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  1. Hi all, I am new to this forum and have a query about an interview I attended in the UK. The hiring manager beforehand said certain questions would be asked a specific test would be given. I was disadvantaged compared to other candidates when I spent so much time preparing only to discover on the day that the test and questions were completely different, hence why I was unsuccessful in landing the job. Also, an interview question was more restrictive when asked to myself compared to other interviewees. Is there a potential case I can bring to an employment tribunal to seek compensation (i.e. relating to Negligent Misstatement, fraud, etc.)?
  2. I applied for PIP and was sent for an assessment. It seemed to go fine, but I had a feeling I wouldn't get it, despite having mobility problems due to arthritis, IBS and a heart condition. However, when I received a copy of his assessment, I was quite shocked to see that he blatantly lied in the letter. He stated that he'd carried out physical tests, which he did not. He stated that I could freely get both arms behind my head and back, which I can't, and my doctor would testify to this. He also stated that I could get up down off the chair and walk without difficulty, which I can't. If it weren't for these issues, I'd feel fairly philosophical about being denied PIP, as on a good day I can walk more than 20 meters, albeit slowly, and I can prepare a simple meal, which seems to be the criteria for denying PIP. However, it really irks me that he lied, and my son was with me the entire time and can testify that these tests were not carried out. Is there anything I can do to complain? I'm only aware of an appeal process, but don't feel that the outcome would change so didn't think I had valid grounds.
  3. I took virgin media to CICAS and they lied about the contract. They told CICAS the screen shot of the t&cs I provided was from an old contract from someone else while the screen shot they provided is from my contract (by this time they had changed my online profile and had updated my contract to show new t&cs). I did not have the original contract copy at that moment but later, after CICAS decided in their favour, I found out the email they had sent me which had the contract I signed and could prove my stance was right. The only proof they gave was fake screen shots which I can prove now was fake. CICAS would not listen to me as their decision is final. Can someone help me legally and take them to court. I do not want to spend more money on them unless I have some legal advise. They not only broke their T&Cs with me but also lied to CICAS deliberately as I had pointed out to them in a call that my online profile shows the old t&cs and after three weeks they changed those. I am sure they have done it to 100s of thousands of people and ripping them off. It's a big [problem] I can tell. Please note I am no more looking for the contract I signed as I have it in my email when they originally sent it to me.
  4. Hi there I recently took up Sky on an offer regarding SkyQ. This included a main 1TB box and a smaller mini box. In short: In the initial call making me the offer (retentions team) there was no mention of a fee for multi-room services. I raised a complaint about this to which I requested the call to be listened to. I was told subsequently that the call was listened to and the monthly fee was mentioned. I then made a SAR and got a copy of the call recording and system log notes. The call contains no mention of the multi-room fee. So in short I've been lied to and have proof. Is this fraudulent - I think it is? ("deception intended to result in financial gain") If this is fraudulent, should I report this as a crime? Mr P
  5. Hi, during 2015 I was at University at Brighton and decided to get a gym membership. I went to a few gyms checking prices and commitments and when I went to LA Fitness the guy that eventually signed me up (obviously trying to make a sale) lied to me, he stated that if I moved out of Brighton (which I obviously would do, as Uni does end) that it'd be fine and my account could be closed no hassle. He stated that all I had to do was be 8 miles from THAT PARTICULAR gym. Well I moved back home to Southampton, and went to cancel my membership stating that "yes, I had moved over 8 miles from the gym." That wasn't good enough, and the lady on the phone replied saying that I had to be 8 miles from any LA Fitness in the UK, and that it wasn't their fault or problem that the guy lied. This was awful news, I was in my overdraft and had no job, and I couldn't afford £20-40 a month, I showed proof (with a bank statement) and they didn't accept that. This went on for 2 MONTHS. I decided to cancel the direct debit on my card, and I heard nothing from then until today, I just got a letter from ARCEUROPE LTD saying I owe them £202.40 and have to pay in 14 days. I can't afford that, being still in my overdraft, what do I do? I've already posted this to reddit and they have pointed out that because I cancelled and didn't keep arguing my cancellation that I'm in the wrong and liable to pay the debt.
