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  1. Hi My wife has received a Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims from Drydensfairfax, for an old debt from 1998 at an old address. Arrow recently started sending letters to our new address and continued despite being returned as not known at address. They now appear to be instigating court proceedings. Unfortunately I expect this is not outside the statute of limitations as I have been paying £1 per month by standing order since she defaulted in around 2000/2001 (from my account not hers). Whilst she is working, she is not in a position to pay it off as she is currently just managing to maintain her current credit. Naturally we do not want a CCJ, ideally she is hoping to consolidate her current debt soon to help manage and prevent her credit status worsening. I would really appreciate any advise you could offer, in particular could I ask: - should I send the suggested CPR 31.14 request (as this seems to mention a specific court that has not yet been advised)? - should I send the CCA request to Dydyenfairfax or Arrow? - I have seen a Debt Prove it letter, would this be appropriate? Also, I have listed below the details as suggested: Name of the Claimant ? Drydensfairfax Solicitors/Arrow Global Guernsey Ltd Date of issue – 04/02/2019 Date to acknowledge) - 09/03/2019 - We are instructed by our client, Arrow Global Guernsey Limited, in relation to the above debt. If you do not provide proposals to repay this debt, or respond as otherwise detailed in this letter and it's attachments, legal proceedings may be issued against you in the county court. If such proceedings do become necessary, further costs will be incurred for which you may be liable. The proceedings may then result in a county court judgement being entered against you which will be registered a the credit reference agencies and is therefore likely to affect your ability to obtain credit in the future. Full details of the debt are set out below: The amount owed is £702 and no charges/interest are being added at this stage A statement of account is attached ---(an account summary showing only start balance (£823), total debits (£17), total credits (£138) current balance (£702)--- The agreement this debt relates to was entered into between you and Shop Direct (Carval) on xx/xx/1998 and assigned to Arrow Global Guernsey Limited on xx/xx/2011. A copy of the agreement can be requested using the reply form. ---(should I do this also?---- Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol) ? Don't know Have you changed your address since the time at which the debt referred to in the claim was allegedly incurred? Yes Did you inform the claimant of your change of address? No What is the total value of the claim? 702 Is the claim for - catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after April 2007 ? before, it was 1998. Is the debt showing on your credit reference files (Experian/Equifax /Etc...) ? Not on my copy, I don't know if deeper searches with linked addresses are any different, credit score is low but I thought this was due to current level of debts Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser, Arrow Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? probably but to a previous debt purchaser, it was back in 2011 when Arrow took over but we moved house in 2008 Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Yes, around 2000/2001 Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Don't know, possibly, but moved house in 2008 and only recently started receiving letters to new address Why did you cease payments? Husband has maintained £1 per month standing order throughout, still paying unless their bank payment details have changed What was the date of your last payment? Feb 2019 unless their bank payment details have changed Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No, due to credit difficulties Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Yes and Yes Many thanks again in anticipation of any advice you can offer.
  2. Hello you good people! Please advise, as I've read all the relevant threads but none end with a definitive answer or resolution. I deferred my Student Loans from 93,93,95 each May until 2013 when due to a move, I forgot. I phoned SLC around late 2014 to be told the loans were now with Erudio and to phone them. Having read all the hoo-haa surrounding Erudio, I didn't phone. Nothing further happened. Fast forward to March 2017 and I noticed a hard search on my credit file from Erudio. Nothing further happened. Since last month I have started getting multiple phone calls from Erudio. No message is ever left, and I have blocked each number identified as coming from their stable. As I am on the voters' roll, I can safely assume they have my current address should they decide to write. Could anyone please advise on what my options are? I don't want them getting a backdoor CCJ, but the account must be in 'arrears' since around June 2013. I am not in a position to pay, nor do I earn over the threshold requiring me to do so. As far as I can see, having read the other threads, my move should be to wait until they send a begging letter, then I send them a request for my original CCA? If/When they do what should I do then? By my calculations the first 93 loan should reach the '25 years' write-off point this year, however as I'm currently in arrears I don't think it applies? As my last deferment ran out May 2013 do you think I can just wait another 12 months, 'head-in-the-sand' stylee, until the debt becomes statute barred? I'd just like to know my options, and the dirty tactics I can expect from Erudio now the beast has woken and acquired me!! Any advice gratefully received. Thanks for your time.
