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Found 23 results

  1. Hi all first post, as I'm new to all this any help/advice would be appreciated. I received a letter on Saturday 26th May from Nolans solicitors..... Debt is under 2k.. Excerpt from letter.. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE A SHERIFF COURT SUMMONS Our Client:- CABOT FINANCIAL UK LIMITED TAKE NOTICE that unless you make payment of this debt IMMEDIATELY application may be made to the courts to issue a SHERIFF COURT SUMMONS against you. DETAILS OF DEBT £ ****.** due in respect of TESCO PERSONAL FINANCE INFORMATION ABOUT A SHERIFF COURT CLAIM If a Claim is issued a court fee and costs will be added to the debt. interest may also be added. If Decree or Judgement is made against you this may make it difficult for you to get credit in the future, HOW TO PAY =========== Various methods of payments explained.................................................................................................................................................................................................. To communicate with Nolans via email. contact the person dealing with your account at E mail*******************. You should ensure that your name and account number ( *******) are contained within your e-mail. To protect data of a sensitive or personal nature we recommend that you use an email account in your name and to which you have exclusive protected access. ============================================================================= after reading forum I was going to send them both CCA request as NS has supplied an email can I deal with them by email and a letter to Cabot or letter both if this is the best way to proceed at this stage. TIA.
  2. I had an outstanding council tax debt of £79.20 for last years council tax 2017. Today out the blue I got a visit from 2 sheriff officers and now my council tax has doubled to £158.30. They have doubled my debt! I am on ESA. How the hell is this legal, The council tax year only started in April. This seems completely out of order and so hurried for such a small debt, They never even gave me a chance to pay, Now they are saying the fees can't be removed cause they sent officers out. This has enraged me, What can i do? Thanks
  3. Hello, I owe service charge backpayment to my management agent for my leasehold property. They took it to county court, then fast tracked to high court without informing me. I only knew when I received a demand for £2100 from the Sheriff's office. I offered to pay in instalments but they said their client wanted full payment, which I could not do. I sent them a copy of my Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form, they said their client rejected it. A Baliff visited my property when I was not in. I submitted an income and expenditure form (both mine and my wife's)to the sheriff's office, which clearly shows a minus. Even so I offered to pay £50 a month. I have now had an email saying they will forward this to their client and if it is rejected I will receive a visit from the Baliff without any prior notice. The amount has risen from £2100 to £3700 in just over 6 weeks, with interest at 41p a day. There is also a charge for a Baliff visit that never happened. I am worried sick. Please, if you can, please advise. I feel due process was not followed regarding the secrecy in taking this to court. I suffer from depression due to my debt issues and this is really affecting me
  4. Name the issuing court: Glasgow Sheriff Court Who Is The Claimant: Cabot Financial UK limited Who Are the Solicitors: Nolans What type of action? Simple What is the claim for – On 14/10/2013 the Respondent entered a credit card agreement with New Day Ltd under which the Respondent borrowed money from them repayable on demand. The said agreement was an agreement under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The date of termination was 31/03/2017. The Respondent failed to pay as agreed on demand and is in breach of contract with the said New Day Ltd and the supplier assigned all rights in the said debt to Cabot Financial UK Ltd on 19/04/2017 and the Claimants have advised Respondent of the same. The last payment to the account was 02/02/2017. The said sum of £1778.81 is the sum sued for. The Claimants have made frequent requests to the Respondent to make payment of the said sum but the Respondent had refused or delayed to do so. Last Date Of Service:- 09/01/2019 Last Date For Response:- 30/01/2019 What Documents are listed in Box E2: Simply states No Defence – No evidence required No stateable Defence (Rule 4.4 breach) – no evidence required Defence on Prescription – Copy statement of account only. (Agreement must be admitted to plead prescription. So agreement not required) Is the claim for a Overdraft, credit card, loan account, hp Agreement, Catalogue or mobile phone debt : - Credit card BOX D5 what has the claimant state: The Claimants request that the court order the respondant to pay the sum of .£1778.81 from your knowledge: answer the following: When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt Purchaser - Cabot Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not sure Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? I think so Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Don't think so When was you last payment:- 02/02/2017 (according to the form) Hi All, Looking for some guidance and advice please, if possible. Around 5 years ago I took out an Aqua Credit card. Unfortunately, I was unable to keep up the payments and defaulted. The account was sold on to Cabot Financial, and as a result I received a number of letters from a law firm called Nolans (which I ignored) I have now received a Simple Procedure Notice of Claim. Any advice gratefully received. Many thanks, Pete
