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Found 9 results

  1. Noting the branding on a cinemas car park, I parked to watch a film. Not noticing any clear notifications to pay, they clearly are there. Naturally this is a Br2ttaN3a managed carpark. I now have two letters. 1. Letter before action from the dubious BW 2. A final 16 day demand before court. I have done the following but have had no response. 1. Recorded delivery letter to parking management company, asking for evidence, print outs, and offence. 2. Recorded delivery letter to BW asking for data restriction. ( they replied saying not applicable ) 3. Letter to my MP 4. Letter to the cinema asking for them to make their signs to the car park clearly state you have to pay - and to step in and make contact. I enclose the two letters. I have sent a follow up email to the cinema stating I will write to the board and the local press - and that my complaint is under unfair contracts. Shall I post the letters here, obviously edited?
  2. Hi Everyone I would like to ask some advice please. I decided to purchase some new specs, I went along to my local optician look at some frames tried some on and agreed to go for a pair of bespoke glasses to get the correct fit, over the course of the weekend I wasn't happy with my decision and wanted to back out of the deal as I know they would look awful, as this was a bank holiday I spoke with the opticians and said I wanted to cancel the order, he said you cant now the glasses have had the plans drawn up and are now under construction, this tuesday Morning, and its 9 oclock and yesterday was bank holiday Monday I told him... sorry we cant cancel....... now I have a pair of glasses that I didn't want and look awful........ what can I do if anything.... .I just feel I have been forced into the sale that I didn't want?
  3. Hi All, A friend of mine is having a problem that I'm helping with. He purchased a secondhand Mercedes sports car for £26,000 from what he considered a reputable car dealer (not main dealer)it was delivered Thursday 13th July 2017. They are FCA regulated (Ref No 658267 ) and a representative of (MBI) Limited (Ref No 312143) He paid £10,000 deposit cash and the rest on finance with Close, the first day he noticed problems which were reported the second day, he thought there were gearbox problems and noticed the active intelligent lights were not working. He was asked not to drive the car and either get it brought back or taken to a local garage to see the problem, he managed to get it into a Mercedes specialist on the next day - there was a 9 page faults list including electronics, possible not Mercedes front lights and engine misfiring on some cylinders. He did not drive the car as advised and called dealer supplied the report and asked for a refund, the dealer said he would consider it, I helped him draft a letter Monday 17th saying under the consumer right act - right to return, he would like the car picked up, and a full refund based on the independent report and his right to return a faulty car. I listed the main faults, I also noted the cost he had incurred in taking the car to garage getting home then having to pick it up again, he also had to pay for engine oil and other expenses. I sent this to the finance company as well asking for acknowledgment, they haven't as of yet. So far the dealer has refused a refund and said they won't accept responsibly until they have an independent report done, I pointed out that they have had that for 3 days. it's nearly a week and they have the car, the report, his money and he doesn't have any transport. Thoughts?
  4. Hi, have another thread similar but not had many responses so I might have put it in the wrong place, sorry. I've had a quote from a solicitor through my bank which I accepted. The solicitor is asking for more than double. The middle man who supposedly provided the quote through my banks website and allocated the solicitor has said it was a technical error and I was provided an old quote which is now more expensive and I'll either have to pay what the solicitor is asking or find my own solicitor. It's took them 3 weeks of being passed between solicitor. Bank and middle man to get this response. I've submitted a formal complain which they say will take up to 4 weeks. This will mean 7 weeks of delay before any work is even started. I've spoke to the financial ombudsman who said usually they'd have to honour it but may be different as its in relation to legal services so contact the legal ombudsman. They said they weren't sure of anything in law but if I'm not happy with the outcome I can pass onto them. I asked for advice because I didn't want to wait atleast 7 weeks before any work was even started on the remortgage. She said there's no reason why work can't be started and them if upheld can be claimed back. I said I didnt want to pay out the £535 and she said I can go with someone cheaper but then there would be nothing to gain or claim back through a complaint. The cheaper company are £435 so still £180 more expensive than the original quote. Can I claim the difference back considering he was there fault I had to go elsewhere to someone more expensive than the quote they gave? On top of how much it is costing us with the delayed remortgage which the money will be used to pay off a loan and fix a leak. Is anyone aware of any legislation to confirm they have to honour the quote? We have confirmation the quote was accepted and they had all the information needed to provide an accurate quote. I've read elsewhere once accepted it becomes a contract? Thanks