  3. Hi, Please see attached. Your comments would be appreciated. convert-jpg-to-pdf.net_2018-05-04_20-06-00.pdf
  4. Hi, everyone! I'm new here so apologies if I have or if this has been answered before somewhere! I had three student loans in 1995, 1997 and 1998. I deferred paying them for years on end up to around 2010 when I moved abroad and my salary meant I could no longer do so. However, I didn't pay the full amount they required because of my circumstances and eventually stopped paying altogether. After being sent umpteen letters for Thesis and now Link Financial / Capquest, I agreed to pay around 20 quid a month to each. I then stumbled upon this website and read something about my loans being statute barred and the fact that I might not owe anything now as there was more than a six year period where nothing was paid. Can someone just clarify this for me? If I deferred for over six years are my loans considered statue barred or not? Thanks!
  5. All this talk about obtaining medical records on this forum reminded me of obtaining my own a few years ago. Back in 2007 and 2008, I obtained some medical records of my own health under the Data Protection Act 1998. These consist of hospital records (such as a routine operation that I had back in 1988), GP records, child development records and so on. I also obtained my birth records (it tells me when I was born, when the delivery of placenta was, my Apgar score etc). This is the crux of the matter, and this is what I am asking - as they are pregnancy records, they are obviously regarded as being the mother's medical records, but I am arguing that if one happened to be the baby born as a result of the pregnancy, they should also be seen as one's own personal records under the Data Protection Act 1998. What do you think? I obtained them under the Access to Patient Records Act 1990 as my mother is now deceased and passed away before I obtained them, but my point is that a record of one's birth is just as much a Data Protection thing, so why did I need to access it as if it was just my late mother's records? Would I have been able to obtain them under Data Protection Act 1998 if she had still been alive at the time? I believe that birth records should automatically be seen under Data Protection Act 1998. Does anyone agree with this?
  6. Received a letter from DWP saying I owed than money from çrisis loans and care grants from 1998 and that are taking it out of my benefits. I requested a SAR to try and identify these debts they sent a computer printout that makes no sense and a letter stating that they no longer had the clerical records. Surely they must keep these to prove the debt as any data can be fed into a computer to produce a print out. Help me please
  7. Group, I’m seeking help / advice on section 35 of the DPA 1998 Act: 35. Disclosures required by law or made in connection with legal proceedings etc. (1) Personal data are exempt from the non-disclosure provisions where the disclosure is required by or under any enactment, by any rule of law or by the order of a court. (2) Personal data are exempt from the non-disclosure provisions where the disclosure is necessary— (a) for the purpose of, or in connection with, any legal proceedings (including prospective legal proceedings), or (b) for the purpose of obtaining legal advice, or is otherwise necessary for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending legal rights. Could someone please advise if sub-section 1 above could be applied as follows ? If a creditor does not respond to an information request made under section 77-79 of the CCA 1974 Act then a SAR could be made for the information and if they continue to withhold the information then a court order could be sought to enforce the SAR which the creditor must comply with or else confirm they do not have the information ? I hope this makes sense – any help / guidance would be appreciated. Many thanks.
  8. Dear all, I unfortunately suffer from chronic depressive illness and have done so for many years with the condition significantly worsening over the past few years. In the year 2011 I had been subject to police investigation. I attended a police interview on a voluntary basis. Due to my debilitating depression I had an appropriate adult also attend this interview who I understand was a social worker at that time. The social worker, without my explicit consent, went on to record the details of the alleged criminal charges I faced on the NHS Trust’s IT system and within my electronic patient records. This information is categorised as highly sensitive information as defined under section 2 (h) of the Data Protection Act and the Trust seemingly recorded this information unlawfully. Their response however is that the processing of this information was 'necessary for medical purposes'. The criminal matter has been long since disposed of in my favour however the Trust are continuously processing this information wherever and whenever possible. I am not clear on whether or not explicit consent was needed here. It seems to me it was. I should be most grateful for any input.