  6. Hello Thank you for looking at this post. NOTE: only 121 audi a8 edition 21 are made for the UK. AvailbLe to order from July 2015. I am a chauffeur and wanted the a8 edition 21 because of my own personal liking to this model In the last week of August 2015 I decided that I want to purchase a new A8 LWB Edition 21. I was dealing with wimbledon audi. I have enquired about the a8 edition 21. I was told that the a8 edition 21 LWB was not available to order and also they could not configure the car on the audi website which meant audi does not make it in LWB verson (a a8 edition 21 SWB was available on the website). I have said serveral times if the a8 edition 21 model was available to order. I was told no and the salesman have confirmed it with a manager. So I decided on a8 LWB which was in stock. Which I decided to buy because based on the salesman telling me the edition 21 LWB was not available and audi did not make it. 5 months down the line I visited the west london audi and couldn't believe my eyes and saw an a8 LWB edition 21. I enquired to the sales team and asked when the edition 21 LWB was available to order and they confirmed it was July 2015. My question is that based on the salesman at Wimbledon audi telling me that the edition 21 is not available in the LWB and audi did not make it in the LWB version which made me to buy the normal a8 lwb .Have I been missold the vehicle I have purchased?
  7. http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2016/05/11/the-tories-lied-more-cuts-to-sickness-and-disability-benefits-are-on-the-way/ Dear god, how much more can we take....
  8. My ex partner is self employed, he earns around £2k every 2 weeks. I contacted the CSA in 2013 just before the scheme changed to the CMS, and he lied about his salary to pay less support for our son, something he quite openly bragged about. At the time I didn't do anything about him lying, despite having access to his pay details, as I just wanted him to contribute something towards our son as opposed to the nothing he had been giving me. He didn't want to pay anything to them so we agreed to do it privately and he's been paying me directly since. He'd increased the amount he was giving me, and it was more than the CSA set it at originally and for a few years He'd not been too bad about it. When he got together with his ex he was really great, always on time and never short, but since they split it's reverted and he'll decide that he can't give me anything, or can't give me all of it, but brags about how much money he's on all the time. How he's been here there and everywhere on weekends abroad and he's always in the pub and bookies.... I went back to the CSA, because I'm struggling and he is able to provide much more support for our son than he has been, and they said they would make him send in proof of earnings etc...but they haven't. They class him as self employed although he told me that his employer pays his NI and Tax, but has told them he does it himself. But apparently unless I can prove otherwise they will just take his word for it. Now the calculation has come out as less than the first time they assessed it and he's laughing because he lied and in his words 'There's nothing they or I can do about it' What can I do?
  9. Looking for advice please, a judgement in default has been granted and bailiffs instructed because the claimant has told the court the defendant didn't respond to the claim - however the defendant filled in form N9A and took it, with a witness, to the claimant in person who told them they would not accept an offer and would only take the full amount. The defendant made a part payment on that same visit which has been deducted from the judgement amount, yet the claimant has clearly pretended to the court this visit never happened. It's my understanding that upon the claimant refusing the offer it should have been referred to the court for them to decide the amount to be paid and when , but by lying to the court the claimant has denied them this opportunity and there have been three bailiff visits already which again are incurring charges. I understand a form can be asked for to set aside the warrant - is this the best course of action as I'm not sure it is grounds to have the whole CCJ set aside (if they are indeed two seperate things)? Any advice is appreciated as this seems grossly unfair, the defendant does not have this sum all in one go and offered it across 10 monthly payments.
