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Found 2 results

  1. We & neighbour are social housing tenants. Received call from neighbour asking if we heard the sound of cracking glass. She explained that her bathroom window had just cracked. We looked at the external window and nothing untoward was noticed from outside. However, it could be seen that the outer pane of glass (window is bathroom window double glazed) was intact, but the interior appeared to have a star shaped crack, emanating from the centre. We then looked at the cracked interior pane in her bathroom. All looked as it should be, clean, everything in its place and nothing out of place. It could be seen that the interior pane of glass did have a crack. At this stage it was unknown what could have caused this. Neighbour then explained that when she reported the cracked pane that she was told she would be liable for the cost of the repair-£57 to be boarded up or £107 for new window. It may be that when this was reported landlord repairs office were not fully understand which pane of glass had cracked or how! So, question is, exactly who is or should be liable? We have checked the wording in tenants handbook, and it raises the point, that as the cracked window pane was not due to damage, intentional or accidental, it is hard to see how landlord can charge for this repair. It could clearly be seen that the pane of glass had cracked 'on its own', and after a little further research it can only be that this is down to 'thermal stress', which is not covered in the tenant handbook. As this is ambiguous, am looking for some assistance to direct me to a definite answer, preferably which aids our neighbour! Many thanks.
  2. Hi all, I purchased a steam iron from Currys about 5 months ago but recently it stopped working. I wanted to take it back under the year's warranty it had on it but when I went to find the receipt i saw that it was faded and barely legible. Turns out it was printyed on some sort of thermal paper that fades with time... either way, no surprise, they wouldn't accept it as proof of purchase. Has anyone else had this problem???? And if so what did they do to get around it? Not the most expensive item but ridiculous that I can't take it back through no fault of my own. They should print these receipts on better stuff. Thanks
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