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Found 6 results

  1. i bought my graphics card (PC part) in October and the Part isn't usable because it is broken. I sent it to Ebuyer for an RMA on the 29th January I've had to chase it up 3 times since then since their turn around is supposed to be 3-5 days 10 days later I still hadn't heard anything back. The 3 times I've called (after the 5 day period) I was told the card was given to another member of staff "with experience with such things" then today after being on hold for 50 minutes I was told my card is being sent to Hong Kong and to expect a 28 day wait AFTER they receive it. that will be a 2 and a half month turn around for an RMA when they state on their site, you can choose direct replacement and it'll take between 3-5 days. I sent an email with the information below: I bought the card using finance from Close Brothers Personal Finance and I'm still paying for something I have no access to. I read the Consumer Rights Act 2015, part 1, chapter 2, section 23 - right to repair or replacement and in that it states; in response to (3): In no way did i say to them i wanted the graphics card repaired. In 95% of cases they can't be repaired due to the nature of their manufacturing process. I clicked the option that states on their site "Direct replacement" In response to (3,b): How exactly is a direct replacement disproportionate since the retailer would get either a replacement item or a refund for the item? How is it disproportionate to expect a direct replacement when on your site it asks what you want as an outcome and i selected direct replacement? In response to (5): i bought the graphics card for heavy 3D rendering work which I do as a side job in my spare time and haven't been able to make money since this. I was expecting a replacement in 7 days not 2 and a half months. And this is the reply I got to the email i sent: Palit (the card maker) states on their website that if the card wasn't bought from them the retailer is responsible for RMA requests. how does a retailer as big as Ebuyer think this is acceptable behaviour. Surely under UK law Since it's under 6 months old and it was bought on finance and it's an electronic good surely there are protections in place for this sort of thing past what I've already posted because apparently they can just shoo that away? What am i supposed to do here? I feel like this is an utter joke. I had no communication, no warning, they changed their own terms to suit themselves and I'm without my £1300 purchase (that i'm still paying for without access to) due to what can only be described as a manufacturing problem with the card and their absolute lack of customer service? I honestly feel stuck and like I'm being played for a fool. Someone please help.
  2. I have a surround-sound headset which has developed a fault and apparently the headset has been out of production for some time so the manufacturer has offered an alternative headset as replacement. I wasn't given the option of repair (their warranty covers replacement or repair). So this is where it gets annoying/silly. The headset is proper surround-sound with a microphone and a high quality desktop volume control. The replacement they suggested is a stereo headset, without microphone and no volume control! They don't make a surround headset any more so can't offer like for like or better - which I believe would be required under UK law. It was bought in Maplins but now I'm dealing with people in China so have no idea where I stand here. I don't want to RMA it and send it off to them (as they are suggesting) only to be told when they have it that they'll replace it but not like for like. I've tried to get them to commit to naming the replacement they will send me having said I would not accept their suggested replacement but they don't seem to want to commit, which is worrying. The headset is just over a year old on a two year warranty. Can anyone suggest what I should do, and should I in fact be dealing with Maplin as the retailer rather than the manufacturer? Thanks for any help.
