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Found 21 results

  1. Name of the Claimant ? MMF Date of issue – 12th April 2018 What is the claim for – The defendant owes the claimant £587.43 under a regulated agreement with uncle buck LLP 29/4/2013 and which was assigned to the claimant on 22/11/2013 and notice of which was given to the defendant on 22/11/2013 (debt). Despite the formal demand for payment of the debt the defendant has failed to pay and the claimant claims £587.43 and further claims the interest thereon pursuant to section 69 of the country court act 1984 limited to one year to the date hereof at the rate of 8% per annum amounting to £46.99 What is the value of the claim? £764.42 Is the claim for - payday loan When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? after Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim? mmf Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Possibly yes Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Not sure probably Why did you cease payments? could no longer afford payments What was the date of your last payment? 2013 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? no Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? no Good Evening all. The above is what you ask for. I have spent a long time over the past few weeks/month reading other threads & posts & I believe I have proceeded correctly so far without bothering anyone. I have added pdf all the correspondence between myself & MMF Lantern & Moriarty Law. TIMELINE LETTER 21/7/17 MORIARTY LAW been instructed by MMF : Ignored LETTER 7/8/2017 MORIARTY LAW "FINAL DEMAND BEFORE PROCEEDINGS" : Ignored LETTER 4/1/2018 MORIARTY LAW "LETTER OF CLAIM" : Ignored LETTER 22/1/2018 MORIARTY LAW "FINAL DEMAND BEFORE PROCEEDINGS" : Ignored LETTER 12/4/2018 MORIARTY LAW "COUNTY COURT CLAIM ISSUED" A claim was issued against you on 12/04/2018 Your acknowledgment of service was submitted on 13/04/2018 at 17:30:56 Your acknowledgment of service was received on 16/04/2018 at 01:04:33 I sent a CCA Request to MMF on 17/4/2018 signed for received by them 18/4/2018 CPR 31:14 request to Moriarty Law on 17/4/2018 signed for received by them 18/4/2018 LETTER 20/4/2018 LANTERN postal order returned LETTER 20/4/2018 LANTERN two copies of agreements for other payday loans irrelevant to this claim LETTER 12/4/2018 MORIARTY LAW copies of STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT & NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT LETTER 12/4/2018 MORIARTY LAW copy of agreement & electronic signature I am @ the stage of submitting my defence & I believe the due date is tomorrow 14/5/2018 by 4pm. The below is my defence : 1. The Defendant contends that the particulars of claim are vague and generic in nature. The Defendant accordingly sets out its case below and relies on CPR r 16.5 (3) in relation to any particular allegation to which a specific response has not been made. 2. The Claimant claims £587.43 is owed under a regulated loan agreement with Uncle Buck Finance LLP. I did not recall the precise details or agreement and have sought verification from the claimant and the claimants solicitor by way of a Section 77 and CPR 31.14 request who are yet to comply. 3. The Claimants statement regarding the assignation of the debt is denied. I am unaware of any legal assignment or Notice of Assignment allegedly served on ************ from either the Claimant or Uncle Buck Finance LLP. 4. It is therefore denied with regards to the Defendant owing any monies to the Claimant and the Claimant is put to strict proof to: (a) show how the Defendant has entered into an agreement; and (b) show and evidence any cause of action and service of a Default Notice © show how the Defendant has reached the amount claimed for; and (d) show how the Claimant has the legal right, either under statute or equity to issue a claim; 5. On receipt of this claim I requested, by way of a CPR 31.14 request and a section 77 request, copies of the documents referred to within the Claimant's particulars in order to establish what the claim is for. To date the Claimant solicitors, Moriarty Law, have failed to fully comply with this request. The claimant in an attempt to comply with my section 77 request has sent me two copies of agreements which are not connected to this claim. 