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Found 10 results

  1. I am wondering where I stand with this. I have been told that Dukes Bailliffs made a visit to my workplace today. They handed a letter to one of my employees. However this letter had my contact name but another companies address, which is just around the corner, said employee thought it was for them and they had got names mixed up. the company opened the letter which they found was from Dukes Bailliffs but was infact for me. I had my name and personal address inside, saying the same old thing. We have visited your home today and you have 7 days to get in contact. With how much I owed in Council Tax. They immediately returned the letter to me, but wanted to know why their address was on it. They contacted Dukes and asked them, they were told that my council had given them the business address along with my details as a director of that company, as they were unable to get a hold of me at home. They said their company must have something to do with mine. Can they actually visit a place of work and harass one of my employees, and also this has caused quite a bit of embarrassment, on both my part and the company who the letter was addressed to. Isn't this a breach of data protection.
  2. Hi all Firstly apologies this is my first time posting, have had a good look around the site and am very impressed. I've been able to kind of answer my question by studying other posts here but would appreciate peoples opinions if they have time. I defaulted on a HSBC current account that was overdrawn in September 2009. The amount was approx. £4000 and was mostly unfair charges from the bank. I did attempt reclaiming charges prior to default but in the end just gave up, cowardly I know. Since 2009 I've moved addresses a few times and had letters from Compello Group chasing this matter up. Until now I've just ignored everything (possibly a stupid idea) Lately the letters have been coming from MKDP arm of Compello and the latest one looks a little more serious. Its a fishing letter no mistake "We have undertaken further investigation using Credit Reference Agencies in addition to other reliable databases and understand you reside at this address" goes on to say about an instruction to pre-legal department and if the matter proceeds possible CCJ, Balliffs or Attachment of Earnings. The matter would be Statute Barred by my calculation later this year (September 2015), but have read on here firms like MKDP go for a CCJ to prevent it becoming SB ? Should I go for it with the SAR, CCA letters do you think ? Or am I just entering a big next of vipers ?! Thanks folks
  3. The Prankster has blogged about a British Parking Association advisory panel meeting; http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/bpa-drop-requirement-for-charge-to-be.html
  4. I've just received a £100 penalty charge notice from Parking Eye for parking at the Marriott Hotel Waltham Abbey. The signs were very clear and I therefore paid my £3 charge for the allotted time. I don't understand why I received a notice - I paid my money and parked within the time constraints. Parking Eye do not issue you with a pay and display print out ticket so how can I prove I paid the money??? Any replies would be grateful please.
  5. Hello, we see many complaints on this site about HSBC Managed Loans, but very few outcomes are posted. Is this because, No one is successful They impose a confidentiality agreement in the settlement Complainants give up They send the "Boys" round ? Just a casual enquiry before we start our own compaints process.
  6. Hi, I'll be brief with my explanation but here goes.. purchased samsung gs3 phone from a tesco phone shop on t-mobile contract 17/08/2012 2 year warranty faulty about 9 weeks ago, sent direct to samsung, returned with same fault sent back to samsung, returned faulty contacted consumer direct, they advised me to ask tesco to repair the phone. came back today, still faulty. rang consumer direct back and they forwarded the issue to trading standards. what is the likely outcome of this situ? I just want a working phone...
  7. Hi Latest Individual Voluntary Arrangement Outcome Statistics from the Insolvency Service Website http://www.insolvencydirect.bis.gov.uk/otherinformation/statistics/IVAs/ivas.htm Last post from me for 2013 and on a familiar subject too, no surprises there I suppose as nothing ever really changes some might say! Cheers to everyone on here and lets see what the New Year brings:) W
  8. hello eveyone Can you help?? I have received a NIP as I am registered keeper. My 22 year old son was driving which I have declared and sent the form back within two days of receiving it. My son is a named driver on the car and the car is fully legal. My worry is that in July 2010 my son had an 18 month ban and fine for drink driving. this has now all passed and he has been a responsible driver since getting his licence back in 2012. He attended the drink driving course and learnt from his immature mistakes. . When they issue the punishment for this speeding offence will the DR10 have an impact on their decision? Thanks a lot
  9. Right, where to start. Back last year my sister received a letter from the council requesting the last 3 months worth of payslips for her HB claim. She sent these in, waited 2 weeks and was then sent a letter saying she had been overpaid HB and CTB for the past 3 yrs Totalling £4k She disputed this when she had started her new job (3 yrs previous) and filled in a HB &CTB form she over estimated her earning at £7ph working 22 hr per week (written manually on form) as she knew she's be working between 16-20 per week. (new job was as a care worker various shifts not set hrs as such) As she had only been in the job 3 weeks prior she only had a training wage slip (not full wages) when council asked her at this stage for a wage slip she told them (verbally) that it would show a lower amount due to it being a training wage and to take any calculations as £7ph 22 hrs per week. time passes and she receives letters every so often which she glances at and as circumstances hadn't changed presumed they were correct (v stupid i know) Fast forward to where we were at the start of this ramble and the council wrote not only saying she had been overpaid benefits but requesting proof of income yadda yadda. She called the council to arrange to pay back the debt as even after disputing the charges was told no, you owe us. Arranged to pay back the overpayment of HB @ £10 per week. When calling to pay back the CTB overpayment was told she would have to wait for a summons letter before they would look at an agreement to pay accruing another £80 for each overpayment period (4) Had no other option as they wouldn't accept anything less than the full payment without a summons letter (sounds ridiculous to me) A few weeks later she received a letter calling her for a meeting with the fraud investigation team at the council, along she went. They asked her lots of questions and said she would hear an outcome of meeting in 2-6 weeks. This was feb time. Heard this week that they are taking her to court at the beginning of Aug for fraud despite at this time having and keeping to an arrangement to pay. What will they achieve by this? being a care worker if she is prosecuted she will lose her job with this on her record and they're getting their money back now! They have also told her to seek legal advice. This brings me onto the CT. Have heard nothing then they send her a letter asking for £80 (which she hasn't got, she had already sent 2 means test forms in to them in the past 6 months) she went there today to try and sort out a plan and they have told her it's in the hands of the bailiffs! Bit of background, she has 2 kids, works part time eves as a careworker for the elderly and suffers from severe anxiety and depression (I suspect it to be ME) she buries her head in the sand (See full story above) and at the first sight of a problem she hides. She also will not speak to anyone by phone so i have to do all this for her. I guess the questions are where does she stand? Is she likely to go to prison? get a fine? and if the bailiffs come knocking due to non payment what then? h she tells me she doesn't have enough money to live on let alone pay these debts... As said any advice would be good as i have never been in this sort of situation so can't really offer her any constructive advice. (She is however going to CAB for a 15min slot in 2 weeks to see if she is entitiled to legal aid)
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