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  1. Complicated story. My neighbour confided in me she just found out she is being evicted at 9am on the 11th Jan 17. She is 69, has long term mental health conditions and her affairs were previously handled by the court of protection for some 20 years. She is a leaseholder (66years remaining) of a flat within a house conversation, it appears from the paperwork I have seen the landlord has been successful in gaining possession and she is now being evicted by way of forfeiture. The original claim for forfeiture in 2014(?), which was withdrawn states for reasons such as no access, not washing windows, putting flowers on the window ledge. There has been ongoing disputes between her and the landlord, ever since as she claims they illegally required the freehold (Some 20 years ago) and she refused to pay a premium of 100k for a new lease, which cost them (the other two leaseholders) £2.5k to get the freehold. Her property in size equates to 40% of the building. This lead to them harassing her, failing to carry out their repairs and reporting that they thought she was dead and the police breaking in. She was sectioned under the mental health act ( a few years back), when she disclosed past incidents. For the past 18 months she hasn't opened mail due to her health and conditions. The mortgage company wasn't initially apart of the claim, but they have adjoined and appear have been granted some relief at some point. She has only realised, a friend insisted she opened up the mail and that when she found last weekend she is being evicted next Wednesday. I know she needs to complete an N244 but what should be included?, I have taken a copy of the guidance. She is not entitled to legal aid, because of the equity in the property and solicitors want up front fees, and/or short notice. Any help would be much appreciated. I have only had 2 hours sleep myself and have to wake up to 4 kids (one who is broken his leg), work, a meeting with my brothers mental health team who have failed him drastically and assist my neighbour, along with my own health issues. So I need to get some sleep, but will check in the morning for any advice on completing the N244 or anything else. I have quite a few of the court papers but need to scan them, which I hope to do tomorrow at some point. Many thanks for reading and I hope we can help her.
  2. hi all after getting my latest credit report i think its time to try and sort it all out my debts total about £4000 probably a bit less i also have one ccj and have just recieved another one of the claim form things , other debts are still being paid because when i fell on a real bad patch with health and work they helped while some just refued to try any help . i know i should pay every single one of them but i cannot i thought i would ask some advice on where to start seeing if any of them are enforcable any help is appreciated
  3. Regarding the fact that the "edit post" facility has apparently been changed so it is only available for 10 minutes after posting, not 24 hours. From http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?459296-Freedom-of-Information-Act-being-abused-with-vexatious-FOI-requests.&p=4853996 Downsides of this: CAG'ers on smartphones may not have the "preview post" option. It may well be available on the "full site" rather than "mobile view" options, but in that case, if forcing people towards using the non-mobile option ; why have the mobile view? The problem for people (especially on mobile devices) is that they may post, and have something happen in real life so they can't go back and check their post within the next 10 minutes, loosing the ability to change typos and incorrect "autocorrect substitutions". Sometimes, even despite proofreading, errors aren't spotted until the post has been posted..... Does it matter if an OP alters their post? I doubt it does, if no one else has replied. If someone has replied : why not "solve the problem" by encouraging people replying to reply with quote (the default on my smartphone). The quoted section won't change even if the OP changes their original post, and provides not only a record of the original post, but context for the reply, too. I think the "baby has been thrown out with the bath water" here, for the reasons I've stated. Suggestions one should "preview you post" before posting show just how easy it is for typos to slip through, even with previewing. I suggest other solutions (as stated) are better, or even a shorter "lock period" than 24 hours, but nowhere as brief as 10 minutes.
  4. Hi, Some time back I posted something with some info which I now cannot remove. Can I please have an admin edit it for me and remove the required bits of information? These bits of information are personal data! Thanks A
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