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  1. Hello, I've found that I had kept every bank statement from mid 1980's to 1998 with Nat West. I had a couple of mortgages, several loans and what appear to be excessive bank charges, I will send an SAR, but it is likely that I have more information than they hold, unless they're very good at archiving. During the course of reading each one I found various bodies who had received money regularly from me, but I don't have a clue who they were/are, some seem to be directly connected to the bank account. I would appreciate any help with identifying the following, I have tried googling but haven't had much success.:- MSD Premium Funder. Forward Trust. Lombard Tricity. Fredrickson IN Ltd. Bishop Court IBA. Bradford Insurance.
  2. Hello again, Is anyone else having real problems with Nat West credit card PPI? I filled out the online form to enquire if i had been missold PPI on two credit cards. A few weeks later i got a letter saying they had nothing on file and couldn't find an account number for me. Got back in touch and said i had specifically asked about credit cards as i don't have a bank account. Absolutely nothing from them. Filled out the online form again and highlighted it was credit cards only. Again nothing. sent letter and money requesting SAR, a few weeks later got a letter saying they had assigned my request to someone and the request only gives me access to my personal data etc etc. 12 may got a phone call from nat west saying they couldn't send the SAR because their carriers don't deliver to Cyprus but they had sent me a secure SAR via the banks internet. I received 38 documents of old statements, 2 letters from me about change of address and 1 bank info saying i had paid extra off my credit card. i did not receive the initial credit card agreement, nor a copy of the letter they sent to me saying they had no information from me. I emailed the chap back via the secure service and it was received the following day and asked him for a full printout of my history, plus the Notes on the Nat west archive and asked what was their data retention policy regarding credit card details. Also asked why they couldn't deliver SAR to me and who were their couriers? this was on 16 May and to date nothing! Any one with any ideas how i should proceed. apologies if this is long winded but I'm stumped and wondering if i should put in a Plevins case if possible. thanks for reading
  3. I have been playing snail mail ping pong with Nat West for several months now. I took out a gold card/ current account with them at the beginning of the nineties and closed the account in 2004. I was involved in bank charges litigation with them up to the end of 2006. I'm unsure whether I had PPI on this account and so I sent a letter to their PPI complaints department. They said that they weren't able to locate any account details and that I should send a SARN to their data protection department. They were unable to locate any data either. I supplied them with address data and details of where I held my account. Nat West have suggested that they would routinely destroy data six years after account closure which means that they would have done so in 2010. Given that PPI claims entered the mainstream in 2008, I am surprised that NAT West and presumably other banks have been able to destroy data that could well have been used as evidence. I would be interested in knowing whether anyone has recently been able to obtain credit card/ current account data more than six years after account closure.
  4. Firstly, if my post is in the wrong thread plese feel free to move appropriately and advise. Now, I know that this is likely to touch a nerve with a few caggers but I'm like a dog with a bone so please bare with me. My Nephew (for the purpose of this thread we'll call him John) was researching various traders for a vehicle and having previously been wary of [problem]mers, had successfully turned down previous vehicles because of suspicious activity on said websites. However, unfortunately, he has fell fowl to a vehicle [problem] on Auto Trader (online) to the tune of £7000. Now, please dont state the obvious, he already realises how stupid he's been transferring the funds before seeing the vehicle but the said vehicle was in London and he works long hours. going on past transactions, he's purchased vehicles like this previously with no bother, and all has been ok. On researching this topic I came across a similar fraud https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?469945-Defrauded-by-bank-transfer-by-a-Barclay-s-customer-should-I-sue&highlight=fraud+[problem] and can relate to some of the information contained there in. Action Fraud have been advised, reference etc provided. Auto Trader advised, and during the conversation have advised us that the 'Seller/[problem]mer' had multiple vehicles 'for sale' and they have taken all adverts down because of suspicious activity. Now, my thought is: Wouldn't it have been better if Auto Trader could 'tweak' their website to make it look like the adverts were still live to the [problem]mer but not actually available to customers to prevent anyone else being caught out? Whilst the police/fraud squad did there investigations and even visited said [problem]mer's home address (from the banks records) to retrieve as much money as possible? And even shut them down? We've spoken to DVLA to alert them that certain registration number is involved but they naturally will only liaise with the fraud team/police. We've spoken to Nat West and they won't divulge their policies and processes which they follow in these circumstances (even in a generalised scenario) but considering the vehicle was supposed to be in London the bank account is held in Leicester! Which is not a stone throw away from the link above thread. [problem]mers do not differentiate when it comes to obtaining funds by deception, a drone or a vehicle....... So, moving this a little futher down the line, assuming the police apprehend culptits and retrieve assets through crime. What happens to the cash recovered, property sold whether it be house, car, fancy watches etc? Can the victims not lay claim to a portion of the recovered assets, even pro rata amounts? Where does this money go to? I am in the process of drafting complaint letter up to the bank as like the cagger said above, banks are not protecting its customers sufficiently via bank transfers and just blaming the customer. The banks have a duty to apply due diligence when customers open new bank accounts and I dont think bank staff are trained sufficiently enough to spot fraudulent documents, they should have major training in spotting fraudulent documents and carry out further checks with relevant organisations before permitting funds to be released, and lets face it if you saw an account with transactions of transfer credits being received into an account of multiple thousands, several times a day, surely they can have flags on the software system to alert a fraud team? Would anyone like to suggest how I could draft a template letter to the bank to complain in this regard? Or your thoughts please?
