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  1. hi my daughter purchased from vodaphone ( what a waste of space they are rude and could not be bothered ).. she had a Samsung curve 7 for 3 days and dropped it from about 6" and the screen cracked.... I have looked at their selling adverts and it shows it being bent dropped from height an being bent and not cracking...,. I have contacted them and they said tough cracked screen voids warranty... .that was 8 months ago and the phone worked perfectaly.. .she woke up last Tuesday and the phone was completely dead contacted Samsung and they said take it to their shop in surrey quays which she did... .they said they could not do anything so could not help.... just need to know if it is false advertising and what are her rights.. .thanks paul
  2. Hi , nasty taste left in mouth by Samsung. Whilst cooking, i used my S8 as a timer, as per normal. multiple timers set, and running. turned round to check time, and the screen was flashing like mad. A crack was developing before my eyes. A phone call to Samsung sent me to their Romford "customer care" centre where i was told i had dropped it The phone is not yet 2 months old. I was told that screen damage invalidated the warrantee, and also refused a second opinion, as 3 "engineers" had already looked at it. cost of repair is approx £350, after 1.5 months use am i right in thinking that it had a fault inherrent since manufacture, and that should be the route i take? The phone was bought via carphone warehouse, on an EE contract. EE contract appears to state the the phone is owned for the first 6 months by the company i purchased it from, so should it be carphone warehouse i approach with this issue? leaves a really nasty taste in my mouth, i suspect it is CPW that i need to go for, but they have been phenomenal to me over the past 12 years- would be much better if i was able to go directly to Samsung At time of purchase with CPW i also bought a "gear4" protective casing for the phone, and it has lived in it ever since. It was not a cheap case either Please help Kind regards iain
  3. We & neighbour are social housing tenants. Received call from neighbour asking if we heard the sound of cracking glass. She explained that her bathroom window had just cracked. We looked at the external window and nothing untoward was noticed from outside. However, it could be seen that the outer pane of glass (window is bathroom window double glazed) was intact, but the interior appeared to have a star shaped crack, emanating from the centre. We then looked at the cracked interior pane in her bathroom. All looked as it should be, clean, everything in its place and nothing out of place. It could be seen that the interior pane of glass did have a crack. At this stage it was unknown what could have caused this. Neighbour then explained that when she reported the cracked pane that she was told she would be liable for the cost of the repair-£57 to be boarded up or £107 for new window. It may be that when this was reported landlord repairs office were not fully understand which pane of glass had cracked or how! So, question is, exactly who is or should be liable? We have checked the wording in tenants handbook, and it raises the point, that as the cracked window pane was not due to damage, intentional or accidental, it is hard to see how landlord can charge for this repair. It could clearly be seen that the pane of glass had cracked 'on its own', and after a little further research it can only be that this is down to 'thermal stress', which is not covered in the tenant handbook. As this is ambiguous, am looking for some assistance to direct me to a definite answer, preferably which aids our neighbour! Many thanks.
  4. Hi I purchased a used car 4 days ago BMW 325i Convertible M Sport for £10,989.00 from a BMW specialist. On day 2 the tyre warning light came on so i checked and inflated the NSR tyre. On day 4, on the first motorway journey, the NSR tyre deflated and shredded the inner wall. It was a run flat so I made it to the nearest garage for a replacement tyre. The garage pointed out the alloy wheel had been welded at least twice and one of the weld repairs had failed. The new tyre would not hold its full pressure and leaked when it was inflated. I took photo's and a video of the issue. I contacted the garage same day by phone to advise them and by email to back up my conversation. They asked for photo's which I sent. There response was basically- The car was fine before you took it and had a full inspection and MOT. It is reasonable to assume I hit a pot hole which caused the damaged. I pointed out there is no impact damage on the wheel and the tyre has deflated since I took it? They said because you hit a pot hole. They offered to repair the wheel by welding it..... or refund the sale value. I said a repair is unacceptable due to the already compromised structural stability of the wheel and BMW and the Welding Institute advise against it (yes the Welding Institute actually exists!) Now you would think I would jump at the refund? No... The car is spot on except for the wheel. I want to keep it, but want a replacement wheel. I have asked for a second hand wheel (not new) without cracks or welding. I will pay for the new tyre and I will not pursue them for loss of earnings for the afternoon, alternative transport arrangements, new tyre etc. They have said they will repair it only. I am currently reviewing the Consumer Act 2015 but not sure if I can keep the car and request a replacement not a repair? Any advise is gratefully received. PS if I can help out with any alternative dispute resolution queries, please ask via an admin. I am a mediator by trade!
