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  1. I hope I'm posting this in right place. I hope some one can give me some advice. I work in a small hotel. I'm the Head Chef. We have 2 other chefs working in the kitchen. One of the chefs is known to be very lazy. Likes to take time off saying he is ill when isn't, spends more time playing on phone than working etc. Earlyer this week on the Tuesday I was working with him and he started going on about how he had just got a new xbox and the new call of duty game that had just come out. He started moaning that his friends were already much higher level than him and that he need to catch up. He had his days off Wednesday and Thursday and Friday morning we hear from him and he has apparently been to doctors and been signed off works for 2 weeks due to stress. He is not stressed, he is only 25, is not married and has no children. He has only just come back off holiday a week ago. I'm sure he has lied to Dr to get time off to play his new video game. He has been playing his new call of duty game for nearly 80 hours straight. And is still online playing at 3am. Would some one who is under that much stress that they can't work be able to play videos games non stop. I am really angry, I have young children and my youngest son is very poorly. He has hospital appointments next week and weeks after. I had booked days off for both weeks, over a month ago. So I could look after my other children whilst my wife takes our youngest to hospital. These hospital appointments are very important. And include Nurosurgery appointments and appointments at eye hospital. We have no family to ask for help, and no friends so my wife relies on me to help. A lot of the hospital appointments are over 3 hours away at specialist hospitals, and a lot they require that my youngest son is bought alone, so it's not possible for my wife to take are other children with her. We are going to have to cancel all appointments as I have now got to cover for this other chef and will have no days off next week or the week after. Its so wrong that he gets to sit at home playing stupid video games and still gets paid whilst I'm left having to pick up the pieces covering for him working my self in to the ground and it will effect my children as they will not see me, and expecially my youngest as he won't get to his hospital appointments. I also feel sorry for my boss as she is a old lady in her 80s and I feel he is taking advantage of her, he lies to her and she believes him. I don't like to see him walking all over her, he laughs at her behind her back. She ended up in a simular situation with a different employee many years ago and she did sack them but then end up being sued for apparent unfair dismissal. Although that situation sorted its self out she is afraid to do any thing or sack any one else. Is there any thing I can do about this chef, how can I get my boss to see what he really is like. I have physical evidence to back up my claims that he wanted time off to play call of duty. Is it worth me mentioning to my boss. Surely as Head chef I should have a say in who works in kitchen. I don't want some one lazy, I want some one hard working who I can trust and who is reliable. If my boss will listen what should be her first step to dealing with this so she doesn't end up in same situation as last time. Any advice would be much appreciated If you wondering why I'm awake posting this at 3.50am is because a neighbours parrot escaped and is sitting in a tree out side my window sqauking like crazy so cant sleep. Thanks in advance.
  2. I think the time has come to do a bit of RW&C baiting, or perhaps there is another way . Back in 2007, I bought a car on HP( I still have my copies of the docs) ,with a company that has since gone into default. Term was 36 months, and eighteen months into contract I was made redundant. I had not read the PPI package properly ( bear in mind that at this time I'd had two massive personal problems happen), but from the salesman's spiel I had a year of payment cover . I paid the six month out of redundancy and then tried to claim on PPI ,to be told I did not qualify. straight to PPI reclaim, whereby the finance company used every trick to avoid acceptance, although they did admit liability ,but the offer was set in non favourable terms. . Eventually way back in 2010, they went into default and the matter went to FSCS , run by the finance company IN 2011 . By this time, I had accepted that I would not get any of the debt paid off, but that the company had gone into default owing me ( from their admission £2500), I thought that the matter was resolved. Then last year, came a letter from RW . So far, as debt is now well statute barred , I’ve just ignored them as this sort don't seem to accept SB letters. Then I thought- as there's considerable PPI ( £2500 in 2020, how much now ) , and RW insist that they own the debt, perhaps it might be a chance to let the DCA get bitten, by legally asking for the repayment of the PPI content.. So what line do I take ?
  3. Basically I have put in a complaint against ebay for an item that I sold to clear which was marked for parts or not working and no refunds accepted as ebay are siding with the buyer and told me to start a return (buyer is non uk resident) however I have responded with an appeal against the decision and a formal complaint. Also this has incensed me so much I have decided to put a petition down if anyone wants to sign it to make ebay treat sellers fairly and stop siding with the buyer to prevent [problem]mers (which is what this buyer is). https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/179807/sponsors/4dLn9AywqqgsvIT0cBcs If anyone could sign it hopefully there will be enough to make parliament take notice and start taking ebay to task...