  5. Hi, I'd be so grateful if anyone can advise me in relation to this. I will explain as briefly as possible the relevant details of the situation, and set out a few questions I have. In 2009 we bought our small semi-detached house. We almost were not able to, owing to the fact that we were only just able to find an insurer who would take us on when we declared the existence in the building of a tie bar (as our Buildings Surveyor instructed we must do). We phoned loads of insurers and all put us on hold while speaking to their underwriter, only to come back saying 'Sorry, we don't insure buildings with tie bars'. Finally, and close to giving up, we found an insurer. We've been with this one insurer for 6 years now. No problems ever, until last December I noticed that what had been a hairline crack ascending the side of our house (from the tie bar) when we bought it had grown somewhat, to be up to 3 mm wide in places. It has very gradually widened over the years as cracks do, but seemed to have widened more quickly just recently. This prompted me to remove the thick insulating wallpaper from the corresponding inside wall, which revealed a more worrying crack of about 5 mm. (The previous owner of the house was employed in the home energy efficiency business, so we didn't think it necessarily suspicious when buying that some of the walls had a covering that could easily hide cracks. Also in one room we did remove the covering when we moved in, and the walls had no cracks at all.) On discussion with my partner we thought we had better inform our insurance company of our discovery. First question: Was it not necessary to do this? I phoned them and explained this all to the person I initially spoke to, who said 'You need to be speaking to the Claims department'. I explained that I didn't know if we were wanting to make a claim, that I just thought we were required to inform them of the situation, and I did say that were concerned about it, as one would be. They repeated 'You need to speak to Claims', and put me through. I then explained the whole thing again and was told in a rather reassuring way that 'We will send someone out to look at it'. No one told me, and I didn't know, that I was 'making a claim', by agreeing to this. Perhaps this was simply my ignorance having never had to report anything to a Home insurance company before. A loss adjuster visit was arranged, and his subsequent technical report, entitled 'Subsidence Claim' stated his belief that the crack was owing to thermal movement, and, quote, "we do not consider that the damage is the result of subsidence of the site (or any other insured peril) and as such does not fall within the scope of policy cover." This was in January. Now we have just received our policy renewal documents to discover that our premium has gone up another £150, making it now over £700. For the average house the size of ours, inclusive of Contents cover, we would expect to pay about £200-250 per year, this house is now proving very expensive to insure and we can barely afford it. We are concerned that there are no other insurers who we can turn to, as this was our experience 6 years ago. Also, that there may be no benefit even if there were, since they all have access, I'm told, to a database that will show that we have made a 'Subsidence claim'. I presume this would be very off-putting to an insurer, even despite the fact that the loss adjuster found that there was no subsidence. I have recently tried contacting a couple of Brokers to see if they can find us insurance. So far neither have replied. I suppose I am after any kind of advice that might be useful, but specifically is it correct for us to be said to have 'made a claim' on the policy, when I only intended to inform the insurer of our situation? And can they justify putting up our premium (and do they even have to justify it?) given that the cause of the crack apparently "does not fall within the scope of the policy cover". It feels like - given our lack of alternatives - they can basically hold us to ransom. Many thanks for any help!
  6. I bought a pair of expensive reputable headphones from a high street store that also operate as an online retailer with good reviews. I purchased directly from the physical store as it was easier. In less than a year the headband formed cracks from normal use on the left and right ends. The manner which they appeared flagged a design fault or a material defect. I took pictures of the cracks, eventually one side snapped. The headphones are not usable, so not fit for purpose. I went to the store with the entire box, headphones and purchase receipt and asked for a replacement. The seller invoked 2 year manufacturer warranty and claimed he had to follow the repair/replacement process and send it to the manufacturer. I explained that my approach was merely based on SOGA rights, the product failed and it is not my fault as easily proven hence I wanted a new one. Because he was cooperating I tried not to make a big fuss and went for the warranty which I now regret. He admitted the damage is not repairable and as soon as they check back with the manufacturer they will replace with a new pair to avoid a delay on my end. I believe they should have given me a new pair and deal with the manufacturer on their end. On the other hand if I refused, it may have looked as they tried to provide a solution but I didn't comply with the process. Still I have to be without my headphones for unknown time...they claimed 6-10 days. I have in the meantime spotted information online that suggests there are batches with this problem and I plan to use it. I am not keen on the "repair" element, just want a new pair. I wanted to know if I got things wrong here, 1. would I be within my rights to demand a new pair if not satisfied? 2. shouldn't the seller replace the product? Why retailers persistently disregard the SOGA terms? 3. I have the option to invoke a credit card refund if not happy after all else...
