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Found 24 results

  1. Hello, i have had a loan with cash on go ltd peachy loans in August 2012, i didnt pay it back and they defaulted it on 07/11/2012 , this was showing on my credit file up until about a month ago when it just suddenly stopped showing on there. It has now reappeared in November but they have set the default date to one in 2016, when i have proof it was defaulted on 07/11/2012. Why would they do that? I have emailed the CRAs to tell them is there anything else i should be doing? Should i contact Peachy direct. I'm not 100 percent sure if it is it stat barred as i may have paid something in a payment plan but i am trying to find out yeh just to confirm its not stat barred- as i made payments in july 14
  2. i raised a complaint to peachy for IRL (due to my gambling addiction at the time) they left no credit footprint at the time of applying on the 19th April (however they did on the 9th April when i didnt apply there) i admit i lied about my expenditure to fuel my habit not sure how to respond to them here.
  3. Hello so i filed an IRL claim to peachy which then went to the ombudsman, i cited my gambling addiction at the time but it seems the adjudicator is siding with all the PDL companies saying they did sufficient checks. it says that they checked my credit file and it shows i was struggling to make payments towards loans i had defaulted 4/5 years ago and that Peachy wouldnt of taken this into account??? any advice on this?
  4. Hi all Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I have submitted a complaint for irresponsible lending for the above. They are requesting bank statements and wage slips from the time the loan was issued (almost 14 months and still open now). I feel fairly uncomfortable providing these. Would I be within my rights to decline and ask them to look into the internal affordability tests that they carried out? I'm not sure how to proceed as I've not encountered this with any other complaints. Thank you
  5. All, Continuing on with my IR claims, I had a reply from Peachy who admitted they never carried out credit checks as there was no requirement! The question I have is because its so old and has dropped from my file and is statute barred, is it worth continuing? I still get the odd threatening email from MMF. Here is their 'full and final reply' Dear, We are writing to you in response to your complaint we received on 21/01/2018. We have investigated your complaint competently, diligently and impartially. We have assessed the subject matter of the complaint and would like to provide you with our views on it. We want you to know that we are deeply sorry to hear now that you were struggling financially already before the loans were issued to you and that you consider us responsible for causing you further difficulties by approving your loan requests. We can assure you that it was never our intention to harm you in any way. As creditors, we abide by our statutory obligation under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 to undertake a sound, proper and appropriate assessment of creditworthiness to assess the borrower's ability to afford the proposed credit commitment. In addition to assessing creditworthiness, we do our best to always undertake an adequate assessment of affordability. Firstly, to ensure you have a clear overview of your lending history with us, we would first like to provide you with a breakdown of your borrowing with us. You took out 3 loans from Peachy between 11/11/2011 and 01/12/2011. The first loan of £100 was taken out on 11/11/2011. This loan was scheduled to be repaid in a single instalment and you repaid the loan one day after the originally scheduled due date. The second loan of £100 was taken out 22/11/2011. This loan was scheduled to be repaid in a single instalment and you repaid it 1 day before the scheduled due date. The third and last loan of £100 was taken out on 01/12/2011. This loan was scheduled to be repaid in a single instalment. However, this loan fell into serious arrears and despite having discussions about repayment options, we did not receive any payments towards the loan and as such, the loan was handed over to a 3rd party Debt Collection Agency called Motormile Finance. We contacted them and we can confirm that no payments have been received towards the loan and that the outstanding balance is £175.00. The affordability check is based on information, obtained from the. The affordability assessment is also based on the borrower’s financial position as a whole and takes account of information that we are aware of at the time the credit is granted. As creditors, we employ the use of a variety of types and sources of information to assess affordability. When you created the account, you provided us with the following information that you confirmed to be correct. You stated that you were in full-time employment, earning against which you listed no expenditures. When you provided this information, you also confirmed that you have provided accurate information and considered potential future income and outgoings in determining your ability to repay. We note that we are not obliged to ask for copies of your bank statements and at the time you took out the loans there were no specific requirements to run credit checks. We trusted the information you provided us with to be true and accurate. Our application form is designed to provide customers with all the information they need to make a well-informed decision about whether the loan is affordable for them. When you requested the loans, you were also presented with information about the full cost of the loan, SECCI and the Credit Agreement. In addition, by signing the Credit Agreement, you also confirmed that you are not: “a) in a Debt Management Plan (or similar scheme) or considering entering a Debt Management Plan (or similar scheme); b) in an I.V.A or are considering entering into an I.V.A.; c) bankrupt or considering filing for bankruptcy; d) under notice of termination of employment, redundancy or any other notice which could affect my employment status; e) in receipt of Statutory Sick Pay or suffering from any medical condition which would cause me to apply for Statutory Sick Pay during the period of the loan; f) in receipt of any benefits instead of my usual wages, salary or other income declared in my application." Having investigated your complaint, we are certain that the extent and scope of our assessments in assessing the affordability of your loans was in compliance with requirements set by the FCA as in accordance with the rules set out by the Office of Fair Trading. Based on all of the above, it is our view that your complaint should not be upheld. However, as a gesture of goodwill, we propose to reduce the outstanding balance of your loan to the principal sum you borrowed, £100. Please let us know whether you agree with our proposed resolution. This offer is made in full and final settlement of your complaint and acceptance by you will indicate your agreement to this condition. This has been our final response. Should you remain dissatisfied with our explanation and the outcome of your complaint then you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge – but you must do so within six months of the date of this letter. If you do not refer your complaint in time, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. For example, if the Ombudsman believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances. You can find information about how to do this on the Financial Ombudsman Service website: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk. There is helpful information about how to complain in the leaflet Your complaint and the Ombudsman which you can find at: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/consumer-leaflet.htm. We have also attached the leaflet to this email for your convenience. Kind regards, Peeter Poll Complaint Handling Specialist Peachy Complaints Department www.peachy.co.uk
  6. Here is my best attempt at summarising my dealings with Peachy: Date Borrowed Repaid Interest/charges 20/12/13 0200.00 02/01/14 0227.00 0027.00 03/01/14 0500.00 03/02/14 0645.00 0145.00 0500.00 03/03/14 0630.00 0130.00 04/03/14 0500.00 30/04/14 0677.00 0177.00 01/05/14 0250.00 29/05/14 0075.00(rollover) 0075.00 27/06/14 0327.50 0077.50 27/06/14 0500.00 25/07/14 0193.74 0141.00 29/08/14 0156.48 0089.05 26/09/14 0157.76 0060.82 31/10/14 0177.07 0056.69 27/11/14 0044.88(rollover) 0044.88 23/12/14 0047.25 (rollover) 0047.25 30/01/15 Final payment due: £162.51 principal + £61.75 interest + £5.00 fees = £229.26 Repayment failed Total borrowed: 2450.00 Principle repaid: 2287.49 Interest + fees repaid: 1071.19 TOTAL REPAID: 3358.68 Principle outstanding: 0162.51 Amount claimed: 0996.09 Interest @ 8% (08/06/16): 0158.98 Total claim: 1155.07 Not surprisingly I have a late payment marker on my credit file, and have received twice-weekly text/email threats of a default marker for the last 18 months (together with "borrow more money!" emails every couple of days). SAR was sent on 5/5/16 with £10 postal order, deadline is 16/6/16. I have received no communication from Peachy other than threats/marketing, until yesterday, an email stating "We are pleased to inform you that we have successfully collected your loan payment" of - you guessed it - £10. They've used the SAR fee on my outstanding balance. Looking for guidance on how to proceed. I think I have enough information without the SAR to go ahead and complain/claim, but I'd also like to make a complaint regarding their handling of DPA requests - can anyone advise? Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi, So I've thankfully managed to pay off most of my Payday Loans. Had a bit of an issue this month with a flood at home so all of my income went to sorting that out and I'm now awaiting insurance money (Should be latest next week). I cancelled CPA from remaining lenders also. The last lenders I owe to are 24/7 & Peachy. 24/7 were kind enough to freeze interest etc. Until next Friday at which time I will pay off the remainder. PEACHY on the other hand flatly refused to freeze anything, Offered a rollover and said that the loan of 500 which with 150 interest and charges currently stands at 685 - Which I have said I would pay next week in full will be 790 and I will need to pay this amount next week. Any ideas. DD.
