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Found 8 results

  1. Hi guys, long time since i used to post on here with the HFO fan club. However, a friend of mine has a few problems with old credit card debt, Barclays being one of them. As i haven't advised for a long time, i thought i would ask everyones opinion in case my memory doesn't serve me well, or things have changed So Ok. Mercers default notice is dated 27th of September 2012 And states payment of £**** must be made so that it reaches Barclaycard before 14th October 2012 Is this within or outside the limit? Cheers
  2. Hello, Back in 2013/14 I run into some money troubles and couldn't meet the minimum payments on my Barclaycard. I called them and agreed a payment plan for 12 months. At the end of the 12 months my finances were reviewed again by Barclaycard and the gentlemen on the phone agreed another payment plan. Note, all payments were made every month without fail. Even received a text message to say a new plan was agreed. however when trying to obtain some credit elsewhere I was declined i got my credit report and notice Barclaycard/Mercers were giving me late payments even though I was meeting the agreed payment plan. When I called them regarding the late payments they said this was because this was only token payments and they could no longer accept the £50 per month plan. I managed to raise the 7k a few months later to clear the debt in may 2014. However these late payments on my file are stopping me from being able to remortgage. My argument is if I had known I was going to get late payments on my Credit file I may as well of not bothered paying anything. I have asked Barclaycard to amend the credit report as I was making the agreed amount but they have refused. Does anyone know if it worth taking this FOS? Or of any other steps I can take? Thanks
  3. Hello I know this is probably the million dollar question but has anyone any recent experience on BC/Mercers settling a Credit Card debt. Been about 4 years now. Paying a DMP which they have now rejected, gone to mercers who threatened in a letter but heard nothing since last year. I am paying about 50.00 a month anyway and owe about 9.000 still Any ideas on what they would settle for? Many thanks
  4. can anyone confirm if MERCERS are a DCA and have bought the debt, or are they just chasing on Barclays behalf? letter says 'they are dealing with my account on BEHALF of barclaycard.... account overdue...' 'you have missed three payments.... if you can repay 2 of the outstanding payments we will credit your account with the 3rd payment....' 'if you dont contact us, we may pass your account to a specialist company... may call at your address' it would appear the standard wording for a DCA who have bought the debt... but i just wanted to check with CAG first. thanks.
  5. Hi, Due to me getting into a mess with pay day loans mercers are hassling me for the money I owe on my barclaycards. I have two because I had an Egg card which Barclaycard bought. They rang work yesterday and told a colleague it was mercers ringing on behalf of barclaycard. I would rather they did not call work, does anyone have an email address for them so I can drop them a line saying I only want to be contacted in writing. thanks Ben
  6. hi guys, Just went up to my mum's to collect some post and found two letters. One from a company called Mercers dated the 14th February demanding that I pay them a sum of money to cover apparent outstanding payments on my Barclaycard account. Now, I've had issues paying my balance, and they've been reducing my credit as I've been paying, but I have been paying. I can't see anything on my account on their website to suggest I'm in more arrears than I should be. I also received a letter from a company called Resolvecall with a different amount in arrears. I don't know what to do about this as I'm not aware that I'm needing to pay anyone other than Barclaycard any money. As far as I'm aware I'm up to date on my minimum payments. Can someone give me some advice on what I should do here? Thanks Guy
  7. Hi all, Having some problems with mercers, looking for some advice please. A bit of background 1st, I have a outstanding debt with barclaycard for 12k, I had a very well paying job and was paying off my card balance every month without fail, until 7 months ago. I was on leave from work when I felt very unwell, I went to see the doc and was taken to hospital where I found out I had chronic kidney failure. I was in the ICU for 4 weeks then on the ward for a month while lines and a fistula were inserted into me. I am now on dailysis 3 times a week and unable to work. I explained all this to barclaycard when I got out of hospital and asked for a payment plan to be started, I got no help from them, they said they were not willing to enter a payment plan as it would take too long to pay off. They then said they would take me to court etc etc(normal threats) so I told them to go ahead and we would sort it out there. Now since then i havent paid anything, and now mercers are involved, to date over the last 4 weeks I have had 27 phone calls, I dont tell them who I am when I answer, I just say I will not discuss anything on the phone and to put it in writing. So far nothing has been sent. I sent then a stop calling letter by recorded delivery which they got 10 days ago yet the calls are still coming. what I need to know is what do I do next and what can I expect from them next? I am not bothered about the threats, currently I am staying at my sisters house, own nothing in the UK, no house/car or possessions so even if they did get bailiffs there is nothing for them to take, my house car etc are all in south africa where i was working before the kidneys gave up. And good luck to them trying to get anything there, LoL. thx in advance.
  8. Just under 2 years ago my Barclaycard went to Mercers, and I received a default notice on Mercers headed paper. The account was then transferred back to Barclaycard. I've been trying to keep up with the reduced payments (£50+ per month) they then agreed with no interest, but having been back to CCCS with my current situation they advise a £1 token payment at present. Things are due to improve once priority debts are paid off but this will take about 12 months, and I am now on a payscale ladder so things will improve next year. Barclaycard have refused this offer and their previous letter said they would send a default notice if I didn't send the £50+ payment in 7 days, and will add interest again, their current letter says they will send a default letter if I don't contact them (no timescale given, but it is strongly implied that I telephone) Can someone knowledgeable please advise the 'rules' and implications about a second default notice for the same account? Thank you in advance.
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