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Found 2 results

  1. I've just checked my latest VM bill as I noticed it was higher than usual, the reason being I've been charged for a movie I haven't ordered! I called VM to question this & they told me the movie was ordered via the V+ box I have in the bedroom on Christmas Eve & then watched 24 hours later. I insisted the movie hadn't been order & the lady in customer services admitted it was unusual as the previous movie I had ordered was 2 year previous, but all the checks she was making showed it had been watched Christmas Day night, which is a bit strange as I'm pretty sure myself, my wife & daughter were all downstairs either on laptops/tablets or watching TV on the TIVO box! The other thing that seems strange is I'm the only one who knows the pin numbers! I've also never ordered any services on the V+ box & very rarely order movies at all. When I mentioned this she said along the lines of maybe you forgot you'd ordered it or your wife or daughter had ordered it, when I stressed it was impossible she said all her systems said I had so I wouldn't be getting a refund, basically insinuating I was lying! As I have no other way of checking the only conclusion I can come to is it's a problem with the hardware/software that's allowing it to happen & will it happen again? Has anyone else had a similar problem?
  2. We all know that Capita are involved in so much with this in mind I went Googling, and found this, I think this will put a smile on so many peoples face's so much so I wanted to share this with everyone, I hope Admin do not mind please watch this here https://tinyurl.com/y94td3dq
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