  8. In today's Mail On Sunday. One of Britain’s longest established payday lenders has admitted that it was ‘slightly incorrect’ in calculating its interest rates, meaning that it advertised rates that were only a third of the true figure. The annual percentage rate of 433.71 per cent advertised by Peachy Loans on its website since early this year has now been increased to 1,256 per cent after a whistleblower alerted The Mail on Sunday and the Financial Conduct Authority. The APR was misstated despite the charges for the loans being virtually identical to rivals such as Wonga, Mr Lender, Pay Day UK and Pounds To Pocket, who all state their APR at 1,200 per cent or higher. The lower rate also appeared on price comparison websites. Payday lenders are now obliged to place their rates on at least one such comparison site Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-3025626/Sorry-rate-1-256-cent-not-434-cent-says-payday-lender.html#ixzz3WOAJ1sso Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-3025626/Sorry-rate-1-256-cent-not-434-cent-says-payday-lender.html Regards,John.
  9. Hi guys, wondering if anyone can advise...sit ya self down get a coffee as this long winded !!! My son 22, had not long returned from Afghan where he was serving in the Army, and was involved in a serious bike accident 18 months ago and has resulted in him being physically and mentally injured to the point that he is being medically discharged from the Army. Part of his mental injury has resulted in memory loss, deep depression (to the point of attempted suicide). Some how he has managed to rack up debt with all of the above companies. He was living with his girlfriend but has since moved home and I am trying to sort out the mess that he is in. He has taken out pay day loans with Peachy, Quick Quid, Cashfloat and 4no with Lending Stream. He has also had goods from Very and Littelwoods and his account has been passed on to NDR (in house debt collection). I have contacted them all and advised them of his situation and that he is experiencing hardship. QQ have agreed to a payment plan which I am happy with but Lending Stream have totally ignored the phone calls and sold the debt on to another company because I have questioned if they had done relevant credit checks etc. Are lending stream right that they had 4 lines of credit for my son?? Is that legal?? Peachy when questioned regarding the affordability of the loan and credit checks have also sent the debt to a recovery agent. With NDR I have offered to pay for all goods but no interest or charges which they are refusing. Total amount £720.00 offered £530.00 £72 charges, rest interest. Can anyone advise me please... Thanks in advance
  10. Hi I'm not sure if I am posting in the wrong area so I'm very sorry if I have! I applied for a payday loan last night with Peachy loans. I was declined (I'm actually glad of this now) but as the page was loading it advised if I was declined it would send my info to another loan company. It didn't give me the option to stop that happening. it redirected me to Mr Lender website but I didn't want a loan from them so just closed the page. Within 10 minutes I had 3 emails and 2/3 texts from Mr Lender saying please come back and sign a credit agreement so we can get things started. I deleted them and didn't click the links. During the peachy loans application I had given my employer details which I assumed were just incase I got accepted and defaulted and they could chase payment with me there but today at work Mr Lender called me at work to ask if I wanted a loan still!! I am furious!! Surely they can't be ringing me at work to offer me loans? I work in a small office and one of colleagues called over to say a finance company were on the phone for me so everyone probably thinks I've got someone chasing me for debt!! I am so embarrassed and all the calls at my work are recorded! I told them to never call me again and hung up. When I finished work I called them and demanded to speak to a manager but they refused to put me on with anyone and I ended up hanging up on them. Who can I complain to about this? Surely they are not allowed to harass me to take out a loan with them?! Thanks in advance Charlene
  11. I took out a payday loan with peachy and i am unable to pay it back ...so i emailed them to inform them of my situation , but the want a £50 down payment before they will set up a repayment plan....i dont have £50 to spare at the minute so i dont know what to do ...i have coppied and pasted the emails below Peachy Collections ([email protected]) Add to contacts 10/07/2014 To: Chynablu Thank you for the e-mail. As you do not have sufficient funds available immediately then please be so kind and contact us again as soon as you are able to make the required down payment and we will then be able to request the best offer from our Credit Committee. Kind regards, Daniel Erma Peachy Collections Department www.peachy.co.uk [email protected] Peachy.co.uk is the trading name of Cash On Go Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 7306662.Consumer credit licence number of the creditor: 0637962. Registered Address: Cash On Go Ltd, 43-45 Portman Square, W1H 6HN, London, United Kingdom. This e-mail is confidential and the information contained in it may be privileged. It should not be read, copied or used by anyone other than the intended recipient. If you have received it in error, please contact the sender immediately by telephoning 08455576508 or by return email, and delete the e-mail and do not disclose its contents to any person. On 10 July 2014 15:55, wrote: > I would like to get this situation sorted out, but i haven't got £50 > available at the minute > > > Sent from my Windows Phone > ________________________________ > From: Peachy Collections > Sent: 09/07/2014 08:53 > To: > Subject: Re: Repayment > > Thank you for the e-mail. > > We are sorry to hear about your situation and we can assure you that > we will try to help you the best we can. > > In case you are not able to afford the payment in one go and would > like to clear you account in smaller, partial payments then we are > willing to arrange a repayment plan for you. For this, please send us > the exact date when you will be having the funds available and confirm > if you would prefer to make weekly, monthly or fortnightly payments. > We will then request the best repayment plan offer from our Credit > Committee. > > We would also kindly ask you to make a down payment of £50.00 as a > sign of good will immediately. This amount will be deducted from the > outstanding balance and this will show us your commitment towards > clearing your debt. > > Please be advised that in order to avoid worsening your financial > situation, we have now stopped trying to collect the outstanding > balance from your debit card. However, until we are able to reach a > mutually suitable agreement and until the repayment plan has been > finalized, daily interest and penalty fees will be applied to your > outstanding balance. Also, our system is automated and you will still > receive generic e-mails and text messages reminding you of your > overdue account, but we do have a note about your situation on your > profile. > > Please be so kind and provide us with the required information as soon > as possible. > > > > Kind regards, > Daniel Erma > Peachy Collections Department > www.peachy.co.uk > [email protected] > > > Peachy.co.uk is the trading name of Cash On Go Ltd. Registered in > England and Wales. > Registered Number: 7306662.Consumer credit licence number of the > creditor: 0637962. Registered Address: Cash On Go Ltd, 43-45 Portman > Square, W1H 6HN, London, United Kingdom. > > This e-mail is confidential and the information contained in it may be > privileged. It should not be read, copied or used by anyone other than > the intended recipient. If you have received it in error, please > contact the sender immediately by telephoning 08455576508 or by return > email, and delete the e-mail and do not disclose its contents to any > person. > > > On 8 July 2014 23:46,wrote: >> I am writing concerning my account at present i am unable to pay the full >> payment as my hours at work have been reduced so would i be able to set up >> a >> repayment plan as i would like to get this problem sorted out as soon as >> possible.i would like all correspondence in writing only please >> >>
  12. Hi all, I am certain this has been discussed but having a tough time dealing with MMF/Peachy. Actually its Peachy who are causing the fuss and the headache. I got a loan from Peachy in 2012 which has since been transferred to MMF. I have seen the notice of assignment etc. I agreed a plan with MMF which I paid two months payment on however I ceased payment because another DCA had chased me for this debt which caused confusion. I cleared things up with MMF however they have a default against me on my Credit file. They have insisted that they have done everything right and Peachy as part of the handover should have removed teh account from my file. I complained to Peachy who insisted that they wont remove the default - now I have two defaults same debt which I know is not allowed. I want to go as formal as possible against Peachy and really get my hands on them, in all honesty I have been dealing wwith MMF who have been of great help although 'Mike' needs to shut up. How can I go about this as it seems that neither party wants to remove this debt and given that MMF own the debt now, Peachy are in the wrong. How should I complain to the ICO? Is there a template a formal route? Many thanks for your help.
