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Found 2 results

  1. Good Evening today I have been the recipient of a nice little piece of paper requiring me to pay £50 to the council for a parking infringement. The PCN states it was contravention 30, parked for longer than permitted. However I was not parked in a limited waiting area, i was actually parked on DYL which should be an 01 offence however i also had my blue badge on display.... so the question is can i appeal this pcn on the basis that the ticket was incorrectly issued on the basis of the wrong contravention code. cheers lets ps was parked for longer than the 3 hours on the badge
  2. Merker

    NHS Battle cont...

    I just had a rude pile of crap talk to me on the phone.... In short (as a follow on from what I posted before but different thing) The hospital screwed up 3 times... thus investigation for complaint is taking more than double the time they quoted. I apply for refund of train fare which I am entitled to... their head office even send me exception forum.... Visit 1: Told to bring someone with me, Op would happen - Op delayed Visit 2: As above Visit 3: Operation under general anaesthetic done Visit 4: Checkup, again was told to bring someone with me in case anything else needed to be done. Claiming money back has been a pain. They finally phone today stating they are not paying for the person who came with me, because they believe I didnt need someone with me. Couldnt give too much info as my main info is locked to a complaint procedure. They are refusing to pay this persons money back... even though 1: I was told each time I need someone to accompany me 2: It was a general anaesthetic procedure which confirms they need someone to accompany me She was a total bitch on phone, saying im not entitled any money back for the person that came with me as they should not of been with me (wtf... general anaesthetic = someone must accompany you) I told her theres a complaint procedure opened against them, which sums it all up but she couldnt care less, said I wont be getting money for the person who was instructed to come with me. Whats next?
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