  5. Hi would appreciate any advice if possible. Purchased new mobile with o2 in April 2015. Providers warranty 12 months Manufacturers warranty 24 months Noticed cracked appearing on LCD screen on phone. Spoke to o2 customer services explaining in detail problem and was I covered under my warranty. Told unless there was any physical signs of damage including water damage or tampering then yes it would be. Arranged for item (at my own expense as wanted it tracked) to be sent to o2 repair centre. Well today I received the following replies. Hello, Your handset has successfully reached our repair centre. Before any fault diagnosis and warranty repair is conducted, our Repair Centre must ensure the device is within warranty condition as specified by your manufacturer, Samsung. Unfortunately your handset has been deemed out of warranty due to: CRACKED LCD With the warranty now void, the cost of a full repair or reconditioned replacement is £85.99 incl. VAT which can be added to your next month?s bill. Alternatively if you have O2 insurance on your account you may be able to make an insurance claim. Please request the return of your device un-repaired then contact O2 Customer Services if you wish to make a claim. If you choose to decline the quotation we will be able to return the handset back to you without repair. Please reply to this email confirming your choice. We aim to reply to you within 48hrs, though this will usually be on the same day. If you prefer to call customer services, please dial 202 free from an O2 Pay Monthly handset or 03448090202 from a landline (Standard UK Rates apply). Kind regards, O2 Returns & Repairs http://www.o2.co.uk/o2repairs hank you for your reply. We are sorry you are disappointed by this outcome. When handsets are sent for repair, all manufacturers request accredited repair centres to conduct an inspection of the device to ensure it is within warranty condition. This is part of the manufacturers warranty terms and conditions and must be done prior to any fault diagnosis being carried out. Due to this all certified engineers must look for any of the following signs before conducting any repair: • A non-approved repair centre has opened the phone. • The mobile phone has been damaged. • The mobile phone has been used incorrectly. • Liquid contamination is diagnosed on the device. • The IMEI sticker is damaged, removed or torn. • Warranty period has expired. Please note the above list is not exhaustive. In the case of your handset, the OCTA LCD Panel has been cracked. This component is internal to the device and is usually the result of excessive pressure, twisting or bending being applied to the handset, which to the naked eye can look fine, however on the inside it has caused the failure of the aforementioned component. As Samsung consider that damage has been diagnosed to the device, the warranty they offer is now void. In order for any faults to be inspected, the damage would require to be repaired first of all, this action would in turn restore the warranty allowing for all reported faults to be investigated and resolved. Unfortunately O2 has no jurisdiction over these terms of warranty, if damage is diagnosed on any of our customers devices, they will all each be contacted with similar quotations for repair or replacement. Please reply if you would like to proceed or request return of the device un-repaired. Kind regards, O2 Return & Repairs Good Afternoon, Thank you for your email. Our repair centre is fully accredited by Samsung to carry out their repairs. In order to remain fully compliant, they must follow Samsung Warranty Terms and Conditions. For full details on their warranty, please contact Samsung, however brief information on their terms can be found here: http://www.samsung.com/uk/support/warranty/ Also in our last email we advised that LCD damage is usually the result of bending etc. We did not state that was what happened with your handset. Our repair is unable to specify the exact cause of the damage found as they were ultimately not in possession of the device when the crack occurred. Finally it is not necessary to advise of all of your options regarding getting your handset repaired. As our repair centre acts in full accordance with Samsung, their diagnosis and outcome would be the same. If however you are wishing for a second opinion on the diagnosis done or to raise a dispute with your warranty rights / product quality, we can arrange for the handset to be returned un-repaired which will allow you to arrange a repair with Samsung direct. Please reply if you wish for the handset to be returned or if you wish to proceed with repair. Kind regards, O2 Return & Repairs Now I am somewhat concerned with their diagnosis as I have in no way dropped or tampered with the item. If this had been the case I would not have bothered sending it back to o2 as I have no insurance and would have been a complete waste of time. Is it worth complaining under the sales of goods act if covered or do I just accept their findings and pay for the repairs ? Has anyone encountered a similar situation and what was the outcome. Thanks