  7. Hullo all I was a member of an organisation called myphoneclub which provided connections via Orange(EE) on a 30 day contract basis. I ported my two numbers in from Carphone Warehouse over a year ago. On 7th February I received an email from myphoneclub to say they had ceased trading and called them. They advised that someone from orange would be in contact to sort out the phones. On or around 20th February I was contacted by Avenir Telecom a reseller of EE(Orange) who offered to put me on expensive 2 year 4G EE contracts. I refused. No other service from EE was offered to me or available even though I asked and my request for PAC codes was refused as they said they had no control of the numbers. I contacted Orange direct who refused to speak to me as I was "not the account holder" but took my word that myphoneclub had gone bust and disconnected my service and that of hundreds of others. The following day after I contacted the Executive Office the service was restored and I was advised Avenir could offer all the services of EE including prepay and 30 day contracts. Getting back to Avenir they said they could not, blaming EE who they hate and my service has gone down once again. This has been a long saga and I have only provided the high lights but here is my best understanding of the situation: Orange has a distributor called Avenir Avenir sold Orange services to myphoneclub. Orange say this makes myphoneclub Avenir's customer. Avenir are insistent they will only reconnect numbers on two year contracts and both Ofcom and Citizen's Advice have said contractually they are within their rights. I dont want to be forced into long and expensive contracts for a dubiuous 4G service I dont need but I dont want to lose my numbers. It particulary galls me that they should use the threat of permanent loss of numbers to force people to sign up, particularly people who joined myphoneclub in the first place in order to avoid long contracts. I would be most grateful if anyone can come up with any solutions. It has been suggested to me that I sign the contract then cancel within the time limits of the distance selling regs, getting my PAC's at that point though I don’t think that is much of a flyer. What I really want is some sort of business or contract law that I can apply in order to get a pre pay or sim only contract out of Avenir or failing that a strategy along the lines of first sign to restore the service then sue using the following......??. Is there any kind of unfair business practice legislation, or abuse of dominant position provisions anywhere. Any thoughts or ideas most welcome. Put your questions here. If you are ex myphoneclub in the same boat, please make yourself known either on here or privately if you prefer. Lets form a a gang!
  8. I am a customer of brighthouse and I know I should not waste my money but today went to buy a PC and I was disgusted with what they have done they have made all the extras compulsory and the apr thing is now 69.9%. the manager who I know said yeah we have changed and hidden all the stuff in the cash price so you have to pay for it even if not needed. from last week the cash price had gone up by about £400. Sorry tough take it or leave it. This is wrong people need to know they what they have done before you get lured into debt and by making it even more expensive then add massive interest I want to email my mp should I contact any other people as this is so wrong how do we get the message out about what they are doing
  9. I recently bought an expensive guitar from a store online (it has a physical shop as well). The store was selling a limited edition fender guitar £50 cheaper than its competitor. It was wrongly described as having a special set of pickups which was the reason i wanted this guitar. When it arrived it did not have these pickups. (they sold me a cheaper guitar with lower specified pickups) The store has offered me a full refund but it will now cost me another £100 to buy the correct guitar (which has the correct pickups). I also entered into a credit arrangement with the stores credit agency to buy the guitar so cancelling the contact and then taking out another credit arrangement will leave a nasty credit trail on my account. Am i only entitled to a refund or could i push for something else. I did ask the store for a discount so that i could keep the guitar and buy a set of pickups and fit those to the guitar making it identical to the one that was described but they have refused.
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