  9. After some advice and any feedback from anybody who has needed to seek a court order to have their data ceased being processed. I have issued a S. 10 notice that was delivered by hand to the director of a small company, they have so far attempted to involve a third party to put pressure on me to back off but have failed to abide by the notice. I have also sent a Subject access request which I am expecting them to ignore as well. Being a small company this could just be down to not knowing what to do etc however I am now in the position of having to decide my next steps. Has anyone pursued a S.10 notice as far as the courts ?
  10. An old old debt has come back to haunt me. For the record, I have not responded to the debt collection agency (DCA) and have at this stage, no intention of doing so. However, if this is the 'debt' I think it is, it seems to have been purchased by another DCA. The last correspondence I had with the previous DCA was, I think, over 10 years ago. What I need to know first is this. Is an old judgement (probably 1998/1998) still enforceable even after years of no-one chasing it and even if another debt collection agency has purchased the debt? What I then need to know is this. Can I request the court to set aside this judgement given the following facts: Firstly, the previous DCA never sent me notice of going to court - and I mean I had no knowledge of the CCJ before it came through my letterbox. This was 1998 or 1999 if memory serves - I can't remember exactly but that feels about right. At that time I had no knowledge of debt collection guidelines or that I could have gone back to court within 30 days to request a set aside. Anyway, I did start paying as per the CCJ but it became impossible to keep up. So in the early 2000s - I can't remember exactly - I managed to get the court to reduce the repayments on the CCJ to £1.00 per month. The DCA was furious, became abusive, and continually threatened to go back to court. As far as I remember, they never did. However, eventually I sent a series of letters asking them to write off the debt as there was no realistic prospect of my ever repaying it in my lifetime at £1.00 a month. They repeatedly refused. Eventually I wrote saying I would no longer be paying the £1.00 per month and I invited them to take the matter back to court where I was happy to argue my case including that they had not had the courtesy - as per debt collection guidelines - to inform me they were going straight for a CCJ. I heard nothing more from them and as time went on I thought no more about it. However, I have now received 2 letters over the past 6 months from another DCA (the latest yesterday) and the amount of the debt appears to have doubled if not tripled. Their approach is that they are 'aware' that this account is subject to a CCJ but it is their aim to agree an affordable and flexible repayment arrangement etc etc. I have not responded and have no intention of doing so. Given that I am now retired and on a basic state pension and in receipt of guaranteed pension credit, my circumstances are the same, if not slightly worse than they were when I wrote to the former DCA telling them I would no longer be able to pay the £1.00 per month. The next question therefore is, do I keep ignoring this new DCA or do I stand any chance of getting the court to set aside this judgement based on the fact no-one has chased it for 10 or more years? Alternatively, what advice can anyone offer? PS: I think that once a CCJ is in place that one cannot argue statue barred even though it's well over the 6 year period. Thanks for your time.