  13. In April this year I contacted Peachy to find out what my outstanding debt was of which I have had written communication to say that my outstanding balance is £24. Today I have had 10 emails and 10 texts from them saying my money owed is £700!!! I don't know where this figure has come from. Surely if I have written communication from their collections department they have to go by what they have confirmed with me. They also told me on the phone that the outstanding balance was £24 (phone records?). When I emailed them today to resend the communication about it only being £24 they said they don't deal with my account and have passed to debt agency. I am annoyed that I got bombarded with all these emails and texts today. Do they have to stick to their first communication and is it legally binding? It doesn't show on my credit file that I owe them over £700. I have never taken that much out with them. Please help, very worried! Kind Regards, Ashleen
  14. I have sent an email to Peachy proposing a repayment plan of my £500 loan with monthly repayments of £75. They have responded with "Please be advised that by law, we are not obligated to consider arranging a repayment plan without any evidence of inability to pay in full. As responsible lenders, we do not approve avoiding repayment for any other reason and this is why we require proof of the situation before we revise the existing Credit Agreement. Therefore, please be so kind to provide us with the exact reason of your inability to cover the loan in full. If you are now unemployed or in receipt of financial support, please provide proof of unemployment or redundancy. If your contractual hours have been reduced by your employer, please provide a letter from your employer on company headed paper to confirm this." I am employed and receive no benefits. I have several payday loans I have sent similar emails to. Could you please help me with what I need to say in my reply please. You r help is much appreciated.
  15. Good Evening can anybody help. I have taken out a payday loan and have a repayment plan setup. However this month i was unable to make a payment due to another payday loan company that i thought i had setup a repayment plan which i hadn't took all my funds therefore making me unable to make the required payment. I have since spoken to the National Debt Line and they helped me create a financial statement with my income and expenditure and told me to forward it to my Lenders and make pro rata payments. Every lender apart from Peachy has helped but i don't know what to do as they won't help at all. I have made a formal complaint and i know i can speak to the Financial Ombudsman after 8 weeks but i would you guys to have a look at emails i have sent and i am right what i am saying or whether they are right. Please see below and i'm sorry there's a lot of text. All replies and advice is greatly welcome. My first email was a letter with my Financial Statement and a 2nd Attachement asking for help On 3 Dec 2013, at 09:23, "Peachy Collections" Thank you for the email. Please be advised that unfortunately we will not be able torearrange the the payment plan once it has been finalised by the Credit Committee. Please note that you may only delay your payment up to 10 days fromthe original repayment date. In case we have not received the payment on the 10th day of the original repayment date the latest your loan will be in default andwill be handed over to our Debt Collection Partner. Kind regards, Alina Samsina Peachy Collections Department On 3 December 2013 21:23, Liam McLoughlin Good Evening Many thanks for your email. Unfortunately as previously stated I cannot make the required payments and am very disappointed that I am unable to make a satisfactory compromise in this case. As I have already explained I can only afford £6.05 per month and this is the only realistic payment proposal bearing in mind my financial statement. Once my circumstances have changed and my priority debts have been cleared I will be able to increase my offer and get the outstanding balance sorted in accordance to my financial statement. I would rather that this doesn't go to a Debt Collection Agency as I would only be able to offer the same amount. On my previous email which doesn't seem to have been read properly I have asked if you can send me your Bank Account Details which you have not sent me. I would again like to ask for these so I can make payments on a regular basis. After seeking professional advice and with this instruction being dismissed by yourselves I am now advising that with immediate effect I am withdrawing my authority for all future payments to be debited from my card in respect of my loan. This is in accordance with my rights under the Payment Services Regulation 2009' which state: The payer may withdraw it's consent to a payment transaction at any time before the point at which the payment order can no longer be revoked under regulation 67. Please confirm in writing that this instruction has been received and actioned. Kind Regards, Liam Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 13:20:29 +0200 Subject: Re: Peachy Loan Thank you for the e-mail. As stated before in case we do not receive the agreed payment within the next 5 days, your loan will be defaulted and will be handed over to our Debt Collection Partner. Kind regards, Daniel Erma Peachy Collections Department On 4 December 2013 11:42, Liam McLoughlin Can you tell me please why you keep ignoring my request for your bank details and also that the instructions I have supplied with regards to the continuous payment authority has been ignored. Yesterday on my email that you will be able to see below I wrote:- “After seeking professional advice and with this instruction being dismissed by yourselves I am now advising that with immediate effect I am withdrawing my authority for all future payments to be debited from my card in respect of my loan. This is in accordance with my rights under the Payment Services Regulation 2009' which state: The payer may withdraw it's consent to a payment transaction at any time before the point at which the payment order can no longer be revoked under regulation 67. Please confirm in writing that this instruction has been received and actioned.” I would also like me reference number as well so I can make these payments. Kind Regards, Liam McLoughlin Thank you for the email. We acknowledge receipt of your request to cancel the continuous payment authority as per section 55(3)of the Payment Services Regulations 2009. We will not attempt to collect payment using these details as the continuous payment authority is now cancelled for further 5 days. Please be advised that if there will be no communication from the Debt Management company until the 9th of December , the debt will be handed to Debt Collections agency. Kind regards, Alina Samsina Peachy Collections Department On 4 December 2013 15:31, Liam McLoughlin Good Afternoon, I have never advised that I am using a debt management company. If you read through the emails and files I have attached I haven't mentioned this once. I do want to carry on making payments but you won't accept my offer which as previously stated and also on my financial statement as this all I can afford at this moment It seems to me that my emails are not being take seriously because again from my last email you haven't supplied with my reference number so I can make payments and also your bank. This is getting beyond a joke now as I have asked for these on numerous occasions and in your responses they haven't been mentioned once. Would you be able to tell me why this keeps being ignored. Kind Regards, Liam McLoughlin Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 15:46:13 +0000 Subject: Re: Peachy Loan Thank you for the email. Please be advised that unfortunately we will not be able to accept a reduced payments of £6.05. We always aim to consider cases of financial difficulty sympathetically and treat our customers in default or difficulties with understanding, forbearance and due consideration. As soon as the customer misses the payment on the due date, we try to get in contact with them, in order to try to come to an agreement that would be suitable for both parties. Please note that the repayment plan has been finalised and we have received your confirmation on the 25th of October 2013 that the repayment plan is suitable. In case we have not received the payment on the 10th day of the original repayment date the latest your loan will be in default and will be handed over to our Debt Collection Partner. Kind regards, Alina Samsina Peachy Collections Department Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 16:20:34 +0000 I find it very hard to understand why you won't accept any payments surely if I want to make payments you would accept them as it is paying off my debt. I know my offer isn't acceptable on your side but surely anything is better than nothing. I also cant understand why you won't give me my reference or your bank number so I can make some payments. As you have been really unhelpful I will now be seeking more legal advice on how I can resolve this matter with your ignorance on withholding this information and whether you can do this. Kind Regards, Liam McLoughlin On 4 December 2013 23:26, Liam McLoughlin Good Evening, After now speaking to the correct people and the poor responses that i have been receiving from yourselves you have given me no other option but to now raise this matter as a formal complaint with a view to speaking to the Financial Ombudsman Service if this isn't resolved in a satisfactory manner. As i have told you previously that my circumstances have changed and i am unable to stick to the repayment plan and would like help from yourselves instead of going via a Debt Collection Company. You can see by my emails listed below that i have made an offer of £6.05 a month until my priority debts have been paid off and then this will then increase. I have also previously attached my financial assessment to you look at which shows what i can afford but still no joy. I would also like to know why i have asked for your bank details on 5 occasions looking through my emails and attachments and also why everytime i ask there is no response from yourselves that relates to this so i can make payments. You also keep ignoring requests for my reference number as well, which you can see on my emails below i keep asking and your responses back each time just show ignorance and are deemed to myself and others unsatisfactory because you haven't even acknowledged this. You have also said "Please be advised that unfortunately we will not be able to accept a reduced payments of £6.05." I would also like to know why you have said this because this is actually incorrect as you cannot refuse any tender towards a loan. All i am trying to do is to be friendly and sort this debt out but your company is being so unhelpful and not allowing to make payments as you won't accept any payment. On your website you state "Peachy is also a certified partner with the Consumer Finance Association. This means that we follow the CFA code of practice for lending, which protects and benefits you" If this correct then i have a few issues that i would like your response to:- 3 GENERAL OBLIGATIONS Members shall: 3.1 Conduct their business lawfully and comply with all relevant legislation. You have told me via email that you won't accept a payment, surely this is illegal and you can see on a previous email. You also won't give me my reference number or your bank details to make payment. Whether this is illegal or not i am unsure. 3.2 Trade honestly, responsibly and treat customers with respect. You aren't trading honestly because you are telling me that you can't accept a payment of £6.05 when after seeking advice you actually can. I also feel that i haven't been treated with respect as continuous requests for Bank Details and a Reference Number still hasn't been acknowledged and i also had to write a few times for written confirmation that the Continuous Payment on my card has stopped. How can any of this be respectful to a customer when you won't even answer my requests or even deny them. You can see my emails regarding this below. 3.8 Provide adequate training for members of their staff, agents, associates and any other person who performs any duties on behalf of the member, bringing this Code and the principles contained in it to their attention and requiring them to carry out their duties in accordance with it and in addition members shall monitor their actions and decisions to ensure they are in line with this Code. There is a member of staff who works for you called Alina Samsina and it really would surprise me if she has had the correct training because with some of the responses, ignorance to my requests and lack of detail she has sent me are legally incorrect. If she has had the sufficient training then i would suggest that she is retrained and is aware of the CFA Code Of Practice and follows this as there are numerous things that haven't been followed. This also applies to Daniel Erma but not in as much detail who sent me 1 email which probably took 30 seconds write with no thought or care. It wouldn't surprise if that email was copied and pasted. 