  6. I'm reposting this here from another board in the hope someone can help clarify the legal situation and rights. My brother bought a Lenovo Yoga 10" tablet from Argos back in late October 2014. Only by no fault of his own after using it for a few hours one night just over 2 weeks ago and letting it rest\cool overnight he awoke to find the screen had a crack in it. Not the lcd screen, just the top digitizer part. He has always kept it in an official Lenovo case and did not (and I have no reason to dis-believe him) drop it at any point and he has no reason to lie about this. He has tried to take it back to Argos himself, the start of Jan, again claiming it was not dropped but Argos seemed to insist that it has to get sent to be evaluated by there agents that deal with these things than to offer a replacement or refund. When it came back, totally unrepaired or worked on the size of the crack had grown and is now from one end of the screen to the other. The response from the Argos store repairs agents states the item had not been dropped in any way but had developed a slight crack down the screen. Their findings say the unit has a damaged digitizer and that its not covered by the manufacturers warranty. They claim they are unable to source parts and say in there experience the cost of the repair would be about equal to that of the unit anyway. The agents then suggest my brother contact Lenovo directly to deal with what they see as a chargeble repair due to a claim the screen and digitizers are not manufacturer warranty covered. Now, some research I have done shows\indicates these screen self crack issues in Lenovo products is becoming quite common, well more reported yet Lenovo are seemingly refusing to accept its a manufacturing\quality issue or really directly responding to or commenting on such reports on there own support board. And indicators suggest it could be down to heat\temp\thermal hot spot issues or a flexability of the tablets casing with the possibility that the adhesive used to fix the digitizer down could be causing weak\stress points. I've now took this matter up on behalf of my brother as I'm somewhat more assertive and determined than he is dealing with these things. So I took the item back to Argos with there repair agents report myself to see what the stores official line was and is for myself. And to be honest it was like knocking my head against a brick wall with the standardised "if the manufacturer says a certain part is not covered then its not covered" & "take the matter up with the manufacturer if your not happy". The first staff member when explaining the situation to her, showing her the tablet and showing her the repair agents report caused her to have to go and speak to her manager and even call Lenovo over the claim the screens and digitizers on such items are not covered under Sales Of Goods Act in the UK etc due to Lenovo claiming the screens and digitizers are not covered by the manufacturers warranty. They came back after less than 10 minutes (funny how they got hold of someone high up in Lenovo to get that clarification so quickly eh?) and said for as long as Lenovo are standing by claims that tablet screens and digitizers are not covered under the manufacturers warranty then Argos on a store level can't do anything about the issue and suggest my brother take it up with Lenovo himself if he's not happy. So not happy I ask to speak to the store manager. The store manager is sticking to the same line as the staff member and Lenovo that they got hold of so quickly. The manager even went as far as to say "in my opinion the crack looks to be accidental user damage", yet would not accept our reasoning that if (which it had not) beed dropped there would almost certainly be signs of damage on the casing such as scrapes, dents or scratches as well as it being more likely the LCD screen would also have cracked and become damaged. The manager also refused to accept or even willing to look into my own findings and research that screen cracks do and can be caused by either poor build quality or heat issues with the screen etc. In fact, in handling the tablet myself it does feel to have a slight flex in it which I