  3. Hi there, I entered into a Tomlin Order with Arrow in Feb 2013. We agreed to a final settlement amount of £552.27 payable monthly at £15.34 starting on the 31st March 2013. I had a letter through after about 4 months saying I hadn't paid anything and we realised I hadn't put a reference number on the bank transfers, the amounts I had paid were found and put against my account. On Saturday I received a letter saying thst RMA Resolve are now managing my account on behalf of Arrow and if the balance is wrong or if I don't think the letter is for me to contact them. The balance wax £483.44 as at the 22/09/2014 I called my bank and they read out the dates that I had paid -18 payments in all. I called RMA and the nightmare begins. They have never heard of a Tomlin Order, they have been sent the account as Arrow say I have only paid £32 odd! I have to email the Tomlin to them (a trip to the local library as our scanner has packed up), email proof of payment (£5.00 for the bank to produce statements plus a 40min round walk to our local branch), then they will have a meeting about the best way forward! I called Arrow to be told nothing to do with them now. What can I claim back in compensation? The Tomlin says they should review every 6 months and they haven't but apart from this I have kept my side of the agreement. I have checked the accoun details and reference number of Arrow and it is all correct. Any advice? Thanks
  4. i had an account with Littlewoods / NDR in December for years i had been paying online and without notice they wouldnt let me into my account yo make payments it was passed onto a company called Arrow Global who then gave it to RMA Resolve to collect payments ...i have been making payment on time 28th every month via telephone banking ... on Wednesday i recieved a letter saying they had not recieved payment's for May and June i know they had recieved payment for May as i had recieved 6 monthly statement and it was included .. and i know i definately paid June .. i phoned them up and they said both payments HAD been receieved although claiming they were late. My bank operates and immediate payment with 2 hr service so not late from my side. Anyway when i was on phone they said it had flashed up on computer that i was to send an up to date financial statement ...i got letter this morning saying it si required by law within 7 days ...i have not had this with any of my other creditors and as i told them on phone my circumstances / income were still the same and they were only getting what was already agreed via littlewoods / CAB at the time Do i have to send my financial details and expenditure on to them ? thanks in advance
  5. Hello, I have today received a letter from RMA Resolve advising that i owe £42.52 to their client Arrow. I contacted them, they seemed to point to a default in 2009 to a mobile phone company. As far as i know i have no outstanding debt to arrow/rma resolve or any mobile phone company. Should i send a cca to them or should i send a SAR to them, or does anyone have any ideas?? Julian
  6. I have been a barclays customer for 33 years, a Premiere customer for the last 20 years. I had a 9000.00 agreed permanent overdraft facility I have used on and off and it was at 7300.00 OD. I live permanently abroad (monaco) and following advice from a barclays manager, I wrote to barclays last year to inform them I am now separated from my wife and the divorce is taking place in Monaco, and with the account being in joint names, there was a mandate dispute (this is what the manager said to put) and I wanted them to stop any further payments being made from it (to avoid my wife spending more money and increasing our joint debt). I sent them back my barclays card and they actioned my request. I sent them my new address and started receiving statements, the last of which was March of this year (2011) The interest accumulating was only 18.00 and it was added to the overdraft monthly. Due to the ongoing divorce, despite the fact I am a high earner, until the divorce is resolved my outgoings are much higher than normal (I am having to pay rental on two homes now and associated expenses of two separate households). In 12 months my situation will be much better. At no time did I receive any communication from barclays that anything was untoward, that they wanted the loan repaid, nothing at all. Two weeks ago I received a letter from RMA, a debt collector acting on behalf of Barclays. I contacted them by phone and said I knew nothing of this or any problem between myself and Barclays bank whatsoever. They said they were only interested in recovering the debt. I asked for copies of any correspondence from barclays to me re the debt and they refused. I contacted my local branch via email and related the above. They said the account had been cancelled and they were very sorry, but now it was in the hand of debt collectors there was nothing they could do, and weren't even able to access my account to see if any letters had been sent or why the account was ever in dispute. They apologised but said there was nothing they could do. I wrote an email asking for my complaint to be made official as it struck me as irregular, and I wanted the ombudsman to look into it. I received an email saying that my complaint had been forwarded to barclays customer services and to contact the ombudsman if it wasn't resolved by barclays. Last friday the debt collector called me and I expained I had made a complaint to barclays bank and needed a couple of weeks to hear their response. They agreed to put it on ice for two weeks. Three days later (monday this week) I received a post card from the UK saying that someone from RMA debt collection would be visiting me this thursday between 8am and 8pm at my home (in monaco). I called them to confirm my conversation with their associate re two weeks on ice and they said that that had been posted prior to that conversation. I work from 8am to 6pm and am not able to hang around all day and can't believe this is how they operate. Are they seriously going to fly someone to Monaco on the offchance I might be in to discuss a 7000.00 overdraft? I have never previously owed any money, or had any dealings with debt collectors. I am a high earner, who, for the first time in my life needs to use an overdraft for one year (until the divorce is resolved and our assets split). Does anyone know if Barclays are allowed to just put my overdraft with the debt collectos, or have any advice as to the above? I have no problem servicing the interest on the debt, but can't pay it off right now. Nobody at barclays will talk to me as my account has been cancelled and is now with debt collectors. I repeat, I had no forewarning of this whatsoever and it has all come as a complete shock. Does anyone know how long I have to wait for Barclays to come back to me on my complaint before I am allowed to write to the ombudsman? Thanks for any advice. I can't believe this is happenning and I am really stressed about it.
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