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Found 7 results

  1. Hi, everyone! I'm new here so apologies if I have or if this has been answered before somewhere! I had three student loans in 1995, 1997 and 1998. I deferred paying them for years on end up to around 2010 when I moved abroad and my salary meant I could no longer do so. However, I didn't pay the full amount they required because of my circumstances and eventually stopped paying altogether. After being sent umpteen letters for Thesis and now Link Financial / Capquest, I agreed to pay around 20 quid a month to each. I then stumbled upon this website and read something about my loans being statute barred and the fact that I might not owe anything now as there was more than a six year period where nothing was paid. Can someone just clarify this for me? If I deferred for over six years are my loans considered statue barred or not? Thanks!
  2. Found some old statement from Feb 95 to 2000 from my Littlewoods Account and can see that Agent Balance Care Insurance has been added every month. These were up in the loft and even though I still ahve the account the next lot of statement I have start again in 2009, so theres a gap from 2000 to 2009. There is nothing else in the file and if any paperwork relating to cover was sent it would of been in the old file as I used to keep everything. Is this the same as PPI? I have also found similar for a Choice account that I have..statement from opening the account in Jan 94 to 2001, then a gap and start again in 2009. Has anyone claimed fomr a catalogue before is it the same as for credit cards
  3. Hi folks its my first post here so please be gentle with me - barclaycard sold my default to MKDP LLP and this company is mention on my CRA file as being the company who issues the default. I have recently sent a recorded delivery letter to barclaycard asking for a true copy of the original 1995 Credit agreement. My question is if they send me back a letter stating this is a reconstituted copy of the original agreement ( what must this reconstituted agreement contain ??) and, should I also send MKDP a letter also asking for a true copy of the original agreement. Now I understand that once tipped off by barclaycard - MKDP may send a claims for the amount outstanding - is this the case and any guidance would be great.
  4. Hi all hjust to let you all know I issued MBNA with a Subject Access Request and after being messed about a little (but not as much as some banks) I have received all information MBNA hold on me for credit card dating back to 1995 upto 2003. Next step is to pursue a PPi claim, I have good reason. Good luck to you all and keep puching the banks you will get there eventually
  5. Hi there, I'm a new user here looking for advice on the above. Took a student loan in 1995 and again in 1996. Never earned enough to repay the loans and was really lazy about sending back deferral forms. Heard no more until Late December 2008 (lived abroad between 2004 and 2006) when court papers were delivered to my door. Didn't attend the court hearing (was in a really bad way emotionally!) and hoped it would all go away. Have accessed my credit report recently and seen that a CCJ was entered against me on 14/1/2009. Should this not have been statute barred by the time they took it to court? (Only found out about SB recently). I made no contact with them or acknowledged the loan at any time. Also, I'm presuming this was the old type SL. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks lmcd
  6. during a recent move i found all my co-op paperwork dating back to the year dot! there were two loans one from 1995 that was refinanced by another in 1996 didn't have the agreements, but all the statements. did an soc sent it off. along with all the statements & the FOS CQ + covering letter detailing address changes & proof of residense at the various addresses. in MAY 2012 they acked the claim in june then responded with an offer of refund of the 2nd loan- totally ignoring the first - in july phoned their PPI helpline up [see the co-op website] questioned about the first loan they said - you sent us no proof i said i sent all the statements they looked and found them. said sorry - would get back to me got the att'd letter today. donation underway when the funds land. going after a frreflow account now. dx
  7. Hi all, Some advice please. Here is my story. I had a joint Halifax mortgage with a previous partner some 20 years ago. We split up and I could not meet the payments and the house was consequently reposssed. We purchased the property for 40K and it was sold at auction for 16K, leaving a shortfall of 24K As the Ex was still liable for half she made an agreement too pay Halifax a lump sum of 7-8K as a deal to cover her half of the outstanding balance of 12K. I was left with the other half (12K) unlike the ex I was not in any position to make a lump sum deal. Instead I have made regular payments of various amounts (£20-100) per month with some periods of not paying anything. Now this debt has been passed to at least 3 DCAs over the 17-18 year period that I have been making payments. It is currently with Counselling Intermediary Services (CIS) and has been for at least 6 years. I have no idea exactly how much I have paid toward this mortgage debt but it's not an insignificant sum for sure. More recenty I have missed a number of payments and they have threatended to send the debt back to Halifax who will issue court proccedings against me. To be frank I am sick of paying this debt as I feel, and have always felt agrieved that they slde my house soooooo cheaply and then lumbered me with the oustanding. Also whenever CIS writes letter to me it always states balance at instruction: £14,244.75. I am thinking how can this be? I never owed thwm £14K and what about all those payments I have made for 17-18 years?? What should I do. Thanks in advance
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