6. As per Rule 16.5(4), it is expected that the Claimant prove the allegation that the money is owed. 7. On the alternative, as the Claimant is an assignee of a debt, it is denied that the Claimant has the right to lay a claim due to contraventions of Section 136 of the Law of Property Act and Section 82 A of the consumer credit Act 1974. 8. By reasons of the facts and matters set out above, it is denied that the Claimant is entitled to the relief claimed or any relief. So please I am asking & observations made: 1. As I have received the copies of the statement of account & notice of assignment, copy of agreement & electronic signature I presume I will have to change the above defence slightly or shall I just submit anyway on mcol & let Moriarty presume I haven't received docs after all not signed for by me???? 2. Have I got my dates correct for submitting.....I hope so!!!?? 3. No default notice received by Moriarty is that good for me? . 4. Two copies of agreements for other payday loans irrelevant to this claim from Lantern Thank you in advance for any help received & I will continue to update this post to help me record what I have done, so you can advise & others can hopefully gain vital info Thanks Again lizmlbundle.pdf
  2. uncle buck/moriaty law (the claimants) served me with an N279 notice of discontinuance in February which i thought was the end but today uncle buck have gave me the usual threats about what will happen if i dont pay... yep you guessed it!! court action.. i am wondering why they discontinued in the first place. best regards
  3. I was on repayment plan with Uncle Buck paying £20.00/ Month and always on time, anything missed (3 payments already) now I received this email We have reviewed your account and currently our recommendation will be to either instruct an external debt collection agency to collect your outstanding debt or pass your details to an external litigation company who may instigate legal proceedings in the form of a County Court Judgement, Third Party Debt Order, Attachment of Earnings or Bailiff Enforcement. You will receive further communication about the course of action we intend to take within the next 7 days. We also have plenty of ways for you to make your missed payment. The fastest way you can do this, is by using one of the options below: Visit our payment portal here. Or login to your customer login portal here. Alternatively, you can telephone our automated payment line on 01959 543400 and choose option 2 and follow the instructions If you would prefer to speak to a member of the team, all you need to do is call us on 01959 543400 and choose option 3. We do not want to take this form of action, we would prefer you to speak to us and discuss a way forward so please contact us immediately. You can also provide us with a copy of your income and expenditure via our website. It’s so simple, just visit our Budget Planner page and once completed we will be in contact. “ Why they doing this if I was repaying? Outstanding 180.00£ no problems never with my payments
  4. Just reading this forum for some help I recieved a letter from Moriarty Law about an old pay day loan stating I owe about £200. I had several pay day loans, rolling the over etc and I must have paid far more than that in interest alone. (I had a period about 5/6 years ago when i got out of control with pay day loans and most of them were settled. Wonga even wiped off my debt as they said they had made errors in their porcess) I am adding a forum post as this letter comes at a terrible time from me, I have spent the last month in hospital with my father who has been recovering from cancer and 5 operations that has left him in intesive care. (Hopefully he can pull through but I digress) I wanted to just check my actions and keep a note of what I am doing do I don't end up with a backdoor CCJ. So..... - CCA being sent to Moriarty Law with Postal Order and letter stating my address. - If they send one back I have seen mention of an irreponsible lending complaint, so I'll read up on that. Thanks for the great information, I haven't been able to conentrate and this was so clear and easy to follow.
