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Found 8 results

  1. every fortnight i sign on. but inbetween them times ,my coach rings me at random times asking how im getting on . im nearley 60 yrs old.and am getting sick of her ringing me.asking stupid questions 'about what ive been doing to find work. i told her as in nearley 60 it puts employers off she disagrees and says age as nothing to do with it. does any one else get harrased by there job coach.
  2. Hello The Consumer Forum, I hope someone can give me some advice regarding what to do next with Ativ Kapital. (I apologise in advance for the long question) When I split up with my wife in 2000 I must admit to not looking after my finances, consequently quite a few non secured loans went into default, I know I had made sporadic payments over the years, usually after they had found me at one of my many moves over the folowing years. I had started making regular payments (5 debts x £15.00 each) in 2007 - 8 and had been paying this right up to last year. However after speaking with an advisor I was told that the debt may be Statute Barred - although I have no real idea if there was a gap of 6 years to warrant this. as usual I waited until I got the call asking for a higher monthly payment and thats when I said I was stopping payments as the debt was SB, the lady said I had made a cheque payment in 2005 and because of the other payments that I wasn't able to claim that. Regardless, I cancelled the DDM's and heard nothing for a year, no calls, no letters, other than the statement in October. Now all of a sudden they are back on the phones trying to harrass my family, we have actually barred their number as it was ringing sometimes 5 to 6 times a day, as early as 7:30 in the morning and as late as 8pm. does anyone know why they would have held off trying to recover the debt after telling them the debt was SB to then start a year later a vigerous telephone campaign? Do you think the debt was SB and they are just trying it on? Has anyone had a similar experience?
  3. I sold some items on Ebay and I paid my paypal late and got a letter from transcom claiming the fees (roughly 20 quid). I had paid ebay directly by the time I got the letter and my account is £0.00. Firstly can transcom take me to court if the "debt" was never assigned to them. Secondly, if not I assume ebay cannot assign anything to them now as my account is paid up. Cheers all, Billy.
  4. Ikea is sprucing up its offer by selling cheap six foot Christmas trees in a bid for more festive business as analysts claim as much as 62pc of the high street is already on sale Famed for its flat-pack beds and the meatballs in its restaurants, Ikea is branching out in the festive rush by selling real Christmas trees - for five pounds. The Swedish out of town giant yesterday revealed its tactics for trying to entice shoppers away from the high street - offering customers a £20 coupon if they forked out £25 for a real, 6 foot Nordmann fir. Ikea said rivals were selling trees for as much as £79.99 elsewhere in Britain, with the average price £48. Brigit Hartelius, deputy country manager for the UK, told the Daily Telegraph it was all part of giving customers an "affordable Christmas". But more cynical analysts said it was simply part of the cut and thrust at Christmas as competition for shoppers hots up. Last week, accountants PriceWaterhouseCoopers said 62 per cent of the high street was already on sale or running promotions amid fears hard-pressed families coping with rising energy bills will cut back this Christmas. More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/household-bills/10506222/Christmas-offers-best-gifts-cheap-presents-real-Christmas-trees-best-Christmas-trees-Ikea-Hawkes.html
  5. Good afternoon all this sad person from capquest rang me on my mobile on monday ,i told him to put it in writing as i will not talking to him on the phone ,went i arrived in work this morning my superviser told me someone from the above company rang looking me ,and would i ring them back,if he ring me on my own mobile i am not going to let think hes got to me ,after all he hasn't ,if he should says to my employer whats it about ,what should i do
  6. hi everyone! i'm new here so i'll do my best to explain... going back quite a few years ago (maybe 7/8 years ago) i took out an IVA (i can't remember the company) as i owed about £19k to different creditors and banks. to cut a long story short i stopped paying them after a while as it was just too much and i could'nt keep up with it. we then moved house as we rent, changed our phone number and it all went quiet. we stayed at that house for 4 years. we then moved again and we had to have a credit check for the new house (rented) and it came back clean... this was a year ago and i have since been able to get credit again (visa & mobile phone) about 6 weeks ago i got a letter from rockwell asking me to contact them over an outstanding debt in my name... this i ignored! then i had a phone call from them, i told them there will be no correspondance over the phone and put it down. i have found out they have many alias and they tried calling me via them so i had all the numbers barred. rockwell have sent me another letter saying... owed to our client ARROW GLOBAL GUERNSEY LIMITED your reference number ************ outstanding balance £658.95 our clients reference ************* original lender LITTLEWOODS if you don't respond we will pass your account to our specialist recovery agents FENTON COOPER to assess further recovery options... etc they have also offered me a "special offer - settle at a reduced amount" £593.06 so i'm unsure if this SB or not as it could well be over 6 years old and if not its going to be very close too that. should i send them a letter and if so what should it say? i'm really stuck and very unsure what to do... PLEASE HELP!
  7. I have another thread ongoing but I was just wondering if any one could help answer this question. If you have to ring the courts to find out what might of happend in a case of fare evasion what exactly happens. Do they simply ask your name and allow you to pay the fine or is there much more to it. My fines are old so I suspect maybe more to it but Im concerned about ringing them to find out, incase it opens up a can of worms for myself. I have been reading that an arrest warrant can be issued for unpaid fines etc. any help greatly appreciated
  8. Got to work this evening to find a message from one of the girls in the office to say Capquest have been ringing my employer to tell them to get me to ring them - are they allowed to do this, my employer isn't impressed with me because they are ringing him? I don't know what this is about other than they left him with a 'case number' and a telephone number telling me to ring them.. . Need to know what line to take with them when I call them Many thanks.
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