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Found 7 results

  1. 18 months ago I moved out of my parents house into my first flat (renting) I thought that I'd set up all of my payments (gas, electric, council tax etc), Today I received a letter from united utilities saying they have recently found that my address is occupied and are going to send me a water bill. I've looked over my previous statements, and yes, I didn't inform UU that I'd moved in. I know this was extremely stupid! Obviously I have to ring them and sort this out, I have the money to pay for 18 months worth of bills, but am just afraid of what to expect when I call. Will they threaten me with legal action over failing to disclose my address? Will it affect my credit rating? if I ring them tomorrow to get this sorted, apologise and offer to pay in full, what kind of backlash/penalties can I expect?
  2. Hi all. I am posting this in the hope someone will be able to tell me how to go about putting this mess right & hopefully get an idea how much trouble I may or not be in. As a single man I have been on ESA & Housing Benefit for some time due to both cancer treatment and being diagnosed with, but not yet treated for PTSD. Just over a year ago I married my soulmate against a backdrop of personal issues. I/We have not yet informed the DWP of either our marriage or the fact that she now lives with me. My wife works 16 hours a week earning approximately £128 per week. My main question is how much trouble am I likely to be facing? Apparently my wife could claim tax credits if she were single...is this the same under our circumstance? We have very much wanted to sort this issue for some time but fear of what may happen & health issues have prevented this. I just want to come clean and be able to have one less thing to worry about. What is our actual entitlement? Will I be prosecuted? Is my home at risk? Any answers or help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  3. to cut a long story short I finished cancer treatment in 2012 got into a awful amount of debt my dad had cancer treatment at the same time but he died, my marriage fell apart I am on ridiculous amounts of medication including 2 types of anti depressents, i live in a housing association home which I moved to from a larger housing association house to be nearer shops as I had to sell my car as I had rent arrears I have no assets everything is in my husbands name, i look after my 3 year old granddaughter so my daughter can go to work, the debts are around £15000 which are mostly credit cards and catalogues, i have managed to now keep up with the rent and council tax but have piles of letters and court orders from capquest and others I am trying to save to go bankrupt but as this is now £750 it is going to take a while I need help with how to tell creditors I cannot pay and tell them I need to go bankrupt I have asked them all to start bankruptcy proceedings against me but they wont, now a capquest court order from Northampton has come again today and I just feel like ending it all if it wasn't for my granddaughter I think I would please help
  4. Hi, Had a huge panic today! I moved in with my girlfriend's mum in September when I started work in Manchester. I naively assumed that the house was owned, when today I find out it's a council house. So now I realise that by not informing the Council that I've moved in (which they require!!) that she may have royally screwed up in terms of the law. To my knowledge, ordinarily you get assessed on each non-dependent living with you and have an amount removed from your housing benefit accordingly. However the house is under the name of someone who receives the disability care component allowance, and counts as an exception to this rule. The mum is a live-in, full-time carer for him. As such, the only benefit they receive is a disability allowance and not housing benefit. As the exception to the rule, even though she didn't inform the Council that I'd moved in, there wouldn't have been any difference to the amount they owed due to non-dependants right? If I inform them this week that I've moved in, are they likely to take criminal action? Fine her? It was simply out of ignorance that she didn't inform them, not any malice or intent to fraudulently let me live there! They haven't approached us about me living there the past four months, but surely it's a matter of time and better to come forward? Any advice? Thanks!
  5. I am self employed and my earnings vary a lot often for a short period oftime. My housing benefit claim was already close once because my earnings weretoo high. However the problem is that my earnings vary a lot often for asmall period of time and it is inconvenient for me to make a new claim forhousing benefit each time my earnings vary. I would like to know how to explainmy situation to the housing benefit department to avoid that my claim is closedeach time my earnings vary temporarily I would like to know if there is a specific law for self employer or if I have to file a specific form
  6. Hi, i am in thew support group for anxiety, i have been in therapy which has now ended, and my scores have comedown to normal levels for anxiety and depression, however i have pure ocd which causes me anxiety when i go out to places and gives me intrusive thoughts, which was untreated due to not having enough time in the therapy with the NHS. I was not able to go out much before when i was assessed, but am now able to go out to my support groups for drug and alcohol abuse (which i suffered from due to my anxiety),the gym, and i'm on the waiting list for more therapy to treat my ocd from a charity, and i am going to be assessed for an NHS meditation group. I am wondering do I have to inform the DWP about anything as i still suffer from the main cause of my illness,which has not been treated, but my scores which came down during therapy, show my condition has improved, when I still feel anxious and i'm still suffering when i'm around people.
  7. Morning All! Hope you can advise.....this is for an assured sht gone periodic due to old ll not renewing, though we have sms confirming acceptance of extension to 1/5/13. New ll is happy to keep us as tenants however long we wish to remain. The property we rent was sold. We were not informed of this until mid november by the new landlords agents. The sale date was 28/09/12. We paid via bacs the october and november rent to the old ll. The old ll did not protect our deposit. The new ll has not been sent this deposit. Questions are: Who is responsible for informing tenants of sale old or new ll. I know we should have been sent these.... Old Landlords Letter of authority Notice under s.3 of LTA 1985 Notice under s.48 of LTA 1987 Never received - though notice off new agents for new ll - apparently old ll and his solicitor was not forthcoming with our details! We have asked old ll for a return of the monies, he is not going to due to a dispute will the new ll over the sale ! - this is clearly nothing to do with us. LBA action sent to old ll - no response nor payment I issued a CC claim issued yday for: the two months rent plus the unprotected deposit and a claim for the penalty for non protection under housing act / localism act 2012. Total exceeds 2,400 plus fees. I am confident in winning, this is not the issue! - Anything i need to be wary of ? Also would it be possible for old bill to advise, i believe there is a criminal case here - theft or fraud..... Thanks Numbers
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