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Found 2 results

  1. Virgin Media’s 4 million subscribers are set to lose 10 UKTV Channels from Sunday 22nd July. This includes Dave, Gold, Drama and W and popular shows such as Taskmaster, Red Dwarf XII and reruns of classics like Only Fools and Horses. Virgin Media customers are venting their frustrations over the loss of UKTV via Twitter, with some threatening to switch to rival television packages Sky or BT: David Bouchier, Virgin Media’s chief digital entertainment officer said: “The problem is the BBC does not grant the UKTV digital rights with its TV shows which leaves it somewhat stranded as a linear dinosaur in an on-demand modern world.” “Part of a commitment to audiences has to be allowing them to watch what they want, when they want and that also means being able to watch those programes on demand. From US studios to small program-makers, that is how it is done. The BBC puts UKTV in a very difficult position and we have been unable to come to terms and will replace the channels.” https://uk.yahoo.com/movies/virgin-media-viewers-arms-losing-10-uk-tv-channels-132054866.html Discuss ?
  2. Good afternoon all, I read the forums pages, usually all the transport ones, quite often with out logging in, and have noticed that on more than one occaision guest viewers are treated with a bit of suspicion, especially on one or two of the longer threads in the private car parking section. My apologies but its usually quicker not to log in as it normally takes me a few goes to remember my password. Thank you very much
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