  10. In small claims court the claimant won. The reason given by the judge for them winning was something they actually lied about, on more than one count. (Obviously the judge wouldn't know they were lying or wouldn't have judge in their favour.) I didn't have the evidence with me at the time against the claimants lies because I wouldn't have known what they would say or be prepared to lie about to win their case. The claimant seemed very clever, because everything I had against them the judge seemed to look in my favour but somehow the they seemed to wangle their way out of the questions from the judge. I have no experience of this sort of thing, had no idea what to expect, found it very daunting and it obviously made it difficult for me. The value of their claim is £1-2k. Not for assault or abuse etc. I have written evidence that can prove the claimant was lying in court and want to appeal. What will happen to the claimant if they are found guilty of lying? Will they just lose the case or be further punished? Before court, I offered to split the value of the claim because I didn't want the hassle, (Even though I believe it should have been £0) but the claimant didn't want to know.
  11. Hi could someone help me please? I have just a a bailiff round to see me and as I was home with my 2 young babies I lied and said I wasn't me. Now he has taken the letter away with a false name on it and I don't have a payment plan. So I will need to have them back out to me, and he will know I've lied, and I don't know how much trouble that will land me in? Does anyone know what I can do? Feeling very Ill with the stress now.
  12. Hi. Im really hoping someone will respond quickly to this - I've not had a wink of sleep. I used my husbands season ticket on the train yesterday, and got stopped by an inspector. At that point I said it was mine. He asked for my photocard I said I had left it at home, he then confiscated the card (an annual gold card - 4 months still to run), took my address and made me sign a paper that had something at the bottom about the Prosecutions Dept. I dont know what I was thinking - I gave my name and address, so of course they are going to very quickly realise that the season ticket is in my husbands name and not mine. I have not yet told my husband, but obviously will have to tell him today. He is going to be furious. In my defence, I have a network rail card, which is in a blue travel wallet - exactly the same as my husbands. I keep in the hall drawer - he doesn't usually put his there, so I took it from the drawer and put it in my bag without checking it. I got to the station, realised the mistake but could not return to the house as my husband was out and I had no keys. I absolutely recognise that I should have bought a ticket, I dont know why I was so stupid as to then use the ticket, and I cant explain why I didnt just confess to the inspector - there were two of them, I felt foolish and incredibly embarrassed in front of everyone on the train and persisted with my ridiculous story. The inspector told me to call the Prosecutions Dept and give my photocard details and the travelcard would be returned - but obviously not, as I lied to him. I recognise I dont have especially compelling argument - plain stupidity. How can I make this right? Should I call the Prosecutions Dept, give them the ref number and come clean over the phone? Or should I write a letter? I have read on here such differing advice and I am so terrified, not least because I now need to tell my husband before he looks for his ticket, and explain to him what will happen next. I will do anything I can to settle this quickly and without having to go to court. I'm mortified. Its a bank holiday Monday, so I cant phone Prosecutions Dept til Tuesday. But is it better to write or phone? What about my husbands ticket - will he get it back, and if he pays for travel in the interim, would that extra cost be refunded? I am so, so sorry - have never done anything like this. Never will again. I have some personal circumstances that are causing a great deal of stress (emotiional and financial) though I wont get into that here, and Im not sure if it will seem like a sob story to try to present them in my defence. Grateful for any advice.
