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Found 2 results

  1. Hello all. New to this forum, just going to copy and paste the template with my answers. Name of the Claimant: Comprehensive Management Services LTD claimants Solicitors: Gladstones Solicitors Limited Date of issue: 25/09/2017 Date of Acknowledgement - 13/10/2017 Date to file defence - 27/10/2017 Particulars of Claim: 1.The driver of the vehicle registration ... (the 'Vehicle') incurred the parking charge(s) on 04/06/2017 for breaching the terms of parking on the land at QUEEN STREET APARTMENTS 2.The Defendant was driving the Vehicle and/or is the Keeper of the Vehicle. 3.AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS £160 for Parking Charges / Damages and indemnity costs if applicable, together with interest of £2.91 pursuant to s69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at 8% pa, continuing to Judgment at £0.04 per day. What is the value of the claim? £162.91 + £25 Court fee + £50 Legal representative's costs = £237.91 Has the claim been issued by the Private parking Company or was the PCN assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim ? Comprehensive Management Services LTD. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not sure what "Notice of Assignment" is, I did receive a PCN & a "Letter Before Claim". Full Story - I pay £50 PCM (in addition to rent) to Queen Street Apartments for parking in the car park in question. This is for my can. - As my car had suffered crash damage, and was stationary in the car park, I picked up a rental car (listed in POC) on Saturday 3rd June at 14:46. I have proof of this. It's worth noting that as this was a rental, I was the temporary keeper of the vehicle, but not the owner. - Once arriving at the car park in question with the rental car, I went immediately to the administration office of my building where parking permits are issued. They have previously provided me temporary permits for rental cars in the past, free of charge. - Unfortunately, the office was closed at this time, and as far as I am aware, there is no other way to attain a permit. - As soon as the Queen Street Apartments staff were back in the office on Monday, I immediately obtained the parking permit (it was too late, I already had the parking ticket). I still have the parking permit as proof. - My defence is that I did everything I possibly could have done in order to comply with the regulation, but was unable to do so. As a resident of Queen Street Apartments who pays for a spot in this car park, I was well within my rights for my car to be there - even though a parking permit was not present. I appealed the parking fine with the Independent Appeals Service (using my PCN number), and it was rejected on the basis that they are "only able to look at the lawfulness of the charge and not at any mitigating circumstances". Gladstones Solicitors then sent me a "Letter Before Claim". I responded that I am unwilling to pay on the basis of [what I wrote above]. Now, they sent me the claim form. I would appreciate any advice on how to proceed. While I am happy to fight this (pending your advice), it is a concern that if this goes to court, and I lose, I may have to pay out several thousand pounds in legal fees - at least I read that this is a possibility. I have yet to respond to, or acknowledge, the claim form, although I have until 13/10/2017 to do so. I am not sure if it is worth me defending this, or if I should just pay the money they are requesting?
  2. I am a cab driver. I own two cars and a rent my cab. My wife left her job in September 2013. Did not need to car so filed a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) on 30 September 2013 for the surplus car. I put this car in the garage which is in the back garden of my house and accessible only through a gated-locked alleyway. Only my neighbours, who have their garages in their back gardens, have keys to the and thus, access. It is not open to public. On Saturday, 7th September 2013, a friend and his family come to visit us in the afternoon. We parked his car in the alleyway beside my garage. While there, decided to put bikes and some other stuff in the garage and therefore got the SORNed car out and parked it outside the garage. We came back home and spent quite a few hours e . At about 21.00 hours when we went back to the garage to get my friend cars and also put the bikes and my car back in the garage, we noticed that the gate was unlocked and just in front of my car a flat bed low loading car transport trailer was parked with a full load of car transporter ratchet straps in a large open holdall on it. Our immediate reaction was that somebody was going to steal the car and we probably disturbed them and they might be around. Scary thought. We waited for half an hour for someone to appear and justify the trailer. Also discussed calling the police but did not do so because on weekend night in London they are real busy and also it could be embarrassing if only it was some neighbor who parked the trailer. However, could not also leave the car back in the garage as garage door could be opened easily by just pushing it. Also, if somebody meant to steal the car, they probably had the key to the gate. Winter night, raining and very cold and also mid-night approaching, decided to park the car in front of my door in the street to put it back in the Sunday morning (Sunday) when things had cleared. Before that my son took few pictures of this trailer especially its registration number. Sunday, early morning my next door neighbour rang the bell and told me that my car has been clamped. I told him the whole thing and he said that actually someone has left the trailer for him!!! Spoke to the clamping people not very helpful rather intimidating. No DVLA on Sunday. Had to pay £260 (£160 refundable). Got tax disk Monday morning. Had to visit NSL Office (clamping contractor). This time the dealing lady was very polite and helpful. Completed the paper work and was told that need to do nothing more as they were doing it on behalf of DVLA and as I have already taxed the car. Happy thereafter – no. Now exactly six months after (8 June 2014), am in receipt of requisition to appear before the magistrate to faces the charges, fine up to £ 1000/ and a criminal record as I have not responded to a letter from DVAL seeking some information posted by them on 10.12.2013. Never received any letter, no reminder absolutely nothing. Will appreciate advice!! I intend to plead not guilty.
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