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Found 4 results

  1. In August 2000, after divorcing my husband I kept my marital name. I now want to revert back to my maiden name, can I just go back to it or will I have to pay for a deed poll to change my name to my maiden name? If I have to pay to change my name, how much will this cost?
  2. Today I received an email from PRA Group Dear XXXX Ref 1234567 Capital One Discount Availability: 65% Please note this offer will expire on 15/04/2018 Accept Offer ------ In 2010 I had a breakdown after being bullied at work, and was placed on unpaid sick leave. I managed to make the monthly payments but was made redundant five months later. I got married two weeks later. I was a non EU national and our spousal visa was declined so moved abroad to Spain. I contacted the CC provider as I had PPI, but was told that I wouldn't be eligible to claim as I wasn't registered with a UK employment agency seeking work. I disputed my PPI asking for a refund as I wasn't able to seek work in the UK due to my visa situation, but this dispute was rejected. I asked for my account to be closed and asked for a payment arrangement . They closed it but wouldn't come to an arrangement. I kept making adhoc payments, with the last being in November 2014, but had another breakdown and ceased payments. We are still living in Spain. Before I left the UK I changed my drivers licence to my new married name but it has now expired. I did update my bank account to my new address but didn't change my bank account name. I've since moved to a different part of Spain but haven't updated my bank account address. I've exclusively used my married name here in Spain. The debt was around £2,000 but penalties will have been added since 2010. I'm resentful of paying the debt as I feel I got screwed by PPI and we are now settled in Spain so won't be moving back to the UK. Are they likely to track me to Spain? Should I close my UK bank account to avoid it being linked?
  3. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. I checked my Credit report today on Noddle and noticed that a Credit Application check has been run on my maiden name of over twelve years ago, and an address which I haven't lived at for the same amount of time. The check was carried out just days ago. This concerns me as I'm worried someone is trying to obtain credit in my name. The company that ran the check are called Shop Direct. Obviously I will need to contact them, but if I could have people's thoughts on why this may have happened I'd be very grateful.
  4. Hello all, I'm writing this on behalf of my wife. Thanks to reading previous forums on here we managed to negate a series of letters from Avantis for a fictitious debt, so thank you! My wife received a letter from Capquest, in her maiden name (and Miss as opposed to Mrs) around a month ago which as per the advice we didn't respond to. A further letter was received dated 27/3/13 from Barclaycard with detail that the debt has been assigned to CapQuest Investments Ltd and they have appointed CapQuest Debt Recovery Ltd. The amount at 6th Feb 2013 was £3344.07 We have been married since 2007, and we believed that all account and address details have been updated, although my wife has had trouble with a Barclays Bank account and has had to visit a branch after they repeatedly didn't update the details. Following advice on here we applied for a noddle.co.uk credit report and discovered a few things. 1) The Barclaycard account had 8x £300 cash advances made on it, 1 in Oct 2010, 7 in Nov 2010. We were not at the address at this time and my wife would have updated both her name upon marriage and address upon moving. 2) The address links section shows the following (details changed within asterisks!) From *wrong address where we have never lived* To *address where we lived from 2004-2009* Most recent source of link Barclaycard Last confirmed 30/11/2012 Earliest confirmation 30/11/2012 3) There are NO other transactions dating back to April 2007 4) In June 2011 the account appears again as OK and up to date, although the balance continues increasing We have no intention of speaking to CapQuest, but we don't want this to escalate any further. Can you please advise us on the following? 1) Does it appear that the account was registered at an address not ours? 2) Is my wife liable for this? We didn't keep a copy of the change of address correspondence (sorry) 3) Should we contact Barclaycard, or will this make us more liable? We were much more confident with Advantis and a claim for £120 for a bill from 1998, this seems a little closer to home and is worrying especially as we've got a small baby and money is tight. Thanks in advance for your help, and Happy Easter if you celebrate it!
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