  13. Ok so first of all I'm not proud of what I've done but I really need help. Last year march I was getting income support and other benefits because I'm a single parent and I have a 5 yr old daughter. I was keen to get out of benefits and start working so I got a job as a trainee beauty therapist. It was not apprenticeship but train while you work so I was given 600 pounds a month as salary and I was working 42 hours a week. After about 2-3 months I had to leave the job but I didn't notify HMRC that I stopped working. I was scared that they would stop paying me working tax credits and child tax credits. I thought I would go back to benefits until I got another job but My employer ( who was giving me 600 p/m) never gave me any pay slips or even p60 That you are meant to get after yo stop working or p 45 or any document. So I was stuck with not applying for benefits and not telling hmrc about stopping work. Now Last month I called HMRC and told them that I have just stopped working ( koz I was done with being scared that they would find out, But now I'm scared that they will still find out . They said ok and the changes will take place in 28 days. Now I'm sooooooo scared that they will find out That i havent worked since 10 months. There must be a system for them to find out right?? Though there was no paper work but my employer took my N.I number before I started working so I believe Im going to be in trouble soon. I also sent HMRC my tax form stating I was working the same. Please don't judge me and just tell me what should I do. I havent heard anythin from HMRC since I told them that I've stopped working. Nothing about an investigation or anything bad. What should I do now? Will they definitely find out that I wasn't working? Or should I just stay quiet and let the matter die as they know I'm not working anymore. Or should I just confess and may be they will b lenient that way Please help me. Thank you so much
  14. Would anyone be kind enough to give me some advice. My husband had recently been seriously ill. I tried to keep up with the mortgage payments but found it very difficult. My husband is a very proud man and would not let me ask for any help from the government. When he was recovered he accepted a very good job abroad and I was left to sort out the arrears with the bank. They insisted on taking us to court. The Judge said pay the usual amount and £200 a month extra. I paid £712 on the date that was arranged and again the second month. A week into the second month I received a letter saying they were going to repossess. But I paid it I have the receipts. I studied the paperwork and realised that the amount of the loan in March 13 had been £92,000 then another paper said the amount of the loan in March 13 had been £106,000 I could not believe it the bank had capitalised the arrears the month before the court hearing and told the judge that the £106,000 + the arrears was the amount owed. Really it was £92,000 + arrears. Correct me if I have got it wrong but once the arrears had been capitalised and the mortgage payment had been raised then at that point there were no arrears?? I asked the bank of scotlands solicitors “Shoosmiths” and they said oh yes we've had that complaint before you are paying twice. You will have to ask the bank about that. The Bank of Scotland Capitalised the arrears in March without telling me. My husband started his job in June 13 so payments started in June so does that mean the arrears were actually for April/May £1024 I could pay that off in a few months. What right do they have to repossess even though I paid what the court said and what right do they have to lie to the court. The banks are disgusting and the courts are allowing them to get away with it. I have to try and stop this repossession but the bank would not even speak to me they referred me to Shoosmiths. Would anyone be kind enough to point me in the right direction because I am doing everything by the book and the big bullies are winning. Kind Regards Guilain
  15. Hi What can I do please? My ex has been awarded child benefit and tax credits for our youngest son. He has clearly told the relevant bodies that he has our son more often than he has. I usually have him more especially when my ex is away on holiday with his new girlfriend. He refuses to share the money he receives and does not and has never paid a penny towards the children. Our 14 yr old daughter lives with me full time and doesn't want to see her father. Our 18 year old son lives between here and his girlfriend and doesn't spend much time with his father, especially now as his father is demanding £40 or our son's £55 job seekers allowance. My ex is self employed and has told me that if I approach CSA he "can hide his money" - he has his own business so why has he been awarded the child benefit and tax credits when he doesn't need them. I am struggling every week with my new partner who is paying for children that aren't his, although he doesn't mind, their own father should be paying toward them. What can I do? I have already appealed to the child benefit and tax credits people and got nowhere? Any help would be appreciated. Regards