  5. Hello Everyone I started getting letters from Nolans probably around 2 months ago about a Personal Loan debt that was from years ago. The debt is not on any of my credit files so it was a surprise to get a letter from a sols about it. Its a Sainsbury's Bank Loan for £16k that i took out on 9/7/09, very shortly after (around 6 months lost my job). I had been making token payments of £20 per month to originally Blair Oliver & Scott who after around 1 year, passed the debt to Cabot around Nov 2011. I continued the £20 per month till around Jan 2016 then I lost my job again, and couldn't pay at all. If I am being honest, i thought due to the time since i took it out (8years ago) and the fact that it was off all 3 credit files (equifax/Experian/Callcredit) It had been written off by the creditor. Im always weary with debt letters as the terminology is always "we may" and very rarely "we are doing" but being so close to having a clean credit file the letter has came as a bit of a scare. Any advice? I can post a copy of the letter with personals omitted if it helps?
  6. On the 4th November 2016 a decree was granted against me for the sum of £1550, I was in attendance however had no defence at the time. I had absolutely no knowledge of the matter and very little paperwork. The matter relates to money paid to a bank account by the Student Awards Agency For Scotland. I'm 49 and not a student. They claimed that several payments were made to me via a Lloyds Bank account very recently. No money had been paid to me and I believe it was an administrative error on their part, the bank account in question is not my bank account but on the day I had nothing with which to prove this and the Sheriff granted a decree against me. For many months I’ve been writing to Lloyds Bank and finally they responded a few days ago to confirm that I had no links to that bank account but also that the account was dormant and that no money had in fact been paid into that account. Obviously I thought I could have the decree overturned. The court have rejected having the decree recalled as they say I was present in court, I could have it recalled if had not attended. The court have also refused to allow me to appeal since an appeal must be done within 14 days of the decree being granted. So I seem to be stuck in a place where I’m now faced with possible bankruptcy over money which I never owed in the first place and does indeed seem to be an error. Can you advise on how I might proceed? I had considered contacting the Sheriff Principal in Edinburgh to ask her to reconsider the case.
  7. Hi All, I am a new poster on this forum. So therefore I apologise if I have posted this in the wrong place. the sheriff office in croydon. I had received a letter from the county court stating that I owe a ppi company a certain amount of money, which is true. However, I can not deal with company direct anymore and they have now handed it over to the sheriff office who are dealing with it all. They have sent bailiffs to my premises twice now and literally the payments have been increased from 658 pounds which is what the court issued to, 1300 and now 2700, which is ridiculous I must say. There were, no stamps on these letters they dropped through my letter box £1300 and £2700. I cannot afford to even pay these amounts at all. After their first visit, I gave them a call and I had said that I would like to set up a payment plan, I was told to put this in writing and send it to them by post. I had given them a letter and attached a cheque which has cleared and now gone through. I stated in this letter that we will stick to what the court said I should pay and never heard anything back, the payment had cleared, however to my surprise I have now received a 2700 fine which I cannot pay and they threaten to seize my goods which have no value despite them taking the cheque which insists that they have agreed to what I put in the letter. Any advice or help will be grateful
