now of course know, was never taken up nor actioned by anyone. They also say that if you are still unhappy after you make your first complaint that you can leave on the first day of your holiday, which poses 2 problems, firstly, the first day, was on the night she went into the accommodation (though we can check this policy I expect to confirm if they class this as the first day or not). Secondly, if you complain on the first day, with less than 2 hours to go before the site office staff go home for the night, and you have gotten no resolution at this point, due to the fact no one has made contact, are they suggesting you just leave there and then? How are you expected to deal with the matter if you simply leave? So I am looking for some guidance and advice here as to what I should saying, which points I should be highlighting and what kind of recompense I should be making claim to etc etc…She had photographs of most of her complaints, but has no record of any of the forms nor conversations they had with various staff. Thanks in advance mrbrooks
  24. Hi March 2012 I purchased a caravan from haven . The goods where £51k. I payed a cash sum of £21k and my agreement was to pay £488.39 a month for 7 years , I was paying this monthly until I split from my partner and couldn't pay no more the last payment was on 1st April 2013 .. Since I purchased the caravan there has been problems thing not made right and took very long to get fixed .. I was also with out a fridge for 3months . My ground rent for all hallows site was due march 2013 which was for a sum of £3900 not including bills . . Which I could not afford to pay . In march I phone evergreen asking for advice they said there was nothing they could do I have to pay the agreement or they can take the caravan back and pay a other £4000 !!! Where has my £21000 gone !!? And the 13 months of paying £488 !! now in may 2013 I have haven asking for their ground rent and evergreen asking for there payment . . Haven was ringing and sending letters saying they will put it in storage . . I phone haven to see if they could help they are all just full of lies .. I asked could I sell the caravan to pay back the rest of the finance so I do not get bad credit they offered me £14500 !!! I have lost £36500 in 1 year which is crazy . I refused this offer , allhallows came up with some great idea .. They said for me to let them have the caravan till end of school holidays which will take a great lot of the money i owe for the ground rent and when it comes to September I can sell the caravan because September is the month they sell a lot of caravans and that I will prob walk away with £10k in my pocket . I thought great lets do that I handed over my caravan for them to rent out over the 6 weeks . . September 2013 came and time to sell my caravan and pay back evergreen finance limited and maybe walk away with some cash ) .. NO it was All a lie !! All they wanted was to take my £51k caravan to rent out for them to earn money !! They lied about September being the best month to sell which it turns out September is the worded month ! I went down the caravan park 2 weeks ago to visit a friend and people were in my caravan allhallows haven have been renting out my caravan not just the 6 weeks I didn't go in the office to confront them about this as I will just be feed with more lies .. now I have been giving a date 29 of November2013 for court . . Evergreen finance limited our taking me to court to reprocess the caravan which will been I will get bad credit (ccj) I'm calling out anyone that can help me ?? Can I stop this ccj ? Where has all this money I have payed gone ??
  25. I've been absent for work for 2 years and I'm still employed without any pay or SSP. Why haven't I been dismissed for capability? Seems a long time to continue to employ an absent person and I wondered what reasons a company would have to let it go on for so long.
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