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Found 2 results

  1. BBC News - Hundreds of thousands register to vote as deadline looms Registration needed by 23.59pm tonight. People have until 23:59 BST on Tuesday 7 June to register to be able to vote in the UK's EU referendum. The Electoral Commission said 1.65 million people had applied for a vote since a campaign began last month - but millions more have yet to sign up. Registering online should take about five minutes. People may need their National Insurance number, or passport number if a UK citizen living abroad. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36462425 Just in case.Check things out.In or out your vote counts. https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
  2. This bloke was rubbish as a Prime Minister, and now he is telling the rest of us what to do. He has hit out at David Cameron and accused him of being ‘unstatesmanlike’ in attempting to stop Scottish MPs voting at Westminster, on only English issues, but he is happy with the extra powers Scotland will receive to make their own laws without hindrance from the Parliament at Westminster. (English MPs will not be able to vote on laws in Scotland that do not affect the rest of the UK). The former Prime Minister said the move could drive a ‘wedge’ between England and Scotland. (I thought Salmonde and the referendum had already done that?) He says the Tory plan for ‘English votes for English laws’ would turn the Scots into second-class citizens because their Westminster MPs would be downgraded. (you could say the same about Scottish MPs voting on Scottish only laws as downgrading the rest of the UK MPs, what is good for one is good for another). The three Westminster leaders promised to devolve more power to the Scottish parliament. This anomaly whereby Scottish MPs can vote on English matters but English MPs have little or no say north of the border is wrong. Brown criticised this approach. He said I fear for the health and unity of our country, (make of that what you will, it just makes me laugh words are cheap). He said Mr Cameron made an unstatesmanlike error when, he tried to rewrite his vow with a proposal for restricting the rights of Scottish MPs to vote at Westminster’. (He wants his cake and eat it). He adds: the morning after the referendum, allegations of foul play, broken promises and bad faith began, with a wedge being driven between Scotland and England. (I am still of the opinion that it would have been better for us all if they had got their independence, this cr*p is going to carry on until they do). Link
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