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  1. Now old Tawnyowl has moved into the import market,sometimes a little exporting after buying a few goods from China. I did not think I ever would but I cannot resist their prices. Watches and other articles on a small scale,just in case the Taxman is watching i did say small scale.You never know where they are these Tax Men from what i have read. Then i sell to my friends,online or on the car boot. Now of course i want sales and even compete the Chinese if possible out of business to win sales from wherever. But no matter how i try am convinced that i am on an unfair playing field.In one way. How can the Chinese businessman or lady ship goods half way across the world so cheaply when i try to sell items but sometimes the postage makes me frown when only going to the next town.Postage costs are holding me back. Now a year ago i did say to my postmaster who had done the job for decades.Hey Mr Postmaster how come your parcel delivery service over 1 or two kilo say is so damn expensive.Do you not want to compete,do you want to let competitors take your business away. He said it is the cost of Pensions,that is why they are so high.But surely you have to compete not let that part of the market be ripped away. I thought when people pay pension contributions the money goes into a pot and the wise ones invest so plenty is available when employees retire. Now of course he may just have been trying to calm me down,there was a big queue by then behind me. May have just been saying anything to get rid of me,but always found him truthful and a pleasant chap. Another thought out of my head.Think what you like about my one thought for today.And say what you think. I am sure there are many wise ones out there want to put me right. Carry on, i do not mind.My skin lately has got a little thicker,i can take it. Tawnyowl.
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