  11. Bit of a mixed bag this one but hopefully I've posted in the correct sub forum. I received a phone call last year from Arden Credit Management from a loan taken out in August 1998 which They say I still owe around £6000. As I hadn't made a payment to this since 2004 I informed them this was statute barred and never heard anything more until this year apart from some statements through the post. This year the began getting a bit more aggressive in demanding the money, to which I informed them the load was statute barred and there was nothing they could do. The advisor on the phone agreed there was nothing legally they could do but they will continue to pursue the money. I then asked for a copy of the credit agreement and expected to hear nothing more, but this morning I've received a copy of the agreement and now want to try and claim my PPI back on this as it was a stipulation of me getting the loan. Can anyone let me know where I stand on this? My loan agreement reads : Loan £8000 Repayment protection premium £2434.53 Total amount of loan £10434.53 Interest £4983.67 Admin fee 0 Total charge for credit £4983.67 Total amount to pay £15418.20 APR 17.9% 60 payments of £256.97 I'm in Scotland if this makes a difference. Thanks
  12. Hello I`m sorry to start a new thread about this as there seem to be a multitude of other threads regarding Thesis but I have spent the last couple of days going through them and am still unsure whether I should respond or ignore so would be grateful for any advice I have 3 loans which were taken out 95-98 and have always deferred due to never earning enough to pay back. For some reason I did not receive my deferrment forms for this year but didn't realise until someone from Student Loans (I assumed at the time they were) rang to ask why I had not sent my deferrment forms back. T hey sent more out and I returned them and received notification that I had deferred until May 2014. Not long after this I started receiving calls on my mobile and tracing the number I found that they were from Link Financial / Thesis. Some wide boy left me a message asking me to call them back which I have not. Since then I have had numerous calls per day (with them using different numbers or caller unknown which I have ignored). I have now received 2 letters from them. The 1st stating that they have been trying to contact me in reference to my student loan which is being serviced by Thesis Service and are wanting to speak to me as a matter of urgency to ensure they have the most up-to-date information before they action my account which may result in arrears being applied to my account before I have had the opprtunity to adress the situation. I received this at the end of May. I have another letter dated 7th June which states that they acknowledge I have deferred until 2014 but there are now £76.90 arrears on the account. At the end of the deferrment period the full amount of outstanding arrears will become due immediately and not clearing the arrears during the current deferrement period will cause the loan to accelerate through their collection process and ultimately may affect abilty to obtain future credit. As an aside I am currently on a DMP due to losing my job 6 years ago which is serviced through CCCS - now Step Change so am aware of the tricks DCA can play. My credit file is currently okayish and any defaults have been put on my file and I only have a couple of years until they expire. I do not want another one one there now. I am unsure how to respond to them - if at all? Many thanks
  13. I have a Moorcroft "home collections division " letter for a Lloyds TSB debt asking me to give them £90 a month....nice try. Where should I start with tis as I have already told TSB I cannot pay due to their high requests for payment and interest wiping out the payment...help ?
  14. Hi All I am in the process of trying to claim back PPI paid on a HSBC card that we have had since 1998! we always thought that this was a condition of the card as we never took out PPI on anything due to either being self employed or we did have a spell running pubs as management couple but would of had to cover for each other or take on extra staff if we were ill so we know for a fact that we never took this out willingly. all this really only came to light last year as our card is paid automatically via direct debit each month but then we started getting calls from HSBC asking for additional payments. I told them that I could not understand how the account was going over the limit as they take the min payment each month and so this shouldn't happen. It was then that they explained that an insurance policy was being debited each month as an expense and it was this that was causing the account to go over each month! I then realised that it was in fact PPI that was being taken from the account and explained this to them and the fact that we would never of taken out PPI at all due to the reasons mentioned before. Then I heard all this stuff on the radio and so made the big mistake of contacting the company xxxxxxxxx who started to to reclaim it for me. After a few months they had a response from HSBC and said that my only other action was to go to the FOS. I told them to leave it and that I didn't want them to go any further. Now I have copied the letter that HSBC sent them below and I really don;t think they have a good enough reason for turning down the claim as they just say that we should of cancelled etc and also they don;t even have the original agreement to prove that we signed for it!!!!! I also wrote to HSBC on 27th Feb 2013 and a copy is below but they have not replied to my letter at all. Yesterday I filled in the FOS PPi complaints form and that has gone off to the FOS and I have also sent a SAR request to HSBC today so that I have all the figures charged etc since 1998. I think I have done everything I need to do and now assume I have to just wait for the FOS to get in touch? When I do some rough calculations with advice from other posts in regard to interest to claim etc this cold be a very large claim if I win it and I'm hoping it will then allow me to clear of numerous debts that I am struggling with at the money so me and my hubby can start again. If anyone can advise or are in a similar situation would love some encouragment as feel like I'm stepping into the unknown here. Thx
  15. I had a minor accident a couple of weeks ago and my insurance company rang up on Tuesday to request a conference call with DVLA. During the call the DVLA suggested I ring them back which I did. They informed me that my licence had been revoked since 1998. I knew nothing of this. I asked why. They said that I had not sent it in for an endorsement to be added but could not tell me what endorsement as their records don't go back that far. They also cannot supply me with copies of the letters they say they sent me requesting my licence as their records don't go back that far. I told them that I can remember a policeman knocking on the door years ago saying he had been sent by the DVLA and asking to see my licence. I showed it to him and he said it was fine and left. I asked why this problem had not shown up when the police had stopped me a few years ago and done a PCN check on me. They said that was strange! They have told me to apply for a new licence which I have done but I cant drive in the meantime and I am now concerned that my insurance company will find out, cancel my insurance and charge me for all of the costs of the accident. I do not know what is going on. What should I do?