  8. hi i was wondering if anyone can help i am a single disabled 36 year old and have had a ccj issued which i got varied on the 29th of jan 2015 this is all sorted and im to pay £48 per month whish i have done and am NOT in default ok here is the problem i received a visit from a sheriff on the 13th March saying i had to pay the whole ccj. i told him i am paying it via variation order so he gave me a letter and left on the 30TH April i received a further letter from sherrifs saying they were taking over the variation order and i was to pay them each month now. they have charged me for commencement plus enforcement stage 1 and 2 plus other things the claimants solicitor aplied for the high court writ on the 13 Feb after the variation order was issued and payments had commenced and been received ok I have been to court today to stay the writ and the judge told the claimant that he was also remitting the intrest, fees and vat the sheriffs were asking for so i dont have to pay the sheriff just the original variation order because they aplied for the writ after the variation order despite the fact they received a copy of the variation order before applying for the writ So i would like to know can i do anything to the sheriffs or the claimants solicitor for undue stress caused by receiving visits and letters form the sheriffs demanding money and having to appear at court again even though i did not default to stop action that should not have been enforced in the first place this has taken a lot of my time, telephone calls to 0845 numbers, seeking CAB advice and attending court any help would be very much appreciated as they shouldnt be allowed to get away with this
  9. Just found out, my mum has been paying money every week to Halifax for years! She just told she she has been paying £10 a week for a Halifax credit card, and £10 a week for a Halifax overdraft! She told me, she has been paying £20 a week since my Father died 8 years ago. She said that, at first she ignored them but they kept adding charges to both the credit card and bank account and she was worried about being taken to court! I just told her to stop it but, she said "You have to pay the banks" and is worried that if she does not pay them, they will take her to court and lose the house (My mum own her house outright, no mortgage) I only found out as, I answered a call from 01224 908402 this morning and a company called idem servicing wanted to talk to my mum. I was in the room while she spoke and the woman was asking why there had not been a payment this month. I could not believe it Should my mum just stop paying them? Thanks
  10. Hi All Anyone have experience of Scottish Sheriff court eviction proceedings? Ever heard of Sheriff granting decree to evict when only 1 discretionary ground is cited in AT6? Case history- I served landlord notice to quit halfway through a 12 month short assured tenancy, however I now need hospital treatment so I've had to cancel a trip I had planned and am unable to find new accommodation at short notice. Notice expires in a few weeks. I have always paid rent on time and adhered to all conditions of the tenancy agreement. So only ground landlord can use to evict me is Ground 10 of Schedule 5 of Housing (Scotland) Act 1988, which even if proven, is at the discretion of the Sheriff as to whether it is "reasonable" or not to grant the order. (Ground 10- (a)the tenant has given a notice to quit which has expired; and (b)the tenant has remained in possession of the whole or any part of the house; and ©proceedings for the recovery of possession have been begun not more than six months after the expiry of the notice to quit; and (d)the tenant is not entitled to possession of the house by virtue of a new tenancy) Landlords' agent has repeatedly stated that reason landlord wants me to leave is because he wants to sell the property. Is the Sheriff likely to find it reasonable to make me homeless just before Xmas 2014 so that the landlord can satisfy their avarice? and Will the Sheriff determine that I have to pay legal fees for eviction because I have stayed passed the quit date without good reason (I would argue that need for medical treatment prevented me from finding new accommodation at short notice) I'm thankful to any CAGgers who take the time to share their expertise on this subject
  11. Hi everyone, My bad luck does not stop! I run a LTD company and we done a refurbishment project a good 6 months ago, the customer didnt pay in full and we were owed about £40k , one of the creditors (electricians) started proceedings against us...we were late in sending the response pack but explained with enough reason to their solicitor. We came to an agreement to pay 5 consecutive payments, 2 were paid and then we couldnt afford to pay the other 3 and explained the situation again. Out of the blue, we got a judgement for claim which goes onto say about the CCJ etc, that was received only 3 days ago. Today, we had a knock on the door (i work from home) and the guy shows his sherriff badge and explained what he is doing here, to chase the above debt....I explained its a LTD company and that the only asset the company has is a 10 year old PC, nothing else in the house is in the company name (i work from home as i mentioned but live with the parents!), he then asked to see proof of ownership for the car on the drive which i gave, he then goes onto say "Because i am in a good mood today, i wont call the team with a truck to empty your parents house" so he has given me 24 hours to come up with £5.5k which is IMPOSSIBLE. I think it's a bit much what he has done threatening to take everything in the house! What can they actually do? As i said its a LTD company that has no money in the account! Your urgent response is much appreciated.