  16. hello all, i quit my first job 5 yrs ago when i relocated..i attended a first interview 10days ago in a well know co..wen asked, wat was i upto in past 5 ys, i told i tuk off to spend time with my family & applied for visa & work permit & by the time i got it, it was last year but the fact is i got my visa in 2008....i actually wanted to say that i strtd lukin for work since a year ! he wrote down somethin at my visa status on my resume ! i shud have corrected myself but i was so tensed attendin an interview after 7 yrs now i got a final intervw with vp.. i'm so tensed & guilty that i'm unable to prepare..this job would help me with my financial situation..i'll b interviewed by a diff person..what shud i do, say if the topic arises abt my visa status ! the date on my work permit is 2008 ! any suggestions wud really help me out here ! thankyou, yum
  17. Hi there, I'm new to the forum and hoping you might be able to give me some advice over whether there is anything I can actually do about the situation I now find myself in. There are 2 main issues I've had with work. I'm a domiciliary care worker who has had to use my own car to get from one client to the next. I began working with my employers last September, at the time my job had been advertised as £8.25/hour but I was not told in the interview that this amount included rolled-up holiday pay and that my actual hourly rate was closer to £7.35. I accepted the job believing my hourly rate was actually higher than it was, handed in my notice with my previous employers, underwent mandatory training and went out on a round with the supervisor to ensure I was competent before they gave me my contract to sign. It states in the contract that the rate includes your holiday pay, which I am expected to keep aside for when I wished to take my leave. Admittedly I didn't read the contract in full before signing because I'm evidently stupid, and never having heard of rolled-up holiday pay it had never occurred to me that the rate they told me I was being paid could actually include my holiday allowance as well. It was quite a kick in the teeth finding out - I'd accepted the job on the basis of thinking I would be earning more than I had been with another company, my partner and I had a lot of debts and I was reliant on that hourly rate to be able to pay all of my bills and debts each month. I couldn't afford to set my holiday pay aside so had to go without holidays throughout my time with them except for when I needed time off to move and was becoming ill and stressed out enough to force myself to have time off, I think I had about 6 days holiday in the whole year. I was also pregnant whilst working with them, and from 23weeks developed a medical condition that left me in constant pain whenever I was walking or standing, yet I still couldn't afford to take time off and had to keep working right up until I was 39weeks. My work pattern with them was initially 12 days in a row, some days from 0700 to 1700, but having become pregnant whilst with them I was made to switch to working 6 days in a row with every Sunday off (same thing essentially I know). I know there were 2 occasions where they were short staffed enough that I ended up working 13 days in a row - which I later discovered is illegal. My payslips are quite poorly written. They don't discern between my hourly rate and holiday pay, in fact each month they put me down as having worked 1 hour at the rate of whatever I earned that month - it would be nice if my hourly rate was really £1300 (usual monthly amount) but actually it's not. I know they've messed up via the payslip as they should clearly document what my holiday rate was each month. I'm also paid slightly different amounts depending upon whether the call was a 15min, 30min, 45min or hour duration - the payslip never documents how many 15min, 10mins etc. visits I've been paid for, so it's quite difficult to work out whether I've even been paid correctly. So that is issue one. I didn't make a fuss at the time about my issues with pregnancy or raise any grievance over being deceived about my hourly rate as I knew it would mean getting another job, which could mean several weeks of not getting paid whilst waiting for my CRB to come through - I just tried to get on with things and keep plugging away at my debts, hoping there'd be light at the end of the tunnel at some point. Issue 2. Whilst in the interview I was also told that I wouldn't be paid fuel allowance for my car as they said I could reclaim it from the HMRC at the end of the year - and they pointed out they paid a higher hourly rate than other care agencies in the area anyway (which actually they don't, given that their hourly rate includes holiday pay). It was another condition on which I'd accepted the job, only to find out later I'd been deceived. I was told the fuel allowance rate was 45p/mile and was led to believe I could claim this back at the end of the tax year - it turns out I could only get tax relief for 20% of it. They didn't point this out and it's not made clear on the HMRC website either. I'd been counting on the tax rebate to clear off some of my debts and now I can't - the amount I got back doesn't even cover 1. I'm on maternity leave and have to work out how I'm going to cover everything when my monthly income has so drastically been reduced. I know that my position is pretty bad. I have no written evidence to confirm what they said in the interview, since I was avoiding taking holiday I can't take them to a tribunal over holiday not being paid. I just want the money I was expecting for the money I had to spend on petrol just to do the job, I feel so robbed. I don't have much hope but is there anything I can actually do? Please be gentle - I know this is partly my fault for being stupid and taking people at their word.