  5. Name of the Claimant ? Uncle Buck Finance LLP Date of issue – 19 JUL 2017 Date of issue XX + 19 days ( 5 day for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = XX + 14 days to submit defence = XX (33 days in total) - What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? The defendant owes the claimaint £864.00 under a regulated loan agreement with Uncle Buck Finance LLP dated 12/10/2015 (debt) despite formal demand for payment of the debt the defendant has failed to pay and the claimant claims £800.00 and further claims interest thereon pursuant to section 69 of the county court act 1984 limited to one year to the date hereof at the rate of 8.00% per annum amounting to £64.00 What is the value of the claim? £995 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? PDL When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? after 2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Original Creditor Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Yes Have you been receiving statutory notices headed "Notice of Default sums" – at least once a year ? Not sure Why did you cease payments? rent increase meant I couldn't pay What was the date of your last payment? can't remember Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? no Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? no
  6. Hi there all New to the site - but would welcome some urgent advice. I had a payday loan with Uncle Buck back in 2010, which I had to rollover on several occasions because of debt problems. I thought everything had been paid off, I moved home a couple of times, got married, changed banks, got on a better financial footing etc. All ok in the world. My postman has handed in 2 letters today - both are for addresses which do not exist (it's using the area as a street name which is wrong), and which I have therefore never lived at. The postcode & house number is right, but the address is plain wrong. He has tried my address as the other people on other streets have no idea where it's meant to be. by sheer luck - I have received a letter from Moriarty Law, on behalf of MMF (an old Uncle Buck debt) saying that despite earlier letters advising of x, y, z they are issuing proceedings in the County Court against me. And, he has also handed me a claim form from the County Court from MMF for the debt of £350 plus over £100 of costs! The court claim form is also for a wrong address (not just that I have never lived there but it does not exist). Here's the rub -IF , I do owe the debt I have no problem paying it off. I have no problem facing up to my responsibilities, and happy to pay. I am also in a fortunate position of being able to pay it off (although it will hurt to do so in one fell swoop), which I know not all are. However, I do not want a CCJ, AND, I cannot see how it is fair that I pay over £100 of costs and interest when I have never heard of a single thing for years from anyone until now. What's worse, is that I am going abroad with work next week for 2 weeks so won't be able to do anything and time is ticking (forms issued on 24th August). Moriarty Law are telling me to call them to amicably resolve the matter - but I have been reading online today that this seems an ill-advised course of action. I just want things sorted this week - even if I just take it on the chin. 1) How do I get the court action stopped? 2) The claim form/admission form - I ideally don't want to fill that stuff in, as I don't like the idea of someone holding my personal information somewhere. 3) If I just offer to pay Moriarty Law say £250 now, will they likely accept and cancel everything with the court? I don't want to pay even more interest when I paid the buggers a load of interest 5 years ago!! 4) How best do I communicate with Moriarty Law - and what's the best way to contact the court? I have worked hard to get myself onto a firm financial footing and an old CCJ is about to be removed from my file in the next year, I cannot have another one tagged on after all I have done. Please, can someone advise me - I would be eternally grateful. Many thanks NL
  7. Hi all maybe in the same boat as a lot of people who have put their head in the sand I had a payday loan with Uncle Buck which I did not pay when due on the 30th of January 2015 for £202.43.. I have today received court papers for £391.43 plus the £35 court costs. Is this legally allowable? Do I have any arguments here or am i up the proverbial without a paddle? V v limited details in paper form but will scan these and upload when at work on Monday. are there relevant details I should ask !st Stop and/or Uncle Buck for? What should I do with the papers recieved from the court? Any advice appreciated! thanks
  8. Hi Guys I am in the same situation as you Bailey, so sorry to admit this folks but got in a bad situation with Uncle Bucks in late 2014 culminating in one I could not pay and 1st Stop Recoveries have also now sent me a Court Claim which I am also defending. I have sent CPR and CCA requests and will defend this plus submitting a claim to Uncle bucks regarding the facts that they did not carry out full affordability or credit checks.also allowed me 5 loans over 5 months. When I rang them in month 4 to try and decrease the payments, they suggested I just repay the loan and take another one out the same day! Is this familiar.Have you had a series of loans from them? Actually, in my years on CAG it is very rare for Payday Lenders to take Legal Action, they normally just harass people. Anything else I can to do to help on this Bailey, I will do
  9. Hi, Had a large loan with Uncle Buck. After emails back and forth, including my MP sending them an email they agreed a payment plan. They now have emailed saying there is a 3 month review and to send two bank statements. I have NO intention of sending them anything. Shall I just ignore them emails or tell them that I will stick to paying the £40 a month to them. Only have about 6 months to go anyway.