  12. I have a CCJ against me for around £4,000 which i am trying to get an instalment order on. It is currently going through the courts. But today i came home to find an envelope marked The Sherrifs Office and inside three pieces of paper, one of which is a form 55 notice of seizure left by an enforcement officeracting on behalf of Peter Noble Watt, an authorised High Court Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing writs of execution. The second is a yellow stamped form with the address and phone number of the sheriffs office and hand written "all goods chattels and effects in and upon the property to cover high court writ plus all livestock with passports" the thrid is a walking posession agreement to sign and send back. Can anyone help at all??
  13. Hi, I am new to all this and desperate for some advice, any help would be greatly appreciated. My husband had an account with Howdens last year, he used it to buy materials for a job he was doing which totaled around £450. Following this he had no work and could not afford to pay the balance off, he contacted Howdens and explained the situation. Then 2 weeks ago a man knocked the door and when i opened it he asked for my husband, he wasnt here so he handed me a letter to give to him. The letter had Marstons on it and a Writ from the high court with all sorts of fees on and total balance £1,140. I phoned my husband at work and gave him the mobile of the officer to call....he phoned the man and explained that he would clear the debt off over the next 3 months, Mr Andrews said he could not talk about it unless he had a reference number (we now know he didnt need one) anyway my husband got the ref off me and then attempted several times to contact Mr Andrews back, left messages and had no reply. 4 days ago I am at home when someone starts pounding on my door, shouting. I was terrified!! The door was locked and I did not move from the livingroom, I had a good idea who it was!! He kicked my door (there is a dent in the door to prove this) and was trying the handle. After several minutes they put a letter through and left. The letter was the same as before but costs were now £1,287 and the bailiff was now Mr Wright. I telephoned the office and said my husband had been waiting for a reply from mr Andrews so why has another visit occurred? they explained that we would have to contact the new officer and that they could not do anything. I telephoned Mr Wright and very politely explained the situation to which he said "its not my problem I want full payment" after repeatedly telling him we have 3 small children and cannot afford it he said if we did not get £500 to him by Friday he would be back with equipment to break into our home and take our things. We offered £300 and installments of £100 a week (not that we can really afford it) he wasnt having any of it so we tried to sort it out with the office!! in the meantime I checked out Mr Wright, who is not on the certified register....when questioned he got very defensive and put the phone down. We asked the office, who said he was a certified high court enforcement officer and they did confirm that he had no right to threaten to break into our home. The office accepted our payment arrangement and everything was fine, or so we thought!! My husband phoned the office Friday to pay and was told it was not accepted by Mr Wright, the gentlemen he spoke to also said that he wont be on the register because he is a sheriff and does in fact have the right to break into out home??? Sorry about the essay just wanted to get as much in as possible.....any advice on the matter would be greatly received Thankyou in advance Kind regards Emma x
  14. Out of the blue this week I've received calling cards from Walker Love asking me to contact them about a legal document to deliver/legal matter to discuss - they did not indicate which and I had no idea what this was concerning so obviously didn't contact them. I have never had any contact from them before, or any letters/demands for payment from them prior to this. I received cards Monday, yesterday and again today (I work 9-5). However today's card has a message on the back stating they wish to deliver legal papers in relation to a loan from a bank I've had nothing to do with for 4 or 5 years. I did have some difficulties round that time and some debts were passed to DCAs so I have received red ink bully rubbish from a few of them in the past but I'm aware Walker Love are Sheriff Officers and not run of the mill DCAs. My first thought was 'has something actually gone through the courts re this'? Would they be delivering papers on behalf of another DCA? The card says they will try again in 2 days - I will be working - and advises I should call them if I will be unavailable at this time to avoid them visiting in the evening or at a weekend. I'm not even sure if I actually owe any money and have got over that difficult period a few years ago and it has been long forgotten. By the sound of it, sooner or later they are going to call when I am at home, probably with my young daughter too, Should I agree to receive the papers or just stonewall and deny knowledge of the debt I don't know about?? Quite stressed about this as I am a home owner.
