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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I wonder if anyone could offer me some advice. I am not sure if my question fits into this sub-forum and I am sure it will be moved if I am wrong. Anyway, I had a judgement made against me for a store card a few years ago for around £1,100. I agreed a monthly payment of £15 a month which I only managed to keep up for 6 months and never hearly from them until today threatening an oral examination unless the balance is paid in full or a payment plan can be agreed. I had hoped to be receiving a pension but I only have nine qualifying years, and there is a delay in getting some qualifying years transferred from many years working in Ireland, but doubt I will have that sorted before Christmas. So my earnings are £0. My husband has offered to try and help, but we are struggling to keep on top of everything. Any suggestions on how I should approach this?
  2. Please forgive the length of this post. Very stressed mother of 20, 18 and 14. 18 year old staying on foster child. All in uni, college. Husband primary carer for looked after child. We rented the same house for 13 years, initially through an agent, but the landlord took over himself for the last 3 years. He was a pain and kept increasing rent every 6 months. We should have moved, but, children, work school etc. He issued a section 21 notice at which point we started looking for somewhere to live. I lost £750 in deposit and referencing fees. I have to admit that business wasn't going well and money was very tight so our rent was not very regular but it was paid. He applied for eviction and claimed arrears of rent via a money claim. The court refused him possession saying section 21 defective and he appealed. We stopped paying rent to save up a deposit and we finally found somewhere to live and moved. In the meantime, moneyclaim came to court. Sum was increased from £5k to £16k and court gave him judgement despite no notification on increased claim before I got to court. I told judge I would have come to court to with counsel if I had known. I appealed and was denied leave to appeal, but granted an oral hearing. Meantime, landlord withdrew appeal to judgement on Section 21 and asked we make repayment proposal as we have 2 very successful businesses. He has had in his head for years that we have money just don't want to pay him. He has been telling me he will ruin my credit for years everytime I argued about rent increase, looks like he will shortly get his wish. I will have to sign on and claim HB to be have any hope of being able to pay next month's rent if I don't get a job asap. I need transcripts, but can't afford to pay as I am currently unemployed though not on job seekers, I need to send a bundle to court shortly in advance of hearing but only have a thin idea of it needs to go in. Any, all advice most gratefully received.
  3. Hi everyone, back in March last year I had an ET hearing for constructive unfair dismissal breach of contract disability discrimination. The case failed on grounds of no discrimination having taken place even though I was found to be disabled! I then applied for review of judgement (not granted) An appeal was submitted to the Employment Appeals tribunal, from a solicitor (not granted) I now have 1 hour, oral hearing in front of the EAT judge (respondent not present) in London early next year (to persuade the judge to allow the appeal in) I have been advised that I need prepare a bundle (much shorter than the previous ET bundle) and prepare a skeleton argument. I have until mid December to get all the paperwork into the EAT. I am not too sure as to the process and preparation of the case and am handling it myself. I would be very grateful for any help from the more experienced Caggers. Many thanks Best wishes BB
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