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Found 5 results

  1. I took virgin media to CICAS and they lied about the contract. They told CICAS the screen shot of the t&cs I provided was from an old contract from someone else while the screen shot they provided is from my contract (by this time they had changed my online profile and had updated my contract to show new t&cs). I did not have the original contract copy at that moment but later, after CICAS decided in their favour, I found out the email they had sent me which had the contract I signed and could prove my stance was right. The only proof they gave was fake screen shots which I can prove now was fake. CICAS would not listen to me as their decision is final. Can someone help me legally and take them to court. I do not want to spend more money on them unless I have some legal advise. They not only broke their T&Cs with me but also lied to CICAS deliberately as I had pointed out to them in a call that my online profile shows the old t&cs and after three weeks they changed those. I am sure they have done it to 100s of thousands of people and ripping them off. It's a big [problem] I can tell. Please note I am no more looking for the contract I signed as I have it in my email when they originally sent it to me.
  2. Hi, What do you think I should do? I ordered Business Fibre 152mb broadband in January 2015 Virgin required a £230 deposit which I paid. It is now a year later, hundreds of emails and hours of calls and 6 missed apointments and we seem no closer to an actual installation. Costs initially escalated from £60 for the install to a couple of hundred, and 2 months in I opted for a government Connection Voucher to cover it. Since then they have continued to rise and I've continued to agree to them as they are still less than the grant. Highlights include: a 3 month wait while Virgin was emailing the wrong email address to get the installation started being asked to pay £3895 excess costs which turned out to be a basic algebra error resulting from adding the £3000 connection voucher grant and actual £895 costs together waiting for contractors to not show up to do work on 6 different weekends I made a formal complaint in October and have a reference for it, but all the complaints department do is chase their Manilla call centre to give me an update, which typically doesn't contain any information. It has been a very frustrating year and the practical and financial impact on my business is huge. There is also no sign this is going to end with Virgin actually getting round to the installation... I've thought about complaining to CISAS, which is the ombudsman Virgin Media seem to be linked to, what should i be asking them for? Is there anything else I could do?
  3. Hi everyone, I'd be grateful for any advice you can offer: Plusnet offered terrible service so I reported them to CISAS. CISAS ruled that a) plusnet had to pay us £250, b) get our services working and c) if we decided to leave were not to charge us for any outstanding contract charges. We did decide to leave and in Dec 2015 I received an email informing me I needed to pay a final bill including outstanding contract charges. I responded asking for an itemised bill by post, and pointed out that they were instructed to not charge me for outstanding contract charges. I never received a response to this email, nor an itemised bill. I had prior to December been 'locked out' of my Plusnet online account so I had no means of checking the bill. Early Jan 16 I received another email from Plusnet- again, informing me I needed to pay a final bill including outstanding contract charges. I forwarded the initial email I had sent in December, again asking for the same information. Last week I received a letter from a debt collection agency on behalf of Plusnet. Plusnet have proved themselves to be utterly vile; they know I have a disabled son who suffers from anxiety and they - for many months - would instruct engineers to just turn up without any notice, even though I informed them of the problems this causes, and CISAS ruled in our favour over this issue. I have emailed CISAS with this information but wondered if there was anything else I should be doing and would be grateful for any advice. Thank you.
  4. Hello all, Would welcome any views on my current situation with Plusnet. I have had ongoing issues with my broadband and telephone for over a year- I have given them multiple chances to resolve these problems. Eventually I had to email their CEO to force them to engage with me and the fault even investigated. Despite being told multiple times that there were faults external to my property I was repeatedly told to "change your wireless channel". Eventually I had to complain to CISAS. Shortly after my complaint to CISAS, Plusnet removed from their online ticket support system all records of the conversations we had had prior to their being forced to investigate- this included the year long history of my contact, their responses etc. All that remained was the initial response to my CEO email. Since CISAS closed the call - we are awaiting their decision but they will no longer accept further evidence - Plusnet have become increasing more difficult to deal with. Last week they unexpectedly told me that I had an outstanding amount to be paid and they cut my services. There is no outstanding bill and I asked them to raise a bill enabling me to pay this amount, albeit under duress. Since then they have ignored all contact with me and there is no way I can pay this outstanding amount as my account shows no outstanding bill. Today I receive a letter stating "as a result of your outstanding balance your account has been deactivated". They are not responding to any contact from me. I work from home and am a full time carer to my disabled son - who is educated via an online 'virtual' school - and Plusnet are aware of this. Without access to the internet I cannot work and my son cannot be educated. They are now refusing to respond to my many contacts: phone, email and twitter all ignored. I suspect they will continue to ignore me until enough time has passed to close my contract. My main contact there - Matthew Wheeler - has been phenomenally bad at dealing with these issues and now just doesn't respond at all. Avoid at all costs.
  5. Hello, I am after some advice for an issue I have with Virgin Mobile. August last year I cancelled my contract at the end of term. I called the one month before the contract renewal date to tell them I did not want my contract to renew. I was told that everything would be cut off at the end of August and I wouldn’t receive any further charges against this contract. In the December of 2012, I was going back through my bank statements and I noticed that the monthly charges for the mobile had continued. I contactedVirgin to get this resolved. I received a quick reply and apology and I wastold that the money wrongly debited form my account would be paid back to me. I never saw this money go into my account I sent another complaint tovirgin telling them that the money owed to me was not paid back. Weeks later Ireceived a phone call. The chap apologised, blaming computer issues blah blahblah... I was told that the money would be put into my account within a week. Ichecked my bank and I have discovered they have only paid back £15 which is aquarter of the amount they owe me. Please can someone tell me what my next step should be? Are they in any wayin breach of the contract? Will I need to complain to CISAS? What type ofresponse shall I expect to get from Virgin for their failure to give me backwhat they owe? Will they offer a gesture of good will? On another note, before I noticed that there was this problem with myoriginal contract, I started a new contract with virgin to take advantage of adeal that I had seen. Any help or pointers will be greatly appreciated.
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