  10. I am the executor of my recently deceased uncle's esatate. He died without leaving a will and I am the only living blood relative. I applied for a grant of probate in order to be able to close bank accounts etc. DWP have now written to me asking for details of all bank accounts etc and have warned me that, as he was receiving benefits, they may have overpaid and will look to claim back any such overpayments. What powers do the DWP have if they start an investigation? Can they trace any/all bank or building society accounts by way of his name and NI no. which they obviously have?
  11. hi, can anyone help with some historic info on Uncle Buck rollover/extension policy either via emails or have or historical references to the website c2010? I have made a formal complaint to them which i received final response today (which of course they refused to uphold). My complaint is based on affordability/irresponsible lending as in the 1st cycle of loans with them, they rolled my initial loan over 15 times without me paying the original loan back - simultaneously they gradually increased my credit limit. During this time i had a large no of payday loans and a terrible credit rating due to a gambling problem. I eventually agreed a repayment plan with them - after completion of the repayment plan, they then re-lent to me again and as you can imagine, the cycle continued until i agreed a 2nd repayment plan with them. At this stage, I asked them to permanently bar me as a customer but unbelievably they lent to a me a 3rd time and I ended up in a 3rd cycle of repayment Their reason for refusing my complaint was that they used a product called Lending Metrics to assess affordability. I am absolutely sure there no income/expenditure info required provided for the roll-overs but any help on the actual roll-over process would help? Given the debt I was in, any product that looked at my credit file would have seen my credit rating was terrible
  12. Been playing ping pong games with Uncle Bryan for a while now - I get free paper and stamps. They wanted payment proposals.. so offered them £1.00 per month for two months.. they accepted £1.00, but said it would be reviewed in 90 days.. I pointed out their error and reminded them it was for 2 months and not 90 days.. But my offer was still on the table. They got their crayons out to say they have passed the account back to CrapOne.
  13. Can anyone give me advice on here about this payday loan company. I have paid these on time till last month as my partner has Crohn's and was admitted to hospital so we were in financial difficulty. I emailed them on several occasions offering a repayment plan which they ignored. They are now asking me to provide a I+E bank statements & wage slips. Am i legally obliged to provide these or am i within my rights to just pay what i told them i would pay which would have the loan paid up within three months
  14. I want to pay Uncle Buck by standing order directly to their bank account - can anyone help me out with their bank details please? Thanks.
  15. Hi, I'm running into issues with these guys once again. As with many of these situations its been brought from Uncle Buck. I have at the start of this was not aware of this forum and the deceitful these guys operate, foolishly talked to one of their friendly reps!!!. Anyway long story short it didn't get far I try to get the original loan amount but they would not give it, then I asked if I could setup payment plan, yes no problem so I asked if I could have their bank details, oh boy talk about hitting a raw nerve. The rep literally went off the deep end ultimately he said that it was company policy not to accept that and they promised that they would only take the amount agreed upon. I may have been naive then but allowing someone free access to my account and to take their word only that amount to be taken no way!!!. So I left with them to let me know if they want it. Obviously not. So to today had someone park opposite the house pretending to talk on phone whilst not to clever taking photos of the house next door. Anyway to cut long story short I have been having texts, emails etc sent to me with threats which as of yet nothing has happened, touch wood. Today I received a text with a warning that they will seek a ccj and also instruct a bailiff to come round and take what they need and also include cars etc.. nice!!. Should I be worried about this or is it case of posturing since they have not got a rise out of me. Please advise the best way forward. Regards