personally feel is unacceptable for a £200 tablet to feel somewhat flimsy and what I feel of poor build quality. The manager also refused to accept their repair agents report that stated the item had not been dropped as meaning they (the repair agents) found the item had not been dropped, but more my brothers original claim when it was sent off that it had not been dropped or misused or mistreated etc. But as I pointed out, there was also no signs of damage or indication that it had been dropped, user caused accidental damage or any such findings by their repair agents either. As if their repair agents had found or thought that to be the case then clearly they would have stated so than claimed such parts are not warranty covered. And if the findings could not determine any user end blame then that only leaves a manufacturing issue. And that their refusal to repair the item is based on both a claim that such parts are not covered under the manufacturers warranty and that they could not source the part anyway. Yet funny how they tried to source a part after determining that the same part is not covered I feel!. The store manager also did not want to clarify or even bother to check with their head office (claiming they don't have a number for their head office) on if the Sales Of Goods Act and having to be fit for purpose etc applies over a manufacturers claims certain parts are not covered. So as it is now, I'm a little unsure of where to go as clearly in my mind the store manager should have discussed the matter with a superior at their head office over claims certain parts are not covered by a manufacturers warranty and how the Sales Of Goods Act applies?.
  7. Ill keep this short and sweet guys.. purchased a BMW 325D from a trader. 4 weeks later discover puncture and two cracked rear alloys.. happened at Carlisle on the way home from Scotland to Wales late afternoon. Kwick fit repared and replaced. disputes with trader throught MCOL and mediation happened last Thursday morning. Ive been told because I didn't offer the trader a chance to rectify the problem the judge may award against me, it wont fo in my favour. My issues were - I was stranded, granted I could have called him but I panicked and wanted to get home! Also when I notifed him onf the situation the next day he emailed me back basically saying im not covered under warrenty! should I take this to court? I feel like ive lost me claim of circa £1800 now after mediation call. any advise would be apprected THanks Lee
  8. Hi everyone. I bought an Acer aspire from PC world about 6 weeks ago and i have just stood on the screen and cracked it. I have dealt with this pc world before and they have screwed me over in the past so I know what to expect. The only difference this time Is the time scale and the fact it is still under warranty. Do I have a leg to stand on as I broke it myself or is the warranty useless? Thanks for your time.
  9. On the way back home from work 2 days ago, I was stopped by a traffic cop and fined £60 plus 3 penalty points for having a crack on the windscreen. I feel very harshly done by and I am considering appealing. A few facts 1. The crack is not in the line of vision and does not interfere with driving. It is 250mm long but only about 30mm off the bulkhead on the passenger side. 2. The offence code stated on the ticket is 1412 which is use of a motor vehicle in a dangerous condition. By the way his spelling of dangerous was 'dangeos'. 3. He first spotted me on the motorway but stopped me on a road 0.5 miles from the motorway. On the ticket he put the location as the Motorway not the actual location where I was stopped. I took photographs to prove. 4. I had an appointment to replace the windscreen which I informed him off. Reasons why I want to appeal. 1. In my opinion he should have given me a Vehicle Defect Rectification Notice since my windscreen was not at the time dangerous in the respect that it was hanging off or something similar. 2. If he deemed the car as in a dangerous condition, why did he think it was still safe to be on the road? ie Why did he allow me to drive home? 3. I have researched endorsable codes and I cannot find any relating to 1412. 4. I have spoke to several managers from Autoglass, Nationwide Glass and all have never heard or knew of a case why someone had received a FPN for a cracked windscreen. 5. Spoke to a sergeant from the Traffic Police and in his 10 years as a traffic cop he had come across similar examples but never issued a FPN. Firstly have I got any grounds to appeal? Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks Greenbat
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