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Found 2 results

  1. Hello PCN issued by Smart Parking for wrong VRM a zero instead of O was entered. The alleged contravention happened at HAVEN BANKS RETAIL PARK EXETER A ticket was purchased for the time parked but a zero was entered instead of letter O PCN received 06/11/17 Date of alleged contrevetion 21/10/2017 I appealed, not realising that I had entered a zero instead of O. Not sure if I disclosed the driver ( sorry didn't realise at the time what a mistake that may have been). Sent supporting evidence of purchased tickets- I had know idea what I had done wrong. Appeal refused although they acknowledge my tickets as eveidence of tickets purchased. Appeal refused as a zero was entered instead of the letter O I'm now appealing to POPLA I'm struggling to get my head around the legal jargon and which bits apply to my case. Any help would be much apprieciated.
  2. Hi everyone,I'm a new member and I really need a help with that case,been looking around for any information but cant really sort it my self as it is a bit not that common case Will be very thankful if I can get any opinion as in this case I'm sure I'm absolutely correct and have the right to fight it Lets tell the short story: I did use that day a visitor parking permit to park the car in front of our house,we just had change on the road restrictions and just became a permit zone but we were planning to move out of the area soon because of my son school and I decide not to apply for resident parking permit and to buy for £5 10 visitor permits and use in case I need for me or any visitors,cause mostly my car was on a way in the restricted hours and I didn't need one.But that day I came back home for 2 hours and I did write by hand the details correct(you can see on the files).When I decide to go back to work I found the ticket on the windscreen so basically I thought may be the warden didn't see the permit and wrote me ticket,so I did write to them next day to explain that and I did send them photos.They reply to me (i can attache the letter in the next post)and said that they are aware of the permit but they are not happy of the way I wrote my VRM so that why I need to pay to them £130.This happen in front of my door,I had permit,I was really mad.I reply to them but the letter may be was more emotional then documentary but in the end I was insisting to go to adjudicator to decide if I'm right or not.I didn't get any answer more then 4-5 months and cause I was really mad to Newham finally we moved to other borough and I really forgot about this matter but one day we went back to look for any letters and I found out that the case escalate and was at adjudicator and been decide to pay the amount in 28 days so this end period was luckily 3 days after I found it.I did call the PTAS to ask what are my options and they advise me to pay the PCN and then write to them and explain everything and that's what I did.I did pay and now is the time to explain,but because I didn't reply on time and the case become more complicated for me then should be I would like to make a really strong representation so I can appeal the ticket.The case its really strange I agree but I see the comments about Newham and their way of work in here:http://www.newhamrecorder.co.uk/news/newham_council_slammed_over_5_700_parking_fine_1_1958415 and I wont let this go easy,so pls help Forgot to say the car been exported and sold 2 months after the ticket is issued that's why I did show it its important in this case to show the real VRM,but will be more careful to hide any personnel and not relevant information in future I do post.I can upload the first letter From Newham council the first answer I got to explain what I've done wrong for them to get a ticket but there is not enough space here to load it,may be there is an option, don't know.Anyway probably is good to do will look for a way,but what is funny in this,I used all 10 permits exactly the same way,written the same way cause I got the answer from my first letter just a week or two before I move out from this address and that's how and when I knew I did overwrite it but I didn't get any other tickets,what is to criteria to decide that this is penalty,you don't write it on desk or machine,you do it in your car,on your knees while sitting in the car,this is really unfair.and if all the rest is correct and I can not find any other grounds to appeal and to the adjudicator the only one question will be to decide that this is overwritten or not,what criteria he will use to decide right. Dont know, that's why I think it is complicated for me.Thanks for any further help to everyone By the way I did pay on time the PCN,and I have been advised from PATAS to do so and that's why I did,and because the appealing period expired not by my fault,I couldn't reply and act on time cause I move out from the address 3-4 months after my last letter to Newham counsil been send and they do not reply to me.I was ensured that I can appeal from PATAS just need to pay on time and explain the delay.I wouldn't pay otherwise.There is few other letters I found after been send to the old address but I cant upload to show.Think I'm still having the option to appeal with adjudicator and I want to use it,I didnt appeal yet and I want to,did try few months to find information on different sites but cant find with this matter exactly that's why came to this point to ask for any opinion.Thank you The question is what I can do and write to appeal this PCN-if this doesn't help me for some other reason like time delay or my fault of writing it that's not a problem cause I already paid and I'm not doing it for money but believe me the try is important,other people like me will see what can be done and will look for advice and this site will help them in their case even when they google it will be easy to find it and find a way to appeal and sick advice from you guys and you will help them to stop the wrong politic of the government regarding this matter cause its getting worst and worst and if you helping to 10 today to appeal the unfair tickets are may be 1000 more then usual so the only one way is to spread this info and give people chance and challenge to fight against it.
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