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Found 1 result

  1. Dear Dell Customer care , On 27th May,2013 I bought a "DELL INSPIRON 5521 Base (Service Tag : xxxxxxxxxx , Express Service Code : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)" at Peterborough,United Kingdom . Unfortunately, your product has not performed well since the very beginning . I am disappointed because I had to replace my faulty hard disk within 4 month of purchasing the laptop . Now before completion of 1 year , the LCD screen has turned into white and I am not being able to see anything on the screen. I have already communicated the same to the customer support centre of Dell care . Please note, my Laptop is still under warranty period . The damage caused by the electronic failure and not caused by any external pressure , still the Dell customer support centre still wants a fine of amount £130 for the repairing of the LCD screen . To resolve the problem, I would appreciate if you kindly repair the LCD screen without any fine considering that the laptop is still under warranty period OR refund the entire money to my HSBC bank account as I do not want to face any other problem with the laptop. Enclosed are copies of my records : Order confirmation . I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem and will wait until 17th April before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau. Please contact me at the below address or by phone : Mail id : Ph no : Sincerely, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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