  16. During my last reclaim i also started a reclaim for the above after much confusion upon WHAT was a freeflow account the Co-Op didn't know! i provided all the relevent statements & agreement in the Claim Pack. 1st they said it was a credit card, but said that the account number did not match any series ever used, so rejected the claim. they then claimed it was an OverDraught & as O/D's don't have A CCa , the agreement i had was false! after complainng to the CEO DEpt things started to move.
  17. Hello, can anyone who had one of these Halifax Liquid Gold Accounts in 1998 or at least knows anything about those 1998 terms and conditions help. I believe, in 1998, that joint Halifax Liquid Gold account holders had to all attend the bank and sign a counter mandate, in the presence of the Bank Clerk, to make a withdrawal but unfortunately no longer have written proof of this. Having read on this forum that at least two other people had problems with getting their money out of one of these accounts in 1998 (posted in 2006) because of this very same condition, I decided to post this thread. The Halifax, unhelpfully, have advised me they no longer have copies of their 1998 Terms and Conditions and therefore cannot provied me with any information on this matter. I desparately need to locate these old Halifax Liquid Gold Joint Account Terms and Conditions in order to defend a Court Action being brought against me and hope someone reading this may be able to help. I am very new to communicating via Forums but many thanks to all you people out there and to the CAG.
  18. Hi all - I am currently putting together a claim and in the course of doing so issued a DPA notice in accord with the latest ICO advisory notices. It appears that many of us are being misled by the institutions as to how we must make DPA applications. I hope the following "Information Commissioners Office" advisory notes will be helpful to many CAG members currently dealing with issues . Just two examples:- 1 - It is NOT legally necessary for an applicant to write to a specifiied Office address. You can write to any office of the organization concerned. 2 - It is not a legal requirement to fill in any organization's 'Forms' - and there is lots more so........ Check out these comprehensive set of notes from the ICO - they make for great reading - they are uncomplicated, easy to digest, can save you from bureaucratic nonsense, a must read - I recently put £10 into a current account, then sent a secure e-mail message and gave authority for it to be withdrawn to cover their DPA cost and requested copy of all personal data since A/c opening, Data to also include ALL digital tape recordings etc etc........... got results in 18 days! The ICO government site address is :- http://www.ico.gov.uk/for_organisations/data_protection/the_guide/principle_6/access_to_personal_data.aspx
  19. Hello I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction - I have read through many threads on here but everyone seems to already have an account number. I took out a loan with Lloyds back in 1995 with PPI but I was actually full time at college at the time and not employed and therefore believe I shouldnt have been sold PPI. The loan was repaid a year or two early (it was a 5 year loan). I have never had any other facilities with Lloyds since and wrote to my local branch where I originally took out the loan. I had a reply but it had been sent from a Newcastle central unit and they said they couldnt find anything for me on file and to contact my local branch (which is what I had originally tried to do). What should my next step be? It seems really difficult without any account number or actual dates (I have an estimate of dates and know the loan amount). Any help would be most appreciated - I really would like to pursue this further. Many thanks Sonya
  20. hi, i would like some advice on my ppi, i have found some old bank statements from my hsbc account dating between 1998-2000, it shows on the statements that i was paying a loan but cant find the actual loan agreement, i know i would have been missold the ppi because i was selfemployed at this time, would i have anyluck in trying to reclaim my ppi? thankyou
  21. cannot believe i found and kept an old credit agreement from hfc bank. .and noticed a printed x on the ppi part ...very tiny x at that.. ..at the time i was employed full time and payed into a general sickness and benefit scheme. ..weekly. .so cannot believe i was paying extra with hfc when i didnt need it. ..so i sent off a copy of the agreement 2 weeks ago with standard letter wanting this ppi back.. .they sent me fos questionnaire to fill in. .i sent back recorded delivery with copy of id as i was living elsewhere at time. ..so now just waiting...xxx i paid this off years ago ..and no longer on cra file. ..would they want anything else...
