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Found 6 results

  1. I took virgin media to CICAS and they lied about the contract. They told CICAS the screen shot of the t&cs I provided was from an old contract from someone else while the screen shot they provided is from my contract (by this time they had changed my online profile and had updated my contract to show new t&cs). I did not have the original contract copy at that moment but later, after CICAS decided in their favour, I found out the email they had sent me which had the contract I signed and could prove my stance was right. The only proof they gave was fake screen shots which I can prove now was fake. CICAS would not listen to me as their decision is final. Can someone help me legally and take them to court. I do not want to spend more money on them unless I have some legal advise. They not only broke their T&Cs with me but also lied to CICAS deliberately as I had pointed out to them in a call that my online profile shows the old t&cs and after three weeks they changed those. I am sure they have done it to 100s of thousands of people and ripping them off. It's a big [problem] I can tell. Please note I am no more looking for the contract I signed as I have it in my email when they originally sent it to me.
  2. Hello All, I signed up with a GYM and within the gym also signed up with a personal trainer. I signed up for 20 sessions for 500£ and over the course of time, I used them all. During this time, I made friends with the personal trainer and he asked if I would like to sign up for another 20 and I was happy to. He asked if I could pay him cash as that would save him money and I did. For the first payment that I made in his bank account, I had received a acknowledgement on email but not for the second cash payment. There was no written agreement signed or emailed in either case. When I signed up, I mentioned to him and I might be changing house and in that case, would like to cancel mid way if I move too far and he said, Yes we can work out and he will refund me the money for unused sessions. After this, I got busy with work and travel and was off training for 2 months. I also suffered a ligament injury and a wrist injury. I consulted the GP who were not very helpful and just advised rest. I did another session with the PT and he said we can work around the injury but after the session, I felt pain. I saw a private physio who has advised against any heavy workouts and only Yoga for now for basic stretches for atleast 3 months which is recovery period. I requested my PT for cancellation of this arrangement and refund and he flatly refused saying these are no refund sessions and he offered 5 extra sessions which I cannot take. Please guide how to action further, I asked my physio as well and he said it is common curtsy for PT to return for unused sessions and in this scenario I am unable to use the sessions for an unknown period of time due to injury. I haven't moved house yet but I am moving in next 10 days All my exchanges with PT have been on text messages so far and I told him that I am not happy but I will not go to social media as it will be bad for his business and also told him he has never mentioned to me conditions of these sessions in writting or orally and his website also doesnt mention them. Since then he has taken his website also down. I am going to loose 500£ over 1 session which I have taken so far Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, Local authority is pursuing a disputed sum from 2014-15 council tax period. Having refused a monthly offer of £5 monthly while I was still on Universal Credit the council got straight in touch with UC to make monthly deductions for the amount that it wanted (which UC later granted). LA contacted UC on the same day that it refused my offer / same day that it dismissed my formal complaint about LA's handling of the matter. I think the LA may managed to make the direct UC deductions on the basis of false info that I was struggling with current ctax payments - not the case - it was a disputed old bill. I made an SAR for documents including all written correspondence to any body/individual regarding my bill account. The LA hasn't provided a copy/record of the request it made to UC. It just gave a one line internal memo stating the date on which the communication was made to UC. (There is also only one letter from a collection agency in the info pack, there must have been more letters over course of several years including a couple of court summons). Does anyone know if the LA in breach of data request legislation by not providing its communication to UC? How can I get the info? More important, LA won't seem to allow me to try to make the case for why I'm disputing the amount. How can I get it to listen and do a proper review? Thanks
  4. Hi, I am currently representing my daughter on the McKenzie friend basis in her claim for unfair dismissal on the grounds of discrimination ( pregancy ) We have followed all the procedures through ACAS and we are currently taking her employer through the Employment Tribunal, which has taking about seven months to get to a Trial which has been listed for next week 4/5th February 2016, this was after a previous hearing. Today i receive a letter from the Tribunal stating that the trial might be postponed on the grounds that despite knowing for a number of months that in any event, the trial would be considered by a panel rather than a single judge because it is a discrimination case, to use this as a reason, and so late in the day does not add up, they would have known months in advance that a panel would need to be assigned, so in using this has delayed even further. The Tribunal are also aware that the Respondents are in abuse of process as they have failed to abide the previous order for them to provide a trial bundle, witness statements and further and better particulars in readiness for the trial next week? Because of this we made an application for the Tribunal to make an unless order for this evidence to be giving as all of it is central to the claim and it had been previously ordered. We have also written to the other side and in anticipating the Tribunal not making the unless order, which seems very reasonable, by stating that we would provide our own trial bundle and giving them seven days to object. Since all of this has happened in the last couple of days, the Tribunal as it would appear are bending over backwards in allowing the previous orders be breached and ignored and they have also giving the Respondents more time to defend a claim that evidently cannot be defended because of the circumstances which led to my daughter being dismissed. Whilst i am not legally qualified as to adjudge it would a appear that (a) she has been denied the right to a fair hearing because her opponents have abused orders which if followed would have allowed the trial to proceed and ( b) the Tribunal could have not only made the request for that evidence to be disclosed, in postponing the trial next week, giving those facts and the excuse of needing a panel, which would have been knowledge as soon as pleadings were made, i feel this is unequal and unfair as the Tribunal are not only allowing orders to be breached, they are also giving the Respondents more time to further breach the orders. My daughter i feel has a very strong case and my theory is that because of the strength of her case, the opponents and the tribunal are doing everything in their power to keep this matter out of court. It is hard enough and most times financially impossible for pregnant woman to establish unfair dismissal claims because they are pregnant, the Tribunal who should protect, if my experiences are anything to go on make it even more difficult by allowing employers the right to ignore orders and as in this case give further encouragement for this to happen again by postponing without reason or justification. Any help would be greatly appreciated by this angry dad:mad2:
  5. I have had a charging order on a joint owned property in which I live for several years now i have been paying the court ordered amount of £10 per month without fail. The solicitors (the infamous Restons) keep sending me every six months or so income and expenditure forms to fill in. In the past I have simply sent them a copy of my P60. Am I correct in thinking I am under no obligation to provide them with anything and that only a court can order an increase or decrease in what I am paying them? Or am I being delusional and should provide them with the information they seek? There is the likelihood if it does do back to a court then the monthly amount would be cut as my income is only a very small pension and I only meet my financial obligations with the assistance of my wife. Should this be referred to a court who pays the fees in such a case - if me then it is probably in my best interest to give this information however annoying it might be? All advice and comments welcomed.
  6. Hi, I need some advice please, i know u must get many saying this each day so understand if it will take a while to reply. Unfortunately i had a judgement placed upon me by a debt collector, i was very unwell at the time and i stupidly just ignored it as had more important things on my mind, plus medication at time gave me little energy to even fight this. This is from 2011. I now only felt strong enough since late last year to try and fight for it, i asked the company in question to prove that i owe this debt, they claimed they were having trouble locating my file and they would need more time, this went on for about 7 months. After i sent template letters asking them to remove it off my credit file because they cant provide evidence, they took months again to bother replying as they claim there legal team is looking into it. They finally got back to me stating : As Judgement was granted on 15 May 2011, we are no longer required to provide to you any documentation relating to the debt. Im confused as previously they said they would and that they are trying to locate it. Does anyone know what i need to do next? Going to Court will be quite stressful for me but i guess it will be the only way to ask for it to be set aside as it seems the debt collector is now refusing to now cooperate thank u Jayne
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