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  1. Amongst other issues dispute with Welcome Finance, initially attempting to repossess car "forthwith no court order needed" as it was "linked" to a joint personal loan the hp in my name only and not in default +over1/3 paid Dealt with that one sharpish. When over 1/2 paid finances tight with divorce very carefully enquired regarding re negotiating payments advised not possible so again very carefully said that I wished to exercise my right as sufficient sums had been paid to return the vehicle in full settlement, after some time I had to sorn it and put it into secure storage. Then it was removed. Then the you owe thousands letters started eventually told to put up or go away ...long silence now after sending a notice they are terminating agreement and will recover car( been gone a year) calls and finally a letter asking for £2,064.19 from Atlas who are "a trading name of Welcome Finance" I have replied: 17/11/2011 Dear RE: Notification of Instruction Your ref: Thank you for your letter 14/11/11 advising me that you have instructed yourselves to deal with this matter. As you have already no doubt carefully noted the letters and faxes sent regarding this issue you will be aware that there is no outstanding liability to yourselves for yourselves to pass to yourselves trading under any name and I am therefore surprised that you have instructed yourselves in this manner. I assume that the turmoil caused by the recent financial difficulties of the group may have introduced some lack of clarity within your procedures. This matter has been discussed with yourselves in detail before your cessation of loan activity and restructure and I see little point in resending the letters etc. to you acting for yourselves under a different name. I would make clear to you that I will not accept any dealings with yourselves trading under any name or by agents acting on your behalf, by means of phone calls, texts or any other means of communication to any phone number or other electronic account that you now hold or may obtain. I will take appropriate and proportionate action should any such contacts re-commence. It is your responsibility to ensure that any such agents comply. As you have drawn my attention to this matter I had considered closed I will of course undertake a review and I will contact you as soon as is practicable should I find any miss-selling, over or unlawful charging or practices which would give grounds for my making a claim against yourselves. Yours faithfully Anyone had any dealings with Atlas Collections? I suppose a SAR is next and settle in for a long haul
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