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Found 3 results

  1. Hi , could a techie help, please - I've been trying to get into & download the interest calculator spreadsheet listed but when i click on to any of the links i get a message (with the CAG logo) saying 404 Page Not Found - and below it is a picture of a missing person, and caption saying "neither is xxxx". Any ideas anyone? Are the links themselves corrupted?
  2. Hello, hope the Easter eggs have gone down well. I'm in the middle of doing my spreadsheet but it doesn't look right, I think. To be honest Im not sure if I have entered the data correctly. I had to guesstimate some of it due to not being given all my requested statements. Some of the data adjusted automatically but then half way through it stopped doing that and remained as "£0.00". Any help greatly appreciated. I have tried to attach the s/s but it says its an invalid file?!?! I am using Open Office, if that helps.
  3. I can open the spreadsheet fine but when I enter any amounts the number of months and compound interest come up with #VALUE! and also above that the compound interest and total do the same! I have tried restarting my computer but it still happens any ideas please?
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