  15. Hi All, I was wondering if someone could give me some simple basic step by step advice on debt recovery in SCOTLAND. I have researched English recovery but scotland court system is more complicated. My situation is that I want to recover wages owed ASAP from an employer. I am taking them to an Employment tribunal and I should win. Lets assume I win for this case. What would be my steps to recover as I know they wont pay as have tried everything to not do so, so far. I am thinking of just sending it straight away to high court writ and comparable sheriff recovery from her assets. So my questions are... 1) What is quickest way to recover. 2) what bodies to go to for this and rough costs if you know. Thanks
  16. Hello everybody, I've been looking through the various forums and very impressed with the help and advice given out. Now its my turn to ask for help/advice. I'm currently paying Alex M Adamson £70 per month for council tax arrears, which I've been doing for a few months without any problems. Recently the council sent me a demand for a benefit claw back which I couldn't pay and they passed this debit on to Adamson. Now Adamson have sent me a letter requesting that I supply them with my employer's details, home and mobile number, email as well as details of my income (wage slips). I have put it in writing to Adamson that I will only deal with them in writing and therefore will not give phone numbers or email address and they have accepted this without any problems. In light of this new council tax debit my question is am I under any legal obligation to provide them with this information? I have just written to Adamson and asked if possible to add the new debt to the one already in existence and continue to make payments at the current rate. Any help/advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Hello. I have come to this forum as a result of already having gleaned a lot of useful information from other posts on this website. I am seeking advice from anyone who is or has had trouble with Sherrif Officers due to unpaid parking fines. Before I ask for specific adice though, I will provide a background to the situation. My girlfriend (Sue), or rather her address, is getting targetted by Sherrif's Officers working under the jurisdiction of Perth Sherrif court (Scots Law). They are chasing after her ex-boyfriend (Tom) for an unpaid parking ticket and have served an 'Attachment Schedule', threatening to uplift a vehicle, which is now owned and mainly driven by Sue. Although Tom still has contact with my gf, he is obvioulsy no longer with her and the car in which he incurred the parking ticket, was passed onto Sue quite some time ago. The story behind who the registered keeper is, who the owner is, and who insures the car, is convoluted, but: Tom was the owner, and the driver of vehicle when ticket was issued. Sue has been the owner of the vehicle for some 8-9 months. Tom is still the main insurer of the vehicle, with Sue as named driver (for Sue to insure herself it would cost twice as much). The vehicle was registered in Tom's name until (surprise/surprise, oh what a coincidence) just a few days before the 'Attachment Schedule' when his mother became the registered keeper of the car. Tom has never permanently lived at Sue's address, but somehow these (Edit) have tracked the car down to her home. The first visit of the Sherrif officers, was dealt with by Sue. They issued her with the 'Attachment Schedule' addressed to Tom, threatening to uplift the car if the fines + add-on expense are not paid. She relies on the car for everything (lives in the countryside) and in typical female fashion, feels so intimidated by the Sherrif officer's authority, that she is wanting to pay the fine plus all additional costs, some 350 GBP by now! I am of course absolutely shocked and disgusted by this prospect and know for a fact that since the vehicle does not belong to Tom, there is no way that the Sherrif's men have the right to do this. Tom was contacted, and he duly got his mother to write a letter, countersigned by him, stating that the vehicle (very recently registered in her name even though she dont even drive), is her property and that any attempt to uplift the vehicle would be unlawful....property, 9/10ths of the law n all that. Yesterday however, i answered Sue's front door to greet a couple of the Sherrif's men. My personal policy when dealing with these people is to give them absolutley no information whatsoever. This is what I done yesterday in addition to being pretty rude towards them (the least I could do). They clearly believed that I was Tom, and served me with another brown envelope with 'Tom' written on the front of it. I refused the envelope and threw it back in thier faces. I found it this morning laying sodden wet next to Sue's front door. I am therefore wondering if anyone could fill me in on what the correct moves to make here would be. My instinct tells me not to open the envelope to find out what the Sherrif Officers next move is. So could anyone tell me what this would likely be? If my girlfriend has already told the Sherrif's officers that Tom does not live with her, and Tom's mother has sent them a letter stating that she owns the vehicle, could the Sherrif's mens persistence in visiting Sue's address and issuing bits of paper to people who do notlive there, not be construed as 'Harassment'? I know that according to the written letter of the law, that the Sherrif's men have no right to uplift Sue's car. But I also have zero faith in Scottish justice and suspect that they may well go ahead and do this. Could anyone suggest any measures, which in the event that the Sherrif's men did unlawfully execute the Attachment Schedule, would provide a very strong case for the owner and the registered keeper of the car in the subsequent civil court case? THX.
