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Found 4 results

  1. I have a surround-sound headset which has developed a fault and apparently the headset has been out of production for some time so the manufacturer has offered an alternative headset as replacement. I wasn't given the option of repair (their warranty covers replacement or repair). So this is where it gets annoying/silly. The headset is proper surround-sound with a microphone and a high quality desktop volume control. The replacement they suggested is a stereo headset, without microphone and no volume control! They don't make a surround headset any more so can't offer like for like or better - which I believe would be required under UK law. It was bought in Maplins but now I'm dealing with people in China so have no idea where I stand here. I don't want to RMA it and send it off to them (as they are suggesting) only to be told when they have it that they'll replace it but not like for like. I've tried to get them to commit to naming the replacement they will send me having said I would not accept their suggested replacement but they don't seem to want to commit, which is worrying. The headset is just over a year old on a two year warranty. Can anyone suggest what I should do, and should I in fact be dealing with Maplin as the retailer rather than the manufacturer? Thanks for any help.
  2. I bought a pair of expensive reputable headphones from a high street store that also operate as an online retailer with good reviews. I purchased directly from the physical store as it was easier. In less than a year the headband formed cracks from normal use on the left and right ends. The manner which they appeared flagged a design fault or a material defect. I took pictures of the cracks, eventually one side snapped. The headphones are not usable, so not fit for purpose. I went to the store with the entire box, headphones and purchase receipt and asked for a replacement. The seller invoked 2 year manufacturer warranty and claimed he had to follow the repair/replacement process and send it to the manufacturer. I explained that my approach was merely based on SOGA rights, the product failed and it is not my fault as easily proven hence I wanted a new one. Because he was cooperating I tried not to make a big fuss and went for the warranty which I now regret. He admitted the damage is not repairable and as soon as they check back with the manufacturer they will replace with a new pair to avoid a delay on my end. I believe they should have given me a new pair and deal with the manufacturer on their end. On the other hand if I refused, it may have looked as they tried to provide a solution but I didn't comply with the process. Still I have to be without my headphones for unknown time...they claimed 6-10 days. I have in the meantime spotted information online that suggests there are batches with this problem and I plan to use it. I am not keen on the "repair" element, just want a new pair. I wanted to know if I got things wrong here, 1. would I be within my rights to demand a new pair if not satisfied? 2. shouldn't the seller replace the product? Why retailers persistently disregard the SOGA terms? 3. I have the option to invoke a credit card refund if not happy after all else...
  3. I have a pair of "Studio" Beats by dre headphones. These have became faulty and are in need of a repair. However beats are objecting the repair due to these headphone being outwith the warranty. The headphones i had were replaced in july 2013 and i received a new pair. Would this be contestable as this is a new product - do the new headphones come with an extended warranty ? - The original warranty ran out in december 2013. Thanks
  4. I purchased a pair of expensive noise cancelling headphones from a 3rd party via Amazon at the end of January 2012, delivered in February. About two days ago one of the headphones suddenly stopped playing while listening to music, in what seems to be an internal electrical fault (cracking sound, swapped cables same thing). The headphones came with a hard case, they have been treated with a lot of respect and never dropped which can be easily observed by looking at the product. I wrote to the seller through amazon and told them the problem is clearly a failure of the product and not a result of misuse, so I would like to assess my options of getting a replacement. They supported it has been over 6 months I am using the product and there is nothing they can do. They suggested to try asking amazon for a replacement. Now all this sounds rubbish to me. The product broke down after 6 months of use...well, I expect headphones to last a bit longer than that! Before contacting amazon I wanted to understand better their role as an intermediary and my rights with SOGA? Also, the manufacturer appears to offer two year warranty with their products in the EU. However I have had some bad experiences going directly to manufacturers before and want to see my options with the retailer first. What are my options here? thanks
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