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Found 7 results

  1. I'm abroad and my mom is senile. She said she found a very nice old gentlemen that has been running errands for her. She has a few properties that she rents out. The guy managed to find my mom(landlord) through city council or land registry. Not sure. I think she said the guy was looking for some investments. Then today I finally got his email address and decided to google him. http://www.federalmanagement.co.uk/add-news/st-albans-director-disqualified-after-diverting-500000/ Is this something to be concern? I don't quite fully understand it. But it seems like the company borrowed money from the bank but he didn't pay the bank off when he made 500k from it. Plus the money seems to be funneled somewhere else? edit: not sure why the topic was changed. But original was : "This guy is probably [problem]ming my mom?"
  2. As in the title but here goes. Saturday I drove my car 200 miles down to Gloucester to do a deal with a chap that had a van that I wanted for work. In the eyes of we buy any car his van is worth £685 more than my car but we came to a deal that I would give him £1500 plus my car with 55,000 miles on the clock. Since owning that car I spent a small fortune having the clutch and dual mass flywheel done and full service and then also before we did the deal I had all the starter motor changed for a brand new unit, paintwork imperfections sorted as I told him I would and all the wheels refurbished. I went above and beyond to make sure the car was right as I am honest and also didn't want the deal to go pear shaped after travelling all that way. The guy also drove up around 150 miles from his address so we could meet half way so to speak and save one of us travelling too far. We both did checks and I did HPI checks for both vehicles etc.. we both had test drives checked all relevant documents and decided to do the deal. We both drove home and obviously both satisfied. Then today around 36 hours later he calls me to tell me the turbo had blown and oil was all over and he wants me to pay for it. I feel awful but at the same time I can't help but think I have already spent a lot of money on it and we have already done the swap and agreed to the deal. What if the van brakes down or anything happens today,tomorrow or next week I have taken that chance jut as he did. Where do I stand legally with this one? It was a private sale/swap and neither of us are traders or dealers. Many thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light on this problem as I am losing sleep over it.
  3. The Bear Garden is a place of variety. A place where people can say what they like,discuss,debate and have a fine old time. So i thought i would put this on to cheer us up. Say what you feel.
  4. with the growing popularity of the new sheriffs tv show and the fact that often people who have been screwed over have no one else to turn other than the bailiffs and the sheriffs, My question is are the bailiffs and sheriffs always the bad guys? For instance you win a judgement and a sheriff operates for you. or youve been a victim of crime and the bailiff goes out to get your compensation that youre rightly entitled to. Is every bailiff and sheriff in the wrong from the outset?
  5. my partner has a Debt of £165.96 for t mobile phone contracts today out of nowhere a guy turned up at the door i told him she wasn't in so he posted a card tried to add links but it wouldnt let me the front says the debt the reference number and who called and the back says we will only ask you to pay what you can afford in bold red, so ? Any help would be appreciated or info Thanks guys
  6. Hi everyone, djwrath here! I am new to this community and i have actually joined to see if I can help people here with their problems, especially as I do something VERY similar in my line of work (Legal Advisor for a Solicitors firm). Personally I have been involved in a few litigation cases, 1 for myself (LandLord/Tenant) and the others I was supporting family/partners and friends with issues ranging from Benefit Tribunals to Compensation Claims. Added to that is my working experience providing advice in a wide range of legal issues. So in closing I hope to be of help to people here, though please bear in mind I am NOT authorised to speak on behalf of my Employer outside of my workplace and working hours, and all advice provided is of my own personal views, experiences and training. (Sorry if that sounds negative, I have to put that statement in accordance with my work's Social Media Policy) and of course my views do not represent the opinions of CAG, its founders or members. Once I have the required post count I can come back and edit the legal stuff off as it will be in my forum signature, along with useful linkage! Signing off for now! djwrath
  7. Greatly saddened at the news, he helped a lot of people, my respect to his family.
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