  22. In 1998 I rented a property on a short tenancy of 6 months. I moved out in Jan 1999. I received a letter saying CT was owed and paid it (approx £287) by bank transfer ( I always paid that way). I heard no more until 2007 when they started chasing payment of CT owed I contacted council to find out what was going on as my new property account was up-to date. This is when I found out it was for the old property. Council claim not to receive the bank transfer made in Feb 1999 and proceeded with a liability order and then bailiff to trace me. The CT Bill was for the time I moved in in 1998 till April 1999 (9 months) even though I had moved out in Jan and had paid the full bill till April 1999 by bank transfer. I went to a meeting with council and had my tenancy papers and bank statement showing payment. They agreed to amend the bill to when I moved out. Remove any charges and look into the missing payment. They came back saying its so long ago they cant trace anything or find the payment on their records and I'm liable to pay the arrears as they have a liability order. Nothing more happened until now ... (5 years on) The Council still claim not to have received the payment and are now taking the money they say is owed from my ESA (£5 a week) without any notice or contact with myself. This has meant my ESA that went into my bank was less then I was expecting causing me financial problems. It may only be £10 but that not the point and means my budging is out the window.:mad2: Any suggestions on what to do next? As far as I can see I overpaid by 3 months (Jan to Mar '99) and now having to pay again...
  23. Hello, I have an unsecured loan (Lombard) from 1997 due to major debts around that time arranged £10/month token payment. I borrowed £5k and have repaid £2500 so far. I offrered £3000 in 2007 when I sold my house and had a small balance to clear and they refused - they say the total of the loan with interest was £7500. I now have Arden contact me and on the income and expenditure form have asked for property value/mortgage outstanding etc. Does anybody know why they ask, my loan was unsecured? thx
  24. Relative debt of which I have tried to help with. Original debt £5012 when Cabot took over in 2004 with what I think is a flimsy Assignment, debt now at at £11,216. Cabot were paid each and every month at £25 up until last year when a SARS request was sent to them (not to be confused with a cca request which has never been requested of them) . They responded to the SARS, they were then sent a further letter asking if all that was contained in the SARS was all that they had and nothing more. They responded saying yes it was....Which then clearly demonstrated that Cabot are quite good at constructing documents as some of the letters from them enclosed in the SARS were not the letters sent by them of which the relative has the hard copies of. A request was made to Cabot to remove all interest payments added by them but they responded saying that they had reviewed the account and it was clear that there was a poor payment record with them and they referred to a letter they sent a few years earlier warning interest was to be added. They also stated that under the terms of the original agreement they were entitled to add interest...No agreement at that point had been sent and was not included in the SARS . We reminded them that no agreement between Cabot and my relative existed. At the same time as this we also pointed out that they'd actually sent letters agreeing to continue the payments being made and that no interest was being applied...In all in over and with 60 possible payments to cabot and just prior to SARS request 59 payments had been made, no gaps. No request has ever been made to Cabot for a copy of the original credit agreement but then on June 3rd 2011 they sent a copy of what they are saying is an original credit agreement, along with a copy of what looks like the CCA 1974 (card taken out in 96) and also the terms and condtions of the card... Upon a closer look at the alleged 'agreement' it gives the relatives details at the time (job/income) and what looks like their signature but it only says 'Priority Request Form Credit Agreement Regulated by the Consumer credit Act 1974 To the left of the details it says 'How to request your card . To accept our invitation please complete the Priorty Request Form Cabot also enclosed a