  5. Another one that slipped past me.. Did you take out a joint loan with a partner - then later you divorced? Was there PPI on that loan and did your partner claim and get all of the money back.. with you being non the wiser? http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-3871798/Thousands-divorced-women-deprived-PPI-payouts-NatWest-Royal-Bank-Scotland-receive-compensation.html Other banks apparently complied with rules and shared the pay-out between separated partners.
  6. Dear All, In June 2014, my partner and I arranged an overdraft with our business bank (Nat West) as match funding for a government loan scheme. We were asked to sign a personal directors guarantee and, at the same moment in time, signed the waiver to legal advice form in the bank's office. Sadly, our business has now been declared insolvent and the bank are now calling in the personal guarantee for £20k. Originally, we did not believe we had signed a guranatee but the bank have now come up with the evidence (although that was never originally forwarded to us so we had no copy until now). We have also never received a copy of the overdraft agreement signed in June 14 although we have one signed September 14 with a pp signature from the bank. We were also asked to sign a debenture (again, we have no signed copy) and also a postponement of directors loan account which we definitely didn't sign as they were still chasing us for that in February last year and I know we never signed this. I recently wrote to the bank asking for copies of ALL signed security documents and they only sent me the PG and waiver. I have written to them again today asking for the other security documents. Nether my partner nor I are ones to shirk our responsibilities but I would like to come to an arrangement/agreement with the bank to either pay a lesser amount or a small monthly payment. I have already lost 200k personally from the business failure and hoped that was the end of it. I have phoned several companies who state they deal with these types of issues but not one has come back to me. My question is How is it best to start the process of negotiation with Nat West and what should I say initially? And is it feasible that the guarantee could somehow be unenforceable? I should say that I had another company (Credit4 - beware!) took me to court re another directors personal guarantee for the same failed company and got a ccj and a charging order against a property I owned. i have had to sell that property (my main income) to satisfy their debt and have a small sum left over which I really want to keep to buy somewhere else to live now. Another £20k will add to my losses even more and will dent that small sum. I can't get a mortgage now due to this ccj, even though it is settled, hence why I need to keep as much as I can to buy somewhere to live without a mortgage. My partner now has a new job but has to live away as its not local. We cant afford to buy anything where he is working. Feeling really fed up and just wondered if anyone had some sensible advice on how to get a settlement agreed. Or to know someone who can help at a reasonable cost. A little light at the end of this dark tunnel would be so nice. Thank you in advance to anyone who responds to my request
  7. Hello-I have a Nat West credit card details below, this was opened September 2007-Balance £3268. I stopped paying after equesting my CCA which they didn't have and sent me lots of re construed papers minus any details,signatures,nothing just terms and conditions. This was on a DMP and the % is still frozen and I haven't heard anything from them just monthly statements,haven't heard anything since Jan 2012 when I wrote saying I was stopping payments re no CCA returned, then nothing-which is quite scary that they will suddenly appear at my window or something? What shall I do next please?
  8. Hi Background... I had a loan from nat west in 2006 funds paid to me were £9400 Nat west own statement confirms this. They say the loan was for £22400 ( or thereabouts). I had problems with my finances .. the bank account went overdrawn, got divorced, house went to the ex. In 2009 i snet CCA request for the loan agreement - they coudl not find it. They tried and failed to take me to court ( because they coudl not find the agreement) I know there was an loan but acording to what the bank statement shows it was for £9400 not £22400. Nat west of course argue that its the higher amount. Since 2009 ive been on a DMP with payplan and I have to keep arguing about the nat west loan amount. What I want to do is get the amount of the loan confirmed, they ( N west) say ist £22400 i say whats left is about £2200. Llast contact I had with nat west was to confirm that unless they proved otherwise i will treat balance as what i say it is. I want to look at doing some final settlement offers in about 2 years ( when i can get some pension money) Couple of questions ... How should i approach this ? - write and complain to NW ? then go to FOS ? I was looking to complain that the lack of the £13000 plus missing funds from the loan have put me in the debt situation im in .. ( at the time i took out the loan i had debts with multiple cards. ) any help appreciated Rob
  9. Hi does anyone have a copy of terms and conditions for travel insurance advantage gold account for the year 2000 I am trying to put in claim to get back monies paid. I had a pre existing medical condition Cancer which the bank knew about. They are saying I can not claim as my insurance was valid. I know it was not. I never went on holiday so the policy was useless.
  10. My parents took out an overdraft and personal loan in joint names around 2005. After failing to meet the payments on these, defaults/overdraft termination were issued by Nat West in April 2007. After this, Irwin Mitchell were assigned the debt and went to court where a CCJ was issued in April 2008, the same month that an interim charging order was put on their house at Northampton County Court. In August 2008, this was turned into a final charging order at the local County Court in Brighton. The last contact my parents had with them regarding this matter was in September 2008, where they made an offer to pay the debt, which was accepted by Nat West, but payment was never made. In August 2009, the received an identical letter from Brighton County Court regarding the final charging order, but dated August 2009. For years, the have each received a letter every 6 months or so from Irwin Mitchell (and later Ascent Contact) regarding the debt and asking them to make contact, which they haven't done. Today, they have received a letter from Ascent, asking them to make contact with them regarding arranging a payment plan with them, and if they don't reply by December 16th, they will get their local representative to get in contact to arrange a meeting to discuss the matter , which I know they don't have to agree to do. As the last time they contacted any of the people associated with this debt was August 2008 and no payments have been made since that date, is this debt now statute barred and therefore unenforceable? Is it muddied at all by having the outstanding CCJ and Charging order? If someone can help then it would be greatly appreciated as they are understandably worried about this potential uninvited visit. Thank you for your help in advance.
  11. I left the UK permanently in June of this year. I used my debit card abroad and inadvertently went overdrawn on my account by £6.52 (including interest). I did'nt have an authorized overdraft. When I recently logged in to view my account online I realized that Nat West had added charges nearing £276, since August, because of my 'unauthorized overdraft'. I was shocked. I no longer use the account. Have not used it since August. I won't be returning to the Uk. Unfortunately I never informed Nat West to close my account when I left the UK. None of my post was re-directed and consequently I was not aware of the overdraft situation, charges et cetera. I wrote to Nat West explaining the situation and offering to pay 20% of the charges. I transferred the overdrawn amount to the account(£6.52). Nat West sent sent me a nasty reply (I gave them my address abroad) stating they will pursue me for the full amount. Telling me I am in breach of the t & c's. They also enclosed info. for me to contact the Ombudsman (I guess they have to do that) but stated that they 'hoped I would not'. Last week I wrote to the branch where I initially opened the account to instruct them to immediately close the account and informing them I had transferred the original overdrawn amount (£6.52) to the account. Help! What can I do now?
  12. Hi I have been trying to build my credit rating back up and I have been succeeding. It had even moved back up to the "good" rating on Experian. Anyway I am now in a position where I could open a savings account and actually put money away. I decided to open an instant access savings account with Nat West, so no overdraft, not a current account but to my surprise they did a credit search that has left a footnote on my credit score and knocked my score back down to "fair" So it seems that by wanting to be a customer and hand money over to them I have now paid the price by my credit report being damaged. Is this usual for opening a savings account?
  13. I've just been reading through an old thread on here regarding Carmel Butler's Memorandum to the House of Commons Treasury regarding mortgage securitization, which I have referred to in my skeleton argument for my defence in a possession hearing I have tomorrow. Does anyone such as supersleuth or enoughisenough or Smarterchick have any updates on how they got on, as the other thread seems to have dried up? If anyone can tag/link them in here as I don't have enough posts yet, that would be very good of you.
  14. Help Dryden fair fax have had a ccj register at the land registry for a debt on a over draft with nat west against my house , so when i sell it they will take any money owing the amount at the bank is for 6000 even though i never signed any agreement to increase my overdraft from 1000, i have written to dryden fairfax and offered a final payment 3 weeks ago not heard from them. I am worried sick what can i do i been living abroad and have only found out about all rhis in the last few weeks HELP
  15. Hi I am trying to help a young relative who has fallen on hard time. Some years ago she had a loan with Nat west and entered into a debt Management situation and defaulted on this. There is a certificate which states that the creditors must now chase themselves for the debt. This was in 2007 . This is now statute barred. Can she still claim PPI on a nat west Consolidated Loan which she was forced to take out PPI on . Or would this open up a can of worms. Any help would be appreciated as she is a single parent with children having left an abusive relationship with absolutely nothing . Thanks Guys
  16. Hi I had a Nat West Business account with overdraft until 2012 when they decided to close it, without even trying to negotiate a repayment plan, last couple of years for been tough with work and health issues but I was just beginning to get back on my feet. I have never signed a overdraft renewal agreement with them, they just kept renewing the overdraft. I have had thousands of pounds worth of charges taken. Today I have received the attached letter in the post from a company I have never heard of requesting that I make contact to discuss the overdraft, referring to a recent letter I should have received from Nat West ( never received any letter last communication was April13). Not sure what to do, would appreciate some help. Confused49
  17. Can you please direct me to the template letter re Bank taking benefits to offset charges etc, and is a) this still valid and enforceable and b) Does the possibility of pursuing unlawful penalty charges ( Not PPI) still have legs? Many thanks
  18. Hi, please can someone advise me. I have had my complaint updheld by Natwest for 10 loans with PPI. The 10 loans total £127K. Today Natwest sent me 10 letters and added up together the offers add up to just over £4K. I have wriiten back saying this is no where near enough compensation and that they need to up their offer. Is this normal that they would offer such a small amount. Natwest say that as my loans are part of a chain so the offers are small. One of my loans the last of a chain of 5 loans is for £25K and they have only offered me £56.00 ! which does not seem correct. Any advice would be most welcome.
  19. Hi, my credit file is showing a loan with nat west as settled in 2009. However, I am being sent threatening letters by CCS who claim to have bought the loan. I thought that if the loan was showing 'settled' then that was it and it couldn't be sold on. I have moved house since and afraid I don't have any paperwork from Nat West to prove it, just what it says on my credit files. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks
  20. Could somebody please give me some advice about those mentioned above. Its taken me a long time to get round to sorting out ex banks. Precis ...... 2005/06 Divorced, moved area was with Lloyds 2 current accounts and savings. financial meltdown and they weren't very helpful as ex refused to sort out money 2006 Opened account with Nat West 2 current and a savings and they were as bad as Lloyds. 2006 went to Barclays and they were great.and are good. Dec 2006 divorce finances sorted and by March 2007 Iwas only using Barclays. Nat West and Lloyds kept on adding the huge charges. In 2009 I sent off my £10 to both banks with letters and got them signed for. I didn't get anything back from them except to ask me to do a signature which I refused. Its just been hanging around since then. As I now have time to start sorting things would you point me in the right directions. Lowell have Lloyds Nat West not sure on and Marlin the second Lloyds. Many thanks.
  21. I have a few threads going, but this is my Nat West one. I had a few issues and worked away a lot in the last 4 years, and my Nat West current account was overdrawn. I guess it went to collections but i never heard anything in the post and just forgot about it (stupid i know). I have checked my CRA and it shows as defaulted back in 2009, for around £1500, although strangely in the last few months the balence has reduced by about £100?? I do want to sort it out now, but i guess there could be charges on the account, I did get a load of charges refunded around 2006/7 so i know the process. First step is to SAR them i guess? I also had a business account which appears to have been closed as well, can i just phone them about all this or should i keep it in writing?
  22. [Apols, I haven't the foggiest where to ask this. So if it's in the wrong forum please move it. Thank-you. ] A close friend separated from her husband about 7 years ago, give or take. She has asked to be taken off the joint account many times. On at least three occasions over the passed four years she and her estranged husband have signed whatever form they were asked to and returned it to the branch. On one occasion, at least, this was done in the bank with a member of the banking staff. The husband has since run up an overdraft of £7k. Unfortunately, my friend's name remains on the account and NatWest claim not to have any record of any request(s) for her to be taken off it. There is some concern that the husband may default on the debt and go bankrupt.Where does my friend stand? Is there anything she can do to protect herself from a debt she had nothing to do with? What steps could she take to try and prove that Nat West have repeatedly been appraised of the situation and she has asked to be removed from the account long before any debt was created?
  23. Hello In July the Nat West Bank paid a direct debit that took us £7.94 o/drawn. Unfortunately we were unable to clear the £7.94 for 11 days which incurred a charge of £66.00. Every penny we have is spoken for and we have to live to a strict budget. If the dd wasn't paid we would have incurred a £12.00 charge not a £66.00 charge. This has escaleted and wehave now paid the Nat West £271 in charges. We spoke to the Nar West the very first time it happened and they told us th\t they could do nothing and the charges stood. We wrote to them raising the fairness of them creating an unauthorised overdraft, charges on charges and how it was causing a debt that we could not afford. Yesterday by phone - not by letter they told my husband that they had followed the banking rules and they had domne nothing wrong. They maintained the charges were fair and that as a gesture of goodwill they would refund £24.00 worth. We advised him that we don't get paid until 28th Novembr and we are o/drawn today because of the last £66 in charges. We will now incurr a charge of £120 for 20 days of being overdrawn. His response was speak to amember of your family to see if they will lend you the money to take you out of ovrdrawn balance. He also told us that going to the FOS would make no difference as the Nat West has done nothing wrong. Having gone down the avenue of using the new banking code what is left. Everytime we have been to the FOS regarding banking issues they have ruled in favour of the bank. Please if anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
  24. In 2010 my Company had a £150k utilisation against an agreed limit of £100k which was supported by a personal guarantee of £50k. This level was from time to time up to levels of £300k with the same level of £50k PG all arranged and managed by my business manager in the Corporate Unit. However the Company made severe losses in 2008 and we started to breach the facility. The Bank were aware of the losses and we provided management accounts to include cash flow forecasts on a regular basis. The Company returned to a profitable situation in 2009, however with the retained losses we were still heavily dependent on the overdraft facility for cash flow, although this was not hard core and we enjoyed swings into credit from time to time. During March 2010 the Company was transferred to Nat West Specialist Lending Unit. Everything appeared ok to start with then they sent me a revised facility letter increasing my Personal guarantee from £50k to £155k, a structured repayment plant of £5000 per month, 4% facility charge (£8k per annum), charges of 4.75% over Bank Base, and only in force for a 2 month period. We responded with a counter proposal agreeing to an increase of of £25k on my PG to £75k, repayment of the debt at £3k per month and 1% facility fee, which was inline with our cash flow forecast. They laughed at me and said I had no chance. A couple of days later they emailed me agreeing to most of my counter proposal but the £155k PG was a must.I informed them that I would take expert advice and would come back to them. After taking advice which was not to sign the new PG of £155k I returned to their offices and informed them. They immediately froze my accounts and told me its over and dont try and use your credit card. I then went to see a solicitor and sent a detailed explanation to the bank on how they were trying to bully me and were being totally unreasonable and the offer we were making was a calculated one based on the company accounts and that I was not worth £155k and could at a push maybe get to £75k. They telephoned me 2 weeks after receiving the letter saying they would accept all my proposals on the counter offer and give me some time to think about it. They also asked me why I had got solicitors involved. In this period they returned all my presentations and discredited me. I could not recover from this and had to liquidate the company. Nat West have now placed me in County Court for £50k plus interest. They are saying that I told them I was liquidating the company thats why they froze the accounts and are entitled to pursue me for the £50k. This is a total fabrication. Has anyone else been treated like this and do you feel I have a defence. Would it be reasonable to counter sue Nat West especially as the Courts may look for a compromise and I would not want to concede on the level of PG but maybe my case of the Counter Claim.
  25. Ok….so the Wolves are well and truly closing in and I’m starting to crack under a number of different pressures and would really really appreciate some sage advice as I am not thinking straight…..please excuse the rambling… I am in arrears on my mortgage and made an arrangement with Shoosmiths in March to pay back a portion of the arrears and the payment due each month - unfortunately a number of different circumstances have arisen that have destroyed my ability to pay and so the last two months have been unpaid - I informed shoosmiths of my circumstances with the intention of getting back on track asap… My partner and I have split and will be selling this and the other property we own. In addition she will be securing employment to cover off the expenses on her and the kids house while I will be able to pay mine. So the future is not completely bleak - there is plenty of equity in the properties and I have told shoosmiths this with an intention to keep up current payments (however tough that is) and to clear the arrears on the sale of the house. they have not been sympathetic - their client has instructed them to issue proceedings and apply for a hearing date. they will only stop the hearing on receipt of full clearance of outstanding arrears. I worry that all this will come crashing down before we have a chance to sell the properties. Now a question that is going through my head - while all this is going on do I continue to make payment on the mortgage? I dont say this lightly but money is so tight that the money could be used for other things - like subsistence and bills! Do I wait for a hearing and explain to a magistrate/judge my situation and hope for a sensible response to what I’m sure is my reasonable proposal? I have been living with debt for a number of years now so know how to deal with DCI’s etc but this is a new and frankly very worrying situation especially with my personal situation. Any advice/thoughts gratefully received GIB
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