  4. "Actor Alistair McGowan admits he had misgivings before agreeing to take on the part of Jimmy Savile in a new play." Yea, and them someone mentioned money and his sweaty hand couldn't grab the contract pen fast enough.
  5. Hi all, About 3 weeks ago I pre ordered purchased a brand new Samsung Gear Live watch from Google Play Store. Whilst waiting for the watch to arrive I noticed some of the people that had received the pre release watch at the Google I/0 conference had reported the charging cradle that snaps onto the back of the watch was damaging the plastic on the back of the watch meaning they were no longer able to charge the watch. With this in mind I have tried to be very careful with the watch removing the cradle from the rear of the watch with care. Unfortunately however the watch has succumb to this fault and the charging cradle has broken the plastic on the rear of the watch meaning I am unable to charge the watch. Below is an example of the problem which is well known. http://www.sammobile.com/2014/07/07/samsung-gear-live-charging-mechanism-reportedly-getting-damaged-easily/ I contacted Google play and they have offered me a new replacement watch, after some persuasion, however, I am far from confident that this will not happen again, I asked Google that I would happy to accept a new watch if they could offer a different way of charging that did not require snapping cradle on to the back of e device risking it breaking again. I have requested a full refund, my argument is the charging cradle is not fit for purpose as it breaks the device. Do I have a case in consumer law here?
  6. Hi everyone, I bought an item from a Play.com seller (Playtrade) around mid-February for about £30 (an office machine). The Playtrade seller said he despatched the item the same day I ordered it but it turned out to be false. I contacted the seller several times by email and no reply. I filed a Missing Item Claim and a Fairplay Guarantee Claim but Play.com didn't reply to the latter. So I filed a chargeback with my credit card company (Capital One) and they refunded me the money. Today I received a letter from Capital One saying that they will give the seller 45 days to resolve the dispute. I called them up, telling them that I already purchased the goods from another retailer and that the seller is in breach of contract. I also asked them what would happen if the seller sends the goods, and they said they will reverse the chargeback. This is unfair. So the seller gets a whopping 75 days to send me the goods AND I end up paying for the goods twice because I bought it from another supplier. I told Capital One this, and they said I need to contact the seller and tell him I no longer want the order. So I sent the seller a message saying I'm cancelling the order, but Play.com give the seller 3 working days to reply. What would happen if the seller sends the item within this 3 working day period? Wouldn't that mean Capital One would reject my chargeback claim? Also I noticed that whenever someone writes the words "breach of contract" in the contact seller text box, Play.com automatically reject it and say "Your message contains inappropriate content". When I removed these words the message was sent! Unbelievable.
  7. Google's online site has the policy in which for you to return a faulty device you need to first give them permission to put an 'authorisation' on the value of the replacement device they send to you. This is non-optional. The idea that if the faulty device you return is not deemed under warranty by them they will take the authorised value and you keep the replacement they sent you. I.e you pay for same product twice whether you like it or not. Am I being completely wrong in believing this go against Sales of Good Act? Thanks
  8. Rossendales sent a letter last month, which got ignored and filed in the bin. They have just sent another one which looks like a wage slip with perforated edges saying i will be visited and the usual rubbish. Not had the pleasure of this bunch yet!
  9. I had a letter offering a 75% discount from Lowell the week before last, it was a debt which I knew was Statute Barred, but I hadn't told Lowell about this. Anyway I had a call from them last week and stupidly I answered it and all of the security questions (I know STUPID). I told them over the phone that the debt was SB and that the only reason that they were offering a 75% discount was because they knew as well as I did that it was unenforceable, they reply was that some people felt that they had a moral duty to pay back these debts, I replied that I wasn't one of those people. Anyway I expected a phantom payment to turn up after my silly behaviour and fast forward to today a letter arrived, but to my surprise it says Account Closed with Lowell. It didn't even cost me a Recorded Delivery Letter. Well Done Lowell for Once! QB
  10. sorry i think its probly going to be in the wrong place but http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42191 lets see how many signitures we can get the aim is legislation to force companys to rather than sell the debt onto debt collectors for a pitance to offer it to the debtor first for the same amount the initial companys still going to see the same ammount of money as they would if it had gone to a debt collector but it stops it gathering fees and charges and stuff and becoming an unmanagable debt
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