3.12 Ensure fairness in all dealings with customers including, but not limited to, their dealings with customers both before and after the making of the agreement and the manner in which those agreements are enforced. I for one have not been treated fairly at all. I have been friendly and notified you of my spiraling problems yet i have not been offered any help whatsoever. I have asked for help and all you say is if i don't make the required payments it is going to a Debt Collection Agency. Being fair to a customer would be to actually acknowledge what they say and try help but despite continuous attempts for a Reference Number and Bank Details i have had no such look. I can go into more detail but at this moment i don't have the time. 5 DEBT COLLECTION 5.1 Members shall ensure, by regularly reviewing their debt collection procedures and those of any third parties they employ, that they conform to high ethical standards and allow for proper consideration of the customer’s circumstances. I have told you my circumstances have changed and all you have said as detailed on previous emails is:- "We acknowledge receipt of your request to cancel the continuous payment authority as per section 55(3)of the Payment Services Regulations 2009 We will not attempt to collect payment using these details as the continuous payment authority is now cancelled for further 5 days. Please be advised that if there will be no communication from the Debt Management company until the 9th of December , the debt will be handed to Debt Collections agency" Well here there couldn't of been proper consideration as i haven't mentioned anything about a Debt Management Company and i wasn't even aware what one was at the time of your response. 5.5 Members shall allow for alternative, affordable, payment amounts when the borrower or his appointed debt advisor or representative makes a reasonable proposal. As per my Financial Statement i have shown you that i cannot afford the payments on my plan and i have shown what i can afford. You haven't made any reasonable proposals since my circumstances have changed and haven't allowed for alternative, affordable, payment amounts. The only response i seem to get is something along the lines of "As stated before in case we do not receive the agreed payment within the next 5 days, your loan will be defaulted and will be handed over to our Debt Collection Partner" 6 DEALING WITH CUSTOMERS EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES OR HARDSHIP 6.1 Members shall consider cases of financial difficulty sympathetically and positively, treat customers in default or with arrears difficulties with understanding, forbearance and due consideration and not bully or threaten but encourage their customers to contact them should they experience financial difficulty. I feel i have not been treated sympathetically or positively as my requests for things like bank details, reference numbers etc still haven't been acknowledged. You encourage to contact yourselves yet you won't do anything for me and continue to threaten me with Debt Collection Agencies if i don't make the payments you ask for and not what i can afford. Even if i could i wouldn't be able to pay as you refuse to acknowledge my requests for Bank Details and Reference Numbers. 6.3 Members shall, where appropriate, refer customers to debt counselling organisations and notify customers where they can get free advice, such as Citizens Advice Bureaux, Money Advice Centres, National Debtline or the Consumer Credit Counselling Service. 6.7 Members shall make available to customers, considered to be in severe financial difficulty due to unforeseen financial circumstances a Hardship Program. Firstly, i haven't been made aware of a Hardship Program and at the time of writing this email i still don't know what one is. Not once have you notified me about debt counselling organisations, but due to a News Report i was made aware of the National Debtline who helped me to create my financial statement and have also provided advice on the emails including this one i have been sending and receiving. The advice they have given me about my Priority Debts and Non Priority Debts and all my Debts apart from yours are now looking up where they have frozen the interest and set up affordable plans. If you fail to resolve my complaint within 8 weeks, or if matters are not settled to my satisfaction, i will have no alternative but to refer my complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service and your Trade Association and at this moment i have not been dealt with positively unlike the other companies on my financial statement. My debt is out of control and since making the original agreement and repayment plans my circumstances have changed,all i am asking for is help I look forward to hearing you and hope that this email is acknowledged and that all my points are looked at and responded to. Yours Faithfully Liam McLoughlin On 5 Dec 2013, at 08:11, "Peachy Collections Thank you for the email. Please be advised that our Credit Agreement is regulated by the Consumer Finance Association and Standards of Fair Trading and by singing this agreement you are obliged to provided us with needed documentation. Please note that once we have received your email about your financial problems on the 22nd of October 2013 we have immediately notified you that we are able to offer you a reasonable repayment plan but we will also require a down payment. We have the right to require supportive documentation regarding the cause of the financial difficulties to determine the time of the change and whether the cause was unforeseen or not. The reasonable payment arrangement can be set up only when the Customer provides documentation regarding the monthly income and expenditure. In your case, we have provided you with the repayment plan without any supportive document and we have made another exception by agreeing on the repayment plan without any down payment. Please note that the you have stated the reason for your inability to cover the full payment on your email dated 22 nd of October 2013 by telling us that there is simply no funds in your bank. We have provided you with the reasonable repayment plan and the copy was sent to your email address with the new Financial Statement. Please note that by the 9th of December the debt will be handed over to Debt Collections agency as unfortunately we are not able to rearrange the repayment plan. In case we will received any letter from the Financial Ombudsman , we will send a reply immediately with all the supportive documentation. Kind regards, Amy Stone General Manager of Peachy Loans Peachy Collections Department On 5 December 2013 11:16, Liam McLoughlin Well again the information there that you have supplied is also incorrect as I am not obliged to provide any supportive documentation but I have done to help show you my problems. Also you have mentioned about reasonable repayments how can this be classed as reasonable when I have shown you all I can afford. On my previous email you haven't acknowledged the majority of my points on my emailed detailed below and I would like to know why and why you still won't provide me with a reference number and your bank details to make payments. I believe it is my right to make payments and withholding this information is making this impossible. I would also like you to address everything that I have wrote on my previous email instead of just trying to fob me off again as this is just making me mad now. It took me a long time to write my last email and for me to have a response within 11 minutes of you opening shows that the email hasn't been read properly and hasn't been actioned as I have asked. All these emails I am sending and receiving are being recorded incase I do need to take this further and I would also like to remind you that with every email I receive I am seeking professional advice on what to write so I do know my rights. As stated on my previous email I am raising this as a complaint and I would like this to be forwarded to your Complaints Department or for you to supply the email address. Yours Faithfully Liam McLoughlin On 5 Dec 2013, at 12:55, "Peachy Collections" Thank you for the email. Please be advised that the previous email has been sent to your from our Head Manager and this email has been sent as a response to your complaint. Please note that as soon as we receive any letter from the Financial Ombudsman, we will then reply immediately and supply with all the needed documentation and email conversation saved under your profile. Please note that unfortunately we were unable to accept the payment offer you have provided us with and the debt will be passed to Debt Collections agency on Monday the 9th of December 2013. They will be in touch with you shortly, as unfortunately we were unable to reach any agreements with you. Kind regards, Alina Samsina Peachy Collections Department On 5 December 2013 12:59, Liam McLoughlin But I don't understand how you can expect me to make a payment when you won't give me any details. Please explain Yours Faithfully, Liam McLoughlin On 5 Dec 2013, at 13:04, "Peachy Collections" Thank you for the email. Please be advised that we will not be able to send you a direct transfer details, as you confirmed that you no longer able to meet the repayment plan payments. Kind regards, Alina Samsina Peachy Collections Department Right ok not a problem I have just spoken to the National Debt Line and read your emails to then and they have said that it seems now that you want me to go through the financial ombudsman as you are denying me the right to pay off any part of my loan As previously stated my offer still stands and whilst this is ongoing I will be putting the payments I can afford to pay to one side. Kind Regards, Liam McLoughlin Thank you for the e-mail. We are not refusing payments, you are refusing to pay the agreed payments. Please note that you were not able to make the full payment and we agreed to arrange a repayment plan for you without any proof or the required down payment. So far we have received only 1 payment of £15.02 since 17/08/2013 when you took out the loan. Your behavior towards repaying this loan is considered as a deliberate act to avoid the repayment of your loan and as a breach of the terms of the Credit Agreement. In case you are not able to make us the agreed payment within 4 days your loan will be in default and will be handed over to our Debt Collection Partner. Please note that you may have to pay extra charges to the Debt Collection Agency in addition to the amount you owe us. If you do not co-operate with Debt Collection Agency a County Court Judgement may be entered against you. Kind regards, Daniel Erma Peachy Collections Department Good Evening, How can i make payments through my bank if you won't give me my reference number and your account details. You have told me today " Please be advised that we will not be able to send you a direct transfer details, as you confirmed that you no longer able to meet there payment plan payments" I want to send you what i can afford but you allow it. You have also told me today "Please note that unfortunately we were unable to accept the payment offer you have provided us with and the debt will be passed to Debt Collections agency on Monday the 9th of December 2013. They will be in touch with you shortly, as unfortunately we were unable to reach any agreements with you" This again is you not accepting a payment when i have asked your details. And again at 15:46 yesterday " Please be advised that unfortunately we will not be able to accept a reduced payments of £6.05." Surely me wanting to make payments of £6.05 is we wanting to pay off my loan. Whether you setup a plan that includes this is irrelevant but when you say on your last email Your behavior towards repaying this loan is considered as a deliberate act to avoid the repayment of your loan and as a breach of the terms of the Credit Agreement. How can this be me avoiding repaying my loan when i have sent numerous emails asking for your bank details and you either declining the request or just ignoring what i have wrote as if i haven't wrote. I would also like to know why i am not getting replies from a Manager each time now this has been raised as a complaint and i am still dealing with the same members of staff that i have previously complained about. Yours Faithfully, Liam McLoughlin ===================================== Am i right in what i'm saying?