letter headed Information under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and saying 'Further to your request please find all of the relevant information following your request for information under section 77-78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. They also state a paragraph down that 'As we have now complied with your request for information we are able to enforce the credit agreement' Am I right to assume that this does not represent a credit agreement? The page where my relatives signature is has no relevant interest or terms/details etc. At the same time as this Cabot have also enclosed a statement of sorts re the debt since they took over (also contained in the SARS and updated ..on one hand they're saying they've now complied with a request for a cca (never made) but on the other hand they've continued adding interest..which if they considered the account to be in dispute since the the supposed CCA request then they shouldn't be adding interest? ? Go figure...we did point out in oprevious correspondence that no credit agreement request has ever been made to them...which they disregarded obviously. Throughout all of this Cabot were made aware in big bold writing that they person they're attempting to collect a debt from is considered 'vulnerable' and is both registered disabled and had a full time carer...Cabot wanted letters from Doctors but why should we given they quite obviously cannot be trusted with information (false letters in SARs to name but one anomaly) so no documentation from a doctor will be sent to them. There is a letter available from a doctor who wrote 2 years ago to somebody else on behalf of the relative which very clearly outlined his opinion on the vulnerability of the relative...we could have sent them that but I do not trust Cabot with that sort of information. They want to enforce the debt, I dont want to hasten any fires but so far it is my opinion they've acted wholly irresponsibly and possibly illegally where this debt is concerned.. I would SARS MBNA but I dont see what would be gained from it. What if anything should we write to Cabot? They dont seem able to do anything but issue random threats, add stupid amounts of interest to an account that we dont know if it's ever been given a default notice from MBNA and we dont know on what terms they add the interest and right now it appears they've fabricated other information on the account. Lastly, in the terms of the account they've just sent it gives the relatives address that is now....printed in a box....but this address is NOT the one on the Priority Request form and was only added to the account with Cabot 18 months ago...is this illegal for them to do as quite clearly the credit agreement they've sent (after the first prioroty request form) is not consistent with information at the time the agreement would have been taken out and is only a year since it's been added...if you understand that? This to me seems as if Cabot or fabricating agreements....or at least adding an address within it that didn't exist when the agreement was first made in the 90's (repeating myself I know) There is no name on the details added, just the address and the one added 18mths ago.....can they do this? is it legal relevant? or does it help further a claim against Cabot for deliberate meddling and sending out false documentation?
  25. New one this for me...a little help required?! My Wife has a TSB credit card, has had it 17 years no CCA at all. Have nt heard from them for over 6 months. Have sent Resolve Call, Moorcrofts and 2 others letters in the past asking for CCA AND Letters and they all give up and say they have passed it back to Tsb. Today though we receive this new one "We have been instructed by our client to recover the overdue debt. We DEMAND that the sum stated be sent direct to this office IMMEDIATELY using the payment slip below. Your failure to comply could result in a DEBT COLLECTOR calling upon you for payment or a COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENT being registered against you. Yours sincerely swiggly autograph! By the way this is from the DEBT ENFORCEMENT OFFICE in Whitchurch, Bucks. I am quaking in my boots....NOT! Any help what road I go down please with this one Is it same approach as the previous four and has any one heard of this company?8)
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