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Found 8 results

  1. Had a what can only be described as a bizarre sign on session but got information from the work coach who says they are not allowed access to find a job unlike UJM.
  2. Hi, Currently, a member of my family is sat on a broken down coach, which is supposed to have arrived at Heathrow. He has missed his flight, and will have to try and book one for tomorrow. According to the conditions of carriage: http://www.nationalexpress.com/help-and-advice/about-us/conditions-of-carriage.aspx and He allowed 6 hours between scheduled arrival and the flight departure. Would a hotel room at Heathrow overnight be considered a reasonable and foreseeable loss?
  3. Hi Does anyone know if the 'job coach' appointed when on Universal Credit, can provide a personal character reference for a job. Obviously the sessions are quite intensive and lengthy and if a job seeker has followed through on all tasks and kept appointments over a period of six plus months etc. then I would have thought the job coach would be an ideal reference? Thanks
  4. every fortnight i sign on. but inbetween them times ,my coach rings me at random times asking how im getting on . im nearley 60 yrs old.and am getting sick of her ringing me.asking stupid questions 'about what ive been doing to find work. i told her as in nearley 60 it puts employers off she disagrees and says age as nothing to do with it. does any one else get harrased by there job coach.
  5. Saw the latest bully and she was late to her own appointment so good start and then she whined I had no work history and claimed volunteering would help yet I've had short term jobs and forced labour previously, she claimed I had no references inspire of my CWP and WP ones - what's the point of these schemes of even the Jobcentre don't acknowledge them?????? Plus wittered on about work trials as selling yourself at interviews she went into bully mode once I showed her my evidence of a previously accepted format to all the other staff I had seen ipreviously and claimed I needed to account for every 35 hours worth and had to let her have a copy but I forgotten the legal reasons why to deny her and she said I had to so as to cover her selfe and so she had s copy of my log so I said it was blackmail and she lied it wasn't - what else do you call withholding payment to get a copy and I said she could have it under duress so I'm far from happy with her. I am sure that they can't legally keep copies of my job search but it'll help if someone has any links to provide? Plus how easy is it to say I want a different troll? Doesn't help that I'm reminded of a traumatic event sometimes
  6. I booked a coach journey with Terravision from Manchester to Liverpool Airport. Pickup Manchester: 14:40 Arrives Liverpool Airport: 15:30 We were informed at around 14:50/55 that the coach would be 55 minutes late and that all buses throughout the day were actually around 30 minutes late. What annoyed us is if they were aware in advance that buses were running late all day long, then why weren't we informed? or a notice placed in the waiting area? so we could seek alliterative transport such as another bus company/ train and so on. This left us no alternative but to order a taxi costing £80!!! to get to the airport on time. Who is to blame here? and who can we seek compensation from?
  7. I organised a coach to take us from Barsnley to Wembley for the Play offs on Sunday just gone. I paid a £50 on my credit card and I paid £1250 via a bank transfer. The coach broke down on the way to Wembley and the driver said it did this about 4 weeks ago with the same problem and also the fitter who came to repair it said this should have been picked up before travel. We arrived at Wembley 25 mins into kick off, 6hr 45 after setting off. Barnsley to Wembley is over 250km. The coach companies T&Cs say they are not liable due to breakdowns but I think that they should have been aware of this if they had checked their vehicles (They were late collecting us as the coach they were going to send broke down). The ocach was not fit for purpose. As the coach was booked to take us to Wembley for the play offs and didnt succeed, can I claim the booking money back from the CC company as the booking wasnt comeplted satisfactory. Help appreciated.
  8. Hi all. Im on JSA. Was asked to make UJM account to search for work and make log, all is good. Last time i was in the JCP to sign my coach has told me that i MUST bring in my user name and password so they can access my account. I previously gave them my email for the account so they can check im doing my bit as per job seeker agreement which i have no problem with at all. This request for username and password is not wrote on my most recent JSA agreement i note! Its just, im not sure they should be asking for my username and password. I thought that was private? my password I have this coach recorded saying this in audio file also as i dot trust DWP at all due to the things happened in past. Should i ignore this request? To me it just sounds wrong but i dont want a benefit sanction. TIA
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