  16. I have been struggling to get out of the payday loan hellhole for a while now but with the help of a friend am down to 3 loans. Money in Advance - £219.50 outstanding - arrangement in place Peachy - £134.80 outstanding Mr Lender - £450 loan plus interest outstanding I emailed Peachy and explained circumstances, they replied the only option was to rollover. Contacted bank and cancelled CPA by phone and letter. Today had email adding charges and stating these will rise daily. Sent email advising them that I had contacted them yesterday and they would not entertain sorting out a payment plan and did not assess affordability when offering rollover. I told them that this is a complaint and I am happy to take the matter to FOS and then put my offer of repayment to them - no response yet! I emailed Mr Lender yesterday after paying yet another rollover fee though they have not once assessed affordability and I guess I have done this 4/5 times! I also cancelled CPA with bank. They are yet to respond, should I do anything else? If anyone has any suggestions relating to this lot I would be happy to hear them I cannot afford Peachy adding 1% a day on the debt
  17. Hi I have been getting offers of a "reduced" figure for just over 100pounds. I was in a repayment arrangement with peachy, and payed off over half the loan, but couldn't keep these payments up so offered them £1 a month (and sent it). They said that 1£ pcm wasnt a reasonable amount to pay it off, but it's all I can afford (well can't really) so kept sending it anyways. They warn that the DCA may add fees and whatever. I'm sure if it went to court the order would be £1pm. My question is should I keep sending the £1 to peachy or try and deal with this DCA? What happens down the line when I haven't given the DCA anything? Cheers in advance
  18. Basically, i had issues with my car (which i need for work) and had to get a new one, had a lot of bother with "contact issues" i'll post the email jargon, long read(TLDR also): sorry for that fact , help is appreciated (READ FROM BOTTOM UP): My most recent emai ((included in TLDRl (i was on holiday)), TLDR: "I tried to arrange other repayment, this was there response: Thank you for the email. Your cancellation request of continuous payment authority is not lawful as this is a financial agreement. Please note that a continuous-payment authority is not covered by any bank guarantee and can only be cancelled by the business that holds the authority. Please note that the cancellation of continues payment authority does not free you of your obligation to make the payment and can be cancelled only when you have an alternative payment method in place or in case you have already made the payment. No payments have been wrongly collected nor disputed. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that even though you have contacted us prior your due date, it does not change the fact that you must have had funds available to repay your loan on the agreed date. Your loan is overdue and we are not obliged to provide you with any discounts at all, however we are still willing to settle your account with £50. If this is not suitable for you or we do not receive funds by Friday 12/07/2013 latest, offer will not be valid any longer and additional charges will be added according to our Credit Cycle until your balance is cleared in full or debt is forwarded to a debt collection agency" : My respnose: I am now making a formal complaint as i have tried to contact yourself regarding a payment that was due on the 1st June 2013. As i would not have then funds available on the card registered contacted your company via the "Contact us section" of your website to explain this and to arrange alternative payment via my second bank card as i was unsure a bank transfer would be quick enough, and i could not get an agent over the phone. Your company decided not to contact me but instead let the payment default, to which my response from the collections team was "We would like to draw your attention to the fact that even though you have contacted us prior your due date, it does not change the fact that you must have had funds available to repay your loan on the agreed date.", this breaches multiple OFT guidelines and by ignoring my request to gain profit from a lack of response (To which i have still had no explanation as to why i was not contacted) If required i can state the necessary guidelines breached as a result of this and can forward the full conversation with the collections team highlighting the guidelines breached (As you may be aware speedcredit recently lost its credit license due to following such practices) Furthermore your company refused to provide me with bank details to make the payment (which has been refused) and a letter of final response (which has been ignored) which I am BOTH STILL REQUESTING as i am NOT refusing to make payment, only that i can pay what i know is due and to pay in a manner that i am comfortable with. Finally, you may be aware that a CPA is still active on my account and that you have taken APPROX £130 from my account even though i have requested for this to be cancelled. As a result of this, i will be issuing a charge-back with my bank to recover the funds unlawfully taken, as i stated would happen if this was not investigated and resolved to my satisfaction, i now request that you either resolve this matter and provide a paper letter stating my amount to pay is £32.50 or you send a letter of final response so i can take this further with the Financial Ombudsman Services (F.O.S.). Failure receive a letter of final response or a resolution i will be eligible to take my case to the F.O.S. at the end of this month, as the 6 weeks default period will have passed: or you can arrange a court date with myself for a date i will not be working as this will further reduce my funds. I have already reported your practice to the OFT and shall continue to report on malpractice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL FULL EMAIL (READ FROM BOTTOM UP) To whom it may concern, I am now making a formal complaint as i have tried to contact yourself regarding a payment that was due on the 1st June 2013. As i would not have then funds available on the card registered contacted your company via the "Contact us section" of your website to explain this and to arrange alternative payment via my second bank card as i was unsure a bank transfer would be quick enough, and i could not get an agent over the phone. Your company decided not to contact me but instead let the payment default, to which my response from the collections team was "We would like to draw your attention to the fact that even though you have contacted us prior your due date, it does not change the fact that you must have had funds available to repay your loan on the agreed date.", this breaches multiple OFT guidelines and by ignoring my request to gain profit from a lack of response (To which i have still had no explanation as to why i was not contacted) If required i can state the necessary guidelines breached as a result of this and can forward the full conversation with the collections team highlighting the guidelines breached (As you may be aware speedcredit recently lost its credit license due to following such practices) Furthermore your company refused to provide me with bank details to make the payment (which has been refused) and a letter of final response (which has been ignored) which I am BOTH STILL REQUESTING as i am NOT refusing to make payment, only that i can pay what i know is due and to pay in a manner that i am comfortable with. Finally, you may be aware that a CPA is still active on my account and that you have taken APPROX £130 from my account even though i have requested for this to be cancelled. As a result of this, i will be issuing a charge-back with my bank to recover the funds unlawfully taken, as i stated would happen if this was not investigated and resolved to my satisfaction, i now request that you either resolve this matter and provide a paper letter stating my amount to pay is £32.50 or you send a letter of final response so i can take this further with the Financial Ombudsman Services (F.O.S.). Failure receive a letter of final response or a resolution i will be eligible to take my case to the F.O.S. at the end of this month, as the 6 weeks default period will have passed: or you can arrange a court date with myself for a date i will not be working as this will further reduce my funds. I have already reported your practice to the OFT and shall continue to report on malpractice. Many Thanks, James Thank you for the e-mail. If You have a complaint, We will investigate it and give any redress to which We feel You are entitled. In order for Us to investigate Your complaint please send it to our [email protected]. If You are not happy with Our final response, You have a right to have Your complaint dealt with under the Financial Services Ombudsman Service at: The Financial Ombudsman Service South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall London E14 9SR Website: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk Consumer helpline: 0800 0234 567 (from a landline) 0300 123 9123 (from a mobile) Email: [email protected] Switchboard: 020 7964 1000 Fax: 020 7964 1001 -- Kind regards, Daniel Erma Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk [email protected] Actions James 7/10/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James Clearly you do not have an understanding of the law, i have not refused to pay and the bank does have the authority to cancel a CPA as well as applying for a chargeback. It is not your decision as to whether the debt is in dispute but the debitors, you have stated that even though i have contacted you it does not matter...it does, because you have refused to allow me to resolve this before the payment was due and are therefore using an admin error to profiteer from a debitor. You have also stated i do not have another payment method so you cannot cancel the CPA (which legally you have no right to refuse) however i have requested the company bank details so i can give a direct bank transfer, you have not provided this. Thank you for confirming that is company policy as it will only benefit my case when taken to the F.O.S As this is your final decision please confirm you are sending a letter of final response so i can register my complaint with the F.O.S. If you choose not to i will wait the 6 weeks required and the report it anyway. You have also yet to give me the procedure for registering a formal complaint, which i am still requesting. James Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions Peachy Collection​s ([email protected])Add to contacts 7/10/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the email. Your cancellation request of continuous payment authority is not lawful as this is a financial agreement. Please note that a continuous-payment authority is not covered by any bank guarantee and can only be cancelled by the business that holds the authority. Please note that the cancellation of continues payment authority does not free you of your obligation to make the payment and can be cancelled only when you have an alternative payment method in place or in case you have already made the payment. No payments have been wrongly collected nor disputed. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that even though you have contacted us prior your due date, it does not change the fact that you must have had funds available to repay your loan on the agreed date. Your loan is overdue and we are not obliged to provide you with any discounts at all, however we are still willing to settle your account with £50. If this is not suitable for you or we do not receive funds by Friday 12/07/2013 latest, offer will not be valid any longer and additional charges will be added according to our Credit Cycle until your balance is cleared in full or debt is forwarded to a debt collection agency. -- Kind regards, Alesja Tsernoseva Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk [email protected] James 7/10/13 Pleas confirm you are sending a letter of final response and that you hace removed your CPA from my bank card. Please also provide bank details so i can transfer the remainding £37.50 to your account Actions James 7/09/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James I contacted you 2 days prior to the debt being due via the contact us section of your website to which you failed to respond, I have explained why you were not able to contact me on the due date. As before i do not authorize any collections via CPA until this matter is settled, which by law you cannot refuse. Please sebd a letter of final response. Sent from Samsung Mobile Peachy Collection​s ([email protected])Add to contacts 7/09/13 Thank you for the e-mail. Please note on 29/06/2013 you were advised the amount repayable on 01/07/2013. We also sent you a remainder email and a text message before you loan was due. You did not make Picture of Peachy Collections Actions James 7/09/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James You were unable to reach me as i was working, this is the reason i contacted you BEFORE the payment was due to try pay with an alternative debit card. As you have failed to even acknowledge this fact in any of your recent correspondence, have chosen to previously ignore this in order to profit from an admin error and as you are refusing to remove the additional charges, I am officially stating for legal purposes that this debt is now in dispute. As such, I demand that any CPA's (continuous payment authority's) are cancelled from my debit card and any method of collection from my bank will now be deemed as fraudulent. I will be sending a copy of this to my bank, and any moneys taken from my bank account will be recovered through a Charge-back procedure. I am also making you aware that any communication through door collection visits/telephone calls will be deemed as harassment and any correspondence can be posted or emailed to me. If you wish to pass this over to a debt collection company they will be informed with the supporting evidence that they have taken on a debt that is currently in dispute and requested that the debt is returned to yourself wherein a further complaint will be made to the OFT Furthermore due to your inadequacy, lack of empathy and failure to follow current guidelines I will be reporting your company to the OFT for this breach of guidelines. I shall also be making MP Stella Creasy aware of the way you handle your customers and request that you provide the correct information in order for me to make an official complaint to your company, as well as providing a "Final response/Letter of deadlock" (if this is your final decision) in order to make an official complaint with the financial ombudsman service. Merely ignoring the contents/evidence that I have provided within the emails and repeating "£50 settlement figure" as a reply is totally unacceptable. Below you will find exact guidelines set out by the OFT to be followed by all Consumer Credit License Holders for your consideration: Section 2.2: - treat debtors fairly – debtors should not be subjected to aggressive practices, inappropriate coercion, or conduct which is deceitful, oppressive, UNFAIR or improper, whether unlawful or not. -exercise forbearance and consideration, in particular towards debtors EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTY – we would expect businesses to WORK WITH debtors with a view to providing them with reasonable time and opportunity to repay debts and, where appropriate, to signpost them to sources of free independent debt advice. -establish and implement clear, effective and appropriate policies and procedures for engaging with debtors and other relevant parties, including having appropriate mechanisms for RESPONDING TO REASONABLY QUERIED and DISPUTED debt. These are the guidelines from section 2 of the OFT guidelines in which you are in breach, further breaches in guidelines within section 3 can be highlighted on request, however if you are struggling to find the information please refer to: http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/consultations/OFT664Rev_Debt_collection_g1.pdf Or you can got to the OFT website and manually search for the guidelines, Yours sincerely, James Actions Peachy Collection​s ([email protected])Add to contacts 7/08/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the email. We have been trying to contact you on 02/07/2013 (the next day after your due date) and unfortunately were unable to reach. As was stated previously, the minim repayment amount we are willing to accept is £50. -- Kind regards, Alesja Tsernoseva Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk [email protected] Actions James 7/08/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James As previously stated you chose mot to contact me until after the bill was due even though correspondance was sent on the 29th of june. As a result of this you have allowed me to default and applied charges INSTEAD of contacting me prior to the payment which would have resolved the issue. As this is the case i refuse to pay any additional charges the amout due to be paid back was £62.50 I am unwilling to pay a total of £75 when you have deliberatly ignored me in oder to gain profit. Please either agree to drop ALL additional charges on the account or provide a letter of final response so i can register my complaint with the FOS and OFT Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions Peachy Collection​s ([email protected])Add to contacts 7/08/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the e-mail. The £25 that we have been able to collect is already reduced form the balance and the remaining balance is £89.50 and as stated before we are willing to accept £50 to settle your account. -- Kind regards, Daniel Erma Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk [email protected] Actions James 7/08/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James Please confirm that i am only due to pay £25 as a settlement figure as you have already debited £25 from my account Sent from Samsung Mobile Peachy Collections wrote: Thank you for the e-mail. Please be so kind and provide us with the exact date on which you will be able to repay your loan and we will then be able to calculate the exact amount to be repaid. Please be advised that we follow strict policy procedures determined by our Credit Risk Committee and therefore we cannot freeze your loan, additional charges and interest. However, we are able to make an exception this time. Once you have provided us with the date on which we can expect the payment, we can negotiate with our Credit Committee to see if we could write off some of the additional charges. Until that, our system is automatic and still tries to collect the full amount and also additional charges and interest will be added. -- Kind regards, Alesja Tsernoseva Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk [email protected] On 3 July 2013 17:15, James To whom it may concern. > I have used the contact us section of your website on the 29th to inform you > i cannot access my online account nor can i text the 5-digit number to > retrieve the password. I have a screen recording program and have video > evidence of this being sent as companies tend to 'lose' these > communications. You have failed to contact me and have instead allowed a > default on my account which breaches OFT guidelines, as you are using an > admin error as an excuse to apply charges and gain a profit. Please provide > information on how to reset my password without texting the 5-digit number. > I also do not deem the additional charges applied as justified due to your > lack of response and request that they are removed immediatly, failure to do > so will result in an official complaint being made to both your own company > and the OFT. James > > > Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions James 7/05/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James As you have already taken £25 from my account i am under the impression that i am only due to pay a further £25 Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions Peachy Collection​s ([email protected])Add to contacts 7/05/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the e-mail. The current outstanding balance is £76.00. As an exception, we would be willing to accept £50.00 as the final settlement payment. Please confirm if this is suitable for you, in order to finalize the arrangement. Until that, our system is automated and still tries to collect the outstanding amount and also additional charges and interest will be added for the overdue time. -- Kind