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Found 12 results

  1. I was wondering if banks will remember my bad debt even though they sold it on many years ago and it is no longer on my credit file. I applied last year for a TSB account and after acceptance, once I supplied my ID my application was declined. I have never banked with TSB although I did have a defaulted loan and current account with HBOS. Both long ago sold on and now Statute barred
  2. READ MORE HERE: https://www.thednrc.org.uk/whats-happening-on-now/we-are-fundraising/a-poem-to-remember.aspx
  3. Well I have been making some serious posts recently. Every now and again it is good to relax a little have a little fun. Just remembered this scene as a couple of brothers finally make the big time. Made me laugh. Which are your favourite or memorable TV moments. Which made you smile or frown. I will start things off with this one. Twenty odd years ago we witnessed Del and Rodney finally become the millionaires they had dreamed of. What a legendary scene this is!
  4. They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them
  5. Can you remember Christmas Day as a child.-Your presents. What memories do you have of this day.
  6. HI all new here. had a letter 10 days ago saying that a tesco card debt i apparantly owe money on is due to someone called HPH2 adn robinson way are to collect on it. I ignored it to be honest feeling it was a [problem] as i don't remember having a tesco card ever. a new letter came today with a list of payments I can make and to contact them so i did and spoke to a chap about this telling him i don't remember having one and could he tell me more. He said that the last time i paid it was a payment of £70 in July 2010! and I took it out in 2007! I have had problems with cards in the past and dont have any credit cards anymore, just a nice simple visa debit with nationwide. I told him i genuinely dont remember this card as its a supermarket one, i do remember hsbc (which im paying off) and a barclaycard and even a mint card(dont even know if they exist anymore). So he's put things on hold and is requesting information from tescos for a credit agreement. Can anyone advise me on what to do? Sorry if this seems a bit daft but im worried about a card i supposedly had thats not had a payment for coming up to 6 years suddenly popping up out of the blue!
  7. We all moan about the current politicians and that they don't represent us, but unfortunately they are the only ones we have got. If you don't vote for the party in your area that can win, that best represents your views, then you can't really moan afterwards. Brian May the Queen guitarist is running a campaign to get people to vote based on the principle of common decency. If you have an MP or candidate in your area that you don't want, then go out to vote for the person who has a chance to beat them and see if they are any different. At this election, out of 650 seats, only about 150 seats will actually change hands to a different party. That is 500 seats where the same party will continue to have their MP represent the area. Neither Labour or Tories are interested in changing from first past the post to a proportional representation system. Therefore if you are not happy with this, then go out to vote and try to disrupt this cosy deal that Labour and Tories have, which is to maintain a system, where they can dominate UK politics. Do remember to vote on Thursday for the candidate that best represents you.
  8. I have received a Claim, via Northampton, from Restons for an assigned MBNA CC debt. I have used the advice on this site with good effect with MBNA, various debts collection agencies and solicitors but am now faced with this POC saying I have a contract with MBNA – which I need to reply to the court by the 31st March: I have CPR 31.14 Restons and they refuse to acknowledge my letters saying there is no signature so they cannot verify my identify, despite my first letters being acknowledged. The request expires in the next couple of days.This is standard for Restons from what I read here. I know they won't acknowledge a request for an extension to serve a a N244 do I persist and enforce the request of documentation because it is shakey or do my save my bunce, identify the lack of documention and cooperation and to the court in my defence and use “The Mould's” letters of the proof of their claim. How valuable an asset is having a Statement of Account signed by an MBNA staff member and the covering letter indicating this to my defence, as possible attempted fraud, or will this be put aside as a 'clerical error'? I have lots of other 'clerical errors' as a defence. Any advice would be good - as to the direction I should take - Thanks everyone, you've made peoples lives a lot easier out here in the woods.
  9. Hi there, I know I had a MINT card and an EGG card, so have sent off SARs on behalf of those two. However I know I had around 3 or 4 other credit cards whi I was paying PPI on. I have tried an Experian check and couldn't find them. Is there any other suggestion as to how I can definitively find who I held Credit Cards with back in the mid 2000s? Thanks Great Site. GL
  10. hi I have just found out that i had ppi on a loan i took out back in 2005. Loan ended 2010 Didnt even know i had it, and only found out by accident last week. We have never knowingly taken out ppi for anything. Problem i have is I was ill(eventually lost my job through it)at the time/or thereabouts. I cannot remember if it asked me if i was on sick or any Something tells me i may have went on the sick a month later (but cannot remember) . As i did not know i had ppi i did not claim anything. As i worked for Inland Revenue, i got full sick pay for 6 months, then 1/2 for the next year, then i was payed off. So what do i claim it under, thanks
  11. Just wanted to update you 5 years on We didn't have a success story sadly, we lost our home with just 2.5 months arrears on it. What I did want to say is that, we got over it and we went on It's been a long slog, my other half was made bankrupt and sometimes we still get money chasing calls, but after 4 weeks in a B & B I found a private rental with the most amazing landlords and we're still here now. Despite our outcome I wanted to reassure people that if the worst happens, you do survive Ell enn.... you were amazing. You kept me calm and on focus when the world around me was collapsing. I thank you for that still. Rach xx
  12. Please dont forget folks, IF a DCA says you owe money. Get them to prove it. All hope is not lost and this site is amazing to get you prepared for anything. I must say thank you to everyone that has posted etc, including Sillygirl1 advice and this is for you all.
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