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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all, First of all I have been a bit cheeky, but if anybody could clarify the below it would be appreciated. I returned to the UK last month and the SLC want 5 grand off me upfront for loan arrears and additionally I need to pay the remainder of the debt off via the PAYE system. The amount to be paid off via the PAYE is for around another 10k and will be paid off in due course. My question, as I cannot afford to pay off the full 5k. Has anybody been in this position before and if so what was the outcome? I hoped that the arrears would be consolidated with the remainder and I would pay everything off for x number of years via the PAYE system. Thank you very much and hopefully I receive some juicy responses All the best, Cookie813
  2. Hi I am in arrears with Kensington and have been for years, I have been to court many times and stopped them evicting me but this time instead of sending me an eviction date they have sent me a court date. On the paperwork it says They want to extend the order dated 6th July 2006 and apply for a new eviction date. To issue fresh proceedings would add more costs to the Defendants account. I am in arrears of £21k but that has gradually decreased. Every time they tried to re-posess I went to court and the Judge could see that the arrears has decreased slightly from my last visit and sent them packing. I don't understand why I have another court date ? Any advice would be appreciated.
  3. I just need some advice as to whether I have a case against the Halifax for mortgage arrears fees. The charges date from 1997-2001. I have been to the Ombudsman who said that as it was more than six years since the event and Halifax stated that I knew about the charges back then, the ombudsman cannot investigate. If however I only became aware of the unlawfulness of the charges recently, does this mean that I have six years from the date that I knew that they were unlawful? ie. when I got the SAR through and noticed the charges? I am going to sue them in court if this is the case.
  4. Hello Everybody, This Forum is Great and I couldn't believe,Real Good people out there who take real time out and gives honest advice to another human being to get his life sort out..... "Its really a best Gift from from a mankind to another mankind." OK! My story is, I am having a problem with my local Council. The problem is kind of created by myself. I was claiming housing benefit and i am self employed person. I did not disclosed my accounts properly. I know... i know... Its all my fault.... but i have learn my lessons means now council is doing investigation about me and they stopped my H.B. few months back ago. And arrears were building up and now arrears are too high and they are taking me to County court for Arrears.. As i said above i have learned my lessons and want to fix the mess i created but don't know where to start. i am bit afraid they might go heavy hand on me as i have wife and kids, i don't want them to suffer with me all because of my mistakes.... Council hasn't accused me for Fraud or anything yet but i know deep down i made it mistake... Now i want to fix it....Don't know what to do...... Any help or advice i will really appreciate.... Many Thanks.
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