  18. Hello there, wondering if anyone could help, its a bit long winded so i apologise... my story starts from the 21st April 2012, We live in essex and we decided to purchase a car from morecombe, yes i know before you say why so far away, well there was such a big difference in the mileage to what we could get in essex for the same price. Well getting back to my tale. before we arrange to the collect this car we asked the salesman if possible as we we're driving such a long way could he please check all the standard things like oil, water, tyre pressure...blah blah.. which he agreed. This car apparently was and excellent example of mazda 6, due to its extensive full mazda service history. and all the other peaks you would expect from a car only a few years old. Well my husband drove up on the 21st april this year to collect the vehicle and we part ex our old car. Everything was fine for the first 150miles car drove lovely, until all the warnin lights came on and broke down, we contacted the car dealer and he explained it must of been something the mazda garage had done whilst it was in having a health check done the day before. he said to drive home and he would get it sorted... well when my husband arrived home we started looking into this car a bit further, we had already checked before we brought the car that it hadn't been involved in any accidents or claims bblah blah, that was fine, But when we started to look through the paperwork we found out this car had never been to a mazda garage for a service ever, and had very limited service history with it. We found this out as we contacted a mazda garage near us.... well we decided as the car had broken down, and we since have found out that the car wasn't taken in for a health check it was taken it to have some faults corrected on the vehicle... second lie... we are at present going through the legal route as we asked for a full refund on the vehicle, we even said at our own cost we would have to the car delievered as it is undriveable.. we have now got to the stage where he didn't reply to the first court letter hence judgement was made in our favour, he has since replied to court after receiving the judgement papers and explained funny enough he didn't receive them first time around we go to court next month for him to try and overturn the judgement, to be honest i'm so tired of this now, i'm not going to give up, but with all the garbled information i have given you do you think we have a good chance of getting our money back. as far as we're concerned he lied about the service history and the condition of the car... please any advive would be great...i think sometimes i get slightly lost in this process...and would like to hear other peoples thoughts.. thankyou in anticipation.
  19. I dont think he lied, I know he did - or at best let me assume something with his clever use of words. But how do I prove it. I came off benefits last year and am happy about that (of course) but this has brought its own problems I am trying desperately to pay my own way, I don't smoke, don't drink, have 3 stepkids I provide for. here is my problem. We fell into arrears and had a court bailiff come to the door. I let him in (probably the wrong thing to do I know) and I agreed to try my best and pay £120 off per month. This was in december 2011 I paid december and january, but missed feb and march, paid £240 in April. I have now also received a summons for THIS YEARS council tax. This is where I think he lied to me When he asked me how much I could afford to pay off, I started at £80 per month, he said that would not even cover the council tax that starts again in April and I would have to pay much more. I went up to £120 and he has (cleverly) eluded to the £120 I am paying was also paying my ongoing council tax (£80 to the Council tax and the other £40 to my arrears) - he hasn't actually said that, but he definately didn't correct me when I made that assumption. I rang the council today about the summons and said I have an arrangement in place already as I am paying the "bailiff" they said this is WRONG. the bailiff is chasing the OLD debt, and the summons is for THIS YEARS council tax, and because I haven't paid anything its going to court. Does that make sense? It is two separate debts. To be honest, I am struggling to pay £120 per month, let alone TWO LOTS of it as the Council have said that they would NOT accept more than £132 to clear this years debt. Any advice would be greatly welcome because as it stands at the minute I feel my only option is to give up work and sign back on and get the whole bloody lot paid again for me !!!! The other thing that is really annoying me is that in April I paid £240 - actually only £30 came off my Council Tax bill, the other £210 went in charges - £140 for him posting a bloody letter through the door and £70 in court fees for THIS YEARS BILL
  20. I am definitely going to ask for a review as the main witness, the manager who sacked me, told a complete lie about a similar case where a fellow worker was not sacked for doing the same thing. In the final submissions, which were done in writing, as the case couldn't be completed on the day, I made it clear to the tribunal where the manager had lied ( I stated clearly it was a is a complete fabrication and therefore a perjurious statement) and there is documented evidence to back this up so it is pretty darn clear that he has done so. I am wondering why the tribunal judgement (fairly detailed at 18 pages) has not even mentioned the issue of perjury and they have simply ignored it. I assumed this was a serous offence and as he was a key witness for the employer's defence and he lied about a key comparator case, can any advise if there is a clear case for not only review but an appeal as well? thanks alot
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