  16. Hi all, This is my first time posting a specific personal issue, but having used the advice on similar issues here in the past, I've had good results, so hoped someone may be able to help me today! I foolishly used Uncle Buck last year for a payday loan, but as with many of the people on here, soon found myself unable to keep on top of payments and interest charges, and defaulted on the account. Even more foolishly, I buried my head in the sand, and am now having to deal with MMF. This isn't my first time dealing with a DCA, but I'm on a mission to clear all my I'll advised debts before I turn 30, and this is my latest project. However, I'm at a loss as to how to proceed with them, as they are not the friendliest bunch! I've done the usual, requested a copy of my credit agreement, the notice of assignment, etc. However, I have a few concerns about where to go from here: 1. The original loan amount was £300, but MMF are asking for £670.08. I assume this is from interest and charges added after I defaulted, but should I be looking to pay this full amount, or can I offer to pay less? I'm happy to pay the £300 I owe, but I feel double that is a somewhat excessive request, and won't help my financial situation! 2. If I do offer to pay less, can I still request to pay in installments? I've made the error of paying more than I can afford in one lump sum before, and then ended up in the vicious cycle of borrowing back to meet daily expenses, so would much prefer to pay back a reasonable amount each month. 3. MMF have been calling, emailing, and texting incessantly, threatening to send round an agent to visit my property. I don't actually live at my parents' address anymore, which is where the debt was originally opened, but obviously I don't want these people turning up at my mum and dad's! I used the usual template in my letter to them, explaining that I would not accept telephone calls or home visits, however MMF are claiming that they do have legal rights to attend my property. I think this is probably untrue, but it has made me nervous nevertheless. They claim that OFT rules allow them to send an agent to my home, regardless of whether they have my permission, as long as they give me notice. Hope someone is able to give me some advice as to where to go next with this, it will be gratefully received if so!
  17. Afternoon, I had an uncle buck loan approx 2 years ago which was repaid (i paid througha debt collection agency). Today a letter has arrived through the post explaining my debt for £65 has been sold to Motormile Finance and they are taking court action against me. I can’t find the original doc's so panicking! any advice please?
  18. Afternoon, I had an uncle buck loan approx 2 years ago which was repaid (i paid througha debt collection agency). Today a letter has arrived through the post explaining my debt for £65 hasbeen sold and they are taking court action against me. I can’t find the original doc's so panicking! any advice please?
  19. im on a dmp with cccs and my uncle buck payday loan was i thought paid off but only £100 had been which was the amount i borrowed and now uncle bucks has sold the debt to mmf according to mmf i owe £210 which also includes the £100 i paid the rest is intrest and fees i am now getting phone calls emails and letters saying they are going to do a home visit i did not recive any letter to tell me the debt was sold untill i said i have not been given any notice of it being sold they then sent me a letter about 3 months after they brought it what can i do ??? thanks
  20. Hi I'm trying to set up a repayment plan with good old Uncle Buck I owe them £600 and have offered to repay them back at £70 per month providing that they freeze interest and further charges. UB have sent me an email from "Plandeal collections" requesteing me to fill in a CFS / personal budget form that is 14 pages long with a lot of intrusive questions. They have also asked me to send a copy of my Bank Statement and Payslips (which I have no intention of supplying to them!). I want to negotiate a repayment plan with them, I think that my pro-rata proposal is fair, however I dont want to be made to"jump through hoops" with excessive form filling or supply them with personal /financial data. Any advice on how I should respond, also has anyone else had similar dealings with PLANDEAL COLLECTIONS ( I presume this is UB's in house collection team?)
  21. Hi everyone. new poster here !! Had a text message from mmf . motormile finance with a reference number, so i gave them a call as ive no debts outstanding. They told me I owed £50 from an uncle Buck debt in 2010 / 2011, which i know i had paid off, so i told mmf that i wanted to contact uncle buck - After calling uncle buck they agreed that the account had been settle in 2011 and that mmf shouldnt have been contacting me. I just wanted to make sure you are all checking first with the lender. They have told me i wont get any more contact from mmf at all. fingers crossed !!
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