regards, Karen Randoja Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk [email protected] Actions James 7/04/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James The paymebt can be made immediatly on the condition that the charges are removed and any additional charges are removed Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions Peachy Collection​s ([email protected])Add to contacts 7/04/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the e-mail. Please be so kind and provide us with the exact date on which you will be able to repay your loan and we will then be able to calculate the exact amount to be repaid. Please be advised that we follow strict policy procedures determined by our Credit Risk Committee and therefore we cannot freeze your loan, additional charges and interest. However, we are able to make an exception this time. Once you have provided us with the date on which we can expect the payment, we can negotiate with our Credit Committee to see if we could write off some of the additional charges. Until that, our system is automatic and still tries to collect the full amount and also additional charges and interest will be added. -- Kind regards, Alesja Tsernoseva Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk [email protected] he paymebt can be made immediatly on the condition that the charges are removed and any additional charges are removed Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions Peachy Collection​s ([email protected])Add to contacts 7/04/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the e-mail. Please be so kind and provide us with the exact date on which you will be able to repay your loan and we will then be able to calculate the exact amount to be repaid. Please be advised that we follow strict policy procedures determined by our Credit Risk Committee and therefore we cannot freeze your loan, additional charges and interest. However, we are able to make an exception this time. Once you have provided us with the date on which we can expect the payment, we can negotiate with our Credit Committee to see if we could write off some of the additional charges. Until that, our system is automatic and still tries to collect the full amount and also additional charges and interest will be added. -- Kind regards, Alesja Tsernoseva Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk [email protected] Actions James 7/03/13 To: [email protected] Picture of James To whom it may concern. I have used the contact us section of your website on the 29th to inform you i cannot access my online account nor can i text the 5-digit number to retrieve the password. I have a screen recording program and have video evidence of this being sent as companies tend to 'lose' these communications. You have failed to contact me and have instead allowed a default on my account which breaches OFT guidelines, as you are using an admin error as an excuse to apply charges and gain a profit. Please provide information on how to reset my password without texting the 5-digit number. I also do not deem the additional charges applied as justified due to your lack of response and request that they are removed immediatly, failure to do so will result in an official complaint being made to both your own company and the OFT. James
  19. Hi i am new to this forum i am hoping someone can advise me i recently took a payday loan with the above company i had every intention to pay the loan back but due to unforeseen circumstances i was unable to i emailed them asking if i could set up a payment plan for a couple of months until i had enough money to clear the remaining amount they emailed me back saying they would only agree to a payment plan if i paid £50 up front but as i was not in a position to pay that amount they have refused a payment plan i have now received a letter from them stating they are applying to court to recover the debt and this could result in an application to my employer for an attachment of earnings i am worried sick as i don't want my employers knowing my situation is there anything i can do the debt at present is £320
  20. Hi, Dont go there but took a peachy loan. Need to repay £117. Emailed before payment date -5th June - knowing that I can't repay and asking for repayment plan and this was response. Said £20 per month was comfortable and attached an I & E form. Thank you for the email. Please note that if you are not able to make the payment on your repayment date, extra charges and interest will be added. As we value you as a customer and want to help you to avoid overdue charges we would like to offer you the opportunity to EXTEND your loan. You may extend your loan up to 5 times successively. To extend the outstanding balance, you need to pay the daily interest and fees at the moment of request. The extension option is only available within the period between the 3rd day before the agreed due date and the 5th day overdue. The extension will work as a re-financed loan. It will be for the same period of time as your initial loan period. To extend you loan, please log in to your peachy.co.uk account or send a text message 'EXTEND' to 68899. The extension fee will be collected from your debit card immediately after you request the extension and if it goes through successfully, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. This seems mad. So I can rollover!! How is that helping. I am happy to pay backj but in £20 incrememnts but they are asking me to pay more by rolling over. Any advice would be gratefully received. Swanleyboy
  21. Good Morning all, I am new to this site. I am a recovering gambling addicts and i owe a lot o debt to pay day loans company, the one i want to discuss in particular is Peachy . My loan pay date was on the 31st January, I contacted them them 3 days before the payment was due explaining my position to them, please see below correspondence between me and Peachy, some of the information included in the email was from a template found from this website, so thank you very much for that. Here is the 1st email sent to Peachy explaining my situation. Dear Sir / Madam, Please accept my sincere apologies i am unable to make the scheduled payday loan on 31st December 2012. I have a very severe gambling addiction which has put me in huge financial difficulties, I owe money to several payday loan companies which includes your company. My Personal relationship had broken down with my partner and am longer living at my address. please do not contact me on the home phone number. I will not have any funds in my bank account for you to collect your payment to cover my loan, or pay any of my household bills as my wages which will be paid in on 31st December 2012 will just cover the bank charges on my account. Please can you therefore with immediate effect, not attempt to take any payment from my bank account, either by direct debit or using my Visa Debit card details supplied as this will mean I will incur further charges from my bank and have even less money to enable repayment of my debts. I would now at this point like to arrange a payment plan with you and freeze any further interest and charges going forward so I am able to pay off my debt with you as quickly as possible, contacting me either by e-mail or on my personal mobile number only. Contacting me at work would cause me further distress and I would also class this as harassment as I do not wish to be contacted at any point regarding this debt whilst at work. It is with great regret that I am having to ask for a repayment plan, but due to these unforeseen circumstances which have now effected my ability to repay the loan to you in one lump sum, I have no other alternatives available. I will have to contact all of the other companies who I pay by Direct Debit to arrange payment options with them also as this has left me totally penniless and I have no idea when I will be able to get back on track. I must inform you in the strongest manner that I do not wish to be contacted at my place of work at any point regarding this loan as this could jeopardise my employment and therefore I would not have the monies to repay the loan to you. My work telephone number was only provided for you to confirm that I was employed and that my place of work had a working land line, and this is what you informed me when setting up the loan. My work environment is not a place for me to discuss personal finance matters, or arrange further more convenient times for us to discuss matters further if you cannot do this by letter or e-mail. I can only be contacted by telephone on my personal mobile number between 4pm and 9pm Monday to Friday. Any calls before 4pm will not be taken as I am at work, but voicemail messages can be left for me and I will contact you back at the earliest possible convenience, if this is not convenient for you, then an e-mail communication will have to be used. I expect not be contacted on any other number than my personal mobile number, and should I find this is happening then I will seek immediate legal advice as I have now given you prior notification regarding this. I have no doubt that your company fully understands my situation and will adhere to Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. whilst I am arranging repayment of the loan with yourselves, and throughout the duration of any repayment period. I am fully aware of the OFT debt collection guidance and I will consider making a complaint about a company's behaviour under the guidance if it becomes apparent that you do not follow the legal guidelines and would have no other alternative than to seek legal advice. In particular section (2.2 g) 'Ignoring or disregarding debtors' legitimate wishes in respect of when and where to contact them, for example, shift workers who ask not to be telephoned during certain times of the day'. I do hope however, that we can arrange a payment plan to alleviate the stress of my whole situation, and to also enable the repayment of the loan to your company as promptly as my finances will allow. I look forward to hearing from you and will help in any way I can to organise repayments with your company as soon as possible. Regards Reply from Peachy - Please note the amount owe is £265, the repayment plan below is now charging me a total of £385.63 Thank you for the e-mail. The best offer we could obtain from the Credit Committee is as follows: 1 31/01/2013 £50.26 2 01/03/2013 £47.09 3 03/04/2013 £48.79 4 03/05/2013 £47.68 5 03/06/2013 £47.99 6 03/07/2013 £47.73 7 02/08/2013 £47.73 8 03/09/2013 £47.99 In case we should fail to collect the payment, extra charges and interest will be added and your debt will be handed over to our Debt Collection Partner. Until we haven´t arranged a repayment plan our system still tries to collect the full amount and also additional charges and interest will be added. Please confirm if this is suitable for you, in order to finalize the repayment plan. Also, please be so kind and provide us with your correct debit card details. here my reply to the above email requesting to only pay the amount i owe initially, i was quite angry Dear Sir /Madam, You are certainly not helping matters, I have explained to you in my previous emails that I have a gambling addiction and I owe quite a lot of debt. I pleaded with you to freeze any interest charges while I agree a repayment plan with you, the total debt I own your company is £265, now looking at the repayment plan offer have now purported to charge me £408 which comes to an additional extra charge of £143.00, how is this helping matters? Quite frankly this is nothing short of extortion and taking advantage of the vulnerable in financial difficulties. What you are doing is now in line with the guidelines set by the BCCA (New Payday and short term lender charter and Addendum) The Office of Fair Trading and Trading standards. I will be formally submitting a complaint to them about the unfair practices of your company, furthermore I spoke to one of your colleagues a few minutes ago from the collections department and he was very rude aggressive towards me which I believe is also not in line with the trading practices. Please accept my repayment plan as shown below in order for this matter to be settled as soon as possible. I I have also copied the financial ombudsman authority to make them aware of the situation. 31 January 2012 £34.00 28 February 2012 £33.00 28 March 2012 £32.00 30 April 2012 £32.00 31 May 2012 £32.00 28 June 2012 £32.00 31 July 2012 £32.00 30 August 2012 £38.00 Total Amount Due £265.00 Kind Regards this is the reply i received yesterday from them, it was very threatening and i a bit worried, please can you help and advice on what i need to do now, should i just agree with their repayment plan or pursue even further.i don't think they should be charging that much interest over a small loan like this. please can someone help on how i can respond to their threatening emailThank you for the e-mail. Thank you for your help. As stated in the previous email, this was our best and final offer. In case this is not acceptable for you, please note, we act as follows: We charge you interest at the rate applicable of 1% per day (fixed) (365% per annum); 1 day after the due date we will send you an overdue reminder resulting in a £25 administrative fee and interest on the principle sum at the rate applicable of 1% per day to be added to your loan. 3 days after the repayment date another overdue reminder including a £12 administrative fee and interest on the principal sum at the rate applicable of 1% per day will be sent. 7 days after the repayment date an overdue reminder including a £12 administrative fee and interest on the principle sum at the rate applicable of 1% per day will be sent. 14 days after the repayment date an overdue reminder including a £12 administrative fee and interest on the principle sum at the rate applicable of 1% per day will be sent. 21 days after the repayment date an overdue reminder including a £12 administrative fee and interest on the principle sum at the rate applicable of 1% per day will be sent. 28 days after the repayment date an overdue reminder including a £12 administrative fee and interest on the principle sum at the rate applicable of 1% per day will be sent. 35 days after the repayment date an overdue reminder including a £12 administrative fee and interest on the principle sum at the rate applicable of 1% per day will be sent. 42 days after the repayment date an overdue reminder including a £49 administrative fee and interest on the principle sum at the rate applicable of 1% per day will be sent. If you have not repaid the full amount of loan including administrative fees and interest by the 45th day of the loan cycle we will hand your debt over to our Debt Collection Partner. Please note that we might charge you with other reasonable costs that have incurred as a result of you missing your payments, such as reasonable legal costs or the additional costs that would involve instructing a debt collection agency to recover amounts that are due from you. Late repayments may affect your credit rating and may result in legal action. We try to collect your outstanding debt on a regular basis.
  22. hi i have been currently repaying back my payday loans one by one but i am struggling to pay off the loan i have with peachy loans i owe 200 and i am wondering if anyone has had any dealings with them coming to a repayment plan with them? any help much appreciated thanks
  23. I have been having fun with peachy loans. I have been playing email tennis with them. They reply very quick but I seem to be getting nowhere. Ill post up our correpondence in a minute, its quite long so a big thanks in advance for the time of anyone that reads through and advises. It was for a £160 loan. I am struggling to keep my replies to them polite as they are really testing my patience. 1st email I sent them when I realised some money had not gone into my account, I was just asking them not to raid my account while I looked into why I had not been paid.... Dear Peachy. I was expecting to be paid some money into my bank account today by my University and it has not gone in yet. Therefore, this morning funds are not available in my bank account to be able to repay the loan. I need to chase up why the money has not cleared and request that you do not attempt to take payment by the debit card details I supplied as this will put me in a mess with my bank. I will be in contact later today with an update (and hopefully payment!) Regards ##### And their unhelpful reply Dear ##### Thank you for writing. Please note that we follow strict policy procedures determined by our Credit Risk Committee and therefore we cannot stop the system from collecting the funds. Please be advised that all our collecting procedures are automatic and we are not able to stop them until the balance has been cleared. Therefore our system tries to collect the funds every day until the debt is cleared. The card registered with us ends with *####, the amount outstanding today is £176.20. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail [email protected], by calling us on 08 723 310 433 (calls cost 10p per minute) or by visiting our website www.peachy.co.uk GET HELP section. Thank You for choosing Us, Chanette Kodres Peachy Customer Service Team So i fired them back the cancelation of the CPA Dear peachy Thankyou for your reply I only wanted to suspend your collection attempts until I have figured out why I have not been paid, I may be able to resolve this payment problem with my university today but it may take longer. OFT guidlines state that debt collectors should "exercise forbearance and consideration, in particular towards debtors experiencing difficulty – we would expect businesses to work with debtors with a view to providing them with reasonable time and opportunity to repay debts and, where appropriate" http://www.oft.gov.uk/about-the-oft/legal-powers/legal/cca/debt-collection#.USSlo6V9CtY I do not know what has happened to the money that was due to be paid into my account, I have priority debts that need to be paid and I cant put myself at risk of not being able to pay these due to you putting me overdrawn or stripping my bank account. Due to your reply to my email I feel I have no choice but to cancel the Continuous Payment Authority. I am withdrawing my authorisation for any more payments to be taken from my account for this debt. The last 4 digits of the card these payments are being taken from are #### In line with the payment services regulations which are run by the Financial Services Authority, any more payments taken from the card will be an unauthorised transaction. I have enclosed some information below from FSA should you be unaware of your obligation to cancel the authority. Please send me confirmation you have done this. Regards ####### No reply so I sent them a reminder... Dear peachy I have been informed that I will not be receiving the money I was expecting. I only borrowed from you as I believed I was able to pay you back from this today. I can not afford to pay you back as agreed in the original agreement. Money is tight and now even tighter after receiving news today that money I was expecting will not be paid to me. I need to set up a repayment plan with you and will be in touch within the next few days once I have worked out how much I can afford to repay you after I have repaid my priority debts. Please confirm that you will no longer be taking payments from the debit card ending #### as in my last email I withdrew my consent for you to take payments form this card and I have not received a reply from you. I look forward to your reply. Regards ##### reply from them .... Thank you for the e-mail. Please note that you need to set up a repayment plan with our Collections office as soon as possible, otherwise your loan will be handed over to our external Debt Collection partner. Please write an e-mail to [email protected] saying when you could start making your repayments to cover your outstanding balance (the first date needs to be within a month), how often you could make them (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) and how much you could afford to pay each time. Please also let them know how much down payment you could make. Our Collections Team will then either accept your offer, deny it or propose an alternative arrangement. You could also call them on 0845 5576 508 (calls cost 10p per minute) to discuss the repayment. Our Collections Office is open Mon-Fri from 8.00am till 4.30pm. For further help please visit Get Help section at www.peachy.co.uk. Thank You for choosing Us, Kristina Luzgatsova Peachy Customer Service Team More to come on next post
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