  18. I'm in shock. I've got 4 letters from the Sheriff Officers today for council tax dating back years ago, saying that warrants have been granted against me and a former partner (letters addressed to both of us, we split 6 years ago) in the sheriff court. They are all for one address. For three of the years claimed we were not even living there, plus the council tax was included in what we paid our landlord (as far as I am aware - I wasn't party to the tenancy agreement) - we NEVER got a council tax bill the entire time we lived there an never since for that property. They have got hold of my current address so clearly know where I live yet have never chased me for this or sent a letter telling me they were taking it to court - if they had I would have fought it! It's thousands and I have to pay it in 7 days apparently! What the hell can I do about this? I am beyond fuming!
  19. [Hi, can anyone tell me if sheriff officers (Scotland ) can retain your bank and work details after you pay off a debt ?. Thanks
  20. We were sitting in a friend's side garden today having a drink waiting to go out. Another of us arrived and as he was getting out the car, a guy in a bad suit came up and asked "Does John Smith live there?" - pointing to a house across the road. Friend explained he was not from the area and suggested he asked the friend I was sitting with - and we could hear everything that had been said. The guy then came up to me and said "I have a parcel for across the road, do you know who lives there?" I suggested if he had a parcel it would have a name on it, to which he said "It's documents not a parcel", and I asked why he had forgotten the name "John Smith" he had asked about at the gate, and asked if he was a Sheriff's Officer - to which he replied "yes". I was fairly sure SOs were not permitted to ask third parties about those they were looking for and asked him. To which he replied he was required rather than permitted, and it was necessary as he had to be sure the person lived at the address before his document was served through the letter box. Is this true?
  21. Are there any laws or rules in place when it comes to protecting vulnerable people and the doorstep visits of the sheriff officers? Can you 'register' yourself as a vulnerable person somehow? Can you direct me to where I can read about this? If you can have an advocate to help you to fill out forms and assist you in important legal/official correspondence do you have any sense of entitlement when it comes to home visits? A pre warning for example or a 3rd party there to assist you or help you to discuss your case or situation? (I understand a pre warning might make some people scarper but seriously I have agoraphobia, there is no way I would leave the house for their benefit lol) As I stated in my previous topic I suffer from an anxiety disorder, I also have agoraphobia and depression. Because of this I cannot work and need assistance getting to weekly therapy session etc Being made to stand on my doorstep for 10 minutes in my pyjamas is much scarier that it would be for most people, no matter who was at the door but there is no way that I would let two strange men into my house either (rape trauma, paranoia etc) I also have difficult using the phone which is why I have communicated via post which has been problematic (although considering anything discussed by phone has to be confirmed in writing anyway it seems just as likely to lead to miscommunication plus I do not know how to record my calls so I wouldn't trust them anyway until I have it all in writing.) Any answers, thoughts, experiences you can share or links would be great thank you (sorry if too much info, I just thought I'd be honest)
  22. Hi I have been paying off council tax debt for about 5 years through Scott and Co. In March I sent them a letter to give them my change of address and to inform them that because of the move my financial circumstances have changed and I would have to reduce my payments from £15 per month to £5 per month. (I am currently on Income support due to poor health and they know this when I had to reduce my payment plan from £50 to £15 a few years ago and because I just retold them) I received a letter from them on the 1st or 2nd of June (dated the 31st May) to say that I was in arrears and that I may be visited at home or had 'wages' arrested by the sheriff officers. I wrote them a letter to state that my payment of £5 had been coming out of my account every month with no problems and that I had explained my circumstances to them. I also included proof of my benefits and a budget sheet which I got from national debt line. I posted this on Wed 6th as obviously the post was on hold over the Jubilee crap. This morning (7th) the sheriff officers came to my door to issue a bill of what I owe, with an addition of £70 'fee' which I am meant to pay within 7 days. They told me to take it up with scott and co (they even had false information that I still worked for a company that I left 4 years ago, which scott and co must have on record as they have been informed about my benefits several times) they didnt really explain any of it to me until I took the bit of paper and read it when they had gone. I phoned Scott and Co and they told me that they issued a letter on march 27th saying that my offer of £5 was unacceptable and it is still unacceptable until I prove my income etc. Well I cannot do that until they receive my letter (which should have arrived today) which has all the info which I sent them. I was advised to phone back on Monday to 'discuss setting up my payment plan'. I know that because of my finances £5 is a reasonable offer. the budget sheet and benefit letter should cover that and they will have to accept it. As it was a standing order (which I control) the money has gone in without their 'consent' apparently. Yet it has still been paying off my debt so I am curious as to where I stand. I have never been a 'slippery fish' with them since they caught up with me (misspent youth in a 5 bedroom flat yada yada) and I have paid them off every month for 5 years. I am really shaken up!! (not just because they are bully boys but because I have an anxiety disorder and have been ill all day since this happened) I have a few questions: 1: Who gets the £70 fee/charge and can I dispute it? Who should I be challenging about that? 2: Can they really say that my payment plan has been cancelled or in arrears when the £5 has been paying off my debt every month? 3: If I have had no letter since I wrote to them re change of address and circumstances until I receive the warning letter in June and the money has been accepted up until the 30the may can they justify their actions? (legally I know they have no morals or soul) 4: Usually the letters give you 7,14 or 21 days before action is taken. Although the 'warning' letter did not state this can the sheriff officers come at any time? (in this case only a few days after being sent the letter from scott and co? 5: I know that they make money from intimidating people and making up the rules as they go along (eg demanding you make an itnital lump sum payment when legally you don't have to if its not within your means) but isn't there any sort of code that means that they should provide you with everything you should know about protocol when giving change of address/details etc so that people know the correct procedures and don't get nasty surprises like this? Every other bank/credit/finance company etc hits you with the terms and conditions and your responsibilities as a customer when you sign up, how is this any different? Have people no rights at all?! I am going to C.A.B tomorrow but if anyone can help me in the meantime I would be really grateful thank you. Sorry for length just thought I would be thorough!
  23. Hi I'm looking for some advice. I have received a solicitor's letter saying that I am in arrears on my mortgage and if no agreement can be reached then the house may be repossessed. I am querying the arrears as it includes a multitude of charges etc., When I first became unemployed I requested that the arrears be added to the end of the mortgage...capitalisation...but Platform refused..because this was something that they didn't do. I also asked if I could buy myself out of the high interest rate to a lower interest rate...and they refused. My original mortgage was for £93,000 interest only. I opted for interest only because I was stuck in a really high interest rate and planned on going onto capital and interest after the initial 3 year fixed term. Remember that I asked if I could capitalise these arrears and was refused. I just discovered today that my current mortgage payment is including the arrears amount ie the £93,000 plus arrears plus charges! My mortgage payment is £288.50 per month. I pay £290. As I am already paying a higher mortgage to pay interest on the arrears and the charges...I have said that they have effectively capitalised the mortgage by adding the arrears to my mortgage balance and increasing my mortgage payment to cover the interest on this. I have asked for complete breakdown of all charges, arrears, mortgage payments and, they added insurance to my payments too at an extra £22 per month despite giving me no option to look at different quotes. The insurance is with their own insurance company and despite paying £22 every month, plus interest on my mortgage, the insurance doesnt cover me if anything happens to my home. If Platform capitalised the arrears I would be paying no more than I am paying already....effectively paying the interest on the arrears. I have had mortgage arrears before with other mortgage lenders and they did not add the mortgage arrears onto the mortgage. They were completely separate and were paid off when the mortgage was paid off. The way I see it Platform are not treating me fairly...they are receiving the interest payments for the arrears but have refused to capitalise. Is this common practice? Any help would be great! I need some advice on how to deal with this. Gemspan xxx Can somebody give me some help please? Is